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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers , at 3 am, the president, in a message to the commemoration conference of seyed jamaluddin asadabadi , called this great figure of the islamic world one of the founders of jihad tabayin. mr. raisi also considered seyyed jamaldin asadabadi's awakening and unifying thoughts as a unique model for the fight against colonialism and arrogance in the islamic world. the president stated that even today the axis of resistance has become a symbol of faith, hope, will and self-sacrifice in the eyes of the world by grasping the idea of ​​islamic awakening and said: brave men and women of the axis resistance has become shining patterns for all ages and generations. the commemoration ceremony of martyrs
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hamid and mehdi bakri was held in the hall of the ministry of interior. martyrs hamid mehdi bakri were martyred in majnoon island in march 1362 and 1363, and none of their bodies returned to the country. once upon a time, two brothers lived here near the urmia sugar factory . this is their childhood. after finishing the three-year high school course here, one of them, whose name was mehdi , became the mayor of urmia. of course, the operation was completely memory, that is, the type of operation is completely memory of martyr mehdi bakri, the commander of the 31st assyrian army.
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he was present in most of the holy defense operations until march 63, when he was martyred. he gave me a piece of paper and told me to print it and give it to all the fighters of the army to accompany them . it was written wherever the work became difficult for you, no matter how hard it is, god bless him in the front with his morals. they knew that he was friends with the fighters of the battalion. one of our problems after mr. mehdi's speech was how mr. mehdiov could get rid of these children. hamid bakri, agha mehdi's brother, is also himself he was the successor of lashkar. the khyber operation was martyred in majnoon island. with the comprehensive speech he had and with the materials he could present well, he made everyone like him in all guilds, at all levels.
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not only is there no news about mr. mehdi or hamid bakri either, they are both missing somewhere in these waters , more than 38 years have passed since their martyrdom, mohammad , how are you ? come and watch mohammad reza ahmadi.
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the title of the recently published book is the story of more than 50 years of acting in roles it is narrated that this famous artist pishsoud's father tells him that his first appearance in front of the camera was in 1948 in scenes from the movie cow . the beginning of which i continued to play roles in dozens of movies and tv series . to be honest, it is more correct to be a judge of sarbadharan and kamal al-mulk . it is more like amir nizam than being a painter . it has been a part of ali nasiryan's artistic activities in the past 54 years. for this whole time , i did nothing else in my life. except for acting, except for theater
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cinema before appearing in cinema and television , although he is tired , he had the experience of working in more than 50 teletheaters and shows. at that time, television, cinema, and theater had not been launched as they are today. his roles in movies and serials were praised many times by leading figures of culture and art. if there is a real artist with culture in this country, with a noble culture. and very well-educated in the field of theater and in our time of literature, professor nasriane is fascinated and fascinated by work. ostad nasiryan is blessed to be the director who makes this choice and works with him iftikhar culture and art also received for his years of activity in the field of acting. for me, all my work
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is difficult. he is serious. when we take it seriously , see when a person sits in the first class , he sits in the first class. everything is difficult for him and all the work that i do let me do something now, i'm in first grade, dad.
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the fattest country in southeast asia should be registered. cardiovascular diseases due to eating fried foods with high consumption of oil. constantly eating sugary food and drinks throughout the day and night, which is one of the most dangerous habits of malaysians , has increased obesity, diabetes and blood pressure. this is because of the diet high-risk food. 64 malaysians have high cholesterol and 41 have high cholesterol. blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. the combination of obesity and diabetes works like a ticking time bomb. overeating, excessive consumption of rice, sugary substances and inactivity kills a large number of people every year in malaysia. more than 18% of
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medically confirmed deaths last year were due to diseases caused by obesity. risky habits that cause more than 40% of employees and one seventh of malaysian children from additional problems. suffer from weight and obesity, in order not to suffer from obesity and its dangerous diseases, we must follow culture while replacing healthy diet. to make exercise and movement as the most important principle of life in malaysia. meanwhile , health experts have warned about the inactivity of half of the malaysian population , and are putting serious emphasis on doing sports and physical activities. ismail pourajeh of sada news agency.
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oh, sitting on the front page of the page of sacrifice, it is there on the other side of the fence , look, the joy of meeting is there. oh sit on the first page , stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up in the first line, the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold.
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the questions of this conversation that you will see , we will ask questions and further explain the answers to mansour ali mardanani's place of birth, parchin, born eighth. in july 1351, he received a degree in infectious diseases from shahid university of medical sciences. and a master's degree in management from tehran university , abhar city, number of children, employment records
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, in charge of abbas abad safla health center from 1379 to 1381, for 2 years, specialist in ophthalmology at abhar boali khormadreh relief hospitals. and shahid soleimani social security hospital, focal scientific point of infectious diseases , abhar khorram dareh and kedar hospitals since 2005 until now, chairman of the infection control committee of regional hospitals since 2005, abhar soltanieh and khorramdara constituencies tell me an outstanding law that you follow in the parliament to be implemented. consumer rights protection law
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, do you agree with the transparency of votes, gifts and letters of parliamentarians or not? are the prices and employees increased by the rate of inflation or proportional to it? we should not let inflation go up first, and if it goes up , we should increase the salaries of employees and workers accordingly and by compensating for the backlogs we have from previous inflations. i prefer the gasoline subsidy to be assigned to the national code of people or the national code to the car. how much should the pension of a family of four under the cover of a relief and welfare committee when the head of the family is disabled be equal to the wages of the labor law, 2 thirds
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of the wages of the labor law, half of the wages of the labor laws, one third of the wages of the labor laws, the wages of the labor laws under the paragraph and this itself there is a lot to complain about the salary and we have to consider the basis based on the poverty line and livelihood security. if we have a limit in the education budget, the distribution of the budget should not reduce the quality of education, but if we do not have a limit , education should preferably be free and for everyone. ok, do you agree with the capital id tax? if this tax is on id.
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if it is non-productive, yes, but if you want it to be productive, no, do you agree with importing cars? yes, i agree , because it causes domestic car manufacturers to compete with them, and the quality of national cars can be higher. it will have a width. very well, dr. ali mardani, what made you come to the conclusion that you, as a representative of the people , can serve more as a specialist doctor, especially to the people of your constituency. allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, first of all, i would like to say hello to the dear and grateful viewers and thank the noble people of abhar khorramdara and soltanieh for trusting their little child and
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giving me this opportunity to serve more. i took an oath as a doctor. .. i can't be indifferent to anything that endangers people's health. there are many issues that endanger people's health , such as an industry that produces low-quality cars , roads that are not up to standard, especially in rural areas and remote areas, education that creates stress, and agriculture that is too low. his uses and expert work has not been done on them and their expert opinion has not been applied . i could feel the problems of the people during our visit with this servant and i felt that there are solutions to solve these problems that are not too complicated and not costly for the government
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because i just decided to enter the election arena, maybe i can do something for the people for the country, if we base it on the medical profession , which means many doctors, in general, we have to declare the position of parliament representative, or if someone does not come , he will act against his oath, no, it is not wrong, they are there. they know that you are more useful in what you do there you didn't know that i can be more effective. you mentioned in connection with the transparency of votes that it would be good if the transparency of the votes of the representatives does not lead to their courage, but if it does, you are against it, right? yes , does it really take the courage of the representatives? be careful, for example, you voted against a minister , but he voted , it might affect your relationships
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. anyway, relations now have a place in iran , next to the rules, maybe even more than the rules it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, so there should be some more investigation and experts to comment on how much effect this has on the change of direction and whether the vote is really in the best interest of the nation. and will it be the country or not? well, if this is the case, it can also happen with, for example, gifts and letters, that is, you may receive a gift from a place and then cast the vote you want, for example , if it is in conflict of interest , you do not believe in transparency. the effect there may be for the benefit of the people to the detriment of the individual, but for the benefit of your people as a representative when you vote for a plan
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you give a resolution that is raised in the end, a logical one. if it reduces the courage of the representatives, it is not good . it has no effect on me. well, how should a representative lose his courage under the transparency of his vote, because we have seen many weaknesses of the representative and he did not vote, and my feeling is that i am afraid of this. i don't have a problem myself. i always
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explained everything clearly in the previous interview, when the property was higher and the program was higher . that is, how much did you bring ? i mentioned the amount. voted i feel that some people fear that their relationships will be disturbed or that the transparency of votes will cause some of their communication with others. don't vote for this issue , while everyone says we agree, well, don't you think that a part of these rents that cause complaints about the parliament, sometimes you and i are. the parliament does not have the same lack of transparency that
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your excellency mentions. it takes courage . doesn't it cause the same drive that caused the complaints ? now, let's clarify your first opinion. have you returned from your position to what you said in that interview? i said and i will say again that i completely agree, but considering that a large number of representatives voted against this in the past, i will keep a past discussion in this field because i saw the history of not voting, and i thought that the reason is that the courage of this if they don't have to make their vote clear because their rent will decrease, well, because the rent will decrease, they won't be able to do
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this. otherwise, i personally am not against it, because it is possible that if we base it on this , there have been many approvals and plans in the parliament that the representatives may not agree to. is it possible to vote wrongly on the basis that before? for example, giving a negative vote, so we as a whole come to the conclusion that it should not be done , it should not be done, it should not be the cause. don't reduce the courage of the representatives. well, give it. the representative must be brave , and his interests should not be jeopardized, and his relations should be affected in such a way that it does not diminish their courage. there is no problem from that point of view. i'm going to speak both as a supporter and as an opponent. you made a bet and said that if it causes the representative to lose his courage because he gave us little time there being and at that time, it was unlikely that if you go to the parliament and this plan is brought up again
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, your vote will be positive, which should be transparent. now, in line with this transparency, you can tell me how much your election campaigns cost. i also had 1.350 million financial supporters. no, it means that you spent your own savings out of your savings, so you are indebted to someone . my argument is that because of our unemployment in the society , the unemployment rate is high, on the other hand, our young people are wasting their lives. on the other hand, older people have to work because the quality of their work is lower and they produce less efficiency. on the one hand, the funds
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retirement has the problem of managing financial resources that do not fit with their accounts. these accounts are not only for iran. there is something like this everywhere in the world. if our management is not correct, it should not be. we should punish the insurer, we should provide the resources, as we all experts consider inflation as a kind of hidden tax, which means that the reduction in the purchasing power of money for the people has gone into the government's pockets , so the government is obliged to compensate for those shortcomings, otherwise, if the inflation was not so high . and the hidden tax that the government collected from the people was not so much. as a rule , pension funds also declared bankruptcy or deduction.
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they didn't have inventory or financial resources, and this is due to mismanagement, and that management should be corrected and it should provide, not that the insurers should say longer or higher insurance premiums. they should pay to reduce the effect on the management, mr. doctor , do you think that these points you are making now, for example , regarding the increase of the retirement age, which should not happen , something that has already been approved, yes, how much power do the representatives have to make this change will you be a representative who is waiting for the bill and plan from other representatives or from the government to vote yes or no now? or not yourself to solve these issues , do you come up with a plan, do you get active, do you collect signatures, do you come to share? in any case, people are mostly
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not satisfied with this law. people's representatives have the duty to prepare the plan and get the necessary signatures so that it can be proposed in the public forum and it will either be voted on or not . i will definitely be one of those who will design this plan and get signatures from the rest of the colleagues , do you think? what tools and mechanisms are there that the representative cannot define the monitoring mechanism. they have been abused because sometimes it was heard in the past, for example some now it was heard that a number of representatives were doing this. for example, let's say that they had a request from a ministry of home affairs, which was an unreasonable request , for example, to install a person in a position in an office, and then the ministry of home affairs did not comply. they threaten to scold you, if you don't do it, we will scold you. what kind of mechanism can be used to explain that it didn't happen? transparency should not only be in the votes. we
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believe that it is transparent. it should be everywhere, that is, if the plasco building is on fire, it will burn and kill many people, then the municipality or the engineering system organization will come and announce that i am ten or 20 times. i have warned about this before. this is not acceptable. people should be told this kind of thing. if someone has been warned 10 times, they should make it clear to the people that this building has these problems, that is, make it clear. when the law becomes legal, it should become legal everywhere, and the ministry of home affairs should be clear and tell both the parliament and the group that is in charge of the system of monitoring the representatives, through the presidency of the parliament and through the commission of article 90 of the constitution , that they can do these things. they should declare, even complain, the existing legal mechanism will.
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i don't think it is necessary to do it, don't you think that those before being in the parliament, you believe in these things , but when you get into the story, you see that there are requirements and expediency that push them back from what is happening. well, everywhere , such things are always possible, but we must accept this let's make sure that the person who has sworn to serve the interests of the people does not deviate from the law. if he doesn't do this, it's his own problem, and i said that if there is transparency everywhere, surely these incidents will be greatly reduced, mr. doctor, the issue of workers' rights was also raised in the interview . you agree that this increase is proportional to the inflation rate. i believe that we
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can control inflation, why shouldn't we control it? after all, workers' salaries are much lower than the number defined for the poverty line . he has to work several shifts, this itself causes an increase in unemployment. a worker who does not want to go to bed hungry , he must work anyway, he must have income, and this income is not enough to make a living, not to make a living, to get married, to provide housing for his livelihood . let's define the minimum that one person can provide for his life and this in the whole world.
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examples and models implemented in other countries are available to us as a model and we can use them. for me , it does not make sense for the government to define the poverty line. for example, define a minimum wage of 18 million, 20 million , 7 million , how do we want to justify this dissatisfaction, does the government want to give them a difference in subsidies, does it want to implement a socialist economy, in any case, this is the responsibility of the government and the employer.


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