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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] there was a problem with it being a province, we went to a city in its province, you remember, we were not in the majority, we were allowed to go to a city , a province , a city, a province . at the same time, we have a city, and at the province level , we have someone who can win a relative majority, for example, the same 20%, for example, in his own city. in the competition in his own city , he should be ahead of them in the city, and this will become a province of the city, which, in my opinion , is the concern of the representatives of those 10 districts that you he said that the concerns of those 10 constituencies will be resolved. why will it be resolved ? he says that we can also
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vote from our own city in the province where we have a provincial election. janah also, for example, my inclinations may be against the representatives of faction d, for example a, and i don't have a representative, who do i turn to in the province, but if there is a proportional combination of two factions, they will vote. most of them are provincial a two-proportional proportional city has another problem with it. if you explain it, the people of tehran give each list, for example, 20% to a, 80% to b, list a
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approves 20% of the seats, the list is more than 80. how do you want the people who directly voted for me to go to my list, and i, who is below our list, for example, 400,000 voters, come to the top of the list, whose top is, for example, 300,000 voters, for example, how do you want, sam? 300 people are bad, if it is 400 people, look, you have to judge by the criteria of the majority. let me say on the headline, biki, that single vote is completely relevant in a majority system, and now you are in the same stream
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of senders. for example, if the tendencies of a stream are such that 80 % of them have a tendency to go to the first a list or the so-called stream a, 20% of them will come to this stream a, so to speak, instead of a list of
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5 introduce the list. there is now, for example, a respected representative from ye and there is another debate that they say that a defect in the area, for example, low participation or low population , for example, came with 5,000 votes, for example, was represented by
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a representative who, for example, what do i know, 5,000. he does, so what is he doing with the recognition, like now, it is good for a person to come and do something exactly , but look, just now, mr. kazemi , they mentioned what a so-called person is in a list. let's create a two-way election, one for example, the majority, one for example, proportionality, for example, yes, well, you people who voted for 400,000 people against this list, we want to remove 5 people, with 400,450,000 voters in the lead.
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that list was voted down with 300,000 votes . you want to replace it with 45,000 people. how do you want people to look at it ? they can't find any so-called electoral system that doesn't have any problems, then you
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have the same problem that you are getting by looking at the majority. for example, in the elections for a list in tehran, 60% of the people vote for another list, 40 of them say
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that 40% of that list, which, according to you, may be even less than the lowest and lowest votes of those 30 people in the first list, but that means if, for example, i apologize , mr. qadri, we are the top of the list with 60% of votes. we will come, right? no, the top of the list should get at least 20% of the people's votes in order to be a representative of the people. with this system of proportionality, which hai qadri says , " zeil 20%" means below 20% should be included in the list. give us a report, colleagues , prepare these comments, in fact, some of the candidates are now, let's see this, we will come back, please , we will come back, talk, debate, we are
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at your service. and it's totally fair. in the proportional system of weak people lists don't vote, and it 's powerful and prominent people who vote. the proportional system is exactly the system. it may be open or closed, but it is not common anywhere in the world for us to bring the names of people individually along with the list . hamidreza kazemi disagrees, due to the fact that parties are not institutionalized in our country, proportional elections are not applicable, because the people also vote for proportional elections. iqbali do not show that mojtaba raisi is in favor of proportional elections to remove someone. and each stream takes seats according to its social weight. because of the majority system, political currents they seek to eliminate one another, while in this way a high level of electoral tension appears and everyone tries to stimulate the social body
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to vote. the first result is the proportional system of electoral justice. mohammadreza shamsa, the opponent, in order to realize the majority system desired by the general election policies, we must divide the elections based on population. electoral constituencies should be divided based on the population of inevitable requirements , for the desired justice in general election policies, the population of the constituencies should be as equal as possible. elective justice in the divided majority system constituency is the election. i apologize to mr. qadri before entering into the discussion . i want an explanation from mr. qadri, because you are the first chairman of the commission, you know the system and we are here.
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i say that in our election law, the minimum number of votes to enter the parliament is 20%, that is, a person can become a member of the parliament with 20% of the people 's approval . now, we want to abolish the current law and create a majority. we have a list with 15% of the top, two firsts, red and blue, plus 100 people. look, i have explained, let's assume that you are independent people in tehran, i am a favorable voter, or should i choose all of the red people, or all of the blue people, or all of the independents, or a combination of these, the last election
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is over. both the legislator and the supervisor, and for legislation, sir , why does the guardian council take so many objections to our laws, because we do not comply with the constitution, if there is an objection, the guardian council says that the guardian council has approved it, because the discussion is actually a little bit. if it reaches a certain point, we say, sir, assuming that it is impossible at all, that it is not impossible, assuming that, in fact, it has now been agreed with duality. the election method, now we want to say iran, think that they are only in tehran, it is going to be held proportionally, we are talking about iran. and now, what are the advantages of this plan
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? look at the disadvantages. i would like to point out that one is that we have lived with this system of proportional elections in joint-stock companies for many years , and we are completely familiar with it. there is no compliance and description. thirdly, it reduces the advertising costs . if i am on the list, i don't want to go solo anymore, then solo work is a big issue. thirdly, the next discussion that exists after i am elected , people, exactly me, if i am from the first group , i will try to strengthen this list together . now, in the majority system, people stick to each other until before the election, as soon as the election is over. he starts to attack, but if not, this stream wants to turn its minority into a majority in the next period
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and increase its share in the majority stream. if it has two lists, then as independents, they must appear with the list. in tehran, there are 2 lists, red and blue, 100,000 independent people . how many votes do these 100,000 have? it doesn't matter how many votes they have. well, i'm saying that because
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there are more of them, their vote basket will be larger . you think that each of them can get, for example, a million votes, 100,000,000. 30 million here . if they don't find a place in our electoral system in this form of proportionality. they don't have one of them is the same thing i mentioned. for example, we say that at least 20% of the people's vote is required to win the representative position. what mr. qadiri could not convince me about with this proportional system is his proportional system less than 20% should take the place of 30%.
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this is a discussion. one is the duality in legislation that we want to run the country in two ways in the electoral system of the parliament. my opinion creates problems in the country, mr. kazemi , look, all these questions of yours have been answered, go now, if there is any text or in fact any so-called article, book related to the electoral system , tell me, sir, which is the fairest electoral system . immediately transfer you to the proportional election system, this is not exactly something that you and i claim now, exactly everywhere.
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your world to the world, your apology to the world, electoral reference, worthy people are voted in your system , big people of every stream are voted in, in a majority system , when the situation is in favor of the reds, these reds are a dry stick person, in amiyan's interpretation, they say, if you are on their list, they will vote, yes, that's it. it's like you want to go and choose a cucumber, i say, sir, you have to choose small and large, and the proportional system, sir, you only mention cities and a few seats, you
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explained more than 20, 200 cities, sir. as far as the list of your party, how do you want the proportional system
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in these two seats? there are 10 lists, but one person cannot be in two lists. each person in one of your lists in one city of your constituency may have 2 representatives . for example, we have 200 candidate candidates . there are 50 two-way coalitions. what exactly is this , but you, because whoever drew a lot of his own blood , don't form a coalition, he says , sir, you came to turkey to say that the voting floor for each coalition is 10%. what do some countries say? 5. for example , in tehran, don't make 100 losses, don't make 50 losses. 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 5 losses because they know if the number of losses if they don't reach the floor of the vote with their candidates
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like independent candidates, mr. qadri, we have another minute until the end of the program. considering that we started with you , you should give jamandi the merit. it's connected, it's me and you, now we can, the reference law below 20 % is no longer a representative of the people, you have to say sorry , it's you, the duality and the discussion of justice and this is what the guardian council has answered, its compliance with the constitution with the explanation of all this has been accepted. the total diagnosis of the problem was not these issues, but other ambiguities it was that those 32 ambiguities were explained to us in a few meetings. we checked with the working group under the defense political commission of the assembly, we answered all the doubts, and if
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there was a chance, what exactly is a complete plan that all iranians answered . the issue of justice is that our system is a justice -oriented system. this is in conflict with justice. one is the issue of shahsalari and the other is the issue of what mr. qadri says dear. he says , for example, let's take the quota lower , he is not the representative of the people, sit with 10%, my representative will let me one is this , the other is the duplicity of the implementation of the election law in the country in a dual manner . the supreme leader, who did all this
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until 10 days after the start of the crime of the zionist regime , the chancellor of germany rushed to the occupied territories, says that germany has only one place, and that is next to israel, this is a meeting with friends under conditions. it is very difficult. the security of israel and its citizens is a governmental red line for germany. this support
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are not limited to political positions. reuters reveals in a report that germany's military support has increased 10 times since the start of the gaza war. on november 2, 11 and according to the approval of the german government , the limit for the export of military equipment of this country to israel reached 303 million euros, while this figure. in the previous year, it was 32 million euros. of course, germany's military aid to the zionists against gaza is not a secret, and the defense minister of this country has announced it publicly. we agreed to israel's requests for the use of heron tipi combat drones. the same drones and missiles that have killed more than 12 people so far he took a thousand women and 8 thousand palestinian children. now, nicaragua. a latin american country says belly cannot
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get away with his crimes easily. managua has submitted an official complaint against germany to the international court of justice. financial and military support to the zionist regime , cutting off financial aid to unrwa and facilitating extortion are among the accusations raised by nicaragua against berlin. the support of the people of the nicaraguan government was remarkable since the beginning of the zionist invasion of gaza. we named a street gaza, a street located in the historical part of the city. we are showing that palestine in it is in our hearts and in the hearts of the nicaraguan people. the managua authorities had already joined south africa's complaint against the regime's ouster in gaza in an independent note. a complaint by which the international court of justice ordered the zionist regime to stop any action that leads to genocide
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. i swear by god, you are not a religious person, you are not a religious person. you are not a religious person. you are not a religious person in this region. this is strange. this is ramon flour. it is a strange thing. it is a good thing. i am not a religious person . i am not a religious person. i am not a religious person. i am not a religious person. i am not a religious person. arif, the path is complete and you will return without anything , nor need , nor anything, nor the need for need, nor anything . over 12 kilos, hesoul , oh god, i can walk and have money, sandal lish, malka, sandal, eh badi, oswi, jet, mesh, arif, man, win, jet, is your name yaqoob
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gham taal or yaqoob ana badalak, on the road , sarai khodro has an exceptional offer to buy a limited number of trucks and trailers. purchase at factory price without interest and with installments of 36 months this is a special offer. hit the road without worry and enjoy your travels. car dealership
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in a large iranian garage. stubborn in hardships , strong door and window profiles, fathers of the morning , almonds, raw cocoa, ranchers' cream, ranchers' cream , sticks with rancher's honey. farmers' cheese , milk, cocoa, farmers, khashmze yogurt, farmers, fresh cheese , farmers, from bamdadan to shangahan , sprinkled with farmers, children, let's go to the city right
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now . tak makaron is alone at the peak of mom and dad, where are you? you are fine, we are fine, don't worry, we have come to serai irani cooler at this time of the year, with this rush , the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian house
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has started with exceptional conditions, and the price of this year has jumped. i will be your host in the next year until 2:00 am in tehran. in the name of god. hello and good evening. your presence dear and respected compatriots. the minister of economic affairs and finance said that this year, about 40 thousand billion tomans of facilities with preferential interest have been paid to manufacturers and economic activists in the implementation of note 18 of the budget law. according to mr. khandozi , more than 40 thousand billion tomans of facilities were paid to economic activists last year. for the year


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