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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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no, we have to talk about the alternative markets first. finally, if we want this capital, we should actually reduce the bank profit . of course, economists have a plan that they have plans for where this is going to go . the reality is, for example, i say, are we really in our country? for anyone to be able to buy any amount of dollars and save any amount of gold, according to them , laws should be passed in the parliament, god willing. the possibility that if this capital is placed in the long term, now i am arguing that this will decrease from tomorrow in the parliament if it is placed in a bank. people should take their money from the bank . let's see the alternative markets. we really have to limit some of them . is it supposed to be in the long run when you now have money that you know the bank won't give a good profit because the percentage of profit has come down. the gold, currency and car markets are also limited, of course, for example, the story of the car that you saw is a very rare thing in the world. the way we are selling cars in the world
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, let's believe that hard people can't gamble , they can't take their money in the market, they can't take it in the market, that means we will create these legal restrictions, our investors will definitely encourage can he force his capital into production, i.e. me i say that we should follow this path, when we say that the parliament can change the country's rails by legislation , we should do something so that those who have cash have liquidity, the best solution for them is to be in production.
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for many years, we have not been able to move liquidity towards production, one of the most important mechanisms is the stock market, but again, in the stock market, many of us have done so that the cash is to go to the dollar market and not offer it. i really have money left now, and i know that if i go to buy dollars, probably next year. 30 to 40 shabsa is more. is there a restriction imposed in our country that i cannot go and buy any amount of currency and the dollar is cheap? the amount that i could maintain by buying currency and gold, for example , you are taking the value of my money from me, no, look, i am saying all this, now this is the discussion .
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i believe that this discussion is not something that can be done overnight , it definitely needs social attachments , it needs cultural attachments, but those who designed it , i saw that they finally defined 10 to 15 steps for this task , and we will get there in the end, but we can't. now let's express our criticisms to the last step without hearing the first steps, i think the first steps of imposing restrictions on alternative markets are discussed. now the housing is like this. i think that it can pave the way for the country. do it together and make it easier so that, god willing , our capital will go towards production, that is, i think that we have usually given the slogan of this field too much, and people have become disappointed and tired of this slogan, but do this, i am very serious and clear to you. let me say that the structural mechanism of decision-making in our country has problems. our parliament is supposed to make big economic decisions, but the parliament really said that. several economists and theorists
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there is an economy in it, i am sure that in the previous parliament , there were fewer economic theorists and economists than the fingers of one hand. well, these are the problems , in my opinion, why did we not do it because different non- expert people are sometimes effective in our economic decisions , if i say so, even you my specialized discussion is water in cultural discussions. god willing, the approach of the future parliament will go towards and we should really demand, let our media demand. how do you see that the future parliament has enough economic theorizing ? the people of our city are really understanding people as the people of the sky, even though they choose two economists out of five people in different lists , i think that the society is reaching this maturity that it really
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uses the needs of the country as a mattress in the discussion of economics. do it and it can help a lot in the way of parliament legislators . yes, it can definitely help. thank you very much, mr. ezzedian. god willing, now during these four years that your excellency has represented the people of isfahan, jarghoyeh, kohpah, varzaneh, and hern again. may we be able to serve you if you are the head of the commission water and agriculture were intense, which i think was more successful. let's see what happens, but really, the parliament's water and agriculture commission is one of those discussions that we usually did not have experts in this field. it is important in the parliament, when we see that maybe less than 10% of experts are in it, and good things happen, unfortunately, i have success . thank you for coming to this conversation
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and i say goodbye to you. dear mr. fatemi, the people of babylon, let's have it from the studio mazandaran and before we greet them. let's see his short interview during the election campaigns and come back to have a conversation with him. tell me about a pending law that you are following up in the parliament to be implemented. definitely the law of transparency because they firmly believe that transparency will prevent rent, corruption and embezzlement. what are the three main problems of the electoral field and their solution from your point of view? one problem is the problem of the accumulation of waste in the south of babur city in the angelsi area of ​​babur, which
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has brought a serious environmental problem with it, and the issue of groundwater aquifer pollution. in fact, there is agriculture, there is the issue of rice , there is the issue of citrus fruits, do you agree or disagree with increasing the retirement age, researchally , no, i disagree, of course, i have many reasons for it, but in this short opportunity , i will briefly say, the first reason is that there are a lot of young people who are worthy and elite. they are on the waiting page for employment and the second reason is that there is a possibility that this increase in the retirement age is actually to save some pension funds from bankruptcy . let's achieve social justice and economic justice, definitely
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do you agree with the increase in salary according to the rate of inflation ? do you agree with removing the subsidy for the rich and the high earners? in principle, the philosophy of subsidies is to help the vulnerable and weak sections of the society, so there is no need for us to consider the subsidy for the wealthy and registered. gasoline subsidy should be assigned to people's national codes or to cars. in order to be fair , we should give gasoline subsidies to each national code because one person may have 5 cars or 4 cars. but what if an iranian citizen doesn't have a car to rejuvenate and increase the population? support is needed for rejuvenation . it is actually a complex issue and should not be treated simplistically. we must promote a stable and
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productive marriage to help rejuvenation . what is the priority in cooperation with foreign countries? relations with countries should be based on the principle of national interests. authority national and national honor. should airplane gasoline be subsidized or at the fob price of the persian gulf? in my opinion , gasoline should be subsidized for domestic flights, gasoline for airplanes in international flights is given in the same way as the same price of gasoline based on the fab index in the purchase of a pass. mr. fatemi is elected. babel people from the studio mazandaran center hello and good evening. hello , i am serving you, dear colleagues and all dear viewers. i can hear your voice a bit weak. if i could amplify it, colleagues , i
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would be grateful. mr. fatemi, do you agree or disagree with removing the preferential width for basic goods? because the basic goods are actually other than the necessities of life in fact for every iranian and therefore as long as they are actually economic foundations and economic structures. in fact, if it is not amended, in our opinion, we have no way to get the goods to the people at the right price through the preferential width, and you don't have to worry that the events that happened before by allocating preferential width , such as the rounds that were formed, the widths that were wasted were spent on unnecessary works, the import of items that were not needed by the country , you don't have to worry that these events will happen again. of course, in some areas, why, but most
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of the basic goods and medicine, the government should definitely help by allocating preferential width in other matters, in fact , this process should be corrected, and instead of actually allocating width, we should actually help the producers. to do this means that the government should help producers and industrial owners in the tv sector. this is actually causing a lot of problems, people
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facing the country in this field, we should in fact be appropriate to the discussion of goods or companies , especially the goods and livestock institutions that enter iran from abroad . in this regard, i believe that all is actually the allocation of widths in a system that is transparent, everyone can judge by seeing the public opinion. when something is transparent, in my opinion, corruption and fraud will be minimized. well, you know that there are many of these systems in a no, the system is not transparent, in that sense, i believe there are serious problems
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sometimes, well, finally, the parliament should help in this matter by passing special laws in this area, this is very important. you see, when i say transparency, i mean from zero to 100, this should be observable from the point of view of the public opinion of experts and people, this is a very important point. transparency helps. when i say transparency, from the time of allocation and actually by the bank and actually the purchase of goods or imports and at the customs, all these should be placed in a transparent system, and one of my plans is to talk about transparency in this regard. mr. fatemi, do you think that the most important priority of the parliament is written about the transparency of the program? twelfth period what should it be and if you want
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to raise this in the form of, for example, approving a plan or a bill, what do you think the first resolution of the 12th parliament should be? in my opinion, the first resolution of the parliament should be to support national production, it is very important because i see it in the constituency itself. i myself are many entrepreneurs, there are many producers who are facing many problems, these are actually the ones that iran allocated and in this regard, we have to deal with this
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issue . foreign investment should help, parliament should help and with the facilities for foreign investors , especially iranians living abroad who are very interested in investing in our country , all the necessary arrangements should be made in reality and for this reason. we can help entrepreneurs and producers. this is very important. i emphasize. i emphasize. supporting the national production, supporting the national production is an obligatory part of the obligations and a part of it. the first program of the parliament should be, so you must be against the import of cars because of the support of national production . they are in favor of imports. the issue of cars is a separate issue
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, unfortunately , there is a monopoly . there are people, in my opinion, the import of cars can end this monopoly, and in the case of cars, by the way, i believe that we do not have a special position . we have, but in our car, we should not have all of them on these two car. let's put a big instrument that actually with the cars that you know are not standard and on the roads are actually considered death vehicles . let's know that we are far behind the world in terms of cars, unlike other places in the world
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, so many investments have been made in cars with south korea. we started together, but we know that a lot. as for your national production, since you mentioned that domestic production is your priority, i am asking you as someone who believes in supporting domestic production. what is your suggestion to support the national car production? imported is very good. if we can really design cars , we are really behind in terms of design . we have to understand these facts. the government supported the revolution. these two things are actually two companies announcing that they are going bankrupt. in reality , the inflation of manpower is your opinion. in the car issue , that support should be removed from the car manufacturers. but if it is really a strong plan that can do it
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to have a national car according to our global standards, i support it. let's give a chance to some spaces in the country, to scientific centers. we don't give a chance . unfortunately, in fact, our self-made companies deal with this issue in a commercial way. we really have many elites, we have strong universities, and we have strong designers. you are proposing the title of a member of parliament to realize what you have now . you have a tool called legislation. how do you intend
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to implement what you just said, because a part of what you are saying is the responsibility of the government, yes, yes, but the parliament can comment on all matters, supervise and pass laws. i say, first of all, i believe in production. i have a national opinion, even in the discussion of cars , even in the discussion of airplanes, but we have to bring the elites , collect them, support them, we don't support them, our elites are discouraged, and they are actually sorry, you actually see some plans that are even worse , for example recently, sharif university of technology also produced a car, but unfortunately, the necessary support from it was not done in automobile companies . it seems that we are talking about supporting the elites because we really have many scientists in the field of automobiles. we have very prestigious universities . can enter and
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support by establishing protective laws and facilities that we have banned the import of, for example, clothing and household appliances. do you agree with this ban or do you think it should not be allowed? we are in a difficult time we should support national production in some places, such as household appliances and clothing. we must have good knowledge and technology in this regard . it is comparable to my own department. yes, no, i do not. in these areas, we are against imports. in the field of other industries other than automobiles, in automobiles, by the way , you are in favor of imports. imports do happen, but in the field of
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clothing . and for example, household appliances should be stopped from foreign imports, because we have the potential to work there, and diapers do not think that the same monopoly that you are talking about may happen in diapers and household necessities. no, do you know why? because we have many companies competing in the clothing and household industries, but not so much in the automobile field. we have two main companies . foreigners , what do you think should be the most important priorities of the islamic republic of iran? i think that the first priority should be to have a regional perspective and to have good relations with all the countries in the region, and of course, good actions were taken. and in the discussion of other countries, we must have a balanced policy or balanced diplomacy because my field and specialty is international law, i
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say this to everyone, to the whole world , no country should be excluded from our economic diplomacy. that red line is our national interests , economic independence and of course. we have balanced relations with all countries in the world. does that mean you agree to negotiate directly with america? i believe that if it is based on our national interests
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, the relationship with america and that arrogance and that attitude, of course , we distrust america now, but if trust is built and within the framework of national interests, in fact, we came to the conclusion that yes, relations
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in some areas are not reliable at all and we have to design our policy in this regard under new conditions. we trust you, but you also say that there is no problem. i accept countries , i accept, you see, i accept the principle of negotiation, but regarding america, considering the records that i have from america , especially in the case of the jerk and these, when we saw and saw america's bad faith, in this regard, i believe that caution should be taken and regarding cash that you said that there is a look to the east in politics and strategy. what is your most important criticism? after all , we should not put all our eggs
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in the basket of russia or china. it has tools and pyramids for pressure and negotiation. we should not neglect this. we should not, in fact , monopolize these relations in these countries so that they abuse them, and of course. in some places, we have seen that, unfortunately , emptying our backs in some international gatherings means you, assuming for example, according to your fields of study , be a member of the national security and foreign policy commission of the parliament . you don't have a very positive opinion about the look-to-the-east strategy . what do you think sir? fatemi, do you think that the issue of hijab can be resolved with any solution, considering the discussions that have existed before, you all know about it. yes, hijab, after all
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, i myself believe in hijab and i consider it a part of islamic and religious culture, but in regarding dealing with the bad phenomenon of hijab, we should not use hardware, we should definitely do it through incentives and cultural work, and the discussion of enrichment should be done, in my opinion, with harsh methods and such punishments that we will not get results. no, we should educate, educate and
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encourage hijab. the discussion was about teaching the hijab at school. in fact, we should teach this in the minds of our girls and our little girls , who from the age of seven years old . ceremonial, in my opinion, means a state it has a routine mode. what does it mean, what do they say, i mean, it should be deeper, education means religious issues , even you know that iran, even the culture of iran, the past of iran, before islam, was the issue of hijab. how many thousands of years are we and your service, so we should not just say that because islam says hijab, not really the deep and rich culture of iran, our ladies also
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agree with the hijab in allocating subsidies for airplane gasoline. at the fob price of the persian gulf, i understand your answer i couldn't believe that you said you are against the price above the persian gulf. yes, see what you expect from the people. people who get paid in rials should spend in dollars. in your opinion, it is against social justice, so in the discussion. all cases
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, especially regarding airplanes, i believe that the government should provide subsidies, but regarding foreign travel , i believe that the costs should be more realistic. very well, thank you very much, mr. fatemi. we are also grateful to the colleagues of the mazandaran center who participated in tonight's conversation thank you for making this communication possible and for watching. good night.
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in the name of allah, rahman al-rahim, greetings, the start of sales and pre-sales of saipa products . saipa group has started the pre-sale plan for the sahand s pars pars khodro car, especially for regular applicants of the family and youth support plan and the plan to replace worn-out cars. applicants for atlas quick and sinas cars from tomorrow, thursday, march 17th , until the capacity is filled, can go to the saipa sales system at the address of sepa. iran ikar. please register . selling these products with a delivery date of 90 days supplied. the court of accounts announced 333


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