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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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god bless you in the name of hazrat doust , from whom everything is. good morning to all of you, dear and respected viewers . may god bless you and have a very good and happy week. greetings from the reporter, we are proud to be at your service today with events . today's news , stay with us until haval at 8 o'clock, o my land, in my land, the flower of my life bloomed in this grass, o my land, in my land , the earth and the sky, your soul, and my soul, the stars of the sky , you are the light of the road, and you are the bright candle. in your darkness
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, in my moon, in the date garden, i am your spring bud, which is the fruit of my life. i will always be proud of you, my land. my land, my whole life, what was said in this grass , my head, you are my head, the earth and the sky, you are my soul, and i am the caesars of the sky, you are my path.
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o my land, in my land, the flower of my life bloomed in this grass, o my land, in my land, the earth and the sky, your flow, and my soul from me, my little paradise
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, in my land, in my land, o my land, in my land , my land outside. good morning to you. okay , thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch . let's go to the first part of today's program of the conference on the social order mosque in iran, which will be held today in tehran, the capital. the studio is hosted by mr. dr. mohammadreza rouhani, the head of the research institute for strategic studies of culture, research institute of culture, art and communication . good morning, mr. rouhani . you are very welcome. thank you. hello, thank you .
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i would like to thank you for the fact that i have the contract, the first conference of the mosque of social order is going to be held. please tell me what the purpose of this conference will be and what are the main areas of my service . well, we have been involved in this for almost a year. the story of the social order mosque conference we are iran, one of the main slogans of the government in the field of culture is to pay attention to the mosque and return to the mosque , that is why the research institute of culture and art of communication, which is actually the research arm of the ministry of home affairs , has the desire to advance this path, and the main point
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is to pay attention to it. it is based on being able to have a precise understanding of the situation we have in relation to mosques. and the damages that have existed in this field have been very effective, the opportunities that exist in order to be able to identify successful models, even the models that have actually received less attention in the mosque field, maybe a look. there should be a custom that people don't go to the mosque anymore, less people go to the mosque and the reception has decreased for various reasons. now it can't be very effective, but this conference showed us that its preparations, which i am now presenting the main points , showed us that a lot of this is due to the weak work of the media.
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there is success in mosques despite the problems , but a jihadi imam has been able to overcome all these problems. and make the mosque prosperous, the mosque has this charm when it is in period we are living where crisis means poverty . everyone is looking for a meaning. they are looking for a good mood. the mosque gives people that good mood. the reason is that it can deal with mental crises and solve them. therefore, when a jihadi imam comes , he solves a series of problems. the presence of young people, children and families in this same tehran identifies the harms of the neighborhood, comes in and solves the problems , young people gather there and
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make their appointments there. basically, a mosque should not be anywhere else, a mosque is not a monastery, a mosque is a synagogue. it is not a mosque, it is not a church, it is not a mosque. and they are working, nominally they are working , but many of them do not open their doors even for morning prayer , this has nothing to do with the function of the media.
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have you also felt this problem, where is the problem that in some of our mosques they are not open for morning prayers at all, even though hazrat agha has emphasized time and again that mosques should be open 24 hours a day, many of the mosques in the level of our cities in the country is only open during prayers when the prayer is finished, they say to each other very quickly, well, go out, go out, we want to close the doors, where did these problems come from, and did you come up with the solutions in this conference? the same concern, function and approach. social issues are attention to lifestyle, attention to teenagers, structural and organizational policy-making, experience writing of successful mosques in iran and the islamic world, these are the basic axes that we discussed in the conference and
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the economy of the open mosque. then the story is the same. that i said that the media wanted to make this story bold so that there would be no illusion that it was evening. the mosque of the past is an illusion. we have mosques that are very active . why do people have such an idea sometimes because the media work is not done properly? how many mosques do we have? show the jihadi mosques that are working in the remote cities of imam jamaati . we don't see a single factor, there are various factors involved in the relationship between the mosque and the neighborhood. when we destroyed the neighborhood, when the rent has increased so much that the idea that
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there is any connection to the place has disappeared. this space doesn't take shape, the landscape doesn't take shape, the mosque is reduced to a place, well, now i'm here this year, next year i'm somewhere else, why should it have something to do with the mosque, why should the mosque in that mosque be open or not? this is what i want, this is what i want to say. another thing i want to say is the story of the media. one next is the story of the neighborhood, then there is the story of renting , and then there is the story of the bureaucratization of this system . basically, the government has a view on this story, and the leader emphasizes the way to keep this from becoming official as much as possible. now, many dignitaries involved in this story they are saying, sir , there should be a superior institution that can coordinate these various bodies and come to a decision there. let the mosques make this decision, but i know that the leadership is against this because
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they believe that the mosque should be for the people . that this mosque should be open during morning prayer , but it is not open, this mosque should be open 24 hours, but it is not 24 hours, only during noon prayer, which can be done 20 minutes and half an hour before, they open the door even after 20 minutes, everyone is let out they are going to close the door again, the mosque was not supposed to have such a place in this conference which is supposed to be called the social order in iran . these problems have been identified and what is the solution. now, i will come to the question that you have, see the story this is where a series of organizational areas have prevented the mosques from
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performing the functions they should have. i mean, the rule of law and the correct view of this matter is that it should be popularized, so what does it need? this is for the people to participate, if the people participate in the management of the mosque, then the mosque will not be closed because if i want to leave the mosque open 24 hours , one must be its guard and one must be its guard, i don't know. i have to pay the salary of my mosque attendant, i have to say that it is 24 hours i went to a mosque . it was interesting. i went to a mosque in molavi district of molavi street. then this servant of god, the servant of the mosque, said, "sir , we want to perform ablution." he said that we should go to the alley at the crossroads. sir, let me see you . do you want to pray? i said, now go around the mosque.
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we had this damage, that's why they decided that in the articles that came to you, there was something suggesting that they proposed solutions for these problems that you mention. see, we are one of the the focus of our conference is the issue of endowment and the economy of the mosque , how to use the capacity. the existing institutions were used to resolve this damage. yes, there are solutions . one solution is to use public institutions and the budget of public institutions . another solution is to make people feel that they belong. what are the characteristics of other mosques that are open 24 hours a day? the one that hasn't come, for example, the government has allocated a budget, a line of budget for it. why do people feel that they want to learn? yes.
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it's different with you, take care of your life, the life of this world
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is different with you, when we say or ali, it means you close mahdi takes mullah ali's pledge of allegiance, whatever is ahead, but we are here, let's look in the eyes of the almighty, tell me that it is good that the appearance is near, that the heart is with mahdiyeh every day, or hossein today, or mahdiyyah, it is good that my heart is with marah every night and every day. the most beautiful, hussain , today, or mahdiyyah, whatever we do , let's say it, commander, we must say between the imams, commander, first of every greeting, commander, commander, commander, commander, commander,
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commander, commander, commander. may my soul be in the soil of this land of faith , may hosseini be the imam of the time of iran, may he become the imam of the
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world. let's do our work, let's say it's done, commander, we must say between the imams, commander, first of all, say hello, commander , commander, hello, commander, commander, salute, commander, commander, commander, commander, commander, salute, khyber
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, khyber, or sohyoun, there's a fire, there's a fire, there's a fire in sohyoun , stay with my colleague mr. shahstoni, mr. shahstoni, good morning, hello. i would like to thank you mr. khanumpour. good morning to you. good morning to you , dear viewers. good morning to you with international news. one of the news that we will follow today at the international table is the continuation of international support for the oppressed people of palestine according to the calls issued in different countries, especially in european countries , demonstrations in support of the oppressed palestinian people are going to be held today, considering that we are approaching the holy month of ramadan, these demonstrations
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have become more widespread in islamic countries. especially in yemen , very large demonstrations were held. the next news that we will follow at the international table is the nato exercise, one of the largest nato exercises is being held . russia has announced that nato countries for confronting and even a military attack against russia is being practiced . i am discussing this issue with mr. mearaji, an expert on international issues. which has brought russia's reaction like this. hello
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, good morning to you and dear and respected viewers. well, i have to tell you about this exercise. as you said, this exercise really led to russia's sharp reaction. it is clear that in the strategic document of nato, russia is the most important danger and it is considered the biggest threat to nato members, so russia's sharp reaction is completely understandable. the important thing is that the goals. today, holding this nato exercise is actually a nato exercise announced in its statement to strengthen the alliance, considering that the situation in europe, especially in the eastern part of europe , is a conflict situation, and new members
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became members of this military pact to expand this alliance and to fill the gaps inside this alliance , nato members decided to have an exercise and really achieve this goal. mr. maraji, my question is: what is the difference with there have been previous exercises, and basically, what were the goals set for this exercise that made russia react like this? is it different from the previous nato exercises? well, this is the biggest nato exercise after the end of the cold war, and it is very important and different from the previous exercises. the previous and previous actions of nato is that the situation in europe is more secure today, the war situation in ukraine has led to differences between nato members in supporting ukraine
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, so these differences have led to the fact that they decided to conduct the exercise in a different way. the involvement of most of its members actually held this rose. with the proposal of the united states as the leader of this alliance, it is actually held and it is believed that, as i told you, more coordination , especially when new members become members of this alliance , is definitely necessary and necessary, mr. maraji . a new addition to nato. in your opinion , is there going to be a new alliance that will be formed against russia ? very briefly, please, let me tell you very briefly, this alliance is basically against russia
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, it is aimed to deal with the threats that russia actually poses to europe. yes, very well. thank you, mr. maraji, i say goodbye to you. yes, just as we had in the news , calls for support for the oppressed palestinian people are going to be issued in different countries, and today , as i mentioned, these demonstrations will be held in the occupied territories as well. the opponents of netanyahu and the cabinet of the zionist regime are going to demonstrate today . i will talk about this issue with mr. chiraghi, an expert on west asian issues. but it has been implemented the zionists express their concern
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. what is the reason for the zionists' concern about providing aid to the oppressed people of palestine? actually , it is done with the pressure of washington, these aids are actually propaganda aids. it is mixed and with the aim of whitewashing washington and it is done with mr. biden, and the aid that is provided based on media reports is actually related to the needs of the palestinian people. they don't need it much, such as tables and chairs, and these items, so these actions are carried out by americans. that the radical zionists do not even understand this , as we had in the news, the former minister of war , the former minister of war of the zionist regime
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, had expressed his concern about this, and of course he had said that the zionists were humiliated and humiliated in this regard in the gaza strip and so far, they have not been able to reach a victory, an achievement that they can reach , you mentioned the words of the former war minister of the zionist regime, lieberman. you don't agree with the use of starvation weapons by the zionists in gaza, well, this is definitely what the zionists, especially the radical zionists , are trying to do, so that by exerting pressure on the residents of the gaza strip, they can ultimately direct this pressure to the resistance groups. resistance and by using this weapon of starvation they can send them to the southern regions and they can send them to the border areas of egypt and finally they can
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achieve their own goals, so this is a weapon. but washington is trying to use this element and use this tool in this regard even it is said that a sea line will be established between cyprus and the gaza strip. he is trying to present a humanitarian face in the media . the truce did not come to a conclusion. the americans announced that an agreement was available last week and it was reached . in your opinion, please tell me the reason for the inconclusiveness of the many times these negotiations have been held. in your opinion, the reason is the result of the negotiations is that the zionist regime is in fact the conditions of ajizi or the same conditions it raises the impossibility of resistance and resistance , as mr. abu obeidah, the spokesman
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of the qassam brigades, emphasized last night , that the zionist regime's extraordinary conditions will not be under the pressure of the zionist regime, and he emphasizes the establishment of a permanent complete cease-fire, which the zionist regime will not accept from this. the topic of soldiers is very good. thank you very much, mr. chiraghi. goodbye to you, mrs. hajipour. we are at your service . well, we will go to the glass news hall with my colleague, mr. kaznia, mr. kaznia, hello reporter, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. ayak nastein, i also say hello to you and all the viewers of khabar network, and i am very grateful for
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the video coverage of the salam reporter program on this march morning. due to the fact that we are spending the last days of the year , many government agencies and institutions are preparing to help nowruz travelers to the cities they are going to. one of those institutions is the red crescent organization that plans a so-called special for it considers the comfort and facilitation of the passage of our dear compatriots to the ends and parts of the country. our colleagues, ms. sohrabian, are here with us from the specialized incident and police department to see what plan this organization is going to take today. ms. salam, may god give you strength , what action is halal ahmed's organization going to take , in the name of god, may god bless you? i would like to inform you and the good viewers of today's news channel that the red crescent community is conducting a maneuver in order to be better prepared for the nowruz holiday.
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be based on the roads. cities in high-risk areas are already high-risk areas where incidents have been happening since the past years . rescuers are supposed to be stationed there. likewise, a number of us , considering that some of these rescuers are volunteers, are supposed to be in this exercise that will be held today. doing these exercises will be a retraining for them to see that they can provide this service to the people in the best possible way. yes , thank you very much. the explanation was from our colleague sekar khane sohrabian. i wish after the news, with the continuation of the morning program, hello reporter, we will be at your service. news events.
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that in tehran. it will be difficult and it will happen all over the country. we have selected some of them and present them to you, dear viewers, and we will invite you to watch and listen to the 7 o'clock news together. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, welcome to the news section at 7:00 am. the president , who traveled to khuzestan province , attended the gathering of rahian noor passengers, and during mr. raisi's visit, large projects of steel, oil, water, electricity, agriculture, and wood industry were inaugurated. the president is the biggest iran's sponge iron factory is also operated by the atieh steel factory in ahvaz, which produces steel sheets gram was put into operation to
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add 600 thousand tons to the country's steel production capacity. the president also commissioned 28 water and electricity projects.


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