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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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in these years, billions of goods have been delivered to you, but our efforts were only to deliver one thing , the smile reaches home in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to today's reporter. inshallah, you are well and i hope you have a good and happy friday ahead of you. i invite you to join us today as we take a look at some of today's news events.
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because my life, my life, the peace of the rain has fallen into my work at the sacrifice of your head i don't have to sacrifice. at your head , i believe in the breaths of your messiah . let me take a breath from the breath. you
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know my pain and cure me and end my wandering and my life. i surrendered to you, not to entrust my heart to anyone . you
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are the calmness of the rain and i am the stormy beach and my soul, you know my pain and the cure for my condition and the end of wandering and the world and knowledge and the calmness of the rain and i am the stormy beach and my soul. you are my pain you know how i am, the treatment and the end of the major.
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good morning, dear viewers, this is scheduled for today. that the system accompanying the mosque will be unveiled, as well as the unveiling of 4,000 mosque centers in the presence of the minister of culture and islamic guidance , hojjat al-islam ruhollah, the leadership of the special assistant adviser to the head of the cultural and artistic centers of the mosques, the guests are the first conversation segment of the program . god willing, thank you very much . it is the anniversary of the establishment of the center. yes, it is the anniversary on march 18. may good and happy days be with them in these days near the spring season, by
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the grace of god, god willing, what is with the mosque? one mosque is actually one system with the number 89 40 for all those who are related to the mosque , issues, critical suggestions towards the mosque all over our beloved country, they can call this number and give their suggestions, criticisms and issues towards the mosque, among others. let them and first of all to the cultural and artistic centers of our mosques, if they have any points , there are some issues of their centers that they should contact and solve their problems, they can easily contact this system and raise their issues and with the presence of our expert in the early hours of problems their centers should be resolved, that means both issues related to the mosque itself and issues related to
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centers. yes, all mosques have centers. mr. president, in his recent meeting with the ministry of culture and islamic development, said that all mosques should be centers of culture. by the grace of god and with the help of the honorable government, this number should reach all the mosques. if so , how many should it reach ? nearly 80,000 mosques are too far. contact to communicate with all the devices related to our mosque and in fact , we should receive what we receive from the people and what is raised about the mosques
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, analyze it and put it at the disposal of the authorities , so whatever the issue may be, it is important from the physics of the mosque or the content issues and the issues related to the imams who pray to the issues. an artistic culture that is related to us and the solution will happen by our own hands means that the center wants to try to be a link between all the issues of the people and the mosque , by god's grace. we will leave it to the relevant authorities to solve the problem themselves what actions does he usually follow in the field of artistic culture? what programs are on the agenda of your cartoon? we are always in the field of culture and art , by the grace of god. today, one of the events that will take place in the afternoon is the closing of the shabestane theater. this year, by the grace of god, this year's shabestan theater is invited by the children of the mosque, those who are active in the performing arts. they had and the theater had worked
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. it was an event where the children of bayan mosque performed their theater and the jury determined the selected theaters. they came to 14 mosques in tehran to screen their theater praise be to god, the selected groups will be exhibited this afternoon at the city theater, god willing, and this is actually the closing event today, which is actually the starting point for a more active, wider and meaningful presence of the children of the mosque in the arena. performing arts, god willing, god willing, these 400 centers that are going to start their activities today, apart from that, there are 26,000, yes, that means it will reach 30,000 by god's grace, god's grace , god's grace
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, god's grace, thanks to the efforts of each and every one of our colleagues in the country. may god give them strength and don't get tired and i thank them for their efforts that in a short period of time, with a jihadi work and round-the-clock activity, they were able to operate mosques that lack cultural and artistic law , and provide them with the basic facilities and opportunities to be equipped with an artistic cultural center, very good. what is the state of dispersion of centers in different provinces, which province needs a special program to increase its centers? naturally, the provinces have centers according to their area and the number of mosques they have. similarly, the population, but naturally deprived provinces are deprived everywhere as usual and so on in fact, we try to have a special look at them. deprived areas of the ministry of interior, we
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have signed a memorandum of understanding and we are trying to have the most activities as soon as possible in the cities that have the most deprivation, and god willing, the result will be sooner in them. it depends on the number you mentioned to increase. the support of the honorable government is definitely appreciated today, mr. minister, and we hope that, god willing, with the special attention of the honorable government , this opportunity and basic facilities will be provided so that we to be able to achieve this number as soon as possible, that is, for example, around the end of the respected government in the states , yes, and that number of centers and mosques should be equal, at least the basic infrastructure should be ready .
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now, don't increase the distance a bit , definitely see if there are facilities, this is an opportunity. mosques that have imams, they have a board of trustees , they have youth and teenagers in the mosque, it is not difficult for them to register a law and that the cultural and artistic activities in the mosque are more serious and coherent. therefore, the local people themselves the residents of the mosque should be included in the category of the center , it doesn't matter, yes, it has nothing to do with it. the center is an
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independent institution in the mosque and in the presence of the imam of the congregation under the supervision of the respected imam of the mosque and the trustees and companions of my mosque that we talked about . it means including all the mosques with all the conditions they have. yes, we actually provide a service to the institutions in order to receive tips from the people. and let's put them at their disposal to solve their mosques, as i said, the priority is with us and complete issues. well, since we are on the eve of the holy month of ramadan, we will honor the ten mosques and there is also a dusting of mosques and the slogan of established mosques has been announced for this year. now we can say that all mosques are established. this is definitely not the case . yes, yes, part of it actually goes back to the seminary . the provision of imams should be a bit more serious, and a part of it actually
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goes back to the areas that are suitable for the current situation, or for example due to the migration of people, or for example because some of our mosques are close to each other. another point and maybe we can say one of the worries and complaints of people is that during the day and now during shaban, even issues. and various institutions related to the mosque, god willing, this will happen as soon as possible. this issue is also on your agenda and among the issues that you should address . we definitely feel that this will definitely be one of the serious demands. now the believers are really
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having problems when they are present in the cities . in different places, the time of prayer is going on for a while. there is still no mosque that is open and it is not possible to offer prayers in it. it is really difficult for the believers, so we hope that all the devices will understand this story and this problem will be solved as soon as possible god willing, thank you very much, thank you, john.
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now i'm russian, i love you, i want the whole world to know this, whoever loves iran like me , sing this with me, chest, shield, head up, sharer, flag up , we'll sing one, two, three. taking this flag along with your pain in the pain of iran, wherever i feel , i will hold my hand to you because i want iran.
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i swear that after many good days on the way, behind the top of the world, there is a downward slope in these days full of cowardice between all these ways. and astray, we got attached to showing the flag , showing that the name of allah, the chest, the shield, the head, is shared we sing the flag above, one, two, three. now, we are going
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to sing this flag. mahm, wherever i am saddened by you, i take it from you, because i take iran, the danger of this flag is with me until the end of iran, wherever they take your hand , i take it from you, iran. coinciding with the anniversary of the founding of the country's public libraries , today the first fully electronic library will be opened in tehran. i will talk about the details of this program with mr. asghar gudarzi, the general manager of the development of libraries of the country's public libraries . you are very welcome. hello, hello. and i am polite
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your service and the good viewers of your program are at your service. please tell me about today's program. the institution of libraries has about 3,700 library chapters under its coverage. there is a mentality that i think the library is only a place to borrow books, which can almost be said for more than two decades. this mindset has changed in our practical actions, we may consider that in the late 80's, the book store was closed, the book store was opened, and people can easily go to the library. in the early 90s, the children's section of the libraries was activated, almost all of our libraries now have a section they are children. in the last two or three years, several important events have taken place, the discussion of pursuing the establishment of central libraries in the provinces, the pursuit of the development
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of mobile libraries for underprivileged areas, and projects called book bags and tosh books to provide services to in the deprived areas of the children's department libraries that were created in the last one or two years, we went towards improving the quality of their services in a way that now in different provinces , the children's departments are called white hood with a title. the unit is expanding. it has different departments . they have a space of 20,300 meters of space for children's performance space game for implementing joint work plans. at the same time, various cultural programs are also implemented in the libraries. we created the science room, a virtual space simulator for science laboratories, science books for students
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, except for this, our effort was to connect public libraries to the world's current information base. these last two events will be connected to this all-electronic library so now we are developing the central libraries, we are creating them, all the provinces have mobiles and... gosh kabbalah for underprivileged areas, the development of children's services. now this part of our electronic space, you just said that all the provinces have that central library. according to the law, everyone should have a central library. currently, they have 13 chapters. 13 of the provinces have a central library. the central library will grow, god willing, the bandar abbas library will be opened early next year. the library of mazandaran is being completed. the central library of araki is in its final stages, god willing , the opening of these will be done next year, that is, by the end of next year, the end of 143. what number will this number be 13 , god willing, if the budget arrives on time, we have four chapters.
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we can open the issue of books, there is a big gap with all the provinces that should have a central library , there are different stages, that is, some of them are at the level of, for example , 30% of the advanced project, some are at 50%, and some are in the same four. the effort of libraries . for the next year's budget, the funds are considered for all provinces, unfortunately, nihad books has been used, which means that there is nothing to build , we are just following up. we will follow up with you that is, we follow up to make this happen because according to our law, in the last few years, a very good and modern central library has been built.
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maybe this is the library right now, because naturally, every central library we open , we try to move one step forward . the next house must be better than the previous one. where is the central library of tehran? motsafane library in tehran is not in a good condition in terms of per capita library, that is, tehran is one of the provinces that does not have one, yes , tehran is one of the provinces that does not have one, because of this one of our special projects, which is this library. we brought electronic in tehran, we created the library of the future or electronic in the world . it has been started for less than a decade . it is called a book without a book. now , it seems that the first place to do this is a library in the university of florida in it was america
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that collected the book space in general and moved towards electronic. in about 99 years, i think, 99 institutions of libraries, a general department of research , presented a preliminary plan . we went to its implementation in different ways , we chose one of tehran's libraries, remember yes, those days were the days of corona . it was a difficult space to perform. after a while , we chose the house and went to its executive space . god willing, our electronic library will be opened today. god willing, what kind of books will be offered in this electronic library ? it is offered in the library. electronic resources, because you have a number, how many books are there in this collection, we have collected the number of books, as i said, electronic books, we tried
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not to buy books, but because we still don't like to remove paper books, it is a part of the library. we also put it on the paper book, which is another favor , yes, it is exactly the same, with a special feature, that is , the books that are there are famous books of literature. the classics of iran and the world, books with augmented reality, interactive books, 100 book titles that have been published in iran, that is, we have tried all the publications that work in this field of interactive books that a teenager or a child wants to enter the library, open the book and through the facilities that we provide there or through their own mobile phone, and from the interactive space of the book , which is in an electronic version of the book, for example i want to call all of them. no, it is different , that is, the electronic library itself has the service of providing electronic resources
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. we have provided all the available electronic book applications there for free. in addition, we have educational services . it seems that time is short. yes, it takes a little time, just to explain. yes, i said that he will give books. we are aiming to develop sefid in all the libraries of the provinces. this library is also a future and all-electronic library of the initial pilot , and god willing , we will visit all the provinces as a single title. greetings negar, stay with us , let's have a short media break, we will be back with you . today, mr. president and the government delegation are scheduled to travel to khuzestan province. in this section , we
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are in contact with our journalist colleague in khuzestan province, as far as the travel schedule is concerned. say hello to the president for us and for you, mr. nikandish. good morning . i offer greetings, courtesy and respect to you and one of the respected viewers of the program. hello, reporter. yes , today is the eighth visit of the honorable president to the members along with the members of the delegation. the 13th government is in khuzestan province, so the plans various civil and industrial projects are scheduled to be held today in khuzestan province. take a look at the first destination of the president, the opening of the cushion and industry project of the pakchob company, which in the matter of wood cultivation has now reached mass production and planned a special industrial plan in the department of the ministry in the wood cultivation department, which will be put into operation today in shush the other part is the opening of a plan in the field of water and waste water in the discussion
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of water supply in the cities of andimeh, shadgan, and also parts of shushtar, which is now in the form of video conferencing and concentrated in the darkin area of ​​shadgan. the surveys will be done, but today at noon , the honorable president is scheduled to meet the people of ize city and neighboring cities, and the president will also travel to ahvaz, and this evening they have a plan to open steel projects in ahvaz city. the president's plan is to open the zamzam 3 steel factory, which plays an important role in the production of sponge iron and the completion of the steel value chain in khuzestan province. four petrochemical plants are also ready for operation, which will be held in the form of a video conference of these plants
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. in the private sector, in the field of steel production atiye steel factory in ahvaz is going to be a part of that operation. at the end, the president will have a field visit to the sewage plans in ahvaz city, and that is the discussion of collecting surface water and disposing of ahvaz sewage, considering that the approvals of the first trip second. as the president , they will also have a field visit and in the process they will investigate this issue . another issue is that at the end of his trip, the president will accompany the rahian noor caravans, and this trip will be a one-day trip, and it will be quite intensive, god willing, today. until the end of friday in ahvaz city and some of the cities of khuzestan. thank you very much, mr. nikandesh, for the explanation.
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i will say goodbye to you, dear viewers, stay with us after the 7 o'clock news segment , i will be with you with the greeting of the reporter, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning , dear viewers, you are watching the 7 o'clock news. the president is going to khuzestan province for the ninth time today. the governor of khuzestan announced the follow-up of the plans of the president's previous trips to this province and the opening of several projects in the fields of water, steel, petrochemicals and health care. they go to pakchub factory to open it and see the wood cultivation department. then watering life


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