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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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you can see among the european authorities today that a series of countries have a series of different issues , hungary and a series of other countries are somehow encouraging russia, other countries, and ukraine itself to enter the peace negotiation process and sit at the table. let's have a conversation . thank you. we have a report ready that we want to broadcast before i ask the next question . in the end, the germans themselves accepted that this was authentic and it was proven that it was german officers were behind the attack on russia's crimean bridge. let's see this report and then talk about it. exposing the 38-minute file of the handiwork of the berlin government. in this audio file, senior german officers
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talk about planning to attack the crimean bridge with german missiles. the bridge that connects the island of crimea with russia. without denying this issue, the german ministry of defense is now working on how to leak this file. this incident is more than a wiretapping or broadcast of an air force conversation. this is a serious mistake and it should not have happened at all. the leak of this file is a short distance from the position a hundred thousand germany about the non-presence of nato in ukraine . neither nato countries nor eu countries will send their ground forces to ukraine. the position expressed in response to the french president's controversial statements about the possibility of sending nato military forces to ukraine. there is no consensus on this yet. but this issue cannot be completely ruled out. however, many people in france, one after the other, deny the military deployment
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, everyone knows that western special forces are currently present in ukraine and they just didn't announce it publicly. nato's footprint in ukraine does not end there. the english newspaper the times mentions an experienced admiral of the british army, who is the designer of the ukrainian naval operations. biranvand radio news agency . we are still with you today's world. conversation with mr. ali iqbali.
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i will continue, mr. iqbali, during this time, the western support for ukraine was not a secret, sending all kinds of training equipment, intelligence assistance, but the fact that nato directly intervened in the war and played a role was something that was hidden from the eyes, although the authorities the russians are publishing some speculations about rome news, but this file it has been published. i think the story has entered a new field . what is your analysis ? can we consider the role of german forces in the explosion of the crimean bridge as an example of a small part of the war ? he analyzed that it is the tip of the iceberg, a small part of which has just emerged and the majority of which is still unknown. anyway, see this war.
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in fact, the category of layers can be analyzed and evaluated. what is the important layer? zhou's layer is strategic. there is no competition between ukraine and russia. what do you mean? there is a competition between russia or one actually the conflict between russia and ukraine is supported by the entire euro-atlantic axis and nato . this is not a new issue. if you take a flashback to the 2008 bucharest summit, where nato made major decisions about the black sea itself , that is, america and nato after the balkans came to the conclusion that in order to fully dominate the eurasian axis, which has gained an important role in global equations today, what to do with the so-called black sea? or they are in their own domain, therefore
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, from that moment, plans for joint maneuvers with bulgaria, romania, turkey and other countries were started. a series of maneuvers. that even ukraine participated in these under the title of participation in peace, and since 2014, in fact, the activities related to nato in this geography have expanded. stream north stream 2 is still not known exactly what it was, but it is clear that this was a blow to russia , this open crimean bridge is a blow to russia, because a type of combined war is being waged in ukraine, and it is the first war. in artificial intelligence, they have combined soft power and military power
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in fact, they manage this debate and guidance, so that nato now, well, you can see all kinds of logistical assistance in nato member countries around ukraine. this new aspect that they are directly participating in the developments of the war is not possible. the red line that was accepted by both sides means that nato was not supposed to enter the war directly, and i would have followed it. exactly one of the reasons for the pope's message is that the pope's concern is that this war will expand its scope. and go to the threats that you recently russia, especially from the language of fashion and mr. putin himself in his recent interview, and in any case, to say it clearly, he will not allow nato to enter the conflict directly, if something like this happens, russia will use
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its other capabilities, which is the capacity there is also a nuclear weapon, probably he will use it . there is also a new article just yesterday and today, for example, a plan was made in 2022. maybe it was a nuclear attack , the americans claimed. they want to end this conflict and now mr. pope has come and influenced us we have already seen turkey, china, many african countries , yes, saudi arabia, many of our own countries, france , germany, they all have their own chances because of this battle. so to speak, it will stop in one place and the parties will sit through the table and that will be the end of it. i personally believe that in the end, if it doesn't take long , it will lead to the american elections. in the end, washington and moscow should sit down
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and manage this conflict in some way. that both the so-called demands and interests of russia will be satisfied and it will be a kind of face saving for ukraine so that it can come out of this conflict with dignity. thank you very much, mr. wali , thank you for your presence in the world today. please, good luck. the first air taxi flight in china was successfully completed . this electric air taxi covered the distance between two cities, which is usually covered in 3 hours, in only 20 minutes. flying taxis. 5 announced that the chinese government plans to build thousands of stations and air routes for these taxis. in addition to transporting passengers, these taxis are used in tourism, logistics and relief. the us
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is considering imposing more restrictions on china's chip development. the purpose of this action the reduction of packet power in the development of semi- advanced media has been announced. according to bloomberg, the us department of commerce is investigating to add. several chinese tech companies have begun to be on the sanctions list to limit their access to technology. britain is ready to cooperate with germany to send long-range german taurus missiles to ukraine. british foreign minister said: ukraine needs more long-range weapons. cameron also said that london has so far trained 60,000 ukrainian soldiers abroad, but without sending any foreign forces to ukraine. even for opposing military training is. at the same time as trump's victories in the republican primaries and the possibility of his re-entering the white house, the independent wrote: concerns about washington's withdrawal from nato have increased and europeans are trying to review their defense capabilities.
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earlier, the new york times wrote: senior german officials say nato will not survive this time. trump said: if europe does not pay its share of the nato budget, it will encourage russia to attack it. the prime minister of poland could not reach an agreement with the protesting polish farmers who object to the import of agricultural products from ukraine. to their euronews tv channel reports that ukrainian agricultural products are imported without paying customs duties and cannot compete with them . a month has passed since the protest of farmers across poland and on the border of this country with ukraine. gunmen once again attacked a school in northwest nigeria and kidnapped 15 students. a few days ago, there were at least 285 armed men.
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a day after the president of the united states welcomed the banning of the tik tok social network, trump said he was against this restriction of the plan to ban tik tok last week. past in the sub-committee of the parliament it was approved by american representatives. biden has announced that he will sign this plan if it becomes a law. in front of trump, the possible candidate of the republicans in the presidential elections, said that limiting this existing chinese social network will strengthen facebook and zuckerberg will become its owner, according to the hill publication, the owner of tik tok should know. tik tok has 170 million users in america
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, according to the us house of representatives plan, the chinese company that owns the tik tok social network has 6 months to hand over the ownership of this social network to an american company, otherwise its activities will be suspended. it will be banned in the united states . in a message, the president congratulated asif ali zardari on his election as the president of pakistan. in mr. raisi's message, iran is ready to expand relations with the islamic republic of pakistan. iran and pakistan develop more than before . now to review the latest developments. pakistan, which led to the election of the prime minister and president of this country, hosted mr. bahram zahedi
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, an expert on subcontinental issues. mr. zahedi, hello , welcome to the world today, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and respect to you and the viewers. dear morsi, in the last political actions after the election of pakistan, we saw that asif ali zardari, the wife of benazir beto and the leader of the people's party , regretted the coalition of 8 parties, in the vote that the representatives of the national and state parliaments gave to make him the president. the other day shahbaz sharif was the leader of the muslim league party who became the prime minister, now it is interesting that none of these two parties and their leaders could get the first vote in the parliamentary elections. having what happened in this. a long time now witness we know that the presidency of the prime minister of pakistan has reached these two people. yes, i once again say hello
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to the honorable viewers and his highness. well, mr. zardari was elected to the presidency with 255 votes against mahmoud khan achakzai, who had won 119 votes, a few days ago. mr. shehbaz sharif was elected as the prime minister with 211 votes against omar ayub khan who had won 92 votes. well, maybe it is for the question of how in the original tehreek-e-insaf election , even without the name of tehreek-e-insaf, he was ahead and other parties had less votes, but in in the end, the situation became like this: the presidency, the prime minister, the chairmanship of the parliament and even the government of punjab, which is the most important state of pakistan, belonged to various muslim leagues . the truth is that the elections in pakistan are very complicated, perhaps the most complicated elections in the country. or at least one of the most complicated ones in terms of the way of selection and the combination that is constantly expanding
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has greatly increased this complexity, that is, for example , the election we had on february 8 was for 205 seats in what in pakistan is called lower house or qaumi assembly. they say that there are 265 people, 60 representatives for women and 10 religious minorities with a very special and complicated mechanism. after that, the senate is elected. the combination of the lower house and the senate, which is called the upper house, and in fact the assemblies of different states form a general parliament. now, i want to connect this part of the discussion to your main question. you see, for 265 seats, when the competition was held, tehreek-e-insaf won 93 seats , payam el or muslim league, in fact
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, nawas pmn won 75 seats. until the. in the same situation, the sum of those two parties was more than tehreek-e-insaf, but their sum was fragile in addition the 60 people and the 10 people, the election commission of pakistan decided that no seat should be given to tehreek-e-insaf, so the votes of pmn and hizb-e-mardom reached 98 and 68 respectively, and the coalition with muslim league, quaid-e-azam, and the united movement's strength party. . in the end , he turned them into the winning majority in the parliament, so the election of the president, not the minister, was done in favor of those people. in fact , they somehow divided the power among themselves . yes, they divided. well, at that time, the question was whether the combination of these two traditional parties in pakistan, arshatun can dominate and overcome tehreek-e-insaf
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yes, it happened, especially when adding 6 plus 10 to the combination, in the end this coalition gained more power and prevailed . thank you . however, in the elections , they did not have much freedom to compete equally, the candidates participated independently, and the result showed their power in the political arena, but they failed in the election of the prime minister. getting the first rank and if the electoral system of pakistan was such that, for example, the party with votes first of all, he should form the government. well, they formed the government today. well , there were many restrictions. imran khan himself was in prison and he is still in prison. they
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strongly protested the election results. let them march . various marches were formed. protest, but before the start of the demonstration, a number of leaders of tehreek-e-insaf in different cities, especially in lahore, which is a very, very important city in this current situation, and in general , it is a very important city in pakistan, another thing that tehreek-e-insaf did was arrest to the same commission. elections of pakistan are protesting your results and saying that we do not accept the commission 's slogan, which is in its logo, there are three words that are the same in farsi and urdu, free, fair , impartial, and the election commission of pakistan, which is considered an independent institution, has finally announced that it is not. there was no fraud, the result is peaceful
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, so in general, even though mr. imran khan and tehreek-e-insaf are protesting against the result of the election, it seems that the issue of the election is over and they are actually thinking about the future. government in the province they have the northern part of khyber-pakhtunkhwa , which means that they will get an absolute majority there, so there are four states from the state government to the local and state governments, one of the four and one of the four . people's party is senta and now. balochistan is a combination of punjab which is the final decider . today, muslim league has actually prevailed there. in addition to the problem of the government of khairbar pakhtunkhwa , they also prepared a letter for the release of imran khan from prison and presented it to the parliament. officials of pakistan have also increased, this kind of permission was not given before, that is, due to the result
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of the election, it seems that the main government in pakistan has reached the point of creating at least some space for them to speak their minds. but it is unlikely that anyone will be able to change the final framework announced . thank you. now, what does this ruling coalition of these two main currents , one of which is the prime minister and the other the president , think about the important issues of pakistan and global issues? yes, yes , the muslim league itself. nawaz branch and this combination that today we are facing them, to a large extent , they are a symbol of pakistan's special conservatism in domestic and foreign issues, and it seems like a tremendous change. we will not witness it, but what mr. shahbaz sharif announced
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, how many general clauses can be extracted from his speech . pakistan should join the g20 group by 2030, expanding the network of mossom development export zones to a single window in all four states, which is actually to accelerate exchanges. it is commercial through digitalization. the promise of medical expansion, the expansion of the public transportation network , the grant of scholarships, the fight against terrorism, the expansion of centers for elite and talented students in different countries, and the training of 500,000 students in pakistan with artificial intelligence and new technologies, this is domestic, this is domestic, and in the domestic sphere, a there is another important thing, because agriculture is very important in pakistan, half of the country's workforce is engaged in agriculture . they said that direct subsidies are paid to farmers and with the mafia. badr will be fiercely fought. badr will be imported into the country and the first shipment will be free it will be spread among the farmers and the establishment of solar power plants in relation to foreign issues, what
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they said in their speaker is that the expansion of relations with iran, turkey and the countries of the persian gulf already means giving priority to the neighbors and the countries of the region. yes, we know that the western countries now, despite some the criticisms that are being made these days have nothing to do with the current alliance between russia and china. also , especially china, which has made extensive investments in pakistan, it seems that its relations are expanding, so what mr. raisi said in his congratulatory message is from the other side. pakistan is also, yes , the field is completely ready, thank you, and the last question may be interesting to say about pakistan, this country is famous for the fact that no prime minister has been able to finish his legal term until now, the previous prime minister , imran khan, that happened to him now. what do you think will be the future of this ruling coalition of shehbaz sharif's government, according to these conditions ? this time, this tradition will be broken
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. they will reach 5 years. having a deportation prison is one of those issues the politicians of pakistan are very familiar with this tradition and know that all the governments that have existed until today will not end their life. i think a problem is that besides the fact that the ruling government is familiar with this tradition, yes, yes , they are also familiar with this tradition. mr. shahbaz sharif himself said in his first speech that if our government cannot solve the ethnic, security and economic issues, any government that cannot if he solves these issues , he will not end his working life. therefore, they themselves are the headquarters and professionals who face these three very important areas, so there are other areas of fragility. there are also serious and strong opponents. they cannot be ignored by any means , tehreek-e-insaf jamiat ulema-e-islam, which used to be in coalition with the muslim league, but today mr. fazlur rehman is facing a confrontation with jamaat
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-e-islami pakistan, majlis wahdat muslimeen and some other nerves. well, these are opponents. they are political, the struggle of global and regional powers is not clear in which direction it will go in the future , it may show its stability in pakistan, but the most important thing is that in this wind, the affairs and work of this government seem to be strong grounds. a little more than the context if there is fragility , it means that there is a relative stability and if they can show efficiency in solving the economic crisis, which has a very heavy debt crisis , pakistan has 130 billion dollars in foreign debt and 140 billion dollars in domestic debt in the economic field. in the field of terrorism, in the field of ethnic issues in the country , they should take some steps forward. for these reasons , which i am going to tell you now, it is possible that this government will be able to end its life in five years. two traditional parties are relatively strong and some other parties are behind
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they are at the head of this current government. the army has a positive view of this difference. almost any government in pakistan that has an army is fine. of course , for example, imran khan had this support in 2018. in the first two or three years, he lost it, so there is no guarantee that until the end, but now there is this support. he has a positive view of the current government of china. he has a positive view of the west . india has a positive view of mr. modi and mr. shahbaz sharif. therefore, there is a possibility that the tensions between these two will decrease . sharif was at work mr. putin himself had started and had a series of talks with mr. shahbaz sharif to strategize the relationship between these two last points, only that in addition to the political issue, if we have a civilized view of pakistan, we must have a deeper analysis and actually a greater win. in our relationship, pakistan, like some other countries
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, is a part of iranian culture and identity, and in the words of imams of the revolution, such as imam khomeini, very specific statements have been made about pakistan, such as the noble muslim nation of pakistan, which is a revolutionary and loyal nation. we had a long-standing relationship with islamic values they have an ideological and cultural revolutionary spirit. we should not lose this view regardless of any government in pakistan, and pakistan has shown that every government that has been in office is a friendly relationship, now a little more, a little less, but friendly. thank you brotherly with the islamic republic of iran for your comprehensive and complete analysis. i also thank you for appearing in today's world . i also say goodbye to the viewers of khabar network. have a good night.
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3:00 am
gilna publications at 3 o'clock the opening ceremony of the big traffic exercise and registered security services. it was held in nowruz 1403 at amin university of police sciences. in this ceremony, the country's police commander said that 87,000 troops will work on the roads for the peace and safety of the countrymen's journey this year. those who are on the way , naturally, restaurant owners have received permission under special conditions.


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