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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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avand will meet you, the best memories and tastes will be shared, avand, just taste it. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. of the 60 million people included in the fajraneh kalaberg plan, 54 million people participated in the plan and benefited from the double credit of 220 thousand tomans. the adviser to the deputy minister of labor cooperation and social welfare said: the income of the people has been more than 37 thousand billion and the government's income has been more than 10 thousand billion. how many disadvantages does it have? one
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is that the credit has increased from 120 tomans to 220 tomans, and a precondition was that the product had an electronic card, which means that everyone wants 120 tomans goods. in order to receive 200 tomans from his own subsidy, he had to spend in the way of goods. at this stage , the precondition is completely removed and there was a difference. in the previous stage, the credits were transferred between the goods, that is, i am a housewife with 3 people , 300 tomans and 60 tomans i had credit in the previous period , i could use all my credit to buy oil or rice and buy from these 11 items. at this stage , all credits are transferable, only credit with the same specific product, for example, i want to go buy oil, i will buy oil credit, i will buy rice, i want to get credit from only the group what is the product for which credit can be transferred, dairy between milk, yogurt and cheese? week to the cinema. this movie is coming, which
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was noticed by the judges and media people at the 4th fajr film festival . it is one of the nowruz movies that will be screened in cinemas this week. this is tabriz in the 1960s and this is mr. jalil. life will come to an end. yes, yes, a building painter who loves cinema and plans to make a film, so it doesn't matter, whatever i got so far , i bought a small camera and made a film . it was really the scariest dialect i thought that i would never play it because the azeri turkish dialect was very difficult, but well.
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it is not the product of the imagination of the author, mr. ali taherfar, for the film aparachi aparachi in the screening of the 42nd fajr film festival, a special jury award . he turned himself into a film adapted from the book
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aparachi, which is scheduled to be shown on the silver screen of cinemas across the country on the 23rd of september. maryam ghasemi, radio and television news agency. bache zarang's animation was presented to the audience with 1700 mobile screenings in cities without cinemas. 47 cities without cinema for the first time with this animation they experienced the mobile show. 2111 cities without cinemas hosted bacha zarang. i ruined my father. bad dad with 1700 times, the mobile show is coming in cities like mahabad and takab, and the mood is calm. whatever you learned today is enough. this life of football up to bafaq, ardakan, big and small tenbe and bandera jask. with the capacity of 70 mobile screening devices
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that the iranian youth cinema association has prepared for 220 cities without cinemas , there is a wide capacity in the mobile cinema system to screen movies like becha zarang, and this movie itself, and i think that this sale can continue along the way. among the record breakers it will be a mobile cinema and it will help a lot for areas without cinemas. so far, 47 cities without cinemas have experienced mobile screenings for the first time with smart kids. let's go somewhere last . young cinema has happened in mobile screenings and i think it is an unprecedented event that nearly 200,000 people in cities without cinemas can
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benefit from the opportunity to see this movie . ready to save the world. life and it tries to help. the name of this hero is mohsen, who loves superheroes. do not be afraid of me. i came to help you . during a short trip to a forest in mazandaran, he meets a tiger and wants to save it from poachers. let's look for the one that hasn't been destroyed yet. goyanama bacha zarang was produced in 5 years by hamed jafari and with the cooperation of poya art group, which was premiered at the 4th fajr film festival.
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this four-part collection deals with the history of the formation of the earth and the extinction of various species in it. earth documentary in scientific, historical and environmental way it will be broadcasted again at 7:00 pm 15 days later. when the face of our planet was unrecognizable. this is the story of the biggest mass extinction event in the history of the earth. this problem. a sudden rain of silas fell all over panjaya and created a ticking time bomb. the great iceman
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begins with fire. that the earth news sources reported the decision to the french government to increase treatment costs. according to the bfm network, this has caused concern for people suffering from diseases with long-term effects. there have been four heart attacks. he is one of 13 million french people with the system ayal dist, that is, people with long-term effects. this system allows him to cover his health expenses. yes, this is very important, because i have a very long list of medicines.
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change the long-term disease financing system, although the french health advisor says that there is no question of spending, but he did not rule out the revision of the financing. this issue is a review of the accuracy of the organization of the ild system of the patient list from the 80s. 25 associations expressed their concern in this regard in an open letter . we must be careful not to let infected people. if they think about long-term illnesses , they will not benefit from this system. they have many worries. two/thirds of the costs are covered by health insurance. stay with us
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. on the evening of july 26, 1956, gamal abdul nasser rode in the presidential ceremonial car and passed through thousands of people who were eager to meet him in the streets of alexandria and cheered for him to reach al manshiyeh square. where tens of thousands of
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egyptian people and hundreds of egyptian officials and politicians as well as diplomats from different countries were waiting to hear his important words. the anger of the people had doubled in the hot and humid weather of that day in alexandria. at the same time, nasser had assigned one of his closest friends, mahmoud younes, to go to the headquarters of the suez canal company. and carefully listen to his entire speech and wait to hear the password. mahmoud younes
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followed nasser's passionate speech along with 30 egyptian security and military forces until nasser uttered the password several times. and at the same time, there was an explosion of joy in al-manshieh square
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in alexandria and then in tamma. but nasser knew that this was the beginning of a great battle with the great world powers of that day britain and france, egypt, the land of pharaohs, where the first united human states were formed, and its kings ruled on their thrones in this land for more than 3,000 years. but after that and in the
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contemporary era, this land was occupied by foreign rulers. muhammad ali pasha, the military ruler of the ottoman empire , who was originally from albania , ruled egypt since 1805. and it was this dynasty that reached the hands of king farooq in the tumultuous half of the 20th century. when egypt gained independence in 192, jamal abdul nasser was only 4 years old and was immersed in the world of his father, who was an employee of the post office in alexandria. he was childish and did not know anything about the inflammatory world outside the home. egypt
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has always been the place of passage of caravans from the east and west of the world, and it has always served the neighboring nations and the arab world. in those days , egypt was busy and crowded, and travelers who were mostly businessmen or western world travelers could be seen everywhere in its big cities. despite the abundance of natural and human resources, poverty was rampant in egypt at that time. during the days of nasser's childhood , there were much more caravans and merchants at this crossing than before, and the important reason was the suez canal. a channel whose
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management has been under british control for decades it was france. a sign of colonialism and exploitation of the egyptian nation. the suez canal is a 192 km long water route to reduce the sea route from asia to europe that connects the red sea to the mediterranean sea. even today, a significant part of egypt's income comes from shipping fees in the suez canal. the idea of ​​building a canal is very old and related to ancient times, but the construction of what exists today began in 1859 and was completed in 10 years under the management of france and the design of a person named ferdinand delis. some sources put the number of workers
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involved in the construction of the canal at one and a half. million people it has been estimated that more than 30,000 workers have always been working throughout it. many of these workers were transported from different parts of the world to work in egypt. but a significant part of them were egyptian farmers who had been working in the canal project with the lowest wages and sometimes by force. thousands of these workers died from hard working conditions and diseases such as cholera during the construction years of the canal. finally , the opening ceremony of the canal was held on november 15, 1869, with the presence of the king of egypt and many members of the royal family of europe such as france, austria and prussia.
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its control came under french supervision. the king of egypt, ismail pasha , sold the country's share of the canal, which was 44%, to england, due to the inability to pay egypt's loans, now that the canal had been completed. the people of egypt only witnessed the passage of foreign ships day and night and they did not receive anything. every year, tens of millions of dollars were given to the suez canal company, which was under the management of britain and france, and the people of egypt were the only observers. even the important jobs of this company
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were in the hands of its european employees, and the egyptians were only engaged in labor and hard work. furthermore britain had brought 70,000 military forces to egypt to protect the canal and its facilities in order to protect it against any attack by the egyptians. this is how the suez canal became a symbol of humiliation and insult of colonialism in the soul and soul of the egyptian people. it had become and the wish of every egyptian was for britain to leave this country. nasser was eight years old when he lost his mother , and when his father remarried , he could no longer stay at home. some time later, he went to cairo to make a life for himself with his other relatives
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, which suddenly attracted him to the new world in cairo. in those days, the people of egypt sought independence they were real, more than what had been formed on paper before, and it was during these days that nasser slowly got to know the world of politics and stepped into nationalist independence protest rallies and demonstrations . anna shab is a junior in secondary school in the second year of secondary school. in the year 30, in alexandria and in al-manshieh square, despite the announcement of hariyya and
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the official call for independence, the young and cheerful king of egypt, king farouk , was the undisputed executor of the british prime minister's duties. cairo was sent to him. it got to the point where in 1942, by the order of the british ambassador, the palace of king farouk was surrounded by british tanks to express the dissatisfaction of his government with the policies of the then prime minister of egypt, and farooq finally dismissed him.
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nasser, who entered the officer college in 1937 and wore army uniform , felt tormented every day by this humiliating situation that egypt and even its army is under the command of british officers and politicians, and every day he wrote down these events in a small notebook. and years later his family found these manuscripts. but what in the following years the egyptian society over from pi. the issue of palestine was connected to regional and global conflicts. on may 14, 1948, with the cooperation
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of western countries, especially britain, a jewish state declared its existence in the northern borders of egypt.
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the natural reaction of arab countries was to confront this incident and military conflict is inevitable. egypt, which was almost the largest arab country , was at the forefront of the conflict against israel. but because of the structure of the egyptian army, which britain played a decisive role in its formation. these forces , after advancing towards palestine in the first days by zionist guerilla groups with the help of western armed forces were stopped and defeated . during these days, gamal
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abdel nasser was in charge of a small group of the egyptian army in the fallujah region and near the gaza strip, and a fierce battle broke out between them and the israeli forces, and despite the disconnection of these forces with the command center for several months, they were under the most intense artillery bombardment. resistance they continued nasser did not accept the surrender offer from israel. and finally, with the negotiation of egypt and israel, after four months of resistance, these forces surrendered the fallujah area to israel and retreated to egypt. easy thanks to the times without qatal al-kanu are present in al-faluqah and al-kanu are present in iraq al-manshiyeh. he is the one who is present in the house of jibrin, the house of jabrin is comfortable without fighting, the one who is in the house of zakrin, deir al-dabban , deir aban, beir al-jamal, and all the regions are comfortable.
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without our fight, it happened, and there is no bullet in the ability of the writer to express it, and to express it, to describe the noble meanings that were manifested in the celebration of egypt by welcoming its citizens . magnificent welcome to the troops returning from the battle scene of palestine in cairo and baghi egyptian cities felt defeat and surrender among egyptian officers like nasser.
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jesus egyptian police headquarters, a surrender demand has been ignored and now
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the buildings belonging to england and france were set on fire in cairo, the people were all in a state of turmoil , the king was changing the ministry of all three cities
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, and the palace was the one that was burning cairo and the burning face of cairo shows it. this people is burning in the spirit , burning in the heart and burning in the heart of egypt like a barrel of gunpowder and ready to explode at any moment. finally, the group that nasser and his friends had been organizing for years made their decision zabat al-ahrar or free officers decided to remove king farouk from the throne with a coup and declare a republic in egypt. in the early hours of july 23, 1952, nasser, along with a small circle of
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his friends, informed king farouk that the army was no longer under his command and he must leave the country quickly . they allowed the king to leave the country with his family for italy. at first, for a while, the general of the egyptian army, muhammad najib, who was a popular figure among the people and army officers , took over the presidency.


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