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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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it is competitive and the prices will be balanced. do you agree with the airplane gasoline subsidy? no, if the flight facilities grow in the same proportion, because this is one of the problems, the price will go up , but the flight facilities are also the same, if it is not suitable as it is now. well, anyway , the airplane gasoline subsidy is for those who, should we pay a subsidy for that small percentage of us? i said that if we want to remove the subsidy, we should also increase the flight facilities accordingly. in any case, whatever is being done, you want to receive a higher amount according to its facilities. every body
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if he earns more than the set floor limit , he should pay taxes accordingly . thank you very much, mr. rostami . next and the next guest , you will see the first page of the program and i will say goodbye to mr. rostami. thank you very much. yours truly. abbas goktri, place of birth, shirvan, date of birth, 4 shahrivar 1368, academic degree. specialized doctorate
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in accounting, residence, zavarem village , shirvan city, constituency of shirvan city, employment records, university faculty member, vice chairman of the board of directors of a non-commercial institution, responsible for financial affairs and provincial credits in the treasury of north khorasan. well, i would like to welcome the next guest of the first page program , mr. gudari zoer, yes, elected by the esteemed people of shirvan in the 12th parliament, greetings again, and khairmukht in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, my servant and all the viewers, especially my dear fellow citizens, especially in the dear shirvans. i am at your service, be healthy and transparent.
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votes, gifts, letters, delegates' trips, do you agree? i am completely transparent. the day i entered the election , i said that a report should be made about my place of residence so that people can see where i live. i am 100% against anything. i am in favor of transparency, so what should i get my salary , i will tell the people this is my salary, every vote i give, i will tell the people, people see me because i like to be transparent with the people , so what will you do to increase transparency in the whole parliament. about the rights of workers and employees. should it
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be worn according to the amount of swelling or should it be proportional to the swelling? naturally, it is better to be at the rate of inflation. this group should really be paid attention to. we recently had a meeting with ahasab and kargar house. a few months ago , they were also concerned that this spectrum was not supported. however, some workers work seasonally, while others are unemployed. what have we made arrangements for them? what support programs do we have for our dear workers in this regard? we will firmly stand behind this community and help them . we support any law that needs support and is right. do you agree with the removal of subsidies for high earners? now they are citizens anyway, they are living in our country. to say that it is deleted, in my opinion, it should not be deleted. yes
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, do you agree with allocating subsidies to producers and importers in order to get bread, medicine and basic goods cheaply to the people? should this subsidy be given to the people themselves? great it is better if it is given to the people, well, the people should manage it themselves , but naturally, the producers should also be paid attention to and monitored . not higher than that gasoline subsidy. should it be given in the current way, that is , gasoline subsidy should be given to every car, or should it be given to the national number of the national card and people, to the number of the car and people , now we
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have a fuel card. you do not agree that to it should be given to people. it is true. i agree . it should be given to people. so what will you do? we are following this in the parliament. anyway, this gasoline issue is now a bit of a concern for the people . what happens to the price of gasoline. the nationalities of people should be assigned. anyway, a person may not have a car, but he is an iranian citizen, so we must be assigned to him. this scene is very good with the proportionality of the elections. do you agree? proportionalization proportionalization means that in big cities like tehran, like mashhad, isfahan, tabriz, where the number of representatives is more than one or two, we did not vote for a list of 30 people in tehran. to be held in some way, now
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there may be different methods so that a movement does not just go to the parliament. and the current of the competitor is not at all. i would like to give a more concrete example, it is possible that in the parliament, one time in an election, there is a list of a list , an electoral list related to a faction, depending on the conditions of the full political day, they go to the parliament and the second list, which is a rival movement, and in that period of luck, the people do not show it to them, despite high votes, for example, may be a candidate. a candidate for the election has 500,000 votes but because he is on the second list , he is counted among the second 30 people and does not go to the parliament. some people believe that in order to create a competitive atmosphere in the parliament, we should
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give a share to the one who is a competitor and the one who is a minority in the cities . let's design the general election in such a way that only one of you will agree with this. or not, my opinion is that anyone who enters the parliament should come to work. i myself am often asked what party you belong to. broadcasting, in my opinion , the people who enter this category are program-oriented , what plan does he have in terms of legislation, what plan does he have for his country, because somehow now the duty of the representative has been misinterpreted. its inherent duty is to legislate and supervise for the strict implementation of the law, but now , anyway , we accept the expectations of the representative, anyway, we are the servants of the people, but we must make decisions at the head of the country to solve the problems on a basic basis. i think that every person when a candidate enters the parliament, it should be program-oriented
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. people should vote for their programs, not for the list opinion well, now that the people finally have a way to choose, yes , do you agree that the design should be done in such a way that the rival stream, even with a high vote , can enter the parliament and have a share. we must take steps in the direction of participation in healthy competition, participation in security, and in any case, we must take steps to have a glorious election. now, thank god, our province also grew with a percentage of 55%, which was the fourth province in iran that participated in the election. well , the president should be directly elected by the people or instead, for example, the prime minister who is elected by the parliament in fact, the presidential system or the parliamentary system, i say the presidential system, which we directly say
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is the vote of the people, it is better for the people to choose directly. yes , it means that your current situation is better . with supervision, yes , the municipalities should be given more attention, we need to give them a series of more powers and give them a more open hand so that they can provide good services. to present to the citizens, in foreign policy , with which countries is the priority to communicate with? countries like spain, of course, only these countries are not the priority , but they are also the priority for the persian gulf countries , which we need to interact with the world . of course, countries that are not enemies with us or have no special plan for us, any country
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that either does not break promises, does not break promises, like the jcpoa, which hazrat agha's view was that america and england cannot be trusted. spanish-speaking countries that are our neighbors have good communication in the persian gulf let's face it, this is the world, it is these interactions that make that country grow anyway. for the phenomenon of not wearing a hijab or in addition to cultural work , what do you believe and how do you believe? hijab is one of the obligations that we cannot say that hijab should not be, hijab should be a law, by all means it should be done within the framework of the law. if you want to tighten it, i don't know how to limit it. don't take the picture, but
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i agree with the nature of the hijab, that the hijab should be a pension for a family of four covered by the welfare relief committee when the head of the family is disabled. either because of old age or because of a defect , tell me what a disability you mean. yes, how much should their salaries be ? their pensions are high . what i heard is very low. i mean, you know. yes , i have been receiving these messages for a few days. that i have a financial request, i am very sad about what we did that our loved ones , whether in the relief committee or in bahsi, or our citizens , are now completely financially dependent, and this figure is so small
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that it cannot be called, so see how much it is now. now, i don't think that it is necessary for this family to have four people . you can say the ratio with the floor of the salary approved by the labor law . every year, this number is determined according to inflation. i think that some of them they believe that this will cause, for example, what do i know, some kind of dependence or laziness may arise, well, that person who, although now, we talked about families whose head is disabled, yes, and the ability to work no, in any case, when a person who comes becomes a member of this group, he is under the supervision of this it can be instituted. these are the people who need it because if they have a job, they never have to be a member, so we have to support
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them. they also want this minimum salary. in my opinion , their salary should be higher than the labor law . do you agree with the removal of entrance exam? no, entrance exam is a problem. i myself have already been asked questions about the entrance exam . actually, many of those in we were talking about the field of being active in the entrance exam. you see, a student comes, tries hard , has a high iq, studies and becomes a doctor in an experimental group, or a dentist, or in a group. engineering, for example, in sharif, mathematics is accepted in physics or other fields, especially the fields that
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are popular now, such as the department of medical sciences . they entered college, then entered, after a while, they entered the country and studied at the state university, along with the top rank. i also did this. i am against it, it means that those who study should be graded, so i think we should go to the entrance exam. with a series of newer criteria that the experts are of the opinion , it is better to keep it because it will be removed again . i think it is true that in your constituency , you give priority to the construction of villas, that is, the granting of land for the construction of villas or apartments, according to the conditions in your constituency. do you have enough land in shirvan
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? yes, shirvan city has land. the education budget is for the construction of a villa it is great for all the 3 million students of the country or for the 400,000 daily government students, in my opinion , it is for all of them, some organization is also needed. now, look at azad university , it has weakened, next to it are educational institutions, and next to it is pandography technical university, the message of light is scientific. in my opinion, it is useful to organize in this area. we are now in shirvan, one of the oldest universities in iran. it could be said that another university has now made concessions and reached a complex, which of course is not a complex. now it has become a satellite faculty under berzhnor university. see this now it has been degraded and has become a university . in 1363 , it was one of the oldest agricultural universities in iran. i think that
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there should be an organization . there are 100 to 200 to 300 students in other universities. they should join here . let's grow the college and make it a complex, and if several colleges are created, it will eventually become a university. that is, this organizer is needed in the field of higher education. let us give him a subsidy for airplane gasoline or supply it at the fob price of the persian gulf. in my opinion, we should give him a subsidy. as long as they don't raise the prices by the minute. because people they are complaining a lot about this price fluctuation , would you allow me to say one thing about this part of the plane? when you talked about it, i really felt sorry for you. can you believe that we are a province, we still don't have a plane. now, yesterday, a flight came to bezhnevard and didn't sit down . well, we
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have to use the available facilities, but when something is ready. there is no place to split the mountain . there is a mountain, baba musa mountain. there is a split for the plane to come and land, but due to the current weather conditions, it will never land. we are not one of the reasons for our province's lagging behind. we don't have railway infrastructure, we have trains, we don't have airplanes. it has always been stubborn. they never allowed to expand bojnord airport. the flights are inactive now. if you want to attract an investment , you have to come to mashhad by car, which is due to the lack of expansion of our province, especially in our city. the existing infrastructures do not agree with the capital id tax. if it is implemented correctly, yes, more supervision means tax auditors,
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strict supervision. you can see that people all over the world agree with taxes like this. it is not to say that they are against it , but this is what they are saying if they are going to be taxed if there is no discussion of tax evasion, what solution do you have to prevent tax evasion, the legal solution means the solution, and now there is a need for specialized meetings, in any case, we have to raise the opinion organs, we have access to all the accounts. we have people and we know which person has what kind of capital and moves anyway. in any case, if it is implemented properly , my people will not come after them. people say that you are going to collect taxes from everyone, why don't you ask some people ? it's not bad at all, but god
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willing , we will help them to make these comments more accurate. another achievement of young iranian specialists , the iranian guide to guide the 222 float was unveiled in kish . this float is a pilot boat float. it provides port service operations for the sub-category of the port organization in the built navigation world. the engineers of our country are now able to build search and rescue vessels, guide boats, passenger carriers, and specialized military vessels such as the coast guard. 17 meters long and the width is 3.4 tenths of meters with the engine power of 1000 horsepower in each engine, where two engines are used.
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it has the ability to sail even up to three and a half nautical miles with a maximum speed of 26 knots. the construction design and tests of this vessel are completely indigenous. almost except for its engine , which is also being localized, in addition to the completely aluminum body , the navigation equipment of this vessel is also made with iranian knowledge or equipped in the vessel, most of the navigation aids are iranian . there were four cars facing you from outside enter the country, how much land was actually exported from the country. it cost about 8 million euros . the company that built this vessel has delivered 56 vessels in different classes to port and
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maritime companies. this vessel is going to be put into service in imam khomeini port and the manufacturing company is going to deliver four more vessels next year . mehdi oshiar, radio news agency, kish island. representatives of more than 14 asian and african countries and the world health organization gathered in the summit hall to exchange views on the latest experiences in the field of primary health care. to pay iran has made great progress in public health. we hope that these relations will lead to the progress of both countries in healthcare. iran despite sanctions. has been able to progress in the field of health , and this is an inspiration for us to implement family health programs, one of the policies of the 13th government, which
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was started in two provinces of fars, mazandaran on a trial basis with the aim of improving health indicators, and now this plan has been extended to more than 195 the city has arrived. we have 560 health centers, of which nearly 35 are private health centers, that is, the same general doctors who are already in the office. shun being now as the health centers are working and we have about 140 government health centers , we have about 30 doctors in the social security health center, caring for pregnant mothers, children, caring for the middle-aged, caring for the elderly, caring for special diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure in private health centers and our government is doing what is expected from the implementation program of the urban doctor and family program is that people during the health case. they should be taken care of, a coherent assessment of their health should be done and their risk factors should be identified, and early interventions , especially community-based interventions, should be given to them.
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it should be noted that this program should, in any case , when it expands to the whole country , this point should be seen and one of its axes is that the role of the health care provider must be a central role, compared to the role of the doctor, the purpose of holding this program conference: according to the organizers, this conference was an opportunity to exchange experience and try to further improve our network . however, we are facing new conditions when the network was established, more than 60% of the country's population lived in villages. now 80 of our population is urban population and all this requires that in addition to changing the load diseases from infectious diseases. to non-communicable diseases and the emergence of newly emerging diseases such as corona that we should have a revision in order to improve and strengthen the health care network
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. i think this seminar was a good opportunity for this to happen. among the main topics of this conference was the subject of electronic records and universal health coverage. social factors affecting health, discussion of electronic health record, discussion of integration. the topics
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were about executive issues and challenges that are leading, and the most beautiful spring season, what is the time of the night and the night of eid, and this fragrance and beauty here is qotb gol's drawing. iranian shabbos. it has been the hard work of our fathers for many years , which has been inherited to us, and the region we are in is a region whose climate and structure are the same as this flower production
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. spring guys with the experience of being able to obtain this flower in the shape of a short stem, bayan is produced in approximately 350 units in the city's flower houses. 3 thousand khomeini shahri people tried to present the fragrance of these shabu flowers to our dear people in the colorful spring. our shabbos flower is the first in iran in terms of quality in terms of its popularity. the time of planting and accumulation. it's summer and the harvest time is right around the same time this year. our production growth has been good. our numbers have been good compared to previous years. this year, we started with knowledge-based companies and started preparing goats from this flower. to be self-sufficient, this flower is sent to other places in addition to different regions of our country. we
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had a series of shipments from central asian countries, iraq, afghanistan, pakistan. planted by the hands of the people of this country , who inform their hearts about their date every year, this year as well the decoration of the courtyard and palace of ali bin musa reza , peace be upon him, can be given in the form of comments and donations, for the blessing of the greenhouses, for the blessing of all of our lives. i have been coming here for four years to load flowers. every day between 5 and 10, the truck is sent to mashhad. can be said. khomeini shahr province has a history of more than half a century in the production and cultivation of this spring flower . it is expected that by the end of march, more than 11 million flower pots from this region will be distributed throughout the country. ahmad reza azimi of khomeini shahr radio and television news agency.
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meets you the best in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace. out of 60 million people included in fajraneh kalaberg plan, 54 million people participated in the plan and benefited from the benefits of double credit of 220 thousand tomans. advisor to the deputy minister of cooperation labor and social welfare said: people's income in this region is more than 37 thousand billion and the government's income is more than 10 thousand billion. how many


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