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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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and these councils and commissions that you mention are going to follow the issues in the past style and context, no problem of the country will be solved, no problem of transportation, i have a good example , i said, regulation in the ministry of communications. at one time, i was its head, now mr. minister , the minister of communications, is its head . it meets regularly every two weeks . we really have very little work to do. people who should be a compact yet efficient collective in my opinion, they sit down and decide that the result is the same permits, the same tariffs that we see together are being observed. maybe before
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we actually see the solution in the formation of these councils and these commissions, a serious will in the government in urban management, whether it is the city council or the municipality , this issue should exist . we don't have it, that is, if someone comes and says, sir, why doesn't the parliament enter , why doesn't the parliament make laws, i say we have laws with this. we have a density of laws , we have laws on this issue, there are enough laws there is no will. yes, i am now saying that a part of this city traffic is due to the expansion of internet taxis outside the rules. however , we must see that rome has one and a half million cars a day.
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in fact, we have major problems with public transportation today, internet taxis because of cheap fuel. due to the cheap labor force, a strange development has been found in our country. yes, it has become a public competitor . it has become a subway competitor . it has become a b-art competitor. i say there should be a regulator ok, to adjust these, but if it is with the same approaches as before, he should put all his art on us to come and set a price , the same conditions. they will ruin it under me, which means
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they will create more dissatisfaction. i think that the transportation and fuel management headquarters of the country should take a more serious approach to these issues . there should be a serious will in the government and in any case in the city management, until this will of his holiness. you also mentioned that we in the municipality follow issues in the city council the government did not cooperate. yes, this is the reality. it means that you want to follow up on a good issue, but in the end, if there is no cooperation from any of these institutions, you will definitely have problems in following up on those issues, so i think that this regulation should definitely be done. but with a new approach of the competition council, but with a new approach. ok, the price should be a part of this
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. there are other more important issues that i have mentioned here . mr. taghipour, we talked about the users . how about the drivers? for these options that are said, i have mentioned them now, mr. naqehim, and what do you think about them , who do you think should determine the commissions? because it can be different in different situations , that is, as you say, it should not be in the hands of the companies , of course, yes, look, when we say competitive, i said this , they can here, it can be competitive, that is, one platform is allowed to charge less, why are we talking like that, if a taxi decided to take less and benefit the driver, naturally well, this can be developed sooner. in
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general, it can be beneficial to the user, that is, it can give a discount to the user. these features that i am presenting are available in most foreign platforms , sometimes now, maybe still. they don't have the necessary maturity in our applications to predict this. there are many proposals for these proposals , including the same tender discussion that i mentioned that the regulator can oblige the platforms, as well as regarding commissions and other issues. what we are facing today is the insurance of these drivers. of course i mean this it's not that these people should be hired by that platform , this is definitely not the right thing to do, but the regulator should think of a solution for this and announce a plan so that these issues, which
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sometimes cause complaints and complaints, will be resolved, god willing. ok, in my opinion , the tariff alone is not the solution to all problems, maybe if we have this definition, it will be a little less, but we will solve these problems for car owners and drivers, maybe this way they will be satisfied better and we will be able to serve them better. presenting the body in general , see we have a series of principles, the principle is that the rights of users must be respected. the principle is that competition is basically us. please pay attention to this . sometimes, some concepts are reversed in our country. competition is to make the age of competition cheaper, not to make us more expensive. unfortunately, sometimes josh is not here. let me tell you about the commodity exchange. i had a serious criticism in the industrial commission and i discussed with these gentlemen many
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times. it becomes expensive for the people, which is not logical at all. after all, there is a framework , there is a fixed price. in our religious teachings, there are recommendations not to hoard. if the prices are fair, we can't leave all of this aside, let's say now, because, for example , in some places, i am sure that there are anti-terror laws, anti-monopoly laws , that is, they have a set of laws that do not allow this totaz. it should take place and whoever wants to announce any price and take it from our people. sometimes our models are incomplete. we have to do this with these options , such as rushing away and this. look , i think i'm in a hurry. it could be a way of abuse to increase these prices. well , when there is a possibility, of course it should be. the possibility should be available to the user , it doesn't make sense for us to say that if you follow the official rate or the pre-determined rate, i
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can't or don't want to go this way, but if you pay more, i don't think it's the right thing to do. the rules are unfair, of course. it's not like this, for example, based on the supply and demand in that region and neighborhood, and see, that's what i mean. this supply and demand can be regulated through the platform , that is, at least the supply can be regulated through the platform. the basis of the user's interest should be adjusted, not his own interest or interest others, this can definitely be implemented, for example , the one i mentioned in the option. there is also a foreign tender, so please implement this . why haven't you done it yet? thank you, mr. nakhi. regarding the commission and these options, you are in a hurry . why should you give the drivers' commission first? if
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it is a matter of reducing the price, it means that it will lead to a decrease in the price , this will cause a huge dissatisfaction of the drivers, if it increases. no matter the price , it leads to passenger dissatisfaction. naturally, this approach should be towards the commission, the commission that these companies they are receiving, maybe these companies say that we have the lowest commission among the internet taxis in the world, they say that we get 15%, while shoes in the world are 17%, they may raise this issue, but there is a fact. and the fact that they have a lot of government support anyway, they use the cheap fuel that is available to them and the cheap labor that is available to them, this is one of the reasons for the strange development of this, in fact , internet taxis have developed there are so many of these and
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the daily development of these that it has practically become a competitor for the public transportation system of the country has affected it. well, this naturally created a lot of profitability for these companies, it is true that their commission percentage may be lower, but you look at the number of trips , look at the number of drivers. this expansion that has finally happened has made a lot of profit for the competition council, so i thought , naturally, it should get involved in this issue and manage this exclusive space that has been created , regulate it, and one of them must be the price component. you can talk about commissions leave a comment on the commission ceiling. of course, this ceiling of the commission they determine is provided that there is no time when
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these platforms are only encouraged for short-term trips , that is, you put a ceiling on the commission, this will actually encourage these platforms and all their passion and enthusiasm is this. ok, they should look for short-term trips, and long-term trips where their commissions have a cap and they don't receive more , they should practically eliminate or limit it, or talk about the percentage, talk about the percentage, these are the details that should be clarified in those regulations. but we have to enter the competition council this exclusive space should find access to the consumer's rights and finally manage the dissatisfactions that exist , there is no doubt about this, but in what way and in what detail you do this work, well, this naturally depends on the final need.
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in any case, see that any policy we actually make in this field will definitely affect other components . part of the urban traffic air pollution that we have in the city of tehran is at least caused by the expansion and development of these taxis it is online. part of the increase in fuel consumption, which is causing this daily dissatisfaction with gasoline , is partly caused by this fact. discussion of power. finally, in work and employment, you can see that in some parts of the country, these are competitors for becoming an industry, that is, the industry
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has become empty, it has been deceived by the workforce, which may not be very skilled. it is true that it has solved some of our problems, but in parts the country is actually becoming a competitor of the industrial industry that has added value, an industry that has an offer for the country . what is your opinion about that option? see friends. they claim in these companies that we have algorithms where the traffic is predicted and the length of the trip is predicted . we have seen all these things. well, if you see , i am in a hurry, what is this, i am in a hurry, in my opinion, it is a place just for abuse. now, fortunately , i saw that tazirat has entered into this issue and warned that after all, this should not exist , it really should not exist . driver and naturally you money if you pay more
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, you can get to the car faster, how can you see that when i say that there is a monopoly, that is why you are saying that we should put an option that whoever paid more money, that is not true , this is a violation of consumer rights. i am not saying that this is what it is. yes, this is a violation of consumer rights . in my opinion, it is not appropriate at all, and by the way, the same restrictions should be applied so that the rest of the platforms can actually develop and play a role. thank you, mr. taghipour, we have a couple of minutes one minute for you is two minutes, almost two minutes for you in the 12th parliament , how will you follow up on this issue that we are debating now, what action will you take? you see , it was mentioned in the talks, the fact is that it seems that we do not need a new law in this field. however, definitely in the regulatory debates and whether this regulatory body has been established or designated, and whether this
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system means the regulation system related to the entire urban transportation and the opposite of that, the transportation of internet taxis through internet taxis, is this system properly established. it is working properly naturally, this work of supervision is the work of the parliament. there is, and wherever there is a defect or a problem, naturally, we have to warn , we have to give authority, if the work reaches a point where we really feel that some laws are now either balanced or divorced, they interfere with each other and need to be amended. we will definitely follow this in the twelfth parliament, god willing, and there are a series of principles, if we consider these
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, the satisfaction of the users must be ensured in any case, and finally the city. big cities like tehran, like the centers of the provinces, should not be with this disease that exists in them let's allow this traffic to spread more . definitely, the priorities should be defined. i said that these strategies already exist in tehran , and this should happen in the rest of the world, and finally, with these laws and regulations, if needed, we should be able to regulate. right i emphasize again on regulation because it is really flexible in the field, it can make decisions at the moment, it can quickly correct its wrong decisions and make new decisions, so if we strengthen this regulatory body, in my opinion, and let everyone know that there is an authority. it has all these duties and that authority this
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is the solution that i propose, and how do you make sure that the companies themselves do not give us apples , anyway, these are also a part of my economy. it should also protect the interests of the companies. when we say regulator, we mean that , you see, i didn't say that because the opportunity was limited , he regulated at least 3 things, a proper relationship between the platforms and the government. now they pay taxes, i don't know how. this should be regulated and the ruling debates. two relationships of the platforms themselves with each other may be the same there are some places where it is necessary for them to cooperate , this must be determined by the regulator, and 3 relationships between the user and the platform
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. the regulations should not be complicated, it should not be bureaucratic, it should not be cumbersome , it should not add to the problem, but it should facilitate and speed up, mr. nakhi, your conclusion and what you will do in the 12th parliament regarding the issue we are debating, i reiterate. we are suffering from the development of public transport there is a problem, in my opinion, a percentage of the income of these companies should be considered for the municipalities for the purpose of developing public transportation. it is an issue that we have to pursue. now, if there is no legal capacity , we must create the legal capacity. i emphasize on the issue of the development of hamad and public transport. we have these laws approved in 2006, which
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are somehow related to this issue, despite the fact that yes, it is enough, that is, if the executives have the will to pursue these issues. having rules is enough , however, since there is no explicit percentage and share for internet taxis in these rules, see for the subway, for the bus, for taxis, for taxis, but for internet taxis, there is a share. it has not been seen in public transport, maybe there is a need to update the law somewhere. or a combination is being used in different countries of the world , that is, in fact, online information of transportation systems with this route, for example, you choose
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, you want to go from point a to point b. he suggests that you use an internet taxi for part of this. do part of this because it has subway time and bus time and everything in it. part of this means that we use this combined system like everywhere in the world . you accompanied us, we had a happy ending, more than any other world. today , wherever we are , he got drunk.
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when it rains, they will pass this water through the bridges , there is no need for food, there is no need for the infrastructure of the roads, the peaks, these should be fixed. again, we thank god that in this area. even though the flood happened here, we did not have any casualties and our dear, respected people here did not have any problems. during this trip , the president ordered the minister of roads and urban development to improve the road infrastructure as soon as possible and make traffic easier for the people, mr. road minister, god willing. they are following up on the improvement of the roads . also, the president asked the minister of jihad agriculture to compensate the damages caused to the agricultural sector by this tuberculosis. we are now conducting the necessary investigations with the expert and technical teams of the program. we have planned to carry out the reconstruction work under the buildings from now on, from today
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, also, ayatollah raisi emphasized that surface water should be contained in this area and used optimally for the prosperity of agriculture . the new house is the key to minabi neighborhood district 15 of tehran is the region with the most worn-out tissue among the regions . it was our legal duty to classify about 3% of the worn-out tissue every year. until today , we have issued about 1500 permits, and most of these permits are in worn-out tissue. tehran city with more than 4,000 hectares of worn-out fabric, but this year, pishgan is undergoing renovation. this year
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we saw the growth of about 137 renovations in tehran. we have compiled a supplementary incentive package this year. now we are following up in the article 5 commission. renovation of the worn-out tissue at the national and macro level has been in a favorable condition so far. more than 240 thousand units since the beginning of the 13th government. in the worn out structures in the construction process, we are actually in the construction process . millions of tomans for the supervising engineer that we appoint cannot be changed , it is not in our hands . i need to provide documents, we will follow up , the bank you go to, sorry, is not responsive at all this week and next week, if you have registered , it will definitely be introduced, god bless you, and
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the nokhaneh nu sapling campaign will be carried out simultaneously in 23 provinces simultaneously with the tree planting week with the aim of promoting renovation and improving the quality of life in the target areas of urban regeneration. 163 municipalities and the regeneration complex itself has 37,37 special green space projects and about 130 urban space projects, which are also spaces so that seedlings can be planted and become green spaces, more than 50,000 residential units in 47 cities of tehran province. most of these units in the city of tehran, reconstruction and renovation have started planning we have done so that the services that are needed are formed in these contexts. new house is going to be implemented gradually in 22 districts of tehran city and 47 cities of tehran province until the end of the year . fatemeh honar and sedav sima news agency
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. it's written in a certain way. maybe it's from the heart of history. linear english letters look like paintings. it's a child, whatever it is , it's not easy for everyone to decipher it, except for those who are experts in the doctor's handwriting for pediatrics, and maybe if we were a pharmacy, we could read the next line, as announced by the association of pharmacists. i took the lives of 3,000 people . i took the wrong medicine myself. if it was lost or expired , we would go to wash it. it would be our turn to change the notebook . the process of removing these papers and getting rid of the problems started in 1990. now, in 1993, doctors write electronic prescriptions. the statistics of the health insurance organization are very easy, they put our national code
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, we take our medicine, we take medicine. now the prescriptions of every iranian have become the cornerstone of the legal electronic health record , which is in the law of the fourth to sixth program and industrial budgets. that is, with a national code everyone has access to it, all people who are effective in health, now in the insurance system, a part of the electronic health file is available to people, now everyone has access to their property information. in the 7th plan , the ministry of health is obliged to approve and notify the regulatory and operational regulations of the electronic health operator, in which case all the medical records of the patients will be available in the electronic file and there is no need to file medical paper documents. hani jeri nejad
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news agency. sarai khorod has an exceptional offer for buying a limited number of trucks and trailers the factory without profit and with installments of 36 months is one of the special conditions of this offer. hit the road without worry and enjoy your travels. car garage
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in sarai. big iranian so almonds , raw cocoa, ranchers, cream, ranchers, sticks with honey , ranchers, cheese ranchers, milk, cocoa ranchers , delicious yogurt ranchers, fresh cheese ranchers, ranchers. from bam dadan to the evening , we didn't finish with the ranchers of pazarjan. why, dear, it's finished. where should we go? hello , home appliances city. do you also have a branch of the
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specialized authority for household items in sari? in the beautiful city of sari, km 7 of the sari highway, ghaem shahron, each and every macaron, each and every one macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron. one macaron is alone at the peak , mom, dad, where are you , how are you, we are fine, don't worry , we have come to sarai irani, air conditioner, air conditioner
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. payment year in the following year until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. hello again, at your service, news of the hour. we present the 16th to your presence. aid to the flood victims of sistan baluchistan province continues. the manager the official of the red crescent society of this province said about the latest relief efforts to the flood affected areas that 280 relief teams from five provinces have been sent to the city and villages of this province and are providing relief to the flood victims.


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