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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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this category should also be seen alongside the increase of the retirement age, and what we said should not be zero and 100 , especially in this category of retirement age, considering the ability of people and now the fact that this is optional , it can help in this way, won't everything be postponed? works and diagnoses, and no , you can't do it anymore. now, i'll tell you. sometimes we have colleagues. i worked in the welfare sector. when a physical problem disturbs me, an illness disturbs me , i can't continue to serve at that defined age . the process of estimating people's needs with high-quality output it has, maybe it doesn't have, and this should be defined precisely, but i say, considering the increase in the rate of sunid, this can affect life, but i say, zero and 100
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should not be taken into account. thank you very much, mr. mohammadi , the elected representative of the space people in the 12th parliament , thank you for accepting our invitation . please, we will serve another elected representative , mr. ahmadi. we have a closing speech, dear elected representative. in west azerbaijan, sir , we have a closing speech. please let me tell you the end of your service , i am one of the indicators that you are, god willing i am considering the 12th parliament, there is a 5-year development plan, which is based on the economic focus, and 4 years of implementation will be given to
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this parliament. if there is no step , i will consider this in such a way , god willing, that it will be based on a national agreement and service to the people, and i will do my best to fulfill this plan, and based on the words of imam rezwan, may god be pleased with him, whenever we had a problem. and something that we wanted to eradicate is treated as illiteracy by everyone let's make iran a school together, or build a jihad together, and god willing, i hope that all our colleagues in the 12th parliament will work on this national covenant and all this togetherness . twelfth
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, for our invitation, we are waiting for you in west azarbaijan, hello , we will serve another elected representative , mr. ahmadi, our closing speech, dear elected representative, mr. ahmadi, thank you for accepting our invitation . yes. are there election programs on radio and television? yes, we used this option. so , did you actually use the advertising opportunity that was given to the candidates or not ? yes, we used that program and it was very good, by the way. what did you think about this
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opportunity and this event that happened for the first time in the elections of the islamic council on 20 local channels that were created for this purpose? we did. well , another question is how did you see these questions that were asked, do they correspond to the real issues of the people of and the country had good questions, now it was more about social and country issues, but some questions were a lot, i think maybe. there was no need now, but
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i answered the ones that were necessary in that discussion. well , which of the issues that you answered , do you remember, that were basic issues and were necessary. it was necessary to be explained by the work. well , some of the questions that were asked to you were plans. the discussion was about the so-called tax. let's start with this tax . what plan will you have in the parliament to prevent tax evasion? yes, see, you are better, two zarians after all, the tax issue is one of the most important issues of the country and one of the pillars of the country's income
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, because of that, it is of great importance and the parliament should have a program for this. in our country , it has become such that the so-called statistical figure for self-giving is about 45, sometimes 43% of us receiving taxes, that many people are so-called tax evaders and escape in some way, and the parliament should have a plan for this in order to be able to tax goodness is defined according to justice in our society separate them and don't put more pressure on the weak ones. mr. ahmadi, please tell me if you agree with the current method of paying subsidies to basic goods
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. i am talking about fuel and gasoline in particular. you agree that fuel is subsidized. to be credited to the gas card or to his account, in fact, to the national code of individuals, that is , it is a method that they are implementing . it is better because those who are rich have a better financial situation, they have several vehicles that can be used more. therefore, justice requires that it be with the national code , especially the vulnerable people of the poor and
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the so-called society can benefit from this possibility. do you agree? it is the best method in my opinion . among other things, if the medicine reaches the people cheaply, you agree that this subsidy should be paid to the producers or to the importers or to be paid directly to the people themselves. you see, we implemented these subsidies for both producers and importers in some way . i don't think we got good results. it would be better for the consumer to ensure this
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, so let me tell you again about this issue, we have subsidies in some way, so we give subsidies, or the government is somehow paying money from the people's pockets from the public treasury for public universities, especially for the day students of public universities. do you believe that this subsidy should be paid to the daily students of public universities in its current form or should be equally provided to 3 million students of different universities. in my opinion, it should be given to everyone because everyone needs it in some way and all the people of these lands have the right to use the treasury. this should be divided into groups, just for a
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special patrol, this should not be included. it is better to agree with the proportionality of the elections, mr. ahmadi, proportionality. it is understood that the current method of elections is such that if, for example, we have two main currents in the country , let's call them current a-currents, if people are more likely to go to current a-currents , then current b-currents in big cities will be completely removed from the yes elections. and they will have no seats and no representatives in the parliament. there was a plan in the parliament called the proportionality of the elections, which was seen as a mechanism so that the seats in the parliament represent big cities like tehran, tabriz, mashhad,
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isfahan and shiraz. these seats should be somehow divided between the representatives of different currents. that means , for example, stream b should not be completely excluded from the elections. a number of a and a number of b enter the elections. enter the parliament. i want to give a more precise example. if the first person of list a gets 1 million votes in tehran and the last person of list a gets 4d and 50,000 votes and all of them enter the parliament , the first person of list b has 400,000 votes , the first person of list b will be barred from entering the parliament. it stays while right now in different cities of our country, we have representatives who enter the parliament with 50,000 votes and even less , so some people
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believe that this proportionality will help us not to empty the parliament of powerful people or powerful people of different currents. now, this is a good point, but in my opinion, we are talking about democracy and participation , especially democracy in the islamic republic. in my opinion, this is a bit problematic because people's votes must be effective and capable people are not only in big cities, but in big cities. are not you check to see the elites in the cities
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or they are tehran itself, i don't accept this, because there are capable people, competent people, so-called literate people, people with scientific rank in many cities and villages, and i don't believe it much . there are capable people only in big cities, surely we have capable people in all cities and even villages , but we need a mechanism, we had this proposal about big cities in the current parliament , and i voted for it, of course, because i realized that it might not be compatible with the general election policies. well, it was rejected anyway. at this point, but this proposal obviously, in
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order to do this at least in big cities, it is possible to propose another solution in small cities. now, i will skip this issue . i think you are arguing with the presidential system for my country, which is the so-called current situation, that is, us. do we elect the president by direct vote of the people or the parliamentary system, which is the parliamentary system in countries that have a parliamentary system, the people elect the members of the parliament and the members of the parliament elect the prime minister, which do you agree with more? i believe in presidential system. because directly their own people they choose their president because usually
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there are no strong parties in our country, usually the currents and factions also perform well. as we are talking about, especially democracy in the islamic republic, i think it is a bit problematic because people's votes must be effective and capable people are not only in the big cities, they are not in the big cities. you check and see the elites who are reforming in small towns and even villages, this means that it is not that the same elite people and capable people are always in big cities or tehran itself, i do not accept this because capable people
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are competent people, so-called literate people, people with scientific rank in many cities and villages, and i do not believe that much. no, of course, my proposal was not that capable people are only in big cities , surely we have capable people in all cities and even villages, but the mechanism is needed. maybe with general election policies. it is not compatible, well, it was rejected at this point , but this proposal is clear to do this at least in big cities, maybe in small cities, another solution can be proposed. now, i will skip this issue
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. i think it's a debate. or the parliamentary system, which is the parliamentary system in the countries that have a parliamentary system, the people elect the members of the parliament and the members of the parliament elect the prime minister , which one do you agree with more? i believe in the presidential system because the people directly choose their president usually, there are no strong parties in our country , usually currents and factions also perform well, maybe in many areas, in many areas, not having a presidency. currently, in my opinion
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, which is the best way to cooperate with foreign countries? countries, you know, with neighboring countries, possibly with, for example , africa, latin america, europe, west , east asia, which category of countries should be prioritized, of course, we are not talking about the fact that we are going to cut off our relationship with some or, for example, only have relationship with some countries. but which countries should you pay attention to? do you think it should be? let's see, the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran is characteristic, whether it is in the political, economic , or cultural fields. in my opinion, the priority is with the neighboring countries, because the neighboring countries
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can do things better than the others later, but in my opinion, the priority is to come with taxes and capital. you agree, mr. ahmadi , this is a specialized discussion, in my opinion, if the mechanism is explained properly, i think it will be better to prevent escape. what tax plan will you have, what solution will you have? yes. i also asked the previous question that tax evasion is very high in our country and the twelfth parliament should do it address this issue and
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explain the appropriate solutions for this purpose, and in my opinion , the following devices are suitable. maybe they can help with this issue, because i used to work on a so-called issue , i helped this process a lot , and the photo of the tax from the one that should have been paid and so-called received has been done, in my opinion, this is a it is an important issue because i said that one of the pillars of the country's income is tax, and we must implement tax justice in the country with the necessary mechanisms. do you agree with your import? yes i am dad people who want good and healthy cars
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and they can ride the so-called low risk, they can do this, but it also requires a necessary mechanism . do you agree with the tax exemption for artists? no , i do not agree, because the exemption for certain groups is not part of the social justice of our country , there are many people who may have such an expectation . or at the price of fob persian gulf? do you have my voice? do you have a question for me, mr. ahmadi, can
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you hear me? well, i don't know if they hear my voice, mr. ahmadi? or not very well, colleagues say that it is a problem it was created in communication and our voice does not seem to reach mr. ahmadi. i would like to thank mr. ahmadi for accepting our invitation and being a guest on the first page of the program. first of all, thank you. in
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the coming nights, we will be at the service of your elected people in the 12th parliament to ask their opinion about various issues of you and the country, and later we expect them to pursue these issues in the parliament and we can follow up on the implementation of these promises. good night and good times.
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israeli prisoners prisons right now, none of the palestinians in israeli prisons right now, are action legitimate prisoners, because prisoners a dream prison for a crime and none of the people in israel in prisons right now have done any crime,
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ist der unmoralischste haufen, den die welt je gesehen hat, nicht nur heute, nicht nur für palästiner, für diese gelegenheit müssen wir als erwachen.
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una mattina mi sono fregliato cosaa cosa liebe palestina
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are shared avend just taste it. 4 o'clock $20 billion capacity. construction for iranian builders was created in the national project of increasing pressure in south pars. in the ceremony of signing the executive contracts of the national pressure boosting plan , referring to the registration of new quotas in gas extraction, the oil minister said: the oil industry, in addition to the increase in production and exports , also ranks first in the country in terms of investment and internalization of production.


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