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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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it is about 8 mm, but the size of the lesion at the time of iranian women's visit is more than 32 mm, which makes this treatment more difficult. mrs. jafari, yes, the reason for the visit is mrs. jafargar . but the good news is that with early diagnosis, this disease is completely curable. cancer is known by one characteristic, which is the stage of the disease, that is, we say for all cancers that this cancer can be from stage zero to stage four . step zero is the recommendation we make for most women, from the age of 25, they should have their first examination or see a specialist doctor. there are different levels of placement , the simplest of which is a simple examination
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. there is a genetic type and other criteria. the specialist decides whether the patient has the patient's condition . it should be very high, the second is that it should be cheap, and the third its feature is that it should be easy , it shouldn't be too difficult. in the case of breast cancer, honestly, mammography has all these features, raw doctor. if you suspect monogamy during the initial examination, you would usually refer the patient to the next steps or perform other tests. the first step there is always sampling, needle sampling , we no longer recommend to the patient to come and remove her surgery, placement
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is the best method of early detection of breast cancer in all countries. in our country, the national health network has included it in its annual fixed plan. a comprehensive plan it was established that in the framework of this plan, a network of fixed and mobile screening centers will be created in the country, which will conduct screening and timely detection of women. with karbal they were insulted, threatened and racially harassed, and 20 % of them. they experienced physical attack. the results
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of this research showed that 83 asian women consider security as their most important concern in new york places. 75% of them say that they have to not speak to each other in their native language due to the fear of racist attacks in public places. security is not only the most important problem for residents he is of asian descent in new york, but
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in the first file of tonight's program
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, we analyze the latest developments in gaza and the occupied territories on the 156th day of the war. in the second case, we will look at the pope's advice to ukraine to surrender and raise the flag. white vs. russia in the third case , we will examine the election of asif ali zardari as the president of pakistan . o brothers, please return to laura, this is under ali hatshab al-alli, under five years of age, the ambition of the engineer.
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can you talk to me, i am an engineer, omar, wendy, i am three years old and a half, and my ambitions are to become a doctor like your aunt's daughter , who was martyred. be the first one.
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the rest of the occupations, the children, the children, the children, the tents of the displaced people , the shelling of my artillery before the israeli army , atit al-bani adam , may
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god bless us and all our loved ones. at the same time as the internal pressure of the zionists against their cabinet to stop the war in gaza and the immediate release of the hostages, the regime army to provide forces facing the challenge of the military, orthodox jews are not willing to serve under any circumstances.
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it should be stopped immediately so that no more lives are taken and the prisoners are saved. another zionist who has just given the names of four zionist prisoners who were killed by the regime's attacks. heard says that the attack on gaza must be stopped under any circumstances . our most important demand is the release of the hostages and we know that the hostages will not be released unless the war ends . these protests have gone beyond the cabinet for some time and now it has become an internal lawsuit among the zionists. orthodox zionists say they are ready to die, but for the gaza war. we prefer
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let us die but not fight. this group constitutes about 20% of the population of the occupied lands. benigant, a member of the zionist regime's cabinet, says that orthodox jews must also fight for the continuation of aggression against gaza. a request whose answer is the same as always. we are ready to die but not fight. this stubbornness for not joining the system. the middle regime has now killed them like this. of course, these confrontations did not cause the orthodox jews to retreat, and their prominent rabbi said: if the insistence increases, this congregation will leave the occupied lands. if the orthodox jews are forced into the israeli army join, they will all leave occupied palestine . orthodox jews are exempted from joining the israeli army and...
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then we had several reactions among the opponents of the ruling coalition, from bani gans lapierre dieberman, they all showed a strong reaction. what happened that the discussion has become so serious ? i am serving you and the dear viewers of intellectual jews who are considered extreme jews. in religion , they believe in a covenant for a long time, which
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is mentioned in the talmud between god and the jewish people and other peoples of the world, according to this covenant, the jewish people should not unite with each other against other nations of the world. therefore, fighting with other nations of the world is forbidden, because of this, from the very beginning, israel wanted to be formed. yes , and even before the zionist sour was formed at all, these were among the opponents of zionism, after israel was formed, they oppose the fact that they are now asked to serve in the army, and they consider this as a clear example of violating this covenant, because of this, because of that sanctity. the shari'ah that they consider to participate in the army is to be in the army , never to be willing to go under the burden of military service in the israeli society, where now men have to do compulsory service for 3 years and women for 2 years.
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being forced to make an exemption in the israeli government, of course, this exemption is renewed every few years . this year, it was supposed that this law had expired and it was supposed to be renewed again . especially and some other members of the cabinet. emphasizing that this did not happen because of the same meeting that isaac yusuf had the other day on saturday, he has a weekly meeting at the yazdi synagogue in jerusalem and here he pointed out that the levitical record is one of the 12 proofs of the israelites. the ancients are exempt from war in this register jewish political jurisprudence and if they ask to force them, he threatened that we will leave israel altogether. it is interesting that almost now
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, according to the estimates , you bought something about 1,230,000 people in the israeli community, that is , 8 million less than 8 million jews in israel, more than 1 million . if they do it and get out of israel, then they will be hit hard . there is another point that should be noted. this issue is the issue of the gap between religious and non- religious jews. it can be said that it is the most important gap now israeli society is very religious and secular. yes, yes. we must pay attention to the gap that existed in the previous decades , the ashkenazi-sephardic divide, it can almost be said that it has disappeared, and the society is almost a one-armed society in this sense, but the religious divide is getting more and more intense as we go forward. it is interesting that well, these bought jews usually have a high birth rate, seven or eight children, unlike non-religious jews who
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have one or two children, they have a large number of children, and as they go forward, they form a larger part of the society, so they become more powerful, and as you can see now in the coalitions of the last one or two years, the small parties of shas party and yehdotra have gained a lot of power because of this. rabbi ishaq yusuf is the son of rabbi odia yusuf, who exactly 10 years ago had threatened him that if this did not happen, he would be extended the military exemption . they don't go to israel for shopping, and at that time the government was forced to extend this exemption. thank you . we also have two or three other discussions about the developments. another issue may be the conversation that abu obeidah, the spokesman of the qassam battalions, had last night and announced the names of four more zionist prisoners who were bombed by the israelis. i saw them killing themselves this evening, like many of them in the previous evenings, after
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such a notification, the zionist media said that it is as if we are putting all these conditions together, as if the lives of these prisoners do not matter to netanyahu, and the opposite of what he said. he says that he has announced that the goal of his war is not their freedom. last night we had protests in the occupied territories , they were more extensive and intense. i think that compared to the previous weeks, all this does not make the situation more difficult for netanyahu. makes it hard and it can be said that there is no room for doubt in israel and it is no secret that netanyahu's main goal of continuing this war is not to free the prisoners, of course , he not only did this, but also officially announced in his positions , for example, finance minister smotrich announced in a radio program last week that our first priority is not the release of the prisoners.
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our first priority is to destroy hamas, of course, because of the amount of pressure and pressure, but it is already clear to everyone that netanyahu does not want to release the prisoners , but his goal is to stay in the government and stay in politics with a obtaining an achievement that now wants the destruction of hamas anyway ok, or now, a heavy blow to lebanon's hezbollah on the pretext that it actually wants to sacrifice a large number of people this evening. thank you . there has been no progress in the talks on the ceasefire and exchange of prisoners. there has been almost no progress in these one or two days, because the israelis have not sent their representatives. there is still a representative of hamas in cairo, of course , the proposal of qatar and hamas, along with the additional proposal of the united states, is
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to hold a three-stage ceasefire, the first stage of which will probably last six weeks. now the discussion is about the number of prisoners exchanged by hamas in the first phase for each israeli prisoner someone suggested palestinian prisoners in the second stage for 9 palestinian prisoners for the sick and elderly and in the next stage for 15 for the military , but israel did not accept this . it shows that the israeli side is nothing at all. he has not defined a demand for himself to put it on the table and discuss it . if the palestinian side is completely sure of the conditions it wants to happen and its demands and has specified them. thank you, and finally, a word about the field situation let's do yesterday, we had news that the cousin of
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smoot rich, the finance minister, and his uncle, yes , his uncle, were killed inside gaza. we also had statistics on the number of commanders and senior officers of the zionist regime who were killed inside gaza , and how is the situation in the field. yes, the situation in the field shows why the israelis cannot make progress in negotiations . we will fix the attack , if he still hasn't been able to take over khanyounes as a gate , he still has a complete mastery method. now all the conflicts are concentrated in the south. on the northern and western part of khanyounes, there is a town called hamad town, which the israelis, like their previous claims, claimed 3 or 4 times to be the headquarters of hamas. it is under shafa hospital , it is in nasser hospital, this time they also claim that it is in hamad township, and hamad township was almost razed to the ground
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, it had 3,000 residential units. the commander of hamas was not found there . thank you, mr. kasrinnejad . now let's see pictures of the continuation of international support for the palestinian people.
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libertà, libertà, libertà, libertà colonization, ça suffit!
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and now the second case of tonight's program, the leader of the world catholics asked the ukrainian authorities to show courage in accepting peace with russia. pope francis said that when someone is aware of his own failure and mistake. he must accept it before more people become victims. addressing zelensky, the pope said that it takes real courage not to lead the country to suicide.
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on friday, turkish president erdoğan announced in his meeting with his ukrainian counterpart that ankara is ready to host a peace meeting between ukraine and russia, but ukraine rejected this offer. now for review of the latest war situation in eastern europe . we are hosting mr. ali iqbali, an expert on eurasian issues . mr. iqbali , hello, welcome to the world program today . two years have passed since the war between ukraine and russia . what direction has the war gone? now we can see that the pope takes such a position in a scholarly way . he asks the ukrainians to somehow surrender and raise the white flag against russia.
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the arena is a one-on-one battle of attrition it has become and is in a way that the parties take two steps forward and one step back to success. lately, in the last one or two months, russia's successes in the land field have overcome the successes of the ukrainian side, although the ukrainian side has also had successes in the field of aerospace and maritime discussions, but in my opinion, mr. pope's message or mr. pope's interview should be seen more than this. a human looked. however, it is true that 2 years have passed since this war , but the casualty statistics of this war, although there are no exact statistics yet, but if we consider it average. in the middle of these statistics
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, let's take into account the number of casualties on both sides it means high human casualties . anyway, this is a war that is on the continent of europe. anyway , i don't know how europe is leading itself. civility and what, or the same programs that we hear more often in the media now . we know that one side is this, the other is anyway, the catholic pope wants some kind of mediation or a message. facing the orthodox world , in any case, orthodox russia and ukraine, which are mostly orthodox, are together, which means that the conflict around the black sea is a geographic conflict, which is always a place of collision or a place of so-called convergence, synergy, or sometimes
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the difference between civilizations. yes, there are different cultures and religions . i think mr. pope's message should be seen in this space , which means the moral aspect because of the high casualties that the war has had so far . the final option of any war is negotiation, anyway, and sitting at the table, and in fact , the serious message for the ukrainian side is to choose between bad and worse . there is no prospect for this war, especially the ukrainian side if a result is reached, it is definitely clear that russia will not lose in this conflict .
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what the westerners were mostly pursuing was to erode and destroy russia's capabilities and reduce it to a certain extent, but the one who actually suffered the main and fundamental losses in the meantime is ukraine, because these two countries are actually it is a kind of confrontation and asymmetric battle. we must take into account that russia is the second army in the world, in any case, it has very strong nuclear arsenals, etc. , but ukraine is a limited country. from the beginning, they had these calculations in mind , in response to the pope's words, the officials of the ukrainian government and some european governments did not like the words that the pope said, but in the near future, they also did not like what the pope said. pop and accept. you see, the conditions
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in europe today are very different from a year ago or even when the war started, just as we talked about human casualties, there is also a question of costs , there is a question of costs, there is also a question of equipment, in any case, the armaments of europe, even the emergency weapons and that strategic thing, have been evacuated. for very ordinary things like cannonballs and cartridges and such things now with a series. they are facing problems at the same time that the public opinion in europe has reached a point where it is saying to the government men, sir, why should we spend money on this well ? it is lost in the geography of ukraine, therefore , apart from your public opinion, among the european authorities today, you see that a series of
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countries. hungary and a number of other countries have a series of different issues, they somehow encourage russia and other countries as well as ukraine itself. sir, come to the peace negotiation process , sit at the table , thank you. we have a report ready that we want to broadcast before i ask the next question. last week was the week when the audio file was released from several army officers germany made a lot of noise inside ukraine. in the end, the germans themselves accepted that it was authentic and it was proven that these german officers were behind the attack on the crimean bridge in russia . let's see this report and then talk about it. the disclosure of a 38-minute file. berlin government data in this audio file.


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