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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] there is an emphasis on health-oriented and universal sports in this sector, because this field is a trade field and is far from the professional field and the championship of numerous programs in the past years at different levels, at the national and international provincial levels. it has been implemented and basically the emphasis is on taking sports to the level of factories and companies that are more compatible with our society and basically in the coming years these programs will definitely exist and god willing it can be expanded to in general, you mentioned that in the coming years , you said that these are your plans, but in a specific way if we say that in the next year 1603 we have a detailed written program, what about participation in various competitions and the plans that you have for the promotion of workers' sports, you say in the programs for
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sports. a work is being prepared regarding this part of the country's sports, which will be announced in the form of a calendar of annual programs. we have an average of more than 50 championship competitions of the country , as if provincial and city competitions are held at the same time , along with public activities at the factory levels . we have that it will be the same in the next year, our forecast for the next year is more than there are 65 national competitions in different disciplines. currently, a country's labor sports manage 35 sports in the men's and women's section and organize their competitions. in addition to these programs , we follow public sports events at the level of the nejat factory under the title of sports and work mondays, which our colleagues attend at the factory level, without any
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side programs, and we will focus on the main thing. and we actually emphasize sports in a way. we have many international competitions in the coming year, which we will deal with in advance. basically, the year is very busy and it is full of hard work and a lot of programs. one of the areas that have been emphasized to us and we have a plan for it is the discussion of leaks . god willing, i will give you more explanations. unfortunately, our time is running out now. i had a lot of questions for you, especially the debate between public sports and championships, or the huge expenses that some companies and factories, especially the russians , spend hundreds of billions on the state of the country's sports in football, and we don't know how it should be. do you have a team or invest in sports but we will definitely invite you again, god willing, to be at your service and
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talk about these issues. dear mr. javad ramzi, who participated in our conversation, but dear viewers, we are also grateful for your company. mrs. hajipour, i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. ghaffari, to your excellency and our colleagues in the sports group, as well as the honorable guest of the program. let's go to the road and housing projects. which is supposed to be opened or unveiled today during the road minister's visit to khuzestan. let's go with the director general of the road . it will be opened today in the presence of the minister of road and urban development in your province. yes, today is the 20th.
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march is the day of the wayfarers of light. yes, mr. minister was on a trip to the province , he will visit the operational areas and, god willing , we will have a ceremony in khorramshahr. simultaneously with this program, we had a discussion on the occasion of the shabani celebrations, a land survey for the young immigrants of the population out of 15,000 plots of land that generally. the country was in the program of 3000 plots in khuzestan province, which , god willing, today, with their presence, these lands will be handed over to the dear mutaghazis. at the same time, there is a plan of the national housing movement, which in the rural part of the dilapidated structures, the reconstruction of the self-ownership of mehri houses, which is from in the past, about 32,000
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units were left and the discussion has actually been completed. at the same time, with their presence, 54 thousand units of urban support land and 14 thousand units of rural land are discussed. whose plans have been prepared and ready to be handed over to mass builders and in the form of construction groups to the dear people of khuzestan cities . the city of ahvaz needs a western belt. in the process of building this , we will continue to discuss the beginning of the construction of ahvaz beltway by mr. wazir
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second, the route of singing to khorramshahr, god willing, with the presence of mr. wazir in the province, thank you very much for the reply of mr. biad manesh, the general director of roads and urban development of khuzestan . i say goodbye to mr. wali. well, let's go to the closing ceremony of the third national and international commemoration of hakim nezami ganjavi, and we are in the studio of mr. khorabeh, the vice president of the cultural heritage association, to hear more about this ritual . good morning, mr. khorabeh, and you are very welcome. greetings and courtesy to you and all dear viewers . good morning, and god willing, may the days be good for all. please tell me what programs
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you have planned for this closing ritual. yes, i know that all the dear viewers are intoxicated and know the great sage of our speech, mr. nizamieh, and it is worth mentioning that fortunately, the third period of this great ritual was held this year as well. within a week from the fourteenth day of march of our current year and today , fortunately, at the same time as the day named after our wise sage, that is, the 21st of our month , the end of this tradition. we will hold it in vahdat hall with the presence of adba poets who are people of art and people of thought and wisdom and we will be at the service of all those who are interested. was. you say that among the side programs you have
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, you will also have a book launch ceremony. yes, before that, i would like to tell you and dear viewers that during these days, a series of very serious and fruitful programs have been carried out almost all over our country in different provinces, thanks to the efforts of our academics , our culturers, especially the departments of culture of our country , have implemented various programs. the areas of thought that are related to hakim nizami are preparing and implementing, well, the result of these are works, fortunately , some of them will be unveiled today, including the scientific and research part of this issue, which is the collection of articles of this the conference, which has identified the i degree, and
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it is a valid scientific degree , will be unveiled today in the closing program, as well as some other works written by other friends and made available to the interested parties. all these will be unveiled today, god willing, and will be exposed to the eyes of friends. to introduce this great poet , what programs have you prepared and are working on, both at the level of our own country and at the international level, and basically please let me know what is going to happen in this national and international commemoration, especially in the international field of view hey people, since you added the international to the discussion of this commemoration , please tell me what will happen in the international field in this regard . well, i want to tell you that
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wise personalities like hakim nizami, who is our great and historical iranian poet, in it has an international aspect within itself , it does not think of geographical borders at all. admittedly, where hakim nizami takes up the pen and starts writing , he puts his line of work into the field of writing, that is, khamsa. or panj ganj itself seems to break the geographical boundaries today, our romantic narrative or rightly so let's say that we hear the story of his love story all over the world , we see it in the lines of international scholars and researchers outside the borders of iran, so in its essence this aspect is international. and today we
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want to once again have a reading of this wise sage on a wide international scale. well, today we witness that our cultural advisors have a very fruitful set of activities in these days and in the last two years, each according to their own abilities. with the cultural people of that country, as well as using our own researchers. prepare plans and from going to hakim nizami with different approaches and from different aspects, we are also of the opinion that hakim nizami, well, if we want to say, we should really look at it historically, since the beginning of this work , it is very strange that it has opened its own way to us today. with examples of khumsa.
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we are faced in different cultures . you see, for example, in india, hakim nizami has a very special place, there are many examples based on this civilization. friends, everyone knows that when we talk about five treasures, it means one of five very famous works of the author named mekhzhan the secrets of khosrow and we are talking about shirin, laili majnoon, haft pikar or bahramnameh or haft gonbad and iskandernameh, which itself includes two parts: sharafnameh and iqbalnameh. well, all friends must have heard about khosra and shirin. all friends must have heard about laili majnoon. all friends must have heard about bahram gore and his romantic stories, as well as the wisdom that our sage goes through in iskandarnameh or
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in the brain of these stories . this influence also permeates the arab culture , why does hakim nizami himself pay attention to this matter when he chooses a character named lily , he chooses majnoon, which is a narrative and story that fits into the arabic language, or when he chooses shirin. it melts the sweet that he is armenian, he is a christian, next to his father-in-law and parvizi , who is iranian, where he gets help from alexander the greek, but alexander, who is told in a different way here, is the tyrant alexander , here is an iranianized alexander, alexander. it seems that the silent part of his wisdom should be shown. well, all this indicates that
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the way to influence the international sphere will be opened for us. non from this, we see that many of our foreign thinkers, people like bertelst, reuter, i thank you for your presence, herman hesse, have all paid attention to this character throughout history. in german countries, we see time when these are translated, analyzed and discussed in german. this is because we still want to continue this field and new approaches, if you allow us , we have less than a minute if it is possible . we say that this text itself has a capacity to the fields our art is also related, we had military reading traditions that text.
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khumseh is tied to our musical field. today , in our own bakhtiaris, we have done it in our own relatives . this opens the field for us to enter the fields of performing arts. our theater is involved in this. this can be the case, our cinema can be involved in this case, and finally our visual arts with the traditions of
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khumseh writing that it has for all the seven arts. they are very independent in the house of the independent nation, but today the 11th parliament is meeting, and so to speak , the representatives of the 11th term will gather again in the public hall of the parliament to finish their work. let's have a discussion. may god bless us with the plans of today's parliament. yes, thank you very much. i also offer my greetings to you and also to the dear viewers , considering that the time is very short, i would like to quickly point out that the parliament will be held this week, today and monday. and tuesday will have public meetings as the first today's order continues the review of a plan that was previously submitted to the parliament by the representatives regarding the amendment of the country's trade union law. last week, the review began and some articles were approved. today
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, the plan continues . the reason for tax revenues that we had last week in this field is that the unions are obliged to actually register and upload their own income, balance sheets and financial statements in specialized systems, and today the review of other materials will continue . it is already a government bill. he had given to the parliament regarding the modification and change of the working hours of government employees, well, this has actually been considered as a priority with the approval of the parliament, and it will probably be discussed today. now , there are 44 hours in a week and 176 hours in a month, and we have to see
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what decision the parliament makes in this regard , an inquiry under the title of an inquiry plan in article 5 of the law. the social insurance law for construction workers is currently under review by the parliament. i would like to point out that in this article 5 in this law, it is mentioned that in order to be insured , workers must pay an insurance premium, 25 % of them are employers, this is not a discussion at the moment, but there is a question and ambiguity regarding the second paragraph of this law, which says that there are duties to be paid, so that it can be determined that these duties are covered by this law. there is an opinion regarding development, there is destruction, there is renovation, and today, god willing, the parliament will resolve this ambiguity . the government has also issued a bill regarding the resolution of the dispute between tovani, the specialized parent company
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of iran's specialized electricity company, and a turkish company called ghent, which requested this. let the parliament vote and their differences international arbitration will go to the majlis today, god willing. if there is a chance, i will give a short speech about the budget bill for the whole country next year . well, our dear viewers know that the budget bill was being reviewed in the parliament for months. it is related to the tables , which, god willing, will be reviewed before the year . thank you very much for the explanation of mr. siad's colleagues . dear colleagues , thank you mr. kazem niaz, you and my other colleagues at the news agency, let's go to the final part of today's morning program, which is the unveiling of the four-volume collection of the historical history of ancient iran, and we are the host of mr. ehsan rezaei in the studio.
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secretary of illustrated history of iran, mr. rezaei , good morning. it's a very nice greeting. i am at your service and everyone who hears our voice sees our conversation. be safe, especially the dear people of sistan baluchistan , what is the subject of these books and what issues do they cover? in your presence, as you said, this book is a collection of illustrated history of iran , the first four volumes of which are iran before islam, from the fifth volume, from the rise of islam, to the tenth and eleventh volumes, to reach the contemporary era. currently, the four volumes are ready with the help of history and archeology professors. done today after you have prepared a 9-volume collection, but out of these 10 volumes, four of these ten volumes will be unveiled today, which is the first four volumes . and what is the message of these books to the audience while you brought one of these volumes?
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we have many history books in our book market, they are very valuable and very good , but they have two points, one is that sometimes not all of them are written for people who must have a prior knowledge of specialized literature . the general public is not the point. first, the second point is that most of them are without good and many pictures, which means that they are talking in the middle of a certain period, for example , what do i know about a certain sasanian petroglyph ? for example, scanned and reprinted with low quality, and what we did in this book is that there are approximately 4,000 images in these four volumes . where did you get the thousands of images from different periods in each volume
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, how did you get them ? we bought from photographers or from different museums around the world about 100 museums and private collections, the largest of which is the national museum of iran, and today the unveiling will take place in the national museum of iran, or whether it has been photographed. what are the ancient buildings, many of them are damaged or not, all of them have been reconstructed based on the documents documents and with the help and guidance of history and archeology professors, you have statistics that out of these 4,000 photos, which image is there in your four volumes, each of which you have almost a thousand of these photos, some of them are probably really yours. it is the first time that it has been prepared for us, dear audience . yes, yes, you mentioned a part of these that you were able to collect from different museums, both
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domestic and foreign . how much did you learn from foreign museums? sum up how many of them are domestic, how many of them you photographed and prepared yourself, and how much of them are the same photos that your excellency mentioned, which were pristine photos that you could have bought. until then , a contract has been signed and it has left iran . it is in the louvre museum, it is in the british museum , it is in the metropolitan museum, it is in the hermitage, and there are many of them. ancient ones, for example, the pazyrik carpet , a very old woolen carpet from the achaemenid period
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it has been preserved there in that cold, and in those areas that used to be in iran's soil in the past and were part of the iranian empire or empire, now they are no longer there, and now going to the museums of those countries, anyway , we try to avoid all this. we did it either from their sites or sent photos from a photographer. do it because some of them are not even in good quality on my site, the photographer went and took pictures , we tried to present a work that can be competitive in the global publishing market. rocky bottom that two and six million years ago to 55 bc. when the achaemenian cyrus captures hekmatane, the next volume of achaemenian iran that i brought , now if you want, we can turn the pages together, or now one
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of those photos that is very prominent now, we don't have more than 30 seconds until the end of the program. if you can show me, it's good and tell me what unsaid things are in this book. the book is in persian. we tried this carpet, this pazariki carpet that i just talked about a little. mr. reza , spread some of the same carpet that you mentioned if you were able to preserve it, it was preserved. yes, the details , what kind of pictures are they like , what does each of them refer to, what kind of art is it taken from, what kind of pattern is it represented? dear and respected, thank you very much. until tomorrow
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