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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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the rest of the decisions are there, that is, they can take into account that we are good, that this is a percentage, of course, in the program that i mentioned , there was, for example, what percentage should be the subway, what percentage should be the bus, what percentage can finally be a taxi. it can be of various types , such as linear taxis, dedicated taxis , telephone taxis, agency taxis, etc. all this is added to the big plan that is determined for the city's transportation management, which, in my opinion, the commission can be very effective in the compilation of this program can be seen there and the result of that process is the result that framework can be the correct regulations that we can predict in all fields for this issue , mr. nakhi, you think that because of a criticism that is raised, we
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should point out, and i give all the authority that it should be the companies themselves, and this in any way. they themselves know how to do the pricing , what is happening now is that they charge outrageous prices on the excuse of traffic and other excuses, they are taking advantage of the existing space, there is definitely a need for a an institution that, well, now this institution and then we will reach a common literature with.
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we started to plan this in the fourth term of the council. how many years really? after that time, i don't know what my friends are doing in the municipality, what happened in the last few years, what issues have arisen in the development of public transportation, what are you really doing, we started from the fourth term, yes, well. several years have passed since then, but we still have these challenges, see mr. n, there is also the issue of what is happening, excuse me, mr. doctor , there is also the issue of internet taxi that is happening.
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now let's start quickly, i don't know , let's apply the price tool, because i saw that this was the issue in your conversation, gentlemen, i say you go do your job, that is, what did you do in the space of city management in all these past years , now it is a reality called taxi the internet has come and now it wants to solve a part of the employment issue, a large part of these challenges that you could not solve, and now it has finally succeeded to some extent, although i have some criticisms that i mentioned in the discussion of your price. i have mentioned many other topics about this issue, but this is the same friends are thinking that now we should go there, intervene, set prices , do so-and-so, you do your own work , you are not able to do your homework, you are acting incompetent. yes, well, here i have to defend the urban management of tehran, at least see mr. what you are saying is that because i was in the council during those periods, the tehran city council
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appointed a 3-person committee to interact with the government, and as you know, according to law 80 , the costs of providing infrastructure in public transport attacks are the responsibility of the government. and the law clearly says this that the government should predict this in the annual budgets and provide it to the city management to ensure this, so that we have developed a strategic plan for transportation in tehran , it is definitely the right thing to do. and as for why it was not implemented and your criticism is also correct , but we have to look at the factors, the factors are that we had 14 thousand billion tomans at that time . i remember that these numbers have changed a lot. transportation. general means that
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the subways, the new metro lines are the result of that plan , the new bus lines and how much should be developed in which lines and which axes should be developed is the result of that plan, so that plan was the right thing to do, but if it was not implemented , we must remove its factors, its obstacles, yes this is also true . i think we should go back a bit . i said that the commission should be made up of members of the government , including the city administration, so that they can really sit down and discuss these issues together . 1000 hectares of cypress and eucalyptus should be cultivated for 75% of the area of ​​45 thousand hectares it will be eucalyptus, and out of this 75% , almost 80%
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is planned in khuzestan province, considering the talent it has , well, the value chain and the complete value chain of this industry will generate investment, employment, export products and foreign exchange. considering the importance of this industry and the basic work of wood cultivation about 3 months ago and the emphasis of his highness on the issue of export and production, in the ministry of roads and agriculture , we set up an office and an executive specifically for this activity, which limits are obstacles. and feel the problems of producers and this is on the agenda we left it to be solved quickly , god
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willing, so that development happens. i sincerely thank you for coming to an important industry , mr. doctor. here you have a mixture of two primary raw materials, one in the agricultural sector and one in the industrial sector. the private sector is actually putting it on here in my opinion, the most important point of the issue is that we did it with the least government intervention and more with policy making and macro measures so that the private sector brings its capital and human resources in the best possible way. manage it and give a product that can compete with the world. that's what will happen next, and what hazrat pali mentioned in your order, is actually paying attention to the end of the chain and turning the goods into goods that can have multiple added value. thank you very much.
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god bless you, sir, you are responsible for the matter. well, in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, i am one of the workers of this factory i would like to thank the management , i would like to thank the experts and experts who were able to bring the company to this point, especially the efforts of mr. hamdani and his colleagues . our foundation is to follow the work in the private sector and we in the government will strengthen the private sector. it is the whole effort of the government. to strengthen the private sector, so that the private sector can take over the work, now more than a thousand people are directly employed here, and more than 8 thousand people are indirectly related to and employed here, but the target
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that has been set is that the number of human resources here will reach 10 thousand people means 10 times a line. production from one line should be converted into several production lines, two -thirds of the production chain should be completed, so now you are right that here is a sapling that is planted, a tree that is cut down here, then it is turned into mdf, so what can be produced from mdf? the product can be removed from mdf when the chain is complete. all this chain is produced and employed here , and it is the work of scientists, god willing, with the efforts of our loved ones and with the support of the government, the work will reach the stage where we do not have unemployed people in this region , and the production and products here will be well-promoted
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, the quality will be as promised. mr. ali abadi, honorable minister go up to compete with the neighboring countries . alhamdulillah, it is producing. it is good, but to be competitive, so we are looking for quantity and quality , both of them should increase together, god willing, with the efforts of the gentlemen and with the help that the government will give, and above all this, with trust in god almighty and the prayers of the good people, god willing. may we see this collection grow day by day, and peace and blessings of allah be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad.
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this can be done here, it can be competitive, that is , one platform is allowed to charge less, why are we talking like that, if one platform decides it should take less and benefit the driver, naturally , well, this can be developed sooner, in general , it can benefit the user, that is. you can give a discount to the user. these features that i am going to present are available in most foreign platforms , but sometimes our applications do not yet have the necessary maturity to predict this. there are many suggestions for these, including the same. regarding the tender discussion, i said that the regulator can oblige the platforms to do the same about the commissioners and other issues that we are facing today.
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the insurance of these drivers is a matter that i think is pointless, of course, i don't mean that they should be employed by that platform, this is definitely not the right thing to do, but the regulator should think of a solution for this and announce a plan that in my opinion, the tariff alone is not the solution to all problems , maybe if we have this definition , it will be a little less, but it will solve these problems for car owners and drivers. let's do it, maybe this way they will get better satisfaction and we will be able to serve them better people, please see the presentation in the collection. we have a series of principles. the principle is that the rights of users must be respected. the principle is that competition is basic
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. please pay attention to this. sometimes, some concepts are reversed in our country. unfortunately , sometimes josh is not here now. let me tell you about the commodity exchange. i had a serious criticism in the industrial commission and i discussed many times with these gentlemen. it becomes expensive for people, it is not logical at all, after all, there is a framework, there is a price in our religious teachings , there are recommendations that there should be no hoarding and that prices should be fair. we can't leave all of this aside. let's say it now, because, for example, somewhere else, i 'm sure that the anti-trust laws, the anti- monopoly laws mean they have a set of rules that do not allow this to happen. take it and anyone who wants to announce any price and take it from our people, sometimes these patterns are incomplete, we have
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to complete them, i think i'm in a hurry, and what is this that has been reported a lot, see what it is, i think i'm in a hurry , it can be a useful way because this the prices should be added. well, when there is a possibility, naturally, that possibility should be available to the user. it doesn't make sense for us to say , for example, if you follow the official rate or the pre-determined rate, i can't or don't want to go this route. i'll go, but if you give more , i don't think it's the right thing to do, it's one of the unfair rules, of course, it's not like this, for example , based on the supply and demand in that area and neighborhood, and see, that's what i'm saying, this supply and demand can be adjusted through the platform, that is at least the supply through the platform can be adjusted. i think it is good the platform will base its rules on n. the benefit of the user should be set, not his own benefit or the benefit
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of others. this can definitely be implemented. from the example i mentioned, there is also bidding in external options , so please implement this, why haven't you done it yet? thank you, mr. nakhi, for the commission and these urgent options. what do you want? please tell the drivers' commission first. yes, well, i said that anyway , the entry of the competition council into the price discussion, naturally, if the discussion is about price reduction, it will lead to a price reduction, this will cause a huge dissatisfaction of the drivers , if the price is increased, the passengers will be dissatisfied. facing the door has a foot naturally, this approach should be towards the commission. the commission that these companies receive, maybe these companies say that we have the lowest commission among internet taxis in the world. they say that we get 15%, while shoes in the world 17 they may raise this issue, but there is a fact
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, and that is that they have a lot of government support anyway. they use the cheap fuel that is available to them and the cheap labor force that is available to them. this is one of the reasons for the strange development of this, in fact, your internet taxis. the country has developed a lot of these and the increasing development of these, which has actually become a competitor for the country's public transportation system and has affected it . well, naturally, this has created a lot of profitability for these companies, their commission percentage may be lower, but you look at the numbers , look at the number of trips, look at the number of drivers , this expansion that has finally happened has caused a lot of profit for the competition council, so i thought, naturally , it should enter into this issue and this exclusive space that
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has been created. to manage and adjust i am one there is definitely a price component, in the discussion of commissions , you can comment on the commission ceiling, of course, this commission ceiling that they set is provided that there is no time when these are only encouraged for short-term trips, which means that you are putting a hardship on the commission. may these platforms be encouraged and all their passion and enthusiasm should be to pursue short-term trips and long -term trips where their commissions are capped and they won't receive more. these are the details that you have to adjust in the end it should be clear, but we must find an entry , the competition council must enter this exclusive space
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, provide consumer rights and finally manage the grievances that exist , there is no doubt about this, but in what form and with what details do the work. well, it naturally depends on the fact that it needs to be analyzed, it needs to be investigated, and we have to take this point into consideration. regarding the commissions, the competition council has been following up for several months. last night , my colleague's report was broadcast and we saw it together. but it still hasn't come to a conclusion. yes, in any case, check it politics what we actually do in this field will definitely affect other components . yes, you see, right now, part of these official reports are reports that the parliamentary page center has at least checked, part of the urban traffic, air pollution that we have in the city. tehran, at least , is due to expansion and development, in fact, these
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internet taxis are part of the increase. the fuel consumption that causes this daily dissatisfaction with gasoline is partly due to this, in fact, the issue is the issue of labor and employment. after all, you see, in some parts of the country, these are competitors for becoming an industry, that is. the industry has been emptied of workers who may not be very skilled. it is true that it has solved some of our problems, but in some parts of the country, it has practically become a competitor. the industry creates an industry that has added value, an industry that has an offer for the country . what is your opinion about that option? i am in a hurry and what are these? the traffic is predicted in it, the length of the trip is predicted in it, we have seen all these things, so if you see , i am in a hurry, what is this rush, in my opinion,
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it is a place to use only for suh. now , fortunately, i saw that tazirat has entered into this issue and warned that this shouldn't exist, it really shouldn't exist. the market, for example, is a competitive market between the user and the driver , and naturally, you pay more money , you can get to the car faster, how can you see, in any case, i say that there is a monopoly, that's why you are saying that we should put an option that everyone paid more money that it's not true, this is a sacrifice of consumer rights, i 'm not saying what it is. yes, this is a violation of consumer rights, in my opinion, it is not appropriate at all , and by the way, the same restrictions should be applied so that the rest of the platforms can develop and play a role. thank you, mr. taghibpour , we have two or three minutes. two minutes for you, two minutes for you
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, how will you follow up on this issue that we are debating in the 12th parliament? what action will you take? see, it was mentioned in the conversation that this is the truth it seems that we do not need a new law in this field. but definitely in regulatory discussions. and whether this regulatory body has been established or designated, and whether this system means the regulation system related to the entire urban transportation and the opposite of that, the transportation of internet taxis through internet taxis. is this system established correctly and is it working properly? naturally, this work of supervision is the main work of the parliament, and there is always a lack of defects. if there is a problem or there is a problem , naturally we have to give a warning.
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some of the laws are now either standards or divorces , they interfere with each other and need to be amended . we will definitely follow this in the 12th parliament, god willing, and there are a series of principles. users should be assured that big cities like tehran, like provincial centers, should not be allowed to expand more than this traffic . this happened. said and finally with these rules and laws that now if it is necessary, we must be able to have a proper regulation. i emphasize regulation because
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it is really flexible in the field, it can make decisions at the moment , it can quickly correct its wrong decisions and make new decisions. therefore , i think this regulatory body will strengthen us. let everyone know that there is a reference and that reference. you have to do all these tasks well together . this is the solution that i suggest . how do you do it? i don't know how the companies themselves will be harmed. anyway, these are also part of my economy. look in general, the regulator should protect the interests of the companies . when we say the regulator, we mean that, you see, i didn't say that because the time was limited, he regulated 3 things, at least one relationship. it is true that the platforms are taxed by the government now, i don't know what it is like, this should be regulated and the governance discussions of the two
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platforms' relationship with each other may be necessary in some places , they should cooperate. platform all these in the digital economy in digital businesses are subject to regulation and need frameworks and regulations, of course, this is a principle. it is true that these regulations should not be complicated, should not be bureaucratic, should not be cumbersome , should not add problems, but should facilitate and depict mr. nakhahi, your conclusion and what you will do in the 12th parliament regarding the issue we are debating. yes, you see, i emphasize once again that our public transportation development has problems. in my opinion, a percentage of the income of these companies should be considered for the municipalities for the purpose of developing public transportation. this is the issue that
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we must pursue. if you don't have a legal capacity, you have to create the legal capacity i would like to emphasize on the development of public transport , this is an article. the second article is that we have a law, the law on the development of public transport and improvement of fuel consumption, approved in 1980. these laws , which are somehow related to this issue , despite the fact that yes, they are sufficient, that is, if the executives have the will to pursue these issues , the laws are sufficient, however , since frankly, a percentage and a share for internet taxis in these rules have not been seen, see for the metro, seen for the bus , seen for taxis, seen for the linear taxi, but for internet taxis have not seen a share in public transportation, maybe there is a need to update the law somewhere, but the point
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i want to say is that we let's use the model of other countries in the world. finally, see now that hybrid or combined transportation is being used in different countries of the world, that is, in fact, the online information of transportation systems with this route , for example, i say, you choose, you want to go from point a to point b. he suggests that you use an internet taxi for a part of this , and for a part of this, use the metro clock.
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complete the house of all iranian things. private sale without advance payment without guarantor in a large iranian house. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the sports news of the first day of the cultural wrestling tournament of the amreh wahbi cup with two gold, three silver and two bronze medals for the representatives of iran. it was in these battles that


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