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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the minister of communications and information technology said that 99 inquiries were made online in the process of holding elections. mr. zarpour considered this action as a step forward in the direction of conducting all-electronic elections. alhamdulillah on the day of our celebration more than 9. the devices are connected to the voting devices and in the discussion of stability, alhamdulillah 99, the inquiries of the devices during the voting time were done completely online. the minister of communications also announced the latest news about the tammani pars 1 satellite, which was launched from russia last week. signal
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the information we received from the satellite is good . technically speaking, the iot orbit test is being conducted . it will take a month, but thank god, the sub-orbital part of the satellite's subsystems and subsystems are working well. the presidency and mellat bank signed a contract to create financial instruments to support the knowledge base. with the signing of this memorandum, about 200 knowledge-based projects will receive financial support of up to 3 thousand billion tomans. the first axis is good and fast facilities for first-rate knowledge-based companies those who have sufficient capabilities will be allocated with a very fast evaluation system and very suitable features. in the second axis of joint cooperation with the bank. in investing in pishran projects
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, we will have scientists, and in the third axis , god willing, the bank will have a special line for guarantees and playing the role of guarantor in cases where it is needed. the technologists of a daneshbovanian company succeeded in designing and localizing a device for measuring and chemical analysis of minerals. a product that identifies the elements formed in a mineral . one thousandth percent of an element is present it is recognizable. calibrating device and analysis of chemical elements. now, after 3 years of
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research work , it was localized by the experts of a daneshbunian company in isfahan. the biggest reason for making this device is knowledge and technology related to measuring devices with optical, x-ray and laser eyes. the result of this device is an analytical method to determine the chemical composition of all kinds of materials quantitatively and qualitatively. this device can hold about 80 elements. identify for us from sudim to uranim. 60 seconds. it takes time to complete the analysis. accurate determination of the concentration of elements in industries such as gold making, metal, cement, oil, polymer and plastic are some of the applications of grade measurement and chemical analysis of materials. a series of elements cannot be detected by traditional methods, such as iridium. in fact , this device came using those methods.
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new york university in this efficient and cheap material of silver diamine fluoride. the condition of the existing decay will also worsen. this agent is used directly on the surface of the tooth and removes the bacteria that cause caries. in addition, it increases the natural healing process of caries and reduces the need for drilling and filling the tooth.
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authentication in the national window of smart government services. the border of 40 million people passed, according to the head of the information technology organization, the average daily visit of people to this window is about 3.5 million times, and the services provided by the devices in this window must be improved. the main issue that we follow is the continuous quality of service that must exist in this window, which , unfortunately, some devices now, besides the contractor. they do not have the necessary infrastructure, they are gradually completing it so that the quality is at an optimal level, in addition to redefining the service itself and the definition of new birth certificates is a matter of smartness. we still have time until the end of the year. the devices are required
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to provide 20% of their services in an intelligent way, that is, without the need for paper inquiries or people's inquiries in the form of a handwritten letter. body. or even the person may not demand anything, but such a service will be provided to him automatically. specialists of a technology group managed to design and produce a cable theft warning device. this device is equipped with several smart sensors and can prevent the theft of all types of high and weak voltage cables in the industry prevent electricity, water and telecommunications. specialists of a technology unit in north khorasan succeeded in designing and building a cable theft warning device. according to the research that was done, cases of cable theft were observed at the level of stanmun and at the level of the country
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, it was decided to design and build this device, that is, the alarm device for cable and transformer theft. this device can be installed on all types of weak pressure cables. and the pressure is strong , when an attempt is made to steal a cable , this action is actually prevented immediately through this sms, call and local alarm, thank god. at the provincial level , prevent a large number of thefts. this device has a back-up battery and a 12-volt power supply and is also rechargeable. from zero to one hundred, we do everything ourselves, from design to construction. high speed in processing information, sending messages. automatically for the users of the device and listening to the sound of the environment is one of the features of this device. alhamdulillah, when we started our business, we were able to sell more than 100 of these devices to government agencies and private companies. in this device, in order to prevent the theft of electronic transformers, sensors
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warning of impact to the transformer, tilting of the transformer and door opening sensor are also used in the electrical panel. one of the most important features of this device is the ability to separate cable theft from disconnection. it means that the subscriber realizes that his cable has been stolen or his electricity has been cut off. the most important application of this device is for water company, electricity company and telecommunication company, and in general, the industry is actually the industry that uses sensitive cables . boujnord water and wastewater company is one of the clients of this technology unit. 5 items from the discussion of these smart devices from the company. we procured and installed aerators for five of our wells it helped us to reduce costs and reduce thefts. this technology company has been able
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to produce and register 6 other products, such as smart ekla, firefighting, traffic control , elevator, solar bench. they have built marine environments up to a depth of 20 meters , the price of which is a third of the foreign model, and it also has the ability to remove parts. the first generation of this robot was made for a depth of 100 meters, and now the technologists of our country have designed the second generation of this robot with 6 motors, which has higher stability and speed. it has more benefits than its old generation and is able to walk on the bottom of the sea. this robot is equipped with an arm to lift objects on the sea floor and for the monitoring and discovery of sub-surface and surface detection and exploration equipment and requirements are used in marine environments. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock:
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iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram channel playing with the country. we do not agree, above , above, or above, wherever we are today, it is a special companion for the above program. are you here in our studio, mr. ghazizadeh hashemi , the elected representative of freeman and sorkesh district as
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i am in favor of the issue that i presented to you, and mr. babaei karnami, the elected representative of sari district , mian durood , as opposed to the issue that we are talking about, will be with us from the studio that night. before starting the program , i invite you to watch a report together. we will come back . seyyed solt mortazbi will start the debate. minister of cooperation, labor and social welfare. the gradual increase of the retirement age is one of the ways of sustainability of pension funds, which prevents them from going bankrupt . increasing the retirement age is an accepted rule it is universal and this method can stabilize the stability of pension funds. hassan sadeghi, the head of pishseftan union of the labor community. retirement age increase to. it is the loss of the workers and it leads to
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more unemployment in the society due to the reduction of workers' motivation to pay for insurance. the increase of the retirement age from 30 to 35 years old will cause job burnout, physical and mental exhaustion and inefficiency. ahmed midari, university professor and pension affairs expert. retirement age reforms have been implemented in 117 countries. and iran is also forced to implement it. without correcting the mismatch of funds the problem of unemployment and inflation will not be solved. one of the causes of inflation and budget deficit is the government's aid to pension funds, which is from 5. 2014 has now reached 20% of the year's budget. olya aligir, chairman of the board of directors of the high center of islamic labor councils. increasing the retirement age is an injustice to the workers, and the implementation of this decree threatens the public trust of the society.
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in addition to the life expectancy index, the two components of wages and quality of life are important indicators that should be taken into consideration. the quality of life of wage workers in countries that have increased the retirement age is different from iran. mr. babaei, you are the reason for your opposition to raising the retirement age. in addition to greetings and politeness, in the opinion of the noble nation of iran, it is really an honor to the noble nation to prove on the 11th of march that the orders of the supreme leader of the revolution are always supportive of the system and in fact, the duties of the officials of the parliament and the government are heavier than in the past. iran and the people who, despite all the hardships and hardships they are fasting in their daily lives
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, are following the ideals of the revolution. cheerfulness i would like to thank you and your colleagues for doing a very good job and for the presence of our dear colleague, mr. ghazizadeh. hashmi, well, finally , the issue of raising the retirement age, which was sent to the parliament in the form of article 29 of the seventh program law in the islamic council , was voted on by the government. competition. elections, well, with all the representatives, they must have discussed the issue, well, in
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this review, this is a legal issue with the 7th program in the islamic shura majlis , i had spoken as an opponent, as the head of the labor faction of the islamic shura majlis, i still believe that, god willing, with the two-urgent plan that we gave, some of its clauses and notes should be accepted by the majlis and exempted from the it is natural that the reason for our opposition is that they say this: they agree that the reason for the disparity of the pension funds does not matter which fund, of course, because our main audience is the most frequent statistics that we have , after all, in it is natural to discuss the social security fund this target group is more in the right in this section regarding your opposition and agreement in
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the opinions of the opponents and supporters . workers, but the governments must generally agree with the governments. we say that the imbalance of the funds , the imbalance of the funds must be found first. one of the main reasons for the fact that the funds have reached a serious disharmony based on the current situation of the funds is that in fact more than 300 thousand billion tomans of the governments have committed to create contrary rules of various assemblies. retirement funds , including the social security fund of the past, well, you just give it a fund like the social security fund of 100,000 billion tons from the government . when you don't pay these numbers, you create a commitment on time. it is the responsibility of the governments to pay the funds when they are not paid, which is based on
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the approach of the funds. the big funds are not necessarily like having an input and an output. yes, the statistics all over the world in the whole world is actually a coverage ratio called the coverage ratio of the funds is discussed, which in fact creates security. well, this is not a global standard. our country already has standards, but the question is when the governments came, for example, article 29, for example, the new article, and in fact, article 10. rebuilding and modernizing the industry in the country, which is 5 years ahead of schedule, in fact , the commitment to the funds, are those 5 years , and the government did not give the money that should be given to the funds, which is normal, in fact, during the 30-40 the last year of the governments due to inefficiency
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both in decision-making and in the so-called field their decision put a lot of pressure on the funds.
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there is no consensus, which means that in fact, all the problems of the government and the fund cannot be blamed overnight on those who want to work in the government or private sector . thank you, mr. bababai . thank you very much, mr. ghazizadeh , please tell me that i absolutely agree about this issue about aging. this is not the case. however, we are neither absolutely in agreement nor absolutely against. we have, but there should be an expert and serious discussion about the dimensions of this issue. what is the matter? lt is? the issue is that the budgetary conditions of our country in the past years are getting a higher share of salaries and wages in the general budget of the country . we have an increase in the industrial budget every year.
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we have a percentage for inflation. 17 boxes. we have pensions, of course, only two of them are legal. the format of these pension funds are in the state of bankruptcy or quasi-bankruptcy, and the conditions of our funds are not favorable. as mentioned, in the past 20 years, the share of the country's budget from the general budget of what the government pays is now 4%. reached 20% and if this trend continues, within the next 3 decades, we will have to give 60% of our country's budget to pension funds. this is not a happy thing. of course, the way to correct it
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is not necessarily to increase the retirement age. let's focus on the labor force of our country. our funds are not the same . the points that mr. babaei said were very accurate. however, governments have had a special view on the funds during all these times, even some of them were that some of the funds the expression of those funds are below the funds that actually they don't have favorable conditions to take them under their wing. now this is a type of housing that has been proposed. anyway, this housing is a housing to save funds, but it has caused many public and social dissatisfactions. several components should be considered for it. one component of the component is that this should be optional as far as it can be, it should not
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be very mandatory. another point in the decree that is mentioned is that only the component of age and work experience in terms of insurance records has not been seen in the implementation of the same decree. which has taken place, the funds will definitely be challenged. it used to be a company, arkan salth it was a temporary contract, 10 days a month, his insurance history was rejected, 20 days a month , basically, his employment contract 20 years ago, he went bankrupt, he has no consistent insurance records, where are these records summarized, where are they calculated, so the company and the collection of funds are very in implementation for the implementation of the same law that has actually been approved now.
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one of them is at the beginning of the service. hiring is a two-way contract. the employer is a worker. even the government as an employer wants to hire workers. tell me, sir, what are the conditions that you want to work for now, ma'am or ma'am. government employment be you conditions your retirement age is 35 years old, 62 years old, with these criteria, that person can accept or not accept it, but when someone who has served for 20 years, 15 years and 23 years has been an acquired right , and starts a contract with that contract, we cannot in the middle of a the contract that has been signed should be told to both parties, no, we will change the terms of our contract now , we will consider incentives if you accept this, you will benefit from these incentives, if
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you don't accept, for example, these conditions will be found for you, we should make this aspect optional. and if it is before the start of the contract, then you say that if it is optional ok, before starting the contract, ok, you don't have any problem before starting the contract, and now i have reasons. this opposition to agreeing to this plan, in my opinion , has absolutely no meaning at all. there is an impetus in the discussion of fund imbalances , we have an impetus, we must solve the country's challenges , for
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example, we passed the law on the transfer of disease records in the social commission this year, so this law must be implemented so that the insurance records can be consolidated so that a person who is insured there is a fund to be determined in the whole country, or one or nine laws to organize the families and the government in the parliament. it is on the agenda, so let it be approved and that's it. i am an independent employee. the administrative system is not clear at all. today, a person came to an office. it is not at all clear at first whether he is a government employee or not. who are you talking to? i have you. who are we talking to with this law? i mean, we are still our audience. we didn't know, we are only looking at one side of the game, when you want to deal with these comprehensive authors in relation to the issue of insurance funds, you want to look at one dimension only and picture a rule, say yes or no, in my opinion, in this discussion . we cannot find the version created to be able to solve the problem of the funds, at the same time, we have to pass another law, which of course
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has been approved in the social commission, the parliament should cooperate and accompany the government. that as far as we can bring the government's interference in the funds to zero, that is, not even a board of directors' recommendation should be written in the funds . or the workers are like this in the direction of the government, it is natural that these parties and social partners of the funds if we don't get the consensus opinion of this fund, one side will come to the parliament overnight, and unfortunately , the vote will be tied, and we are strongly against this. what should be done in the early days of the 12th parliament, this should be on the negotiation table of the government and the parliament. of
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the 70-80 components of the structure of the so-called insurance theme funds, they are all one after the other . if there is a need for laws, we will connect them. let's make the truth concrete. if we need the participation of the insurance companies and the funds , let's bring them to play and get their opinion, then say yes, yes or no to a plan that we want for 2 years or 1 year or 6 months, so to speak. age. he has worked for 25 years, let's say overnight , sir , because the fund has dissatisfaction, how much salary did you pay him in the past ? even in my opinion, regarding
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inflation in the form of article 41 of the labor law or the term of article 96 of the social security law, or even retirement funds and other funds of the steel fund, well, all of these are in the middle of the road, which means that they are in fact in a large majority. we have to make a logical decision. in my opinion , it is a fundamental task, that's why we are against it, and seriously in the 12th parliament, god willing, with the cooperation of all honorable representatives. let's sit down with the honorable government itself for the new decision funds of this proposed law that mr. ghazizadeh has, how much do you agree or disagree with it, why the law of mr. hashemi's program? if it is optional , there is no problem with increasing the retirement age. you agree with them. well, yes, you should see it, see it, see it, see it, you should see it, provided that we have an accurate information bank of government employees with
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our constitutional plan to organize government employees. we should describe the duty of the government employee to the insured persons of the government , the private sector and the cooperative sector in the country . we should have an accurate and documented database in the country . then, if we do this , then mr. hashemi's order will be correct. it means that we will completely supply and demand. power worker in the next 10 years in the next 5 years, for the government and for the private sector , we will enter into negotiations with our new employee, mr. you want to enter the government agency, enter the agency with this condition, your statement is correct and not that we are creating confusion in the country now , we are not discussing everything, only the government agency, we are discussing this increase in the retirement age for workers, of course, yes, i said only about the employees. we do not discuss the government, our discussion about the work program does not include them
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. look at the term, our workers are working now, for example, the same employees who are working in social security are working in 60, they are working in all the companies and holdings of reputable banks in the country, such as bank mellat, bank tejarat kar, kanon, they are working , i don't care if we have more time. out of approximately 56 million people, we have insured people who are working in this space, radio and television, in fact, all of them are not affected by our labor law , let's look at it later. we are the insured, in fact, the insured is the one who becomes the party to the account or contributions of the pension funds we must seriously look at the experts in relation to the funds, the sources of expenses, and in fact , the labor productivity coefficient, the inflation rate, the various indicators , and then say yes , let's make a decision, we are new workers.


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