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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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truly , the best memories and flavors are shared where avand meets you . avand, just taste it. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers , at one o'clock in the morning, the secretary of the supreme council of free and special economic zones said that in 1402 , we requested more than 900 thousand billion rials for investment in this region, of which 580 thousand billion rials have been approved so far. we need accommodation infrastructure in the right free zone very much because a growth of approximately 506 in the entrance.
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we have cars from outside the region to this region. we have the ars river here, which is a very large river it is valuable. a tourist island is starting its operation, which can be one of the most excellent tourist attractions in the northwest of the country. the managing director of the national oil products distribution company announced the start of the fuel supply monitoring plan at stations across the country. according to mr. salari, the installation of this plan. it has been implemented to manage fuel consumption and continues until april 15. 100 operational teams in all provinces control the positions located on the route so that this leg can be done. explain the fuel to the canister and have excellent supervision. about 2,500 hours are expected let 's do operational monitoring on all the roads of the country, all transit roads and even bari roads
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, and all 37 of our regions have 232 officers and they are monitoring . 500,000 pieces of rural land that were supposed to be handed over to the applicants have been acquired and are ready to be registered in the tem system. according to mr. salehi, 80,000 plots of land of 200 to 500 meters have been given to the applicants. applicants who want to live in villages and even urban applicants who are now registered in the team system if they want to move from the city to the village , they can register in the tem system , choose their desired village, and the land will be available to them for 99 years, 350 million tomans , a 20-year loan with a fee of 5 for construction. requests
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for health certificates will be issued in less than five days. the technical deputy of the occupational health center of the ministry of health says that more than 92% of the 69,000 requests for trades health certificates have been answered by connecting the request system for health certificates to the national license portal. last season, about 69,000 to more than 69,000 inquiries were made to us, what does it mean? it means that the judge himself went to the portal and selected the corresponding icon that was active and came to sameh and our colleagues answered this within less than 5 days. of these 69,000, more than 64,000 have been answered positively. or negative , but within 5 days, the body of the martyr of satvan 1, alireza moezen
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, was exhumed in birjan and buried in gulzar shahada of this city. martyr of marzvan 1st lieutenant alireza moezen was martyred on the evening of tuesday 15th of esfan at the border zero point of south khorasan in a clash with armed people in the border area. we are at the border and we see that these border guards what activities do they have? they maintain the security of us as men in that area. he owes his peace and security to his blood. we are proud that the young people who serve in the border guard today shield their chests , shoot, shoot, and shrapnel, so that god forbid these devices and equipment that are used to explode and destroy them do not enter the country. they are specialists of a knowledge- based company. agreed with the goal of increasing.
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polyethylene production capacity of the reactor to produce polymer. this reactor, which can produce 500 tons, weighs 8 meters and has a height of 40 meters in petrochemicals. turk. this is a letter from one of the european heavy petrochemical equipment manufacturing companies to iran's daneshmian company. he asked me with surprise if you are sure that you want to machine the diameter of four millimeters, which showed the challenge and the unique feature of this piece. before this, the design and manufacture of equipment was ordered to european companies. unfortunately , none of these companies gave us 100% assurance about the final quality of this part .
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the most desired equipment for petrochemical complexes in the country , due to its high weight , is the installation position of the equipment, which is this diameter and this height. on this body, this base leg actually bears the full load with the calculated design pressure. one of the other important parts of this reactor head is the petal, which , with a thickness of 45 mm and a diameter of about 9 meters , faces many challenges. in the manufacturing process , he had created for us, in order for the gas or raw material to be converted into polyethylene , it is necessary to make a part explaining the gas in it. it expresses the importance and features of many challenges
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work on making this piece. this equipment is built on the basis of the knowledge obtained from the trust of a domestic petrochemical company, whose agenda was imports before this. what you see is the same rectory that was designed and built by a european company 20 years ago, but in the new unit , we entrusted the design and construction of this similar equipment to one of the domestic companies. million euros abroad during the construction time , we
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saved about a year. return to earth internationally. morteza yaqoubi azizi, sed and broadcasting news agency. and researchers have developed a type of optical display that attaches to the skin like a sticker, allowing messages to be written and erased underwater. this touch display developed by researchers at pohang university of science and technology can transmit information by entering a small amount of finger pressure when writing and when the label is exposed. the ultraviolet lamp is placed and returns to the empty state. the next part is 2 hours.
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in the name of god, i offer greetings, courtesy and respect to a dear and respected viewer of the debate program o balat the foundation and source of transformation in the electoral country was the emphasis of the leader of the revolution for the owners of different political, economic and cultural views who, according to him, talked about transformation. when the candidates with the same view. different political , economic and cultural entering the election campaign of the parliament, the radio station tried to help the people by asking this question in the election videos of the candidates that the definition of internet taxis should be determined by the companies themselves or the competition council and also about the commissions. more at the ballot box to express an issue about which the members of the parliament have different views there are supporters and opponents in this program and we will have a debate on the issue that i presented to you. i invite you to accompany us until the end. the iranian coach
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, sharaf iran, is playing a telegram across the country , why is your question an interesting question in these 6 months of pricing ? you are a football manager , we don't want to be a football manager. it is considered a competitive market or a monopoly market, and in your opinion , what is the reason that you are against the entry of the competition council? please tell me that this council should not enter the taxi market and the internet regarding the question you asked . as mentioned in the introduction that was broadcast , the respected expert also pointed out that
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the majority of the internet taxi market today is in the hands of two large companies, perhaps more than ninety percent, and it seems that this is an example of monopoly. it may be abnormal, but i am saying it here. the competition council itself should not be directly involved in determining the tariff. this matter exists in the law and we must act according to the law. the law must be respected. article 44 of the law says in article 59 that the competition council. for the areas that need a regulator, the regulator
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can appoint a department and propose its composition . with the approval of the cabinet, that regulator can regulate both the regulations in that area and, naturally , the definition that is part of these regulations. it can be determined by that regulator, at the same time , he can give the general framework himself, and in this case, i will say in the next discussions that apparently this has happened, that is, at your service. again, this is an obvious matter that in any case , when the market is monopolistic like this, naturally, if this market is not controlled and monitored by the government, users and consumers will definitely suffer, so this monitoring and this control must exist.
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ok, but i will tell you how this loss of users is , from your point of view, as you mentioned, see that the loss of users is such that, in any case, suppose that now in the conditions of traffic congestion, well, a formula has already been determined to calculate it, now is the time. to calculate the distance of these. i mean that now a region is more populated because these factors have already been included in that calculation formula , so there is no reason for us to introduce a series of additional factors or simply because the demand there is high. here , the consumers will definitely suffer and in a sense we must be able to protect the rights of consumers. let's ensure it here, let's defend it. naturally
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, there are other things, including that if we want it to be competitive , this market is really like many foreign platforms . here, it seems that it is only one-sided. now this formula that is being applied means only an auction is placed, while many foreign platforms also have tenders, which means that they can do this at a lower rate. it means that a car can accept this order at a lower price, but we do not see this possibility and this capability in these domestic platforms. thank you, mr. nakhni , what is your opinion? taghipour , why are you here? yes, first of all, i must offer my condolences. the testimony of the defender of the country , the defender of the country's borders, alireza moezen, considering the 6% share of internet taxis in the city.
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tehran, whose peak is actually in the city of tehran, may not have been a very exclusive space in the country. ok, as a tool along with other means of transportation, but there is another point of view, and according to this, i would like to say whether they are doing this or they are intermediaries between passengers and drivers, in a way, in competition with agencies, if they give this space to them. let's look at it. i believe that it is a completely exclusive space because as mr. dr. also pointed out. their number is limited and in competition with agencies, i think it is a completely exclusive space, the law says that if there was a place of monopoly, this it is the responsibility of the competition council to find entry , this is what the law is clear about, my doctor pointed out that the competition council is an institution that is determined by the competition council, it doesn't matter, in
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any case, it is the same competition council, either directly or an institution that anyway the competition council wants to determine. it doesn't matter, in any case , the issue is this, the issue is that we have a reality called internet taxis in the country, which today have become an integral part of the cash transportation system in the country , but there is not much room for regulation , they are somehow free, that is regulation policy making with attention in any case, we don't see much about the different aspects that these can affect. that there is a precise policy in this area . you can see that internet taxis can affect different aspects. we can't just have a one-dimensional price view on these . anyway, look at the issue of energy or politics , the influence of energy policies in the country by internet taxis
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is an undeniable fact. from the point of view of economic analysis , however, there is an undeniable fact that there is a need for considerations in the discussion of employment and labor force in the matter of transportation , there is a need for some considerations. today, we have no shortage of challenges in the field of transportation. in this discussion, in the city of tehran, you can see the terrible traffic that exists and many other challenges that we have in the country's transportation system. finally, the consumption side. the excessive consumption of energy in the country and the imbalance that is increasing day by day, in my opinion, attention should be paid to internet taxis. god willing, now in this meeting, of course we have to talk about some of these, mr.
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taghirpour, do you agree with how much the government should enter in the field of pricing, i.e. price. should the competition council or the body that you mentioned make an order or make a formulation ? now the competition council should appoint the working group . there has been a lot of facilitation, which means that now, thanks to the technology , this new technology will first of all increase the utilization of the utilization, because in any case, we are in it. the traditional transportation method was usually full on one side and the other side was empty. according to the settings that can be made by that platform, the side of the platform
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is almost full, and this means saving energy , time, and reducing pollution and many other issues. therefore, i want to say these points that we should not put aside at all and we will not put aside what we are talking about today is the provision of users' rights and that this new technology and this new method should be in a way that does not cause abuse and coercion. requirement to accept the cost. or a tariff that does not have a framework now, should not be used by users. yes do you think so now? yes, you see , this is how it is sometimes. in the beginning, we can say that it wasn't like that, that is, the definitions were low. now, i don't judge things too much, but maybe this was to enter the market
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, to expand the market, as the famous saying goes, but today , finally, we have this flock and this complaint from the users. now, mr. muftah also pointed out, mr. hashemi also pointed out, mr. hashemi also pointed out , sometimes the rates are really acceptable. they are not, and this should definitely have a framework , but my opinion is that this framework should be there the regulator has more flexibility, see the reason why i am saying that the competition council cannot do it alone , because these areas are very wide, that is , we have a lot of these areas. from these areas , determine a regulator, specify its composition, and that regulator is different from the law. i emphasize to the regulator that you should see that the law is rigid, which means that when we make a law, it can be the same for years. the negative thing is
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that i created flexibility in the law, the law should change, but the regulations this is not the case with the regulations, because the regulatory body can make a decision next week and change something to increase or decrease the factor, and there is flexibility in the interaction even with the platform owners themselves , but my opinion is that every the form of regulation and the definition is a part of it is a work of governance, so this part of the regulator must do this. naturally , he can also apply that flexibility with a directive or not . it is that those who use this keyword probably smell political now i don't agree with the use of this word at all, see if it is like this, then we
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are now mandated with many things, that is, see, i am giving an example , you go and survey our dear people , tell us whether you are satisfied with the definitions of the field of communication, information technology or not. i think they are very satisfied, the reason is that this is from the beginning with one face. it means that the regulatory body established in the law provided by the ministry of communications can set the regulations , issue licenses, and determine the definitions through the regulatory commission and the regulatory organization. and today i can say this to my dear viewers that one of the most accurate places where the definitions are observed is this area because like everything in the network, all the information is stored , even individual citizens can have an objection anywhere. they can go and say, sir, why is this bill that came to
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me, why is it like this , and why do you say this band ? did you use or show the same about the conversation by the way, the transparency that we are looking for can be seen with the right regulation. finally, we have to determine whether we agree with the regulation in the price area or not . i think mr. doctor is very clear. i did it in the episode. first of all, there should be regulation , but not a limit on the price, because the regulation is limited to the price. i think
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this will not solve our problem, although today there are many dissatisfactions, that is, about the same internet taxis in the country. they are working kanan, sometimes many complaints and dissatisfactions are raised in the discussion of pricing, sometimes the options that are put are like i don't know, i'm in a hurry and things like that, i didn't say that, i just said the price range , the tariff is a part of the regulation, yes, see, we are in the discussion of regulation or the same regulation, the same point that was mentioned, i want to emphasize again that now it seems that my doctor seems to have the same opinion that pricing should be a part of this regulation. let's see the field of transportation, for example, in the field of transportation inside, we are facing a problem like traffic
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, we have to see if. increase or decrease in price, now this increase and decrease in price, because after all, you see, the competition council or any regulatory body does not make a difference when it wants to intervene in the price here , either it wants to decrease the price or it wants to increase the price, if it decreases, it will cause dissatisfaction of the driver if you increase this , it will cause passenger dissatisfaction. if it comes to the commission rate , the commission that these applications or these platforms receive, which is currently received by these platforms, is 15%. our country, well, this in itself can actually have a series of damages, this is what i am saying that it is one of the authors of price regulation. keep in mind the internet taxis, this report
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, the majlis research center, the studies that are conducted almost nowhere in the world do not have government support in that way, why because the development of transportation, yes, the development of transportation based on one and two passengers in fact, anyway, one of the reasons for the increase in traffic is one of the reasons for the increase in consumption sokhte itself is a competitor for public transportation in the country. yes, we must take this into account. for example, one of these international platforms , like uber, is operating in 80 countries around the world . we have a total of 7 million drivers. only one of our platforms or one of our platforms in iran has 4 million drivers. the strange development that has happened in this discussion now, many
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taxis have no motivation to work on the route . all of these are coming to the discussion . internet taxis are operating. agencies are practically closed. i want to say that regulation is necessary be limited to these as well. finally, how far does he want to grow? a large part of our urban traffic is due to the rapid growth of these. i respect finally , they solved some of our problems in the field of transportation. a discussion of a part of that employment in particular. for the workforce that may not have that much skill , finally some of these, yes, i believe that finally some measures have been taken , they have such positive characteristics that we should finally appreciate these, we should appreciate their efforts, but the regulation here does not show its role. give me maybe one if we look at other aspects of the work, for example, the issue of traffic
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is correct. let's see the discussion. for example, if your definition is in a way that it will continue to increase and spread more and more than what it is now, then we have to see what its harms are, what benefits it can have, what harms it can have, everyone. these should be seen in this space. in my opinion, what i am saying is that in fact this regulation should exist , limited to the price. not that i happen to believe that if we looked at this issue in a one-dimensional way, more than it has a position for us , it may cause problems because of this . wherever you two dignitaries have, you mention that he should come in. for example , he wants to control the traffic in your presence, the size of the company itself.
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control the price and more than what we are talking about now, yes , see, this is definitely the issue of internet taxi a part of the tuition transportation ecosystem. naturally, we have to consider all the factors. i agree that when we were serving the dear people of tehran in the fourth council. i remember that a strategic plan for the transport of the urban management of tehran was prepared with a very strong international consultant, the summary of which was that we should develop public transport in such a way that every citizen, whether from his place of residence or from his place of work, when he comes outside , you can reach a public vehicle with a maximum of 300 meters of walking.


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