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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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yes, the prices are broken in partial purchases , i'm sorry mr. mr. farsh, the prices are broken in all branches of mr. farsh. have a good time, dear viewers , you are watching the economy and market news. the government spokesperson announced the new resolution of the council of ministers in the field of resolving disputes between contractors of executive bodies in order not to delay national plans. the board of ministers with the proposal of the budget program organization to refer the disputes of some contractors. the construction projects
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of the executive bodies that had a dispute with the bodies had requested that the program organization be referred to arbitration. there were more than 30 cases that the board of ministers he agreed with these items. the start of sales and pre-sales of saipa products saipa group has started the pre-sale plan of sahand s pars khodro. pre-sale of this car for regular applicants of the family support plan. and the youth of the population and the plan to replace worn out cars . applicants for atlas quick and sinas cars can register in the saipa sales system from tomorrow, thursday, march 17th, until the capacity is filled. the sale of these products is offered with a delivery date of 90 days. the second stage of the equity dividend is up to 25 sounds to the account.
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it is paid to the shareholders. this profit for stage second, the settlement of the profit of equity stock exchange companies in 1401 is 30% less than the first stage , which was paid in december. part of it was paid in the fall. the remaining part is according to the plan made by the stock exchange organization. we hope to twenty. the fifth of march, the second part is also taken into account. all owners of equity shares in the country should be paid. there are less than 10 days left until the announced time for the second stage of equity dividend payment and still non-payment of interest by 9 of our companies . dashestan cement industry companies, mabna group and fajr energy of the persian gulf pars switch national industries such as iran, mubarake steel , isfahan, bandaab oil refining, isfahan oil refining and petrochemical industries.
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there are also a series of companies in the persian gulf that have not even deposited their first stage profits yet. dashestan cement industries, mabna group and faraj energy of the persian gulf. according to the head of the stock exchange organization, if these companies do not transfer the profits of equity holders to the samat account as soon as possible, they will be dealt with. in the first stage of the violation discussion, the board members of these companies are called to the violation committees. if they still don't do it, we will follow up through discussion as always, the dividends of the second stage administration will be automatically deposited into the accounts of the beneficiaries, but about one million people will still be deprived of this profit. these people can register in the comprehensive customer information system known as sejam or enter their valid id number on the adalatir stock website
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, according to the ceo of the central depository company, if a case has been filed by the deceased for the transfer of equity shares. the dividend of the deceased justice will be paid to varras by march 25th. according to the calculations, 333 sub-accounts of the ministries of health and science have not been transferred to the central bank. according to the statement of the accounts court, more than 1,430 sub-accounts of the ministry of health and medical education and about 1,900 sub-accounts of the ministry of science, research and technology are still concentrated in the central bank. so far , 42,300 different accounts of executive bodies have been transferred to the central bank, in which sediment resources have been estimated at 2400 billion tomans. 43
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million people participated in the fajraneh kalaberg electronic project and benefited from the benefits of double credit of 220 thousand tomans. ordibehesht. the number of beneficiaries of the electronic goods plan is more than 60 million, which means one to seven households that are included in this plan . currently, the participation rate of our plan is very high , more than 14,500,000 transactions have been registered until yesterday and close to you brought 8,700 billion tomans that the government has in this city and more than 29,000 billion tomans that the people brought , a total of 38,000 billion tomans towards the food table of the people and the prosperity of domestic production factories
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. continuous business environment to devices he announced based on this resolution the policy and executive procedures in export and import affairs of all types. and customs affairs must be registered on the website of the issuing agency, islamic republic of iran news agencies, radio and television, and the system of laws and regulations of the country one month before implementation. the draft of these regulations should also be published one week before the issuance to receive comments from the public and economic activists and organizations. these bylaws, this bylaw is valid from july 1 next year. from the beginning of this year to the end of bahman , more than 750,000 tons of goods have been transported from milk border to afghanistan. according to the terminal manager this figure has increased by 50% compared to the same period last year. increasing the volume of exports and transit of goods from the international terminal
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of the milk border. we loaded our load from kerman province from jiroft, anbarabad load, we loaded khurmaye load to kabul. it was petrochemical and agricultural products. at the beginning of this year, we had 31,300 vehicles in our fleet, which compared to last year , we had a 50% increase in transit from the milk border. also, during this period, 77 buses crossed our border, which
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transported 193,000 passengers, which is an increase of 100%. according to the announcement of the terminal, we had compared to last year milk border in addition to the growth of goods transit since the beginning of this year, more than 200 thousand tons of goods have been exported to the neighboring country of afghanistan through milk border terminal. pourali sed and sima news agency, border travel point of the islamic republic of iran and afghanistan milk. the country's non-oil trade in february this year compared to last year's february in terms of value and in terms of 11. increased according to the spokesman of the trade development commission of the ministry, the reputation of the country's non-oil trade reached more than 9 billion 668 million dollars in the month of bahman, the value of non-oil exports in the month of bahman was more than 4 billion 241 million dollars, which compared to the month of bahman
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last year, it increased by more than 19%. china, iraq, uae, turkey and pakistan are the top five destinations of iran's export goods, respectively. and the uae, china, turkey, germany and india were the top 5 sources of goods sales to iran in february. the head of the country's natural resources and watershed management organization said that forest and afforestation increases the humidity by 20% and lowers the temperature by about 3 degrees celsius . mr. nobakht added that each hectare of zagros forest can store one thousand cubic meters of water and gradually. release it. three useful seedlings will be realized. planting news of saplings it gives the sound of spring feet. we have a bouquet at home , hoping to god. let's plant two trees. no, what now?
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where do you want to plant? i got in front of the walnut tree in hayat as well. then i got confused. with berries nobody says no to planting a tree . be it work, whether it's in the school or in the desert mountains, we ate others, we also plant, others eat. i participated with my daughter in the campaign to plant a billion trees, which is one of the most lasting things that anyone can do . he can do it in his life and i hope it will continue and iran will become a forest and golestan. children are also socially responsible by planting trees he already practices nature. i am going to water this mulberry tree and do the work of this tree . i have killed five or six trees since i was a child. we can use this tree that we cut now in the future from its fruit and wear. it becomes oxygen and reduces air pollution for us. planting seedlings this year is different than last year. because it covers a larger area of ​​the country and
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more trees are planted. in almost every city, we plan an average of 10,000 saplings, and in total, i think more than 120,000 saplings will be planed in tehran province. akali in tropical regions we have considered and in the eastern areas of the province , there are pine saplings. we are pulling the mature saplings, but there are also non-fat trees. that maple , catalpa, etc., can be planted, 30,000 saplings of pine species, this seedling tablet has a dual purpose, both from the economic aspect and to be able to provide a part of the green space per capita in this sector, our country needs vegetation and the development of the cover a plant in all its parts, both in the pasture and restoration of our desert to deal with desertification, desert management, and in the forest and creation of forest green space, implementation of the plan. considering the environmental situation of the country, one billion trees
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is an important and vital need, and we all must plant trees to realize the iranian heritage. ahmad hamidi, sed and broadcasting news agency. determining the nature of goods imported to customs until the end of spring next year is the same as the previous procedure. the board of deregulation and improvement of the business environment announced in a resolution based on. article 24 of the law on improving the business environment, the national standards organization and related laboratories must, by the end of june next year , carry out the nature of the goods imported to the customs as per the previous procedure. determining the nature of the imported goods was to the customs. thank you for your cooperation with this news section.
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dear sir, the honoring ceremony of the 34th edition of the holy quran competitions of the military forces. it is held and various organizations of the armed forces send representatives and elite quranic people to those competitions. in the 34th edition of the holy quran competition of the armed forces, which was hosted by the revolutionary guards in mashhad in february of this year, the elites. the police officers of the country were able to improve
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their memorization and recitation of the holy quran by obtaining ranks in various fields of the holy quran. both our soldiers and our soldiers were able to understand and understand the concepts. for the first time, we were able to win the first place as a team in this tournament . referring to the promotion of quranic culture in the police force, he said: if we are looking for a policeman in taraz, we cannot search for a policeman in taraz who is unfamiliar with the concepts and culture of the quran or does not have enough familiarity. therefore, let's push that , god willing, along with the efforts for the police, in line with the police architecture of the future, god willing, farhang. spread the meaning of quran among our organization and colleagues let's give more to have commanders
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who are either reciters of the qur'an, implementers of the qur'an , or promoters of the qur'anic culture , this is not a small thing . i won the second place in the competition of the islamic republic of iran armed forces in the field of duties in the field of holiday reading. well, the level of the competition is due to the effort of the international professors and officials, which, as it is known, is very high, both qualitatively and quantitatively. i put it myself, not only myself, but also my dear colleagues, both subordinate and upstream we will take this table of quran faiz seyyed hossein mousavi of sed and sima news agency.
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let's use no, the systems are the same as the carver instead of the operator. humans are not operators . we should not look at the principle of a guide as a doctrinal principle.
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but the general atmosphere of the exhibition was oriented towards the persian language. it is interesting that 23 of these magazines are persian, in persian language, the authority of the persian language is discussed by the supreme leader, digital, the spokesperson of the organization. ironically, cultural digital. he said and gave an explanation to show that he is paying attention to the farsi language . it is clear that this is because we have to pass the farsi language so that god forbid, they won't get a problem again, but only a few seconds after the digital transformation plan projects , the force will reach a number, stop the plan
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and the systems of the organizations and institutions are not after the digital plan or as they say, the original registration organization.
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send them home. on the first day of my administration , i will end the open border policies of the biden administration . we will begin the largest deportation operation in american history. this is the first it is not uncommon for the leading candidate of the american republicans to make such a promise in the presidential elections. illegal immigration and border security have become one of the hottest election topics in america these days. the gallup poll shows that the issue of immigration is the main concern of the american people these days. personally, for me, the issue of immigration is very important . we must reform the immigration system. republicans blame joe biden for the current border crisis. biden and his followers accuse the rival party of obstructing the resolution of this issue . biden and trump in their recent duel for showing their interest in solving the problem
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, they visited the southern borders at the same time. america with crime. biden's immigration is broken. we are facing a new form of vicious aggression against our country. although the republicans point the finger of blame at biden, in fact his immigration policies are no less than those of his rival. according to the us immigration department, last year, the number of immigrants who were deported from the us by the biden administration was twice the previous year. now he is looking for this by presenting the plan to the congress. that his hand in deporting immigrants will be more open than this. the senate and the house of representatives must approve this plan . trump should also stop working and disrupting politics. as biden and trump compete to appeal to voters angry about immigration, the death toll of immigrants trying to cross the southern border into the united states
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is on the rise. the border that the international organization for migration considers to be the deadliest land crossing for migrants. if you could shoot them , they would not want to cross the border anymore. if we filled the border waters with snakes or snakes , america's expression would not stand up anymore. azade taheri radio news agency. over the skies of southwestern gaza, aid parachutes were dropped from a fleet of cargo planes. this joint effort of the us army and the jordanian air force to send aid containing about 38,000 judicial pledges along the line.
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israel is accused of shooting people , while israel insists that many of the dead were ambushed. desperation and hunger
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have increased in gaza since israel blocked food, water, medicine and other supplies from entering the area, except for a small amount of aid through the southern border with egypt. abu ahmed, an aid worker from gaza, says that every day from we go out of the house and say goodbye as if you will never come back. 5 months have passed since the zionist regime's invasion of gaza . despite all the problems
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, he continues his activities to save the lives of the injured. yunus abdul qadir , head of one of the aid groups in southern gaza, says: the activity of the emergency center has been paralyzed due to the zionist attacks. this problem has increased the responsibility of rescuers. al-mashad in one day. we were being dispatched to take care of the wounded when our ambulance was targeted by a rocket. fortunately, the rocket hit the ground ahead of us . the ambulance crumpled like a strong soda.
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our survival was like a miracle. the ministry of health of gaza announced that since the beginning of the zionist regime's invasion of gaza, more than 380 rescuers were martyred while providing aid to the wounded. also, 269 other people were arrested and sent to the place. they were taken unknown. sarai khorod has an exceptional offer for the purchase of a limited number of trucks and tractors. buying at
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the factory price without interest and with 36-month installments is one of the special conditions of this offer . hit the road without worry and enjoy your trips. big iranian house well, here you can choose your birthday present. my birthday gift is kabir motorcycle . choose whichever one you want. if you don't like me riding a motorcycle, you can only ride kabir motorcycle because i feel comfortable that you will ride a motorcycle safely and peacefully. it is not easy because of traffic and parking space. new motorcycle desert also gives helmets to its buyers. most importantly , you spend more time with your family. with safety devices, motorcycle desert products, enjoyable and safe motorcycle riding, discount and special sale with photos of 24 and 36 months of kalano. kids. let's go to the city of accessories right now
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household well, why because the city of household appliances now buys a vacuum cleaner for 35 million tomans and gives a gift, ah , sweep the gifts, this is a smart design , a new idea from rasan shiralt, in the work of rasan , the renata model for rasan's space management. complete the colorful world of your children in sarai, everything is iranian. sale in installments without advance payment, without
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guarantor in sarai. big iranian until 2:00 in the morning in tehran, i am your host!
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