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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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get it as a gift by sending the number 5 to 3085 gilna publications at 3 o'clock. the opening ceremony of the large traffic exercise and travel safety services of nowruz 1403 was held at amin university of police sciences. in this ceremony, the country's police commander said that 87,000 troops will work on the roads for the peace and safety of the countrymen's journey this year. those who are on the way , naturally, the restaurateurs have obtained permission under special conditions and to receive permission to be able
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to serve them. cities that accept travelers will receive travelers under special conditions. but we also ask for dear people we have to pay serious attention to the pretense of eating daily even while traveling. the head of emergency of the country is also in this ceremony of preparation. kamel announced to provide travel services to nowruz travelers. according to mr. miyatfar, about 26,000 emergency forces in the form of 1,385 urban bases, 1,900 road bases, 54 air bases, and two sea bases serve nowruz travelers. from the first of march until last night , six people died in the incidents related to chaharban suri , and 239. 9 were injured. 239 people converted to islam.
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the spokesman of the emergency organization said that 23 % of the injured people were pedestrians and they did not have any role in the occurrence of these incidents, but they were victims of the dangerous actions of others. mohammadreza, 27 years old , has been working in building skeletons until last year and earns good money. until wednesday night. last year, she decided to throw a grenade. i was holding it in my hand. it exploded once. you didn't hit anywhere. i didn't hit anywhere . it's artificial. it's artificial. my bones have been eaten up to my elbow. i mean, up to the platinum elbow, could you believe that this happened . i couldn't believe this lady at all. he was a spectator on wednesday night last year. suddenly, a
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grenade explodes a few meters away something came into my eye, i just screamed , i said i was blind , and blood was pouring from below and above my eye, it was very painful, my eye has been seeing for a year, mr. khanzadeh had firecrackers on the canvas with his 5-year-old son on the night of wednesday last year. was playing. and he says that he has followed all safety measures , i was doing this in the safest possible way, the lighter was in my own hand, as soon as i turned it on, i told my son to throw one of these devices that i turned on, as soon as he wanted to tie a rope , it exploded in his hand, and it came in his hand that had exploded he had cut his upper cheek, his lower eyelid, hit his eye, and scratched the bridge of his nose . in the past, we had 4,368 injured people, which
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unfortunately resulted in 19 deaths . dr. yektaparast said: "unfortunately, since the first of march this year, 6 people have died in incidents related to chaharban suri." we had 239 injured until last night. 6 deaths, 79 people. my colleagues have transferred 7 people to medical centers, now it was a superficial complication, in the place where they were treated, 39 people are hospitalized in the medical center, 7 of them are in the special care department, please don't do this to god. my whole life, if i please, those few hours that i was in that hospital, now the days that followed, when i went to the hospital for examination and treatment , i am really the representative of the minister of roads and urban development regarding the operation
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of highways. manjil rudbal announced in the presence of the president on monday, march 21, according to mr. khademi, this axis was before the construction of the rasht ghazvin freeway traffic bottleneck, and its construction has been on the agenda of the ministry of roads and urban development since 2018. the complementary ring of rasht ghazvin freeway is ready exploitation of an 8 and a half kilometer road in the area of ​​manjil river, which number crossing traffic with the traffic of these two cities sometimes made travelers stay in traffic for hours. the traffic is very busy. i think it will take seven or eight hours. we said that it might be quiet, but on the
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contrary , it seems to be more crowded . during the peak days of the year, during the days of nowruz , in some times when it is the travel season, sometimes 6:00, 7 hours, more or less, dear passengers are delayed from the 8 and a half kilometers of manjil roudbar route, 5 kilometers of which is the plu tunnel, the length of which is only one of these. bridges are 1,200 meters, i'm sorry that they are short, but they are very effective with the qazavion freeway bottleneck . it is also very difficult to reach, eight and a half kilometers, but all bridges are tunnels, according to the deputy minister of roads and urban development . the day of construction of this 8.5 km piece is estimated at 5 thousand billion tomans. leila saki , radio and television news agency. the spokesman of the emergency organization said that the explosion of incendiary materials in the center of tehran
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left one dead and nine injured. now some of the injured are serious. according to the spokesperson of the fire department , this explosion happened in a residential house and caused the destruction of the building. and firefighters in they are taking out the trapped people under water. the first conference of nomadic shepherds and herders of yazd province was held in abarkoh. in this conference, the commander of the irgc deprivation deprivation camp said: nomads are the real soldiers of the resistance economy and work is very valuable for them. where for the first time the conference of nomadic shepherds and herdsmen of yazd province was held, in the name of the name of god , i will not go without his command, or nomads, i.e. men who are zealous behind
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the work and hardworking, serving the society, in this conference, nomads from abarkoh khatam cities were present. . in this regard, to investigate and recognize to solve the problems of nomads, the first conference of nomadic shepherds and herdsmen was held in abarko city. nomads are the real soldiers of the resistance economy . the handicraft industry of the country is generally active in the discussion of dairy and other discussions. they said about their demands:
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we saw the request of the livestock field and the large slaughterhouse of eshankoh, and the officials made promises and approvals in the field of water supply, roads, alufah and water supply . but besides this conference, the exhibition of the ability of the nomads was also spectacular. what is the name of this bread? oily bread oily bread for the tribe yes. what are its ingredients? flour, oil, turmeric, heat medicine, etc. old traditional local bread? honoring the families of the martyrs of the nomads. it was the end of the part of this conference. we have about 1500 nomadic families in yazd province with about 4700 people .
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the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service
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, the line of humanity, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen. the creators of the program on the first page tonight, in continuation of the previous nights the program on the first page will host your new elected representatives in the parliament. the people's elected representatives in the 12th parliament are the first guests of tonight's first page program mr. mohammadi. mr. hassan ali mohammadi is the elected representative of the people of fasa in fars province. greetings
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and politeness to your excellency and colleagues and greetings and politeness to the presence of our dear and valuable compatriots, we are at your service. be healthy, mr. mohammadi. have you seen the election programs of sedavasima? yes i saw. and among the programs that were available to the representatives or candidates of the parliament for their advertisements, their election advertisements on 20 channels or local networks , i don't know if you used this opportunity or not, but you must be aware of it. how did you see this program ? well, i registered the program , but. unfortunately, i was not able
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to participate in the programs due to the lack of time and the density of the programs i had, but it was great. i liked it. i sincerely thank you for your cooperation and your good programs . you have seen the questions, you must have questions at least about the others. candidates and competitors, you must have seen that i saw some of the questions, but i would like to say that considering the density of the program and the lack of time that i had, it is appropriate to see. my question is how much these questions were about the real issues of the country and the people, in your opinion, well, relatively, very much. he raised questions about people's problems. and definitely, i like the questions in the form of installation, and it is acceptable
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to me. so, what do you remember? let's talk about some of the most important ones . i am at your service . do you remember some of them ? one is about increasing salary rates and dastmoz said yes, do you agree to this issue? in fact, our question was , do you agree with an increase equal to inflation or is it proportional to inflation? salary increase and... and in order to control and lower inflation , we should adopt the necessary policies and the topic that
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was raised in this case, with the increase of salaries, inflation will definitely increase, and if we adopt policies that the government will come in the field of production and employment it can definitely cause an increase . taxes that have to increase production and employment , do a lot of this in an efficient way . one should provide a series of sustainable resources and not have a few losers and winners in this case, if we want to collect a tax from the pockets of some people, we have to take it from the pockets of some people and pay it to others , but if we increase production and employment on this issue that i mentioned. let's say that based on that
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, the taxes will increase and the amount of government income will increase, and this is a there is a solution that we can provide in the topic of inflation control and your service. the issue of budget deficit is managed by natrazi. well, in order to control inflation, now you mentioned the problem of disalignment. what should be done to deal with disalignment? topics. an economy based on production and employment means that the government should make up its mind and be serious about this matter, and facilitate the issue of production and employment to increase . this is exactly one of the solutions that can happen in the matter of generating income, and i said that by increasing
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his salary. the disharmony occurs exactly and the amount swelling based on the salary increase , it will be set at a higher ratio, and if this happens , it can definitely have an impact on curbing inflation . let's talk about the subsidy. we are at your service. burnt subsidy, for example, if the subsidy is paid to the car first, or the national number , look at the national code of the people. the issue of subsidy regarding the various tithes that have been predicted, some things have been set that if we are based on the amount of income, a special system will be implemented that the income based on household
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that there is income to be determined and its output. if we look at the amount of poverty line and the minimum livelihood and life that exists, some people should be subsidized and some people should pay taxes . the discussion here is how the payment method should be, an amount, for example, on what. should a subsidy be given? no, now , look at what or whether this subsidy will be given to the people , if a mechanism is formed to give the subsidy to the same producer or importer. it is very possible to create this situation effectively with a monitoring mechanism that does not create rent and corruption
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, it can definitely be more effective than it has been in all these years. in my opinion, producers and importers should be given a regular and coherent mechanism . what is that mechanism? it is a mechanism of regulatory levers. now, you, as the parliament , are not in your hands to implement it. the summit will be implemented by the governments. and the government may differ from the government in its executive ability in its supervision , how are you as a parliament going to lay the rails so that the governments can carry out this supervision? in any case, the experience of 422 width and similar experiences
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are in front of us . like these, this is the experience before us and we have seen what happened, what rents happened, what corruptions, what are you talking about as the parliament, what kind of rail are you going to set so that any government that comes can not be able to implement at all, or there is something wrong in the layers of the government and the executive bodies can see what happened . exactly some of the things you mentioned have already happened and that rent has been created, but i explained the mechanism, if if it is regular and disciplined, it can definitely be effective in people's livelihoods and lives. no , you are talking about implementation. you, i am saying that implementation is not in your hands. there is no guarantee that it will be implemented properly
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. there is no guarantee that it will be properly monitored. you will ask the parliament that if i am an executive, my hands will be tied. i can't pay rent to anyone. see, this is where we are talking about. i mean, you, if this flood is yours, say, sir, that subsidies should be paid to producers and importers based on the basic goods needed. people are fine , now i am the moderator, i may not be able to supervise now i would like to say this, see if we look at the issue from the other side, if we say that subsidies are allocated to the people, can the process of management and self-control in increasing prices be curbed. look at it from the other side of the matter, that is, if we give the subsidy to the people, then the producer and importer will increase the prices of the items in such a way that
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the people will no longer be able to afford the medicine or the service offered to them. and we should definitely work on the monitoring and control mechanism, that is, instead of solving the problem , we should not erase the problem. i know that if the subsidy is given to honorable and dear people , the people here will definitely suffer in the increase in prices, but if they have taken that instrument and work before , i say, look, we have the experience of gasoline in front of us , this experience of 423 is also in front of us when in the 9th and 10th governments apologize for the so-called gasoline subsidy was paid directly to the people , even though gasoline became expensive and had an impact on some goods, but at least other than now
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, our own direct experiences, those around us who have seen and observed the international monetary fund, the world bank these also report that the class gap in iran it has decreased after the purposeful implementation of subsidies, at that time people received money first. after that, they know that now they can go and use gas with it, for example, take the car, drive it around in the street , or basically choose another way to spend that money. about other goods, anyway, we have many reports about bread smuggling, about fuel smuggling, which is always a lot. it's too much, yes, it means that now we are talking about smuggling or consuming too much, but now it may not all be smuggling at least 10-20 million liters of gasoline or fuel
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are reported to be smuggled or over -consumed in the country. it is said that these 10-20 million liters are already going from gyms and people are paying a lot of money for this. for example, suppose that from if the country goes out of the country, the profit will go to whom, what is smuggling? if this money was given to the people themselves, it would not be smuggled or overused. no one would walk around in the street to relieve fatigue, for example, and these are expert talks. see, for example, the same gasoline that you ordered directly increase the price of gasoline. gasoline affects people's lives, that is, with the increase in the price of gasoline
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, many goods are directly related to the increase in the price of gasoline . this happens every now and then, and in my opinion, considering that there are a number of cases, from a scientific point of view, what you said is exactly correct , but when it goes into the society , it has a completely different effect, and another thing happens, and a psychological atmosphere. it rules over these cases it causes that what was in science did not happen in reality, and this in my opinion is based on a reliable mechanism that i mentioned. and based on the opinion of the respected experts
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that you have given, this matter should be handled more cautiously , as it is known that it was supposed to be implemented on a trial basis and the impact and the output of this matter should be taken as a feedback. gifts and trips of representatives. do you agree or not? well, transparency issue. it is a case of public favor, and i completely agree. now, what do you think about transparency, if the vote you requested is a yes vote , that is a good thing, and the people have the right to know that their representative is fully informed about the vote he is giving. you will take the lead in your transparency. let me tell
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you that in my work system, i have always been transparent, and in my room there is always a drawer and an opening, and i have always had this transparency, and i have seen a lot of good from this, which means that this transparency will make the women on the other side serve you. let's talk about the problems that may cause for the representative or the person in charge it will definitely be resolved, i agree with transparency and the opinion of my people is that their representatives are completely transparent. see and fully agree, what will you do to increase transparency, both about yourself and about the rest of your colleagues? well, the same question you have , let it be fully operational and implemented. definitely, the opinion of the loved ones means that you, for example, someone may say that i will make my rights available to the people. i will publish it, or i am not afraid of these things and i am definitely at your service, as well as the rest
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. now you announced to the people where your election expenses came from in the constituency it's your choice, people know if it's the same and what things you have. yes, i'm telling you that my life expenses are completely specific and i implemented my life according to a certain order . i like and i like to live at the level of ordinary people, and this conviction of mine , sir, has created many openings in my life and has made me popular among people and citizens . please, definitely in the device that we have to announce
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we declare yes. you must agree with the increase in the retirement age. well, look at the increase in the amount of pension to life according to the current system , which means that the amount of pension to life has increased, and on the other hand, sometimes the amount of pension deficits that now the pension fund and... must be a it should have a positive outcome and feedback so that loved ones can benefit from this case and see a good outcome. it is necessary to define a good mechanism for this case . now, some of our colleagues are really reaching an age when we reach the age of life expectancy. we define maybe the ability to continue more than this don't think that this category should
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be seen along with the increase of retirement age and what we said should not be zero and 100, especially in this category of retirement age, considering the ability of people and now the fact that this is optional, can it help in this way? it won't be possible for the mechanisms and diagnoses, and it won't be possible for you anymore. now , let me tell you, sometimes we have colleagues . i worked in the welfare sector. when physical problems disturb me, illness disturbs me, and at the defined age , i can't continue. provide service and the process that should be output with quality according to needs estimating the needs of the people may not exist and this should be defined precisely, but i say that considering the increase in the rate of sunid on life , this can be effective, but i say that
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it is still zero.


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