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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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sarah tehran, pars, and here iran is the cradle of the carpet , iran is the cradle of the angel. hello again, the development of products and the sub-construction of the production of technological products by providing corrections to knowledge-based companies, the deputy of development and commercialization of the presidential innovation and prosperity fund said that since the beginning of this year, more than 18 thousand billion tomans of financial services have been provided to knowledge-based companies, about 8500 1 billion tomans of all types of services and 95 100
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billion tomans of all kinds of guarantees that have been provided to companies, these repairs and guarantees are also in the field of developing the infrastructure of scientists' companies and laying the groundwork for production. it was the products of the scientists and it was also the researcher of the growth of the production of the products of the scientists in 1402, which estimates show that, god willing, we can increase the production of the products by more than 100 thousand billion tomans in exchange for these services provided to the companies. be a witness these days, the ladies of the neighborhoods of ilam city gather together and make sweets for the month of ramadan, which are a combination of dates from mehran and kanj dast groves. shalekkine halva is one of the other hand-made dishes of elam women, which these days they cook for the iftar tables of poor families. this day there is electricity on the first day. one hour.
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we are ready. with this tool , another beautiful lady, beji barsaq, is making a sweet that is tied to the name of ilam . there is no flour and sugar under the fennel, saffron, egg , and we will mix it all together . the local sweets are ready. the arrival of the guests is getting closer. the local sweets are bundled and
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the azofes that go to the trusted and benefactors of the place to decorate the tables of those fasting in need . hello, people help. sometimes we provide livelihood packages. subject to the word of god, bless the people. however , we cover the local poor as much as we can. and another special tradition is stankineh, a combination of flour, animal oil and honey, for the purpose of fasting for 30 days . it goes to the homes of the needy at the first suhoor. this recipe is an old one. i made it.
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the wish of this young plasterer to travel to atbataliat salam , the guest of the program came true without compliments . alik or aba abdullah al-hussein, a young man who achieved his dream and became a karbalai. the story started from here when this young plasterer could not go on the 22nd of bahman due to his busy schedule.
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in that televised conversation, he and his family only wished to travel to karbala and atbat alaiat explained. it was on the 22nd of bahman, we could not go to the demonstration. i sent a clip of myself , it was aired on sadasima, asking us what is your wish, we made a wish, and after it was aired on the news, the cultural advisor contacted us to arrange our trip to karbala. i am very happy that we came with the family. karbala, i hope that you will be part of all those who did not come, jalal khoroodi of sada and c news agency. with the entry of the punishment organization into the issue of overselling internet taxi companies, after tabsi's snap, the option of "i'm in a hurry" was removed by the director general of tehran's government punishment from filing a case. he reported for snap and tabsi. i have a forward option that
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is used in snap, a forced sale option , a type of sale violation. it was considered mandatory and there are two violations in this title, both the sale is mandatory and the seller's violation. a case was filed for the snap collection regarding this, and it was mandatory to remove the rush option from the snap system. it is a type of forced sale and the title of violation of sale with. and they don't have high prices. the case was filed last week . the head of the penal organization had warned that if the internet taxis are in a hurry, they will remove the "i'm in a hurry" option. if they do not, they will be subject to fines and additional refunds received to passengers.
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85 palestinians were martyred and 130 people were injured in the continuation of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza in the last 24 hours. with the testimony of these people, the war in gaza has increased to 3,145 people and the number of injured people has increased to 720,654 since march 15. more than 7,000 palestinians are still missing and under the rubble. the palestinian ministry of health announced that 72% of the victims of the war in gaza are women and children. the number of people who died due to malnutrition and dehydration increased to 25 people. a few zionist soldiers on the effect the explosion of the bombed house in the east of khanyounos in the south of the gaza strip killed or wounded. in the clash between the forces of the qassam battalions and another group of zionist soldiers inside tenli in khanyounos
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, the soldiers of this regime were also killed. a few days ago, a general from the reserve army of the zionist regime was killed by the lack of planning in tel aviv. he considered the wounding of zionist soldiers in the battlefields and described the abduction of high-ranking commanders as a disgrace for this regime. europeans are preparing for america's withdrawal from nato. simultaneously with trump's victories in the elections the republican primaries and the possibility of him re-entering the white house, the independent wrote from the words of several european diplomats about the concerns about leaving. europeans are trying to review their defense capabilities. earlier, the new york times wrote that senior german officials, worried about trump's return, believe that nato will not survive this time.
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some time ago, trump said that if any member does not provide nato funding, he will encourage russia to attack those countries. until the next part. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram playing with the country, why are you setting prices this month? now, this is an interesting question
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. we don't want to be a football manager. we don't agree with any type of diabetes treatment. today we are wherever you are. in the name of god , greetings and courtesy to a dear and respected audience, especially for the debate program, the higher base and source of change in the electoral country, this was the emphasis of the leader of the revolution for the owners of various political, economic and cultural views who, according to him, talk about change when the candidates with different political, economic and cultural points of view , sed and cima tried to enter the parliamentary election campaign by asking this question in the election videos of the candidates who will allocate gasoline subsidy to people's national number or help people with their cars, in order to express more knowledge at the ballot box about the issue
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about which the members of parliament and the people's elected officials have different views , and in this program, our supporters and opponents with they will have a debate, and i invite you to accompany us until the end. before we start the debate, i invite you to go and see the opinions of the experts together, listen and see what they think. we will come back and start the debate on the 11th of esfand. at the foot of the ballot box they were talking about one of their economic concerns . gasoline subsidy. we will vote for the candidate whose gasoline is assigned to the national code. i agree with the national code. those candidates who talk about this are on your list or not. it's almost there. if, for example , gasoline subsidies are to be given to everyone, then a price increase will happen in all areas, i don't think it's a good thing. i think it is the license plate. why? well, anyway, look at the allocation of 80 million, it's a mess
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, he wants to sell, he can be a broker, he can buy and sell , i don't think it's necessary, how to distribute gasoline subsidy among the people was a question that the candidates of the 12th term of the islamic council elections answered during the election campaign period , whether the gasoline subsidy should be allocated to the national code of the people or to the car of the 245 elected by the people. in the first phase of the islamic council elections, 18 people have expressed their opinion about the gasoline subsidy in response to the sada vasima organization. 100 people agree to allocate this subsidy to the national number of people. so what should people who are poor and don't have cars do? in the current form, some people are benefiting a lot from this issue, some are not benefiting at all are not anything that benefits the public rather than wanting to see the more benefited people
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and ignore others, in my opinion , two people said that gasoline subsidies should still be allocated to car license plates. if it belongs to the car , it is better with the current conditions. 3 people said that more expertise should be done to allocate gasoline to the national number. a detailed expert work should be done so that the whole nation will benefit and 3 people are of the same opinion that other methods should be provided to manage gasoline consumption and distribute its subsidy, apart from allocating subsidy to national number or license plate. i do not consider any of these two methods to be reliable expert methods. it is better than human experiences and experiences as well. what is the current situation and why
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do you think that the gasoline subsidy should be assigned to national codes? according to the statistics that we got from the ministry of welfare in november, 45 houses in the country do not have a single car . in small towns, villages, i don't know , different places, just tehran and big cities , don't look. of course, there are houses in tehran that don't have cars, but the real statistics of the country are our conditions. it is getting worse day by day in the field of gasoline, and those who do not have any share of gasoline are the ones who suffer the loss. in fact, they do not get any share . this situation is happening to everyone, that is, 4 years ago , all people were using public transportation , and they are still doing so now. do four years ago, gasoline was 1,500 tomans, for example, now it is 1,500
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tomans. we were able to do something in the field of gas and electricity. more than the model in an incremental step, the more consumption please pay more for gasoline , we can't do this now because the distribution is not widespread , the distribution is not fair, there is no general distribution , we can't say for all people now , we can only do this for cars , which are about 50% of the country's households. some people accuse us of suddenly increasing the price. we disagree with this. the existing system is fully capable of distributing the gasoline subsidy to households based on what you have done. if the situation worsens, it will be bad for everyone. if the situation improves it will be better for everyone if the price increases , because everyone will lose, if it does not increase
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, everyone will benefit. it is not necessarily prosperous. relatively, we have the tithe. relatively, those who own cars are relatively like this. according to the statistics , they are more prosperous. therefore, the one who is more prosperous and owns a car suffers less from the deterioration of his conditions and benefits more from the improvement of his conditions. why does it have to be like this? it is not fair to say that the leader was in 2016 1400 telling the current government to correct this method , this is unfair, justice must be established , justice is not equal to equality, this is not the same. if it is necessary, everyone should take the damage. mr. nakhaei , why do you say that it should not be assigned to the national code , that today's energy imbalance is a major challenge in our country? let me tell you
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that inflation and such problems are really one of them well, this has created a lot of economic problems for the country, not only has it not solved the problems of the people, as we see today, we are facing these challenges and problems in the economic field, inflation. there are problems in this field, see that our conditions are not suitable according to the orders of mr. dr. shariati, the conditions are not ideal, there is no doubt about this, but see, friends, their opinion is that we are in addition to the quota, which
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is intended for people with cars anyway. it is necessary for all the members of the society to come to the national code , the members of the society will collect the share of gasoline of that system the national code that is finally in the country should be assigned to all the members of the society. the first question that i am asking now is that when you were assigning fuel to the national code of people , you were assigning gasoline to economy. what is the motivation of people? in order to save money , we are fueling the increase in gasoline consumption in the society, that is , there is no motivation and there is nothing in fact that you , as a person in the society, seek to optimize the consumption or consume less, this is the first challenge that this is sir, let's ask , two means three points, one or the other the expert does not have the motivation to save, and naturally it will lead to an increase in gasoline consumption . see if this idea and plan has an effect , which by the way is not just for
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the sake of saving. i have to say that we should go for low-consumption cars and other methods like these , which of course will have a bad effect. it will be seeking, but the primary effect is not seeking honor. this will result in 2 events. the first event is justice. it was clear that a share is now given to 55 households , then it will be 100, so it is clear that justice will be established, mr. nakhim. i agree that what will happen next is that when you the national code of this you have done the work and won on people's bank cards , and this physics of the fuel card that is now available and can be moved to the place where
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the market where he consumes more becomes that limit , he hands over his share to people in the network that i said, first that we allocate a quota, for example, 15 liters for each national code during the month, it becomes half a liter per day for each person in a family , a family of four becomes 14, 4 to 15 liters, it becomes 60 liters, for example, or 20 liters, now the number is between 15 up to 20, it won't be less, it won't be more, it means numerically, what is the difference between our number and today's number 1 20 we consume a million liters of gasoline, the average now is approximately 50% of gasoline is 1,500 tomans , 50% of gasoline is 3,000 tomans, what will happen with this idea if we want. let's give an additional quota to the households that don't have a car, from the quota of 3,000 tomans that the government is offering, which is approximately 60 million liters
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, about 20 million liters a day. a share of 3 thousand tomans offered by the government from 60 to one third is about 20 million liters for 40 million people, which is approximately 20 half liters per day do it daily. 40 million liters per person per day, 20 million liters per day, 20 of them will be transferred, this share will be 3,000 tomans, a share of 1,000 will become a share of 1,500 tomans at the disposal of these households, what is the financial effect? he sold the million liters by himself and forgave the people and gave a new non-cash subsidy to these people that you sell. today , the value of our 1,500 tomans is different from 1,500 to 300 tomans . is 1,500 tomans today the same in 10 years? can you assure us, mr. nakhaei ? that no government in the next 10 to 15 years will increase the price of gasoline it won't work, it's not possible at all, it's not possible. i mean, if we have any decision , we'll make a decision that the infrastructure will be fair. if one
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day in 10 years, a government comes and increases the price of gasoline, don't hurt them, why do they hurt , because this is a benefit due to the price increase , public services become more expensive. those who don't have a car , use the subway , use the bus, use a taxi , internet taxis like these, depending on their financial ability. because the price increase that occurs above the model is in the market of 75% and 80% people they say a subsidy, it is extra like gas and electricity. the one that consumes a lot, the one that you talked to a lot, the one that has a home pool like gas, for example , they should not do this anymore, or they should do this, mr. nakhi, are you convinced? see, i still
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got the answers to your questions. yes, no. see, i still believe that there is no motivation in this plan. there is no way to save gasoline, that is, i said that there is no stigma of saving anymore. by the way, it's not fair, mr. shariati, look , justice means that you fit everyone's needs give him the gasoline he needs. people who live in villages in the less privileged areas of the country happen to have less access to the public transportation network, which means they need more gasoline. if we are looking for justice, this is not justice. we had the experience of a similar work in the past. we came, we gave subsidies to the people, at one point we increased the price of gasoline by 7 times, when did the smoke go in your eyes , the inflation that was created in the society, the inflation of the expectation that
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was created in the society, by the way, the smoke went in the eyes of the poor and less privileged people of the society, the weak people. the society is gone, don't doubt that when you want to implement such a plan, eventually, your gasoline will turn into cash. we have had experience in the past, don't doubt that this issue is completely inflationary and by the way, it is to the detriment of low-income people in the society. you brought up the issue of smuggling. what is the root of inflation? one of the roots of inflation is liquidity itself. finally, a liquidity is being created in the society. i have gasoline , i want 1500 tomans for 20 liters, for example, 3 thousand tomans now
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sell it every person in the society can sell 20 liters per month for 30,000 tomans. after all, these 30,000 tomans will definitely affect different products. this is what we have seen in the past and will definitely happen. the expected inflation that is created in the society will affect all the goods, and we give each person 30 thousand tomans, how many times it is being compensated in other places, and it will definitely cause problems for the people, even assuming that the price does not change now. assuming that the price does not change, this will happen it will happen. this is an issue. the second issue is mr. shariati's bringing up the issue of smuggling. the fact is, you see, i myself worked in the border areas . by the way, i also worked in the same field , assuming that this is an implementation, which i believe
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is not an implementation, now i will tell you the reasons. such an environment should be created, a system should be designed for the exchange, i would like to see the fuel quotas. these fuel quotas do not doubt that a large part of this will be sent to the border areas of the country do you remember that there was a meeting in the commission or one of these think tanks, we had a meeting at the majlis research center, i think you were also present there, the same issue was raised, that is, one of these think tanks had come there to introduce the project and carry out a project. it was similar to this, almost because two or three plans
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have been proposed, in fact, similar to inter, and now there are many meetings. it was held and it was brought up in the commission. i raised this issue there and i said how do you have confidence that this atmosphere will stop fuel smuggling . the executive space of the country is in the existing space of these quotas, these quotas can be exchanged and i don't need bank cards to be transferred anywhere , by the way, now the fuel card is being transferred , which may have implications. you have. these quotas are sent to the border areas of the country. well, this in itself fuels fuel smuggling. well , mr. shariati, it is not inflation and smuggling. i wonder how inflation occurs when the price does not change . now, i think it is a new theory, but not a theory . it is not new, there are many expert discussions the government itself is selling this, now it is saying , "i am not selling, you sell this money, it is the same
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, it will not change, only your neighborhood is liquidity , otherwise the main issue is, by the way, you can see the statistics there, the consumption trends, because at that time , increasing the price will not lead to an increase in the price. it was decided, by the way, all of a sudden, in fact, it broke the slope of the country's consumption increase and moved the trends forward, and practically the country became self- sufficient in the production of gasoline. the problem with that plan was that in the continuation of the share of the hafhandi law
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it didn't happen, the 30 percent and 40 hundreds and the shares that should be given to the production area and all of this were subsidized in cash and the mistake was made here. the plan was to talk to each and every one of the people in the community, and everyone came together and the work happened, but what i said is that the government is selling , now it is giving to the people. inflation is just a transfer of shares , nothing happens, and then it is not implemented. by the way, the most important logicians say. the most important reason for something to be implemented is that it has been implemented once this technical infrastructure has been implemented in kish and qeshm, and all those who are responsible for this story say that it has been answered from a technical point of view, that is, the market system has answered , what stopped the work, the concept of the work, the concept of the work was implemented incorrectly, by the way, this is what mr. naghaei said. if you want to change the system, change the rail, you should only give it to the person and
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bring the quota first to another city that has a valid distance. it's long, you performed in tehran , you performed in isfahan, you performed in zanjan , of course, in a specific period, who is the buyer and the seller? who can be adjusted? it was conceptually unsuccessful in kish. it was completely successful from a technical point of view. all those who agree or oppose this plan, all say that this plan was technically successful there, so it was implemented. the next most important reason is how the quota can be distributed in the system. there is, but it cannot be broadcast in physics , it will definitely get the spoon in front of you, when the government becomes a politician, i will tell you. the system is at the disposal of the government, the government has set a policy, it says that each national code cannot buy more than, for example, 200 liters per month . it means that the person who wants to smuggle has to enter dozens of people and their national codes into the system. the government can coordinate it. it is completely reachable. it is not reachable now. the government says let's put a camera to check who is going, where is the shot, where did he go? i don't know where that nissan went. it is checking my physical condition. the government will then become a system and it will be clear how much my servant is this month. i bought gasoline in the system.


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