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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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by the way, now we are the agency , now i am telling you now, now the agency, the telephone taxi, and even the taxi between the city and the city, many of them are leaving the circle, that is, i myself have seen a lot of these two internet taxis, and the taxis are now known as yellow taxis. and sabz within the city is also working in this system. yes, maybe one of the reasons is this. i believe that there is another reason , considering that the amount of income earned by the driver is much higher. are we among those three members? the three parts that his highness said are the platform itself and the driver and your people platform, no, well, there are drivers but people , my people are other people, well, let me ask you to see the platform and the driver, i am in a hurry from this option.
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i'm in a hurry option is a part of the mechanism of this field of intelligent transportation economy that has been experienced in the world and is good. now, of course , i have devotion to the service of his highness. we are your juniors, he is an expert except me . what is the necessity of this option ? take care of it. i am in a hurry to implement this option. what happened is that about 10% of the trips, and actually the trips that were realized using this option, what does that mean, 90% of the trips were normal. now, what is the state of this 10%, it remains exactly like a valve. an extra thing, let
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it go, they tighten the screw tightly, we are faced with the fact that a small distance that i used to be able to give this in 10 minutes, or in some circumstances, a rain happens, a demand happens, and there is no supply at all from the driver's side. here you are alone your tool is an expensive tool. if you don't raise it
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, what will happen ? you have to see it under the rain. we are not strangers to these issues, but we are saying that it is a legal issue. we must take into account the roman law. you should see that the people are being served. we do not deny it at all. we are very grateful to them. let me thank them. we are very grateful to them . finally, i would like to say that if we have any expectations other than this, in all the progress that has been made in the country, if it is built ok, i don't want to have this either, which is a disaster. another point is that you said that they are allowed to set their own prices . this is an illegal area. actually, look at the law. now, i would like to tell you that the law
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does not allow anyone to provide any service in any style they want or to assume that any production they have has a certain framework to price every product they offer. in the form of a framework , let me tell you that they have a system according to which they have to set prices, which they must be busy with. another point is to see that in the algorithm that it is determined for the pricing of this platform , unfortunately, like bank contracts, 99% of which is in favor of the bank, this is also entirely for the benefit of that platform or that platform. there are people who have to give me the option 10 times , they choose the taxi
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, i don't give them the usual taxi, now i accept the statistics you say, but after all , it must be tangible in the society , this statistic is another option. i have tried many times by myself that when it rains , when there is traffic, during rush hour traffic by the way, none of these platforms accept passengers, which means that the worst problems that people go through in this field are exactly when people need it the most. they have internet taxis, therefore, considering this matter and considering that no new information is presented , i would like to make an observation that if we are here now , our goal is to support the people, because now what the
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support organization said in the interview. if people want to travel, internet taxi is less than 10% compared to urban transportation, that is, we have united options. you can bring your car, you can go out with a motorcycle. you can get a taxi by phone. the consumer optimizes this, mr. esfanani , i don't really dare , but if we accept the expert discussion, it's another legal discussion, sir . sir, the issue of urban transport and taxis , according to the trade union law, again in 2015, another resolution was issued and clarified, and there, in fact, he said that it is shared by the ministry of interior, which is under the jurisdiction of municipalities and municipal organizations. the ministry of documents also shares this work
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is it correct or not? well, if you see a specialized body, we will have a discussion on the confrontational and punitive side, so to speak, close a healthy specialized discussion . it will be implemented, but it will be one-sided , just so that they can determine the price themselves, see the competition, even the competition council commented that i am the one who will explain to you, according to mr.
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esfanai's order, it has been completed, and then i will come back to you. see the competition council in this regard too. announced that the price that the determination means this i in the so-called completion and what you said is the continuation of what i said. the user of this service
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has to choose that option, see when i offered 10 , see when he chooses 10 times and doesn't get overwhelmed, and i don't dare, mr. esfanani , i repeat my previous offer. see, this is my same question. i would like to ask you if it is possible for me, the passenger, and you, the driver , to haggle and give different prices for a route, what is wrong with it? i say that this possibility should not exist in this mechanism and this system, it is a necessity, not a possibility and a the authority to enter a group and say, sir, we are all like now, let's assume that this camera that is currently taking, let's say, sir, i am not at all against this, i will take a wire and disconnect it, sir, the system is no longer working, dear mr. esfanani , that two as for mr. esfanani , i am a perfect example. you can see the condition of the people. we have to support the people on a daily basis . you can see the oath to support the people, but what is the output because we do not comply
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with the requirements? let me answer my question. see this smart algorithm when he comes, he takes the supply and demand . see, this method has been worked out. it has scientific logic . it has scientific literature. once we will come with an interview, then , your highness, you know these approvals that were behind him and these records that i looked at since 1989. this correspondence is called telephone agencies. and then, mr. esfanani, this point that you say, yes, we agree with such and such words, well , we have to realize in practice, in the last one year , several large platforms that have been moved in the current areas, especially because of the same entrances and interventions . non-specific, which is often of the same gender as mr let's take this platform, for example, a glass is placed on a platform that has a plan . this is a
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supplier. mr. mohammad javad hadi, economic expert. the price of trips is not economical in some cases like traffic, and there should be a rush option so that the driver can choose the trip according to his conditions. mr. reza taghipour , a member of the islamic council, adding the "i'm in a hurry" option has provided the possibility of abuse and often causes problems for people. mr. hassan hassan khoani, an economic expert, and the existence
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of the "i'm in a hurry" option makes internet taxi companies provide better services to people and respond to people's requests more quickly, but it should be monitored so that abuse does not occur. mr. mustafa nakhaei, a member of the islamic council. internet taxi companies claim that their pricing for trips. it is smart and they announce the price according to the volume of traffic and the time of travel. when this possibility of smart pricing is available, the existence of rush option is pointless and is an abuse of people. mr. amir sayah, the head of the business environment improvement center. it is not against any law to offer a higher fare to an internet taxi customer in exchange for finding a taxi faster. mr. ahmed osanlu, the head of the state penalty organization, if someone chooses the option of hurrying , they will not get him to his destination sooner, they will go the same way
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as in the normal case, and they will not provide additional service to the people. well , we saw mohammad elhari's report together, mr. esfanani , i will borrow from the same sentence of mr. sayah and ask you this question again. we offer a higher price now with different percentages that we say, for example, i will float if it is okay we want fast. let's get hold of the driver . you can see where the problem is. if there is a suggestion, in the situation as you said, bargaining between the passenger and the driver may be solvable. ok, we sometimes do this in a normal situation, just as mr. hadi said that sometimes we are in a hurry , so we have to pay a higher percentage, but it depends on the situation. it means that the party has the right to negotiate, and you will wait between two options
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, or you will wait between two options. we have the option to use and click "i'm in a hurry" or not. if you don't click "i'm in a hurry " then there are four options for it. you may ask for a taxi 10 times and it has happened to me, for those who were next to me, they chose. i knocked twice, three times, five times. it was not accepted. as soon as i was in a hurry, the knock was accepted. so, this is mandatory, which means that the party is in an emergency and has to choose this option. he selects the option, nothing new happens . look, when someone says i'm in a hurry, it means that if he said, "i'm here now." if he said
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, "if he said 18 minutes, the distance i'm traveling. when i say "i'm in a hurry," it's from the start of the trip to that time.
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it finds an average state in the smart algorithm, which is the order of action according to the same appointment of the incoming minister. this price always optimizes itself towards the minimum , that is, it is always at a minimum, so it is not profitable for the driver. now when something happens, such as congestion, high demand, etc. rain mode if you don't have this option this mechanism doesn't work anymore, then you have to go back to the same traditional system and see a price
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. dear mr. esfanani, please take care of this . at one point, we think that someone is sitting behind it. for example, it comes in the morning. it has a button, a volume , something, for example. it adjusts the price so that it is an algorithm that comes and looks at the acceptance percentage from the driver's side. the driver is also another person . now let's go to the driver's side . let's take a look. hazrat ali himself said what is the cost of this driver. this car is your car in the last four years the price of a 34-50 million car has doubled, it has become 300-400 million. now let's talk about its depreciation. look, we can't go in one direction to look at the issue, now the point i wanted to get to was this , dear mr. esfandani, the economy, especially the platform , due to the complexities of specialized topics , we can't enter this way, that's why we in the years before, in the previous government, we had a decree that said, "sir, in the field of virtual start-up businesses of government agencies, now the government
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made this decision, there was a decree that if you want, i read from the method that the legal assistant is actually the decision of aduzilan that was announced. there was also a style letter from the legal vice president of the republican presidency, so you remember that on 3/26/1400 , he also had the previous circular book, which actually belonged to the year 1996, because the name of the picture is from 311 96, which the devices when readers should enter the field of digital business because it is a complex issue, the issue is so simple that we say something, sir, my experience was this : i will tell you with statistics, i will tell you with data, i will tell you in 90% of the trips that happened. from this option use. not doing so shows that there is no compulsion, and by the way, this is a matter of people's satisfaction . it means the satisfaction of the people, despite the fact that we are new with stone-throwing and obstacles
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, you see, when we say, sir, this part is the plan, now let me explain this part at least , that a new business is presented, that we imagine that everything is planned zero taken. let us imagine that there is nothing wrong with you here. yes, now your claim is the part that you earned it is a new thing that young people are doing this, that people are satisfied with it, that we, the people, trust telephone taxis, abandon city taxis , because it was pointed out, mr. hadi
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asked this question, i would be grateful if you could answer. internet taxi, from the number of trips that have several options, i am in a hurry . did you check the selection? no, it did not check this
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. we only have one time, from now until the start of the trip , this time will decrease. how much does it take for one minute, mr. esfanani, from 5 we are having an average minute. let me ask you a question. what kind of person? look wise, people are wise after all, forgive me for the money, because everyone understands that a wise person will pay more for a minute, so people, whether you noticed the difference in my message or not, or that i could not transfer my message, you see when i have the option to hurry. you do not choose move this to
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the street. you naturally do not choose. because there is no price for the driver, the driver means in the opinion of the driver. well, move this to the street. you stood on the side of the street at that price, so a driver may not accept your request until you change the price. he is to some extent the problem is that this work cannot be monitored in this black and white style. there is a platform that has been built , it is something that can be monitored and reached. if it is added, we will deal with it in
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the so-called, it is another mechanism, they are monitoring this, you have faced the protests of the drivers at all. these platforms are taking at least 20% of the global average now they are taking 15%, which means we hit it from all sides, but we can force the driver to face the economic realities. he has a minute . what is the ideal condition for your price? the context of this issue is a specialized issue and the government has decided in the field of startups and virtual businesses , and in the current government, again, i am
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reading it from the front. in the meeting of the council of ministers on 23 23 8 1400, the president said that startup violations and issues related to them will be investigated by the deputy of legal affairs in a working group that was previously at the levels of 2016. so that their dignity is preserved and their motivation does not decrease. dear mr. esfanani , i am your little servant. you see, there are contradictions in the last one year because of these confrontations.
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it is a fabric and if we think that we can remove a part of it without paying attention to the reality and without seeing the driver's side, the practical result is that people will be harmed . now what is the driver's side? and what kind of people are getting the service and by the way, the satisfaction of their consumption the best witness and evidence is that they are satisfied and choose this option with your authority , mr. esfanani . by the way, we have your respect . if we want to prevent a violation in a place where there is a violation . if you want to prevent violations, you should remove this entire service
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lt is. what is the law of this duty? what is the duty of the investigating judge to allow some people to come and make comments that are not within their jurisdiction ? i am sharing these comments. see one point. another point to see is that we insist that this option provides a new service. it doesn't work, it should be removed and the high-priced sale is an example that i will
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tell you. the fact that during the quiet days of the day and night, they cover the distance that they might travel for half an hour in a busy state, for example, and receive the same amount, but in the quiet days, they travel less time, this can be a compensation for that in business just a very short question. the punishment organization is in favor of floating the price like the one you have in one of the models, that is, if the driver and passenger ask for a lower or higher price , we can offer you a lower or higher price . see if you agree. be the one who receives the service. yes, thank you to both guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program , who accompanied us until this moment. may god protect you, or ali higher today.
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bismillah rahman raheem salaam, head of the center for measuring and monitoring educational quality of the ministry of education he announced that the diplomas of the new educational system and the unit year of 84 and later can restore their grades for the national exam of july 1403 only once in the final exams of june 1403. mr. zarei also informed about the increase of individual courses for students' final exams. in the appointed commission


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