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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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i am sure that in the previous parliament , there were less than the fingers of an economic theorist and an economist. well , these are the problems, in my opinion, that we did not know why , because different non-expert people are sometimes effective in our economic decisions, if i say so, even in specialized discussions. i myself am involved in cultural debates, god willing, the approach of the next parliament will go towards demanding that we really demand the media . even though in different lists , up to two people choose economists out of 5 people , i think that the society will reach the maturity to really recognize the needs and based on the needs. i hope that he chooses in the next parliament, of course , as i know a lot.
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well, let's have the people of babylon from mazandaran studio and before we say hello to them , let's watch their short interview during the election campaigns and come back to our conversation with them , one law. say what is left on the ground that you will follow up in the parliament to implement the transparency law, because i firmly believe that transparency will prevent rent, corruption and discrimination. 3 what is the main problem of the constituency and its solution from your point of view? one problem is the problem of tongue accumulation in the south of babol city in the english region of babur, which is one a serious environmental problem facing itself.
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the issue of groundwater pollution is actually agriculture, there is the issue of rice, there is the issue of citrus fruits , do you agree or disagree with raising the retirement age , researchally , no , i disagree. well, there are a lot of young people looking for work who are worthy and elite in the page. they are waiting for employment and the second reason, well , there is a possibility that this increase in retirement age is actually to save some pension funds from losing the rights of workers and employees. it should be increased according to the rate of inflation or proportionate to it. in my opinion, in order for us to achieve social justice and economic justice, i will definitely increase salaries according to the rate of inflation. do you agree with the elimination
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of subsidies for the rich and the high earners? basically , the philosophy of subsidies everywhere in the world is to help the vulnerable and weak sections of the society. therefore , there is no need for us to consider the subsidy for those who are well-off and registered. gasoline subsidy should be assigned to people's national code or to cars. in order to do it justice , we have to give gasoline subsidy to each national code, because one person may have 5 he may have a khudu, he may have four khudus, but one person, an iranian citizen, does not have any khudu, what support is needed to rejuvenate and increase the population. rejuvenation is actually a complex and multifaceted issue . simple people should not deal with it. we must promote stable marriages. mould to help rejuvenate in cooperation with foreign countries , where is the priority? relations with countries should
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be based on the principle of national interests, national authority and national honor. airplane gasoline is subsidized or at the fob price of the persian gulf. in my opinion , gasoline should be subsidized for domestic flights it can be internationalized in the same way as the same gasoline price based on the fab index in the purchase of fatemi mr. fatemi, elected by the people of babol from mazandaran center studio. hello and good night. to you, dear colleagues and all dear viewers , i can hear your voice a bit weakly. if i could amplify it, colleagues, i would be grateful. mr. fatemi , do you agree or
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disagree with removing the preferred width for basic items ? i disagree because basic goods are actually among the necessities of life. iranian and therefore until the economic foundations and economic structures are not actually reformed in our opinion, we have no way to get the goods to the people at the right price through the preferential width, and you don't have to worry that the events that happened before with the allocation of the preferential width, such as the rounds that were formed, the widths that were a pity unnecessary work was spent importing items that the country needs. it was not done. you are not worried that these events will happen again. of course, in some areas, why, but i think most of the basic goods and medicine should definitely be helped by the government by allocating preferential width in other matters. in fact, this process
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should be corrected, and instead of in fact, let's allocate width in fact, to help the producers means that the government should help you. basically, i believe that our economy is flawed , especially in the field of currency. after all, we are facing limitations, in my opinion. the parliament should step in and resolve this issue by establishing strict laws and strict and strong supervision. after all, we cannot remove the preferential land completely. this actually causes many problems for the people and the country in this regard. we must, in fact, it is relevant to the discussion of goods
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or livestock, and especially, in fact , livestock goods and institutions that enter iran from abroad. in this regard, we must help what kind of structure do you offer for your help ? what is your specific executive and operational proposal as an agency ? do you want to plan your help ? let the public opinion judge when something is clear, in my opinion it is corruption. and the round is reduced to a minimum. well, you know that there are many of these systems. in one system , it is not transparent. in that sense , i believe that there are serious problems because of this.
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special rules in this field, this is very important. see , when i say transparency, it means from zero to 100 , this must be observable. according to the public opinion of experts and people, this is a very important point . transparency helps. when i say transparency, from the time of allocation and actually by the bank, and actually the purchase of goods or imports and at the customs, all these should be placed in a transparent system. one of my plans is to be clear about the transparency of the plan in this regard. i have a note, mr. fatemi , what do you think should be the most important priority of the parliament in the twelfth term, and if you want, in the form of, for example propose the approval of a plan or a bill . what do you think should be the first resolution of the 12th parliament? in my opinion, the first resolution of the parliament should
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be the support of national production. it is very important because i see that there are many entrepreneurs in my constituency. they are facing many problems. these are actually those who are entrepreneurs. in my opinion, by reforming the structure of the banks, unfortunately, our banks... in fact , moving away from the conventional banking system in the world means that instead of doing banking , they are doing business, but i think that by setting laws obviously, in this area, good credits can be allocated to producers, industry, and entrepreneurs , and in this regard, we must address the issue of a country that does not have production. there is nothing really , of course, part of the investment direction
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should help attract foreign investment, the parliament should help and with the facilities that are provided for foreign investors, especially iranians living abroad who are very interested in investing in our country, all the necessary arrangements should be made. in fact, to be seen and for this reason we can help entrepreneurs and producers , this is very important, i emphasize, i emphasize. supporting national production, supporting national production is an obligatory part of the first program of the parliament , so you should be opposed to car imports because of supporting national production, no, no, in the car sector, by the way, i am against it, in the car sector, i am against imports, the reason is that, unfortunately, no i am in favor of importation. the issue of cars is a separate issue , unfortunately, it is a monopoly . we see cartels in the country, which are all from rent. therefore , when we see cartels and monopolies
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, it is anti-competition. when it is anti-competition, this is detrimental to the interests of the people. in my opinion, car imports can do this end the monopoly, and in the case of automobiles , by the way, i believe that we do not have a special position in the case of automobiles . in fact, why in some fields, such as the manual industry, the discussion of agriculture, agricultural economy, industry and average. yes, we have disadvantages, but in cars, we should not put all our resources on these two big car manufacturers, which in fact, with cars that you know are not standard and on the roads , they are actually death cars, we should end this monopoly. at the time, this is not against supporting national production, if we consider cars as a national production, we are far behind the rest of the world when it comes to cars unlike other places, the car is so much investment. we started the car with south korea together , but we, you, support the domestic car
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as your national production, since you mentioned that domestic is your priority, i am asking you, as someone who believes in supporting domestic production, to support the car production. national, what is your suggestion? imported is very good. if we can really design cars, we are really behind in terms of design . we have to understand the facts . i don't know how much time we gave our manufacturers. 60 years, 70 years after the revolution, the government supported this. 2 jobs in fact, two companies announce their bankruptcy . in fact, the inflation of manpower in you, in the matter of cars, that support should be removed from the car manufacturers. as i deduced, the support of car manufacturers was removed, but if there is really a strong plan that can make the national car. to have it in accordance with our global standards, i support it, we are far away, i say this is a dream
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, this is a dream, in my opinion, it is impossible, i think it is very impossible, you support it, it cannot be said impossible. it is possible to give scientific centers a chance
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yes, but the parliament can comment on all matters , give your opinion, pass laws, i say , first of all, i believe in national production, even in the issue of cars, even in the issue of airplanes, but we must bring the elites, gather them, support us, or not our elites. they are discouraged and they actually forgive you. in fact, you see some projects that will be canceled at all. for example, recently , sharif university of technology also produced a car , but unfortunately, the necessary support from companies, because we really have many scientists in the field of automobiles , we have very prestigious universities, if that connection university and industry in the true sense of the word, what is in advanced countries can be achieved. the parliament can enter and support by enacting protective laws and facilities that we believe here, based
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on the departments, how mr. fatemi, suppose we support, for example, clothing. we banned their import because of domestic necessity . do you agree with this ban or do you think it should not be? you see, we are finally in a difficult time. we are in a time of change. we must support national production in some places . we must have good knowledge and technology when it comes to clothing. in this regard, we are not at all comparable to your own department.
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it didn't happen in the home sector either, no, you know why , because we have many companies competing in the clothing sector and in the household sector, but in the automobile sector , there are not many main companies, the rest are companies that are very good, mr. fatemi, in the field of foreign policy , what do you think should be the most important priorities of the islamic republic of iran ? i think that the first priority should be a regional approach to the whole country. we should have good relations with the countries of the region. well, of course, good measures were taken, and in the discussion of other countries, we should be one we must have a balanced policy or balanced diplomacy . i must. my field and expertise is international law. i say this to everyone and the whole world. we should not exclude any country from our economic diplomacy. it is very different from
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the zionist regime, which has a different case. but with other countries based on the principle of national interests. that is, that red line is our national interests, economic independence and, of course , dignity, and the same thing that the supreme leader said, the three principles of dignity, wisdom, expediency, we can have relations with all parts of the world, the policy of looking to the east can be criticized , of course, the behavior of some of these countries in the region in the east, we have seen that some places leave us alone, so we have to think about national interests , the parliament can monitor in this area , enter and establish balanced economic relations with all countries in the world, that means you agree to direct negotiations with the united states. i believe that if it is based on our national interests, the relationship with america and that arrogance and that attitude
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, we do not trust america now, but if trust is built and within the framework. nationally, in fact, we came to the conclusion that yes, the economic relationship with america can be useful. yes, i agree, what do you think? the direct negotiation that you say, do you think that negotiating with the us is in the interest of our national interest, or is it to the detriment of our national interest, because the us has proven that it is not reliable, but i say that active diplomacy is needed in this regard. we should have and in this regard we should actually consider a balanced policy. your criticism is correct. but right now, yes, the wall between iran and the united states is high in terms of mistrust, because the united states has to prove that the united states has to prove itself in some areas. they are not reliable at all and we have to
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design our policy in this new situation let's do it, i don't understand now whether it should happen or not, because you said that we are distrustful , but from my side , i accept it with all countries. the jcpoa and these things, when we saw and saw america's innovation, in this regard , i believe that we should be careful, and regarding the criticism that you said in the policy and strategy of looking to the east , your most important criticism is that we should put all our eggs in russia's basket or china is not going to fix them. dengas seek benefits they are themselves, we should look for our own national interests , after all, every country's foreign policy has tools and pyramids for pressure and negotiation
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. and of course, in some places, we have seen that, unfortunately, our backs are empty in some international gatherings. assuming , for example, according to your field of study , you become a member of the national security and foreign policy commission of the parliament , you do not have a very positive opinion about the look east strategy. let's establish a balance with the world's major economies . what is your opinion on the hijab issue, mr. fatemi ? do you think that the hijab issue can be resolved with what solution? the debates that have existed before, you know , everyone is aware of it. yes, hijab. after all, i myself believe in hijab and
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i consider it a part of islamic and religious culture. if we use it, we must do it through incentives and cultural work, and the discussion of enrichment must be done. in my opinion, with harsh and punishing methods so we will not reach the desired result? these methods that you said are soft methods
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, what exactly do you mean by operational implementation, not hard hardware methods? it has a routine, what does it mean, what do they say , i mean, it should be deeper, education means religious issues , even you know that iran, even the culture of iran in the past , before islam, was about hijab. ajna, even our thousands of years of culture and service should be presented to you, so we should not just say that because islam says hijab, not really culture. iran's deep and rich hijab is also agreed by our great ladies who are in the shahnameh, there are other spaces, these are all depicted with hijab, and i think
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we should know hijab as a traditional, religious, religious and cultural thing, that is, we should know the collection and package. it was legitimate not to look at it. okay, we have 3-4 minutes to finish your conversation on the topic . now i want to go back to the topics. economically, in the last few minutes, i asked you a question your interview was about allocating the subsidy for airplane gasoline. do you agree that the government should subsidize it or for example at the fab price of the persian gulf? i didn't understand your answer. i think you said you are against that it should be at the fab price of the persian gulf. that's right. yes , see what you expect from the people. according to them, those who get paid in rials should spend in dollars . you say that it is against social justice , so in the discussion of all cases, especially regarding airplanes, i believe that the government should
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provide subsidies, but regarding foreign travel, i believe that the costs should be more realistic. thank you very much, mr. fatemi, because we have run out of time , we have to say goodbye to your excellency. we have made it possible to establish this communication and we thank you for watching . good night. it didn't matter, it didn't matter
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, it didn't matter. it didn't matter! it made a difference! yes, it made a difference. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption.
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1:58 pm
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1:59 pm
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2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimroz news. the leader of the revolution taking office in every new parliament is sweet and comes with new hopes and new prospects for the country. ayatollah khamenei, the members of the experts should ensure that the fixed principles of the islamic republic are not neglected in their elections. the beginning assessment for the reconstruction of flooded areas at the same time as providing assistance to 5.


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