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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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the end of america's support for the crimes of the zionist regime this time they demanded. the palestinian ministry of health announced in a report that since the beginning of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza in the past five months, the doctors without borders organization announced that the us goal of creating a sea route in the gaza strip is to divert public opinion from reality. the executive director of médecins sans frontières said that the united states wants to use the pretext of building a temporary dock in gaza, claiming to increase humanitarian aid, to distract the public from the brutal attacks of the regime. divert the zionists to this
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area and encircle the palestinians. april to generally , he considered the establishment of a ceasefire as the only real guarantee for sending humanitarian aid to gaza. america has not been allowed to do so by providing the most weapons aid to the zionist regime and using the right of veto in the security council. a palestinian supporter at the university of cambridge, protesting the zionist crimes in gaza , splashed paint on a picture of former british foreign secretary balfour. while tearing the photo, this supporter of palestine said that the balfour declaration on the 17th caused the ethnic cleansing of the palestinians and caused their land to fall into the hands of israel. arthur balfour between the years he was the prime minister of england from 1902 to 1905 and played a big role in the formation of today's zionist regime.
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the balfour declaration is also a declaration that the british government issued during the first world war in support of the creation of a national home for the jewish people in palestine. as we announced at the beginning of the news, today's president. he went to the martyrs foundation and the affairs of the martyrs foundation for the supervision of the headquarters, and the report of this news has now reached us. the martyrs left. mr. raisi first of all.
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he visited the exhibition of the achievements and actions of the martyrs foundation and isargan affairs. one of our centers, which was very important, imam khomeini hospital of rahmatullah against karaj, was closed. the foundation was handed over and it was also revived. you have 130 organizations. in 1402, we have paid almost 5 thousand billion loans to qarz al-hasna. we request a credit line from the government. it considers an amount for all families. they charge this for two years or three years. they use the services that they provide again, if necessary again. i will charge again, muhammad and the family of muhammad , and hasten my journey, god bless you. our machine has been like this since 1998, when the embargo started, they don't give us even one of its sensors anymore . we have two sides, this robot moves inside the farm. it detects the disease in advance
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from the smell, the voice and the face of the chicken before it and itself , injects the medicine , detoxifies, disinfects and reports online . since the revolution after the war often they were sent to other countries for treatments with the research done here. the work that has been done, we almost do not need any dispatch, it is one of the most advanced techniques that we use for brain tumor surgery. in the 19th meeting of the president's headquarters, a report on the most important transformational programs of the martyrs and veterans foundation was presented to the president. and the president also gave the necessary warnings. then, in the presence of the president, the operational plan of the martyr foundation and isargaran foundation's monitoring system was unveiled, and the service desk system. electronics of the shahid foundation were introduced and explained.
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the evaluation of managers, which is done annually, 40% of the evaluation score is dedicated to the progress of the operational plan. some of the continuous payments of the managers are based on the amount of deviation they have in the operational plan. yes , all general managers use passwords, they monitor themselves monthly and weekly, they can monitor themselves, thank you very much, i apologize. directors of shahid foundation and isargaran affairs to present your views in order to promote and improve the performance of this organization and strengthen the service delivery to the martyrs of our government in this government is that the current situation
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should be transformed into a better and superior situation . objectives in the objectives of the martyr foundation, what i have seen is financial and material issues, which are very important. cultural issues are emphasized in the objectives. mr. raisi considered the promotion of the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom as one of the most important missions of the martyr foundation and the affairs of martyrs and stated: although before the popular government, significant services were provided to the target community of this foundation, but the outlook and approach of transformation. it was necessary for the people's government in this foundation government to pursue the improvement of its services and performance from the current situation to the desired situation with a transformational view. try to create added value in the type of providing services. the added value in the economy says that our money will go up. here , the black offering is the culture of martyrdom, that is
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, his attachment to the revolution, his attachment to martyrdom, his heart depends on his martyred father, his martyred son, on this culture, on the imam of this country. the leader of this country. based on this system, it should create added value in this direction. the president considered the first step in the transformational approach in the field of performance to be the assessment of the level of achievement of the goals that the legislator and the general policies of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution's menu system and the above documents have considered for this foundation and added that the main goals and responsibilities martyr's foundation and the affairs of martyrs have been given more attention than financial and material issues
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. the issues of the old man remembered a story with tears in his eyes in abu dhar mosque . i didn't remember how long they left last year , it has been almost 40 years since his son karbala was gone for several years, this year is the 24th year that people in fallah area in the south of tehran
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held a commemoration ceremony for the 4 abuzar bases in tehran. mr. jabari was once in charge of sending from this area in the south of tehran. the abu dhar base covered four or five municipal districts, one of which is district 17e, which means you should start from the same side of waleeh city on sabe road. abuzar region of javadiyeh , naziabad, let me tell you that it goes all the way to shush, and all this was the total of 4,000 martyrs in this region. i said to go to khatgari.
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kenny, i'm going to be a martyr, i had a dream, i'm a martyr , don't cry for me, did you want to say something to the words of this mother, the most unexpected interview. let's take a look at our house . i don't have a son anymore, one of my sons was martyred with him, and if you see any changes among these people , it's been a year. being that they are not there now to tell about their children. mahmoud azizi, sada vasima news agency. the growth of home appliance production in the country. the secretary of the home appliance manufacturers association says that in the 10 months of this year, the amount of home appliance production has grown by 8.5 percent compared to the same period last year. mr. hashemi said internalization manufactured products to more than 60%. the quality level of our products has reached as well as the quantitative level of our products
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, there was a significant growth during these years. now you have products on the market level. you can see that these products have the ability to compete with imported products. contains direct employment in the production of household appliances on average. we had an increase in production. household appliance manufacturers say that the increase in production has been accompanied by an increase of more than 60% in the depth of interior construction. refrigerators used to be completely imported, now they are from domestic suppliers we provide 100 iranian products, the hard work of our colleagues in iran, the children of the factory, has made it possible for us to offer very stylish, beautiful and affordable products in the market
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. there are traders in the market, they change the brand with a foreign brand, they sell the iranian product as a product that was not seen , it was not liked. today , it speaks for itself in the market. in terms of standards , the standards of the companies are observing high standards on average. the activists of this the industry believes that the ban on the import of household appliances to the country has caused production in this industry to experience a double growth and domestic producers to take over 60% of the market. now we are producing in the country so that we could meet the needs of domestic consumption in terms of circulation. from the point of view that
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the activists of the home appliance industry consider the turnover of 7 billion dollars as a sign of the high share of this industry among other domestic industries, an industry that has reached the level of competitiveness. nowruz beygi news agency. export of livestock, fishery , agricultural and food products in 11 months of this year to more than it reached five billion million dollars. according to the spokesperson of khaneh samit trade development commission, this export figure has increased by 23% compared to the same period last year. 32% of this amount, worth more than one billion and 784 million dollars, including food and agricultural products, is exported to iraq. uae, russia, pakistan and afghanistan
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were the next destinations of iranian agricultural and food products during this period. according to customs statistics, petrochemical products have a share of about 30% of non-oil exports and are the second most exported goods of our country after oil. this year, the price is reduced globally, some petrochemical products cause. the volume of exports in this sector has decreased. this year, we have exported about 600 thousand tons of methanol in 8 months. the second item of our export is urea and ammonia with a value of one billion and 186 million dollars. this is the latest export statistics of petrochemical products in 1402. exports, part of which is exported as raw materials. if possible, up to 70% of production capacity.
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do it in the meantime, those involved in the production of petrochemical products are looking for the production of new products for more added value. there is something like gazelle, and now we have a project of this product we are implementing that it is almost the raw material of detergents. another project is that sulfur moon
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is usually a disturbing product in petrochemical processes. downstream is actually a major part of the working capital of the downstream industry. it is being provided, but investing in the petrochemical sector and creating added value is so important that saudi arabia is looking to invest 600 billion dollars in the petrochemical sector by 203 and take over world markets. private sector managers do not accept it. i think the number is a bit exaggerated because it should provide my food anyway. where does shosh want to supply for 600 petrochemicals and some consider it a warning for the industry. petrochemicals, we must produce a distinctive product , and this distinction is in all dimensions, an all-round strategy, that is, petrochemical products in the country must be produced all-round, like saudi arabia, seyyed hossein kazemnia, the head of the radio communications regulatory organization, said on the day of the election
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, 20 failed attempt to disrupt the network a communication was made, mr. lajeward. he said that the disruptors are planning to disrupt the election process by cutting fiber. the minister of communications also said that all attacks were thwarted by the efforts of the security forces, law enforcement and cyber security. we had several attacks on election day. we even attempted deliberate sabotage. we had more than 20 sabotage attempts to cut the fiber lines. sensitive children before taking action.
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distributed service with the aim of putting the communication infrastructure of the country into operation, alhamdulillah, all of these were put to rest. elites of amir kabir university of technology to produce a new generation of diabetic wound dressings. the main ingredient used in the composition of this product is white. it is an egg and it can be used to treat infectious and chronic wounds. because i had diabetes, this wound got infected for about 25 years, and the leg became so black that it had to be amputated below the knee. this story is one of hundreds of patients who struggle with diabetes. about 8.5 million of us have diabetes. unfortunately, 10
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thousand legs are amputated in iran due to diabetes. this number when it was repeated , it made the elites of amir kabir university think about creating a new generation in this project, we looked at a series of traditional products, that is, what was actually used in ancient times to heal wounds, in fact, i should say egg white. egg is one of the ingredients that was traditionally used for wound healing . laboratory studies at the cellular level and then at the animal level showed that egg white has a very good potential to actually accelerate the wound healing process in the structure of this product, which is treatment of burn wounds, bedsores and other chronic wounds it is useful. in addition to eggs, another substance is also used. the second substance is called carbomer
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. a very small amount inside the structure causes it to absorb inflammation and moisture. also increase. as the experts of medical centers say: currently , foreign synthetic wound dressings are prescribed to treat these types of wounds in the country, which of course cannot be used for many patients. because the raw materials of these wound dressings are expensive and the final product reaches the market at a high price. considering that the raw materials that have been used the construction of this apron is made of cheap materials they are actually available in the country, so we expect that if this product reaches the commercialization stage, the price of this product will be such that it can be used by patients. the vision of the designers of these diabetic pads is to reduce the number of 10,000 amputations in the country by mass production of this product. mohammad
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ghasem kiaei, sed and cima news agency. some licenses of the ministry of health are still not connected to the national portal of licenses. the title of these licenses on april 21 this year in the deregulation board. arrived but not yet connected to the port. according to the law from march 1400 onwards, all device licenses must be issued through this route by connecting to the national license portal. sometimes you have to wait for months to get it. since 10 years ago, i have been trying to obtain a license from a motor courier. it is like this. sometimes health, sometimes you are in iskandar.
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licensing devices after connecting to the national license portal must issue their licenses only through this portal. the ministry of health is one of them. after two years from the end of the deadline for connecting devices to the national license portal, some licenses from the ministry of health still exist. one of the technical officials is not connected environmental health, one is actually an environmental health consultant expert, one is an independent environmental health auditor, these three are actually the last resolution of the deregulation board that was communicated to us to verify this claim of the ministry of health , we went to the approvals of the deregulation board, environmental health consultant and technical officer of health service offices. although about a year has passed since their licenses were displayed in the regulatory board of the 7th meeting, they still have not been connected to the national license portal
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, while two and a half years have passed since the entry into force of article 7 of the law on the implementation of general policies of article 44. deputy about one year opportunity he has submitted himself to the national license portal. to connect , but this did not happen. now, when will the nearly one-year delay of the ministry of health in connecting some of its licenses to the national license portal end. we hope this will be done by the end of april. according to the tassil law on business licensing, if a device fails to connect its license to the national license portal , the portal is required to issue it automatically . sajjad wahhabi of sed and sima news agency, the head of the youth center of the ministry of health, said free insurance for pregnant mothers for women without insurance coverage.
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the end of breastfeeding is applied. referring to the implementation of this project and the free coverage of the children of this group of mothers up to the age of five, saber jabari said: pregnant women can benefit from free health insurance services from government centers from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding . the spokesperson of the ministry of education announced the payment of 141 retired teachers' end of service bonuses as part of teachers' demands for the purchase of services and tuition fees . the total severance pay for retirees in 401, which was settled, has no other debts. the salaries of these loved ones for two months were notified to the provinces in mehr aban
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the rest of the months have been paid. when will the rest of the months be paid? because the service purchasing forces are based on a system that the founder, in fact, we have to pay the founder of these institutions, we will try before the end of the month. we must pay one more month, in addition to teaching the working and retired students , or the teaching fee, we plan to pay at least 3 months. education will be explained, the spokesman of the ministry of education said that this year , the center's nowruz pike will not be explained in schools. head of the center evaluation and monitoring of educational quality
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announced by the ministry of education. the diplomas of the new educational system and unit year 84 onwards can restore their marks for the national exam in july 1403 only once in the final exams of june 1403. mr. zarei also announced the increase of single subject courses for students' final exams. in the deputy commission of the supreme council of education, an issue was raised that since there are 2 single subjects for final courses and 2 for non-final courses , this turned into 4 subjects being able to choose a single subject in general, that is, for lessons final.
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in the name of god, hello, have a good time , we will start the news with asian age group water polo competitions, the efforts of the iranian youth to win the championship in the final match of the water polo competition, our country's team has gone to japan to win the gold medal from 13:00 , the iranian youth before these teams kazakhstan, sri lanka , malaysia, singapore and china were defeated. the 11th edition of this competition is being held by the philippines. but last night , iran's cultural workers won the vahbi amre cup with 12 colorful badges. the beginning of the freestyle competition of our country in the international competition of yashar dovi in ​​turkey. at on the first day of the freestyle wrestling competition , he defeated his turkish opponent in 65, and in 86 vafaipour won against kazakani azadkar, but in 74
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, abu zari won against an opponent from moldavia. he was defeated in 57 khari and 97 lotfi also went to the mat. last night , iran's team in the cultural wrestling tournament of amreh vahbi cup won 4 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze medals. garmsiri bali and mirzazadeh won the silver medal and abdi and mehdizadeh hedayati won the bronze medal . nikolay petrov of bulgaria won four colorful medals for iran, two wrestlers reached the final match. in the continuation of these competitions, hosted by sofia , bulgaria, for the iranian freestyle wrestling team , mobin azimi won the gold medal in 86 kg and yasin rezaei won the bronze medal in 61 kg. in 65 kg , abbas ebrahimzadeh reached the final match. in wrestling in 82 kg, mohammad nagousi sahib.
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won the gold medal in 72 kg, mohammadreza gharsi won silver, and in 97 kg, amirreza akbari went to the final match, and in the olympic boxing tournament , qashlaghi advanced to the round of 16 and shahbakhsh was eliminated in the following in the second round of these fights in italy, meysham qashlaghi won 80 kilos against an opponent from mexico, and a boxer opponent from the netherlands finished in the round of 16. last night , daniyal shahbakhsh lost to the representative of turkmenistan at 57 kilos after winning against the representative of venezuela. went away tonight , iman ramzanpour will beat his opponent by 92 kilos. before this, ali habibinejad moslem maghsoodi had obtained the permission to participate in the eighth. these competitions will be held with the participation of 632 boxers from 112 countries, and the top four boxers of each weight will qualify for the paris olympics.
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thank you for your attention to the news of this section. today is saturday the 19th of asfan, the 28th of shaban al-ma'zam and the 9th of march . in tehran, the sunset will be at 18:00 , the maghrib call to prayer will be at 185:00, and the sharia midnight will be at 23:33:00. thank you for your cooperation with this news series. together with my colleagues in this department, we say goodbye to you. have a good day and god bless you.


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