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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm IRST

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excuse me, mr. mr. farsh, the prices have broken in all mr. farsh branches. we are all enemies. i will follow the leadership line with all. we will take everyone from the hands of the polytheists , la allah, la allah , la al-hala, laila, laila, laila, ahlah, ahadah, ahlah, ahla, andana, andana, ahla, nazla
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, nazla , naadla , la shahreed, la shahreed, la shahreedna , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good, god willing, the prominent role of academic records in the entrance exam, the head of the quality monitoring and evaluation center of the ministry of education says that this year, for all grades 10th, 11th and 12th, academic records are considered. will be students who are in the 10th and 11th grade of the 11th grade will do this production for the year 404, because the share of academic record will increase to 60% in the year 404. the composition of the 11th and 12th bases and in 145 the composition of the corps
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, i.e. 10th yadham doazami , will produce a 60% share . the welcome of the people of this region was placed by the president of the nomads, the valuable human resources of the country and behind. and he knew the islamic revolution. mr. raisi referring to the enemy's attempt to create division, he said: the enemy intended to create discord and sedition. but the wise nomads, the wise nomads of this region, defeated the enemies. muhammad, the servant of the nation, came. the president is a guest of the warm-hearted izeans. i am very welcome to the president. he is very
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welcome to our city, the land of lions and lions who never sacrificed national interests . i hope that the president will defend the city of izeh , my dear people of izeh. they also had demands from the president. we expect a factory. a cement company should leave something, at least jonah will be busy must for work. go to other cities . there is no internal source of income for the city. the people of ize have been waiting for the fulfillment of adas rahan bakhtiari's promise for years. dealing with the existing problems was in the form of the talks of the people of this city. the challenge of the road and the city's infrastructure, everyone is either a farmer or a rancher, then there was no news about the roofs of flower houses . note 18. we expect the honorable presidency to end the water issue, which is a problem we have been dealing with for years. to
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solve the problems of this region in the fields of water, road construction, health and treatment, youth employment and marriage they, a plan has been put on the agenda of the government. the issue of water is an important issue in the region. i followed up before coming to the city. from the honorable governor. respected representative of religious jurist in the province. and respected local officials. the water situation here is a situation that needs to be addressed immediately. in a public meeting with the people of izeh, the president emphasized on creating sustainable employment in this city. employment is an important issue. in addition to the issue of livestock and farmer activation. in this region, for many years
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, animal husbandry and agriculture are among the axes of the region's work . mr. raisi pays tribute to the people of this bakhtiari neshin bozor region said: i send greetings to the youth of this region and i believe that the youth of this border are the source of great capital for the country and the region. the issue of sports and especially wrestling is not an important issue here. a suitable salon for young lovers. this trip was the eighth visit of the president to khuzestan. rozoh ahmadi of izeh radio and television news agency. the head of
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the country's administrative and employment organization announced the permission to hire more than 100,000 people across the country. mr. latifi added creating equal opportunities in employment , especially for young people. 130,000 people got employment permits from the results of this year's national exams we gave education and training to the ministry of health, ministry of science, and god willing, this path will continue. this opportunity will be created for them . this election had a winner and a real winner and a real loser and a real loser, who was the real winner of the nation , the real loser is also the enemies of the nation, ayatollah khatami clarified that the people's participation in the elections also
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sent a message to the authorities, their message is that you see, we came under the influence of the bug. we did not get angry but we also find a right. our right is this . stop these high prices of broken equipment . may god's messenger of god, the minister of roads and urban development, on the sidelines of the opening of the plans for the new city of ivan, said that this year's goal in the national housing movement is to cover 70,000 families
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with conditions in the form of law. supporting the youth of the population was the implementation of this law more than the commitment was realized with the presence of the minister. road and urban development 344 residential units of the national housing movement named ghadir in the new city of ivan , when was it opened, peace be upon ali muhammad and al muhammad, this complex has 172 blocks of two-story villas with an infrastructure of 3050 square meters and a credit of 746 billion rial has been made , it was about 190 million tomans as the initial loan, of which 40 million tomans is the participation interest. another slave is to provide services for the construction of the residential complex of the police station, the medical service center in the new city of ivani, which was opened, and the 5,000-principal tablet of lunch was also started to provide the green space
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. who is the new city of ivan? our decision is that the new city of ivanaka, which is one of the only villa cities in the country , will have pleasant green spaces for its residents, along with cities like amir kabir. also 500 plots of land the residence was handed over to the beneficiaries of the family and youth protection law in the new city of ivan kay. how many children? i have six. i came from tehran and registered here. it's great, it seems to be an encouragement for the youth of the population and its movement. 200 meters from hayat dar villa. for 500 eligible people who were registered in ivan kay. there are 300 more eligible people here, and their land will be provided at the beginning of the year, god willing. the minister of roads and urban development also said: setting a target this year to hand over residential land to the beneficiaries of the mohaghegh population youth plan
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has been this year, covering 70,000 applicants for the population youth plan across the country, today i can say that we have exceeded this number as well. rather , we went beyond this number and god willing, we will be able to complete this good plan in the province with the same intensity and with the same strength, but even more. in semnan, 504 residential units are under construction in the national housing movement plan with an average progress of 42. ghasem ghasema sed and sima news agency, new city of ivan k. incorrect aerial aid to palestinians in gaza and aid boxes falling on people killed five palestinians and wounded several others. according to the latest statistics, so far, 19 children and one man. elderly people
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died in hospitals in northern gaza due to starvation and dehydration. with the worsening of the hunger crisis in gaza , the un humanitarian coordinator emphasized the creation of safe corridors for humanitarian aid to gaza and said that the transfer of aid by air or sea is not a substitute for land aid. but the people of yemen in saada province once again came to the streets in support of the people of gaza. demonstrators chanted death to america, death to israel. the participants in the march emphasized the necessity of sending humanitarian aid convoys to the people of gaza. thousands of people in northern jordan
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also demonstrated in support of the gaza strip. the demonstrators called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza and the sending of humanitarian aid to the people under siege in gaza .
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it was honored with the presence of families of martyrs, veterans, sacrificers and a group of people of khuzestan. in memory of the dear martyrs, the supreme leader of the revolution in the meeting with the participants of the national meeting of the 24 thousand martyrs of khuzestan in their statements called khuzestan the front line and the heart of iran's resistance in the holy defense. the nation of iran became in this ceremony sardar salami commander of the revolutionary guards. the islamic revolution said: the name of khuzestan
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is distinguished in the book of the great and admirable resistance of the iranian nation. jihad, in the eyes of the men of this land, is a land where the logic of resistance and standing against the enemy became clear. 24 thousand martyrs of khuzestan in the second national asia summit. the memory of the martyrs of nomadic jihad, holy defense, the defenders of the shrine and the martyrs of security is alive. i myself and my son were on the front. the memory of the martyrs can always be a guide for all of us to choose the right path. the tribes of khuzestan with their presence in the battle of jihad until defense the shrine is a symbol of the unity of the iranian nation, it speaks of standing in the path of resistance. at the end of this
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ceremony, the commemorative stamp of the second summit , a tablet depicting the martyrs who defended the shrine of khuzestan province and the supreme leader of the revolution's words on it, as well as the media productions of this summit, were unveiled .
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in the northern part of the country, it is predicted that tonight we will continue to get rain mainly in the northern part from the northwest, i.e. the provinces of west azarbaijan, east ardabil, caspian sea, scattered and northeast of north razavi khorasan. tomorrow we have a flood warning for tomorrow , another flood warning for the southeast of the country, that is, south of sistan baluchistan, south of kerman and also. east of hormozga province, because according to the rains that happened recently, that is, last week, in the south of sistan baluchistan, the conditions are such that the permeability of the soil is reduced, so this beautiful soil cannot absorb
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water when it rains tomorrow. therefore, we still have the possibility of flood for these areas, for example, chabahar region . or for the eastern areas of hormoz province , sardasht region will follow these conditions tomorrow in addition, rain is predicted for tomorrow in the north-west i.e. west azarbaijan provinces, east of ardabil, and scattered in alborz highlands and northeast of north khorasan, razavi province, and those who are waiting for rain tomorrow in south khorasan should continue for the next day, sunday. we still have flood conditions in the southeast of the country, that is, for saturday and sunday, these conditions are such that in these areas , there will be a risk of widespread flooding and water flow , while rains are expected for the northwest on sunday. the intensity of the country will increase and to the province
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kermanshah, kurdistan, zanjan and all dan and parts of lorestan province will be reached by monday, this system will almost expand and become stronger, so in addition to these provinces, for the southwest of the country, i.e. khuzestan province, those who are in chaharmahal bakhtiari province beir ahmed or isfahan province in fars province in bushehr province should wait for rain, even yazdia should wait for rain for dushanbe while still in the eastern areas. and we have rain for monday , it is predicted that in addition to the wind, in addition to the rain , relatively strong wind will also happen in the areas tomorrow. eastern as well as the central areas and the southern slopes of azerborz, which can cause dust and reduce air quality for places that do not have rain, for example, in the north of sistan baluchistan
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. for tehran, it is predicted that we will have a clear sky tomorrow. the temperature in tehran will be around 15 degrees. it will reach above zero, while the southern waters of the persian gulf , the sea of ​​aman and the strait of hormuz are rough for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so we will have traffic restrictions, especially for light vessels, in this area for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. thank you for your company and good night.
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with all his soul and heart, with all his soul, the holy body of the martyr he took it out and was looking for the martyr's identity from the beginning , it was the martyr's license plate, and he was usually the first among the first people. he was accessing the license plate of shahid in search of an address for the end of waiting, or hossein, or hossein, or hossein immediately. then he would raise his voice and the zikr or hossein that he was saying, the rest
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of my children would announce the holy zikr or hossein behind him . the only way to inform the republican system is to serve the families of the martyrs. he had a lot of work to do he was hardworking and he usually accepted heavy jobs , whether it was during his military days or later , he had hope, he was not disappointed in his work, he was persistent, he was hardworking , maybe no one would believe that ali shoveled on time, he shoveled on time with a hand shovel , what was destruction on time? he was recognized at the right time , he was a charmer at the right time, he did everything at the right time , tirelessly. i remember
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we found a martyr once in feke region. he was two or three days in a row. even i insisted that aliza is enough. how many times have we visited there? she said no, probably we neglected to find the martyr's license plate. that is, after when we found this martyr , he went to the place where he might be able to find the martyr's plaque for two or three days in a row. the worst thing is the heat of 50 degrees in the south, no one can go and stay in that space, not to work, not to shovel , not to work with water and fire, as the famous saying goes, not to be in the middle of the fields of mine barriers with the past from the time of the war and so on. he should work, just stay in khuzestan in the heat of 50-55 degrees, but he worked with love in the crossing areas of iraqi kurdistan.
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iran's kurdistan, no one goes except with love , he was injured many times on this road, when alireza set foot on this path, he understood that he should not be tired, he is not allowed to be called, he is not allowed to give himself comfort. and he has to go to the end of this road, when alireza fell from the top of the mountain in the worst condition that he had ever been a soldier in, and he was in a very bad physical condition. ahmad askari of sed and broadcasting news agency rested next to the martyrs of meraj. voting in favor of a resolution to sanction
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against the zionists of the university student body columbia asked the officials of this university to boycott all companies that support the zionist regime and genocide in gaza. columbia university's student body wrote in its proposal that israel has committed crimes of genocide and apartheid against the palestinian people. columbia university remains complicit in holding shares in companies that participate in such crimes, and given the history of student investment movements at columbia, the current student body deserves a say in this regard. in this resolution, while there is no way to correct the pain and suffering caused by there are no columbia university measures. we hope this resolution shows our commitment to justice and freedom . assembly the senate of the university of michigan in the united states has also passed a resolution and demanded to prevent the investment of companies supporting the zionist regime in this university. the movement to boycott israel
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is expanding rapidly. prestigious universities like columbia, harvard or oxford say they want to boycott israel. this sanction is very dangerous because it is a space university that implements economic cooperation and inventions. when the government wants to be in any agreement with another country, knowledge. so if universities boycott israel, it actually means taking some of their money from every israeli institution, and that's why we see that starbucks, for example, has lost 12 billion dollars . boycotting israel is not only in universities, but as a rallying cry throughout the country. the changed world in melbourne, supporters of palestine have pasted images of zionist crimes on the windows of one of the starbucks branches. in canada, people went to different branches of zara and shouted their support for palestine and demanded a boycott of zara
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. or in australia people symbolically corpse some of the children of gaza took over and went to zara stores. now the branches of various brands that support the zionists have turned into buildings empty of customers . before the siege of gaza, starbucks was busy 24 hours a day, but now you see that nobody not here. sarai khorod has an exceptional offer for the purchase of a limited number of trucks and tractors. buying at the
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factory price without interest and with installments of 36 months is one of the special conditions of this offer. hit the road without worry and enjoy your travels. car dealership in a large iranian garage. how lovely are the solitudes can with a fresh taste. invitations how are they remembered? with a fresh fragrance. how are meetings remembered? with a fresh tea. family tea. communication is your distinction. well, ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city of home accessories. a proper purchase
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. whatever you want you can buy it, lower the price. well, well, well, well, i don't have a check, god hafiz, everyone, bye, no, madam, bye , why don't you want a checkbook ? you don't want a check at all. will you be my guarantor? the housekeepers don't want any payment, my bank has to go, my bank doesn't let's go, questions are over, let's go, a special purchase for dear retirees, social security from the city of household appliances, the city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. well, here you can choose your birthday gift. my birthday gift is a big motor . choose whichever one you want. the installment will be with me, you, my friend.
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i don't want to ride a motorcycle, only a big motorcycle can ride because i feel comfortable riding a motorcycle with safety and peace . new motorcycle desert also gives helmets to its buyers. most importantly , you spend more time with your family. with safety devices great motorcycle products, enjoyable and safe, discounts and special sales with 24 and 36 month discounts . the big iranian house started under exceptional conditions , paying this year's price in the next year until 2:00
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am in tehran. you are the burden of trust, get up in the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row.


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