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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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paying this year's price in the next year until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. hello again. the head of the broadcasting organization said: it is possible to broadcast home tv series on tv and if a producer with the rules of broadcasting is active in the home tv network, it is possible to broadcast and support it. mr. jabali also said about sima's nowruz programs: the successful programs of the past will continue and new works have been prepared. we will have an underground series on the network, god willing. with the start of the holy month
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of ramadan, channel 2 series will actually have the occasion of the holy month of ramadan, channel 3, god willing hafser will broadcast ajdah and it will start broadcasting tv programs such as mahfel, i welcome your presence and life after life programs , the successful programs of previous years will continue. with approach. it will have the same time as the holy month of ramadan and nowruz, god willing. the minister of communications and information technology said that 99% of inquiries in the process of holding elections were done online. mr. zarepour considered this action as a step forward in the direction of conducting all-electronic elections. alhamdulillah in our holding day is more than 99. the percentage of devices met.
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the machines were actually completely online during the voting time. the minister of communications announced the latest news about the all-iranian satellite pars 1, which was launched from russia last week . the signals we received from the satellite. well, the technical process, they say, iot, this orbit test or orbital test is being done , it will take a month, but alhamdulillah, the part and sub-orbit of the sub-system and sub-systems of the satellite are working well. the minister of culture and islamic guidance announced the announcement of iran's national music document, mr esmaili added that from now on, the authority to determine the authority to issue licenses is only the ministry of guidance.
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the national music document of iran has been announced. it is attributed to the supreme council of the cultural revolution , paragraph 12. it is specified that the only authority to determine the qualification for issuing the license of the ministry of culture is shanseh, the police officer of the holy quran competition. the honoring ceremony of the position of police officers was held in the 34th edition of the holy qur'an competition of the armed forces. ranks in various disciplines of the holy quran , including memorizing the quran and reciting the quran. the call to prayer and
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the understanding of the concepts of both our soldiers and our soldiers were able to win. for the first time, we were able to win the first place as a team in this tournament. we are looking for police in taraz. we can't search for police in taraz. that you are unfamiliar with the concepts and culture of the quran or do not have enough familiarity . therefore, let's push that, god willing, along with trying to make the police in line with the police architecture of the future god willing, we will spread the meaningful culture of quran among our organization and colleagues. the emergence of commanders who
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are either reciters of the qur'an, implementers of the qur'an, or promoters of the qur'anic culture, this is not a small matter for the competitions of the holy qur'an. this year's bahman armed forces was hosted by mashhad. alhamdulillah, i was able to win the second place in the 34th edition of the armed forces of the islamic republic of iran in the tasks section of the holiday reading. hundreds of competitions, thanks to international professors and referees, which, as is clear , are very high quality and low quality. i am in the field of work i made quran management study the top of my life. not only myself but also my colleagues. my dear, what kind of sub-category and what kind of grace do we get from this table of quran. seyed hossein mousavi, sed and sima news agency. cabinet member netanyahu, the minister of finance of the zionist regime
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, described the visit of benny gantz, a member of the zionist war cabinet to america and england, as regrettable and said that he is the weakest person in the war cabinet. benny ganses, former war minister and current member of the cabinet. the war of the zionist regime, who is also a critic of netanyahu's policies , has gone to the united states and england to discuss the gaza war. according to the order of the prime minister's office of the zionist regime the embassies of this regime in washington and london were forbidden to cooperate with ganses in this trip. zionist regime media also described ganses' trip to america and england as a crooked mouth to netanyahu. at the same time, the residents of gaza are facing a humanitarian crisis with a lack of important resources, including drinking water, electricity and other needs. according to china's cctv network, the attacks of the zionist regime have destroyed the infrastructure of the gaza strip. in gaza, 40 water wells
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belonging to the municipality, 9 water tanks and 42 kilometers of the water supply network have been destroyed. has been in the past, we used this network to transfer water to the residents of gaza we used to therefore, this issue has greatly affected people's access to water. due to the lack of fuel and the destruction of these important structures , the amount of drinking water available in gaza city has decreased to less than 5% of the normal level. how are you? i told them that i feel very bad because i brought a few gallons of water with my wheelchair
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, what happened? i feel very sad. you have suffered a lot here . you have to wait for four or five hours until we get some salt water or fresh water . some people don't even have money to buy fresh water, and of course, halweh in the name of god is a lot of money. the end of this section.
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refer to an expert or i prefer to make a compromise together . god willing, may you always be successful in your life , have the same spirit of compromise and mutual understanding . now , you are the middle man and middle man. they tried, and it didn't matter if he was a big family man or even a lady, he was trying to kill this case easily, and they usually agreed, and they succeeded, especially in family matters. in the old days, in our village, if there was a problem , they would refer to each other, these white beards would come , the two sides would solve the problem
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, they would bring a verdict. reconciliation between the parties to the dispute in the branches of dispute resolution councils across the country. it is followed by the dispute council , one of its advantages is that it is free , which means that the proceedings here do not have the cost of prosecution . and whenever a case like this happened, we usually got a quick result here, it is better to resolve the dispute, to resolve the problem, to find satisfaction, better than to raise the base up until now. i came, the word was resolved, i got my money . he is more aggressive in criminal cases and less aggressive in legal cases. according to the head
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of the development center of dispute resolution councils of the country, benefactors also enter the cases of prisoners to satisfy the complaints . more than 492 people were released from prison. those who might have remained in prison if there was no good intervention. intermediary and support what we do to the lives of benefactors in order to help their families and have a better life, we became prisoners of our lives. the activity we do in school is actually to create a new culture of friendship and charity in the minds of children. as a school, our mission is that you the lessons we give to children. the medical aid that
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comes from this activity is actually a byproduct of our process. the main product is that a student thinks about someone other than himself and takes a step for someone other than himself. it gives me a great relief to see that the children of a prisoner can have their father or mother by their side after a long time. in the last days of the year, the prisoners of non-expected crimes are waiting for the support of benefactors to return to the arms of their families. from the beginning of this year until now, with the support of benefactors of dispute resolution councils across the country in the field of freedom.
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what a doctor.
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yes, say, o lord, let us release them, yes, yes, yes, trust in god, stop with them, stop, and by god , in the name of god, sleep, in the name of god, the light.
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allah is the great. i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali salalah hai ali salalah
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good work, good work, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. there is no god but god
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, o god, sitting in the first row. oh, sit on the first page, the front row of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, see the joy of meeting is there, oh , sit down, on the first page, stand up to justice, stand up, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, the first page , the first row, the first row, the row of service, the row of humanity, your stronghold , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello and good night , dear viewers. we present the first page of the news network to your presence, and tonight we are hosting one of the people's elected representatives in the khomein constituency in
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the islamic council, mr. biad, to serve you. i would like to say hello and welcome to the program on the first page and i congratulate you on your election by the people of your region as their representative in the islamic council. at your service and dear colleagues in the program on the first page , i express my appreciation and thanks to the viewers. my dear dear, i wish you a good night. god willing, this interview that we are at your service tonight can be fruitful and useful. god willing, a report is ready if you agree. first of all, let's take a look and then ask our questions with mr. darle, we are at your service. khomein date of birth 30th of shahrivar month 135 educational
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qualification phd student specialized in planning khomein residence number of children 2 employment records history of membership in the fourth, fifth and sixth periods of the islamic council of khomein city vice president of education and physical training of khomein city professor at payam noor universities central province and khomein city. islamic azad university , khomein branch, faculty of quranic sciences and teacher training centers, khomein constituency , tell me one law that you are pursuing in the parliament to be implemented.
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there is a class gap, those who are actually rich take advantage of the health and treatment conditions, but the vulnerable and low-income people of the country are excluded from this story . transparency of votes, gifts and letters of parliamentarians, do you agree or not? except for military secrets , we agree 100% with clarification in every field. what are the three main problems of the electoral field and their solution from your point of view? one is the issue of industry that if we provide the infrastructure of water, electricity, and gas, there will definitely be unemployment and unemployment will rise. you are talking about culture. do you agree with increasing the retirement age? the opposite is not
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good at all , he will have his own damages. the salaries of workers and employees should be increased according to the rate of inflation or proportionately. do you agree? no, no, they are citizens. however, hidden subsidies should be targeted in such a way that most of the low-income and vulnerable groups benefit. do you agree with giving cheap dollars to importers and producers in order to get cheap bread, medicine and basic goods to the people? or with giving subsidies to the people themselves? by subsidizing the people themselves because. it is closer to social justice if the gasoline subsidy is assigned to the national code of the people , or if it is assigned to the car to the national code, and
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the social justice that we talked about and i said , the service of the dear listeners will be better taken into consideration for the rejuvenation and increase of the population. we must have an incentive plan, for example, facilities with interest. should the people choose the president or the parliament due to lack of housing? the president should be elected by the people. the pension of a family of four under the cover of the relief and welfare committee, which is the head of the family it is out of order, how much should it be equal to the labor law wage, two/third of the labor law wage, half of the labor law wage, 1/3 of the labor law wage. it should be equal to the minimum wage of the labor law. in fact
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, buying and selling, no, for those who work in the field of production and industry, do you agree with importing cars ? yes, 100%, because it makes the space of buying and selling cars more competitive, and it makes our domestic producers of products. in fact, it should offer better quality. now mr. bayat is present in the front page studio to explain some of these questions that have been answered before and tell me, how was the interview we conducted and what is your assessment of what was done, mr. yes, we, in our turn, use the famous phrase , i am the creator of the creator. anyone who does not thank the creature has not thanked the creator. i , in my own way
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, thank all the dear people of radio and television who provided the platform for this program and this documentary . don't spend a lot of money on advertising , use this capacity. kenan, very, very good , commendable, very well, well, some of this i will raise the questions that your excellency has answered. now, while giving that short answer, please explain a little for us , on what basis you raise your opinions, your excellency , one is the issue of transparency of votes, the issue of transparency of gifts, and the issue of transparency of letters. mps , how much do you agree with this principle of transparency? do you agree at all or not? yes, i agree 100% that we should be honest with people, be transparent, be honest in all fields, in fact, because people trust us.
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we should always have the support of the people with us based on letter 53 maula, peace be upon him, to malik ashar, in which they say that, sir, i agree with transparency in all matters except military secrets, and i also agree with the transparency of what you said in all areas , except military secrets, which is part of it. it is important for the system and in line with the country's macro policies. there is a resolution to happen in the parliament, which is detrimental to the people of your region, but it affects the national interests. if you vote against it, you are acting in the interest of the people of your region. it is a contradiction, if you act in the interest of the national interest, we have to answer your constituency, you may have one vote here if you don't want to now, it means that you want
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to consider the national interests, but the challenge is in the field of choice. you don't have either, so you are not acting transparently. if such a conflict and contradiction occurs , what is your decision? we think nationally and act regionally . we definitely consider the order you said to be the national interest, but only in those internal regulations and your service. in matters that are internal , i will definitely consider the interests of my city to be taken into account , anyway, in the internal affairs of the government , with the consultations we will have with honorable ministers. we will fix them if we can in fact, the people of my city should not be excluded from this story and benefit from it. do you agree with increasing the retirement age? no, i disagree. because really , considering this young population that we have a problem with in this area of ​​service, we should employ the young forces later in life, not raise the retirement age. well, that's it then.
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the problems that pension funds sometimes face, which was one of the main reasons for the retirement age, maybe one of the reasons was the economic challenges of the funds . what is your solution for them? do you think there is another way? there is a way for them to work, anyway, they have to provide their own expenses from somewhere, in fact , don't consider their own capital sources , they should provide them from other places, or sometimes it is logical, he is still young and he can only with an experience. he is very fruitful, why should he retire at such an age, for example, at the age of 40, 45, for example, 50, if he can work until, for example, 60, now they can release him to those who actually like him
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from his old age. retirement at an older age should actually retire, consider the age, but those who they don't like to retire at the age of 30, which is actually their own wish and demand , that is, we can serve you, we can have a dual design in this part , which depends on the individual. when the retirement age comes , then this routine will not disturb the funds, for example, if you want to do the task based on the vote and opinion of the party and the taste of the party, in principle, not the one that we take into account in general, we definitely take it into account, but let me tell you. i told you that we do not want the youth of the young forces let's forget that means we should not pay for the service of pension funds on the actual suffering of the population.
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a better job market will be provided for the younger ones to get employed, yes , they will get employed sooner and from the capacity of the young people who graduate , we have graduates from many universities, so what will these young workers do, there really is no job market for them. it is that this retired force should be removed from the administrative scene sooner than the position. no, no, in private government discussions , it is everywhere, that is, apart from, for example, an employee in a private office or public sector. yes, do you think that the space the other one is for employment. yes, the different spaces are that of the capacity of those who have graduated.


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