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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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they say that the most important reason for the implementation of something is that it has been implemented once. the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of work was implemented incorrectly. by the way, what mr. naghaei said is that giving the car to the individual is wrong. if you want to change the system, you should change the rail . from now on, you should only give to the individual and take the quota first in a city. the other one that can be implemented , even if it is a long distance, you would have implemented it in tehran you used to implement it in isfahan , you used to implement it in zanjan, of course, in a certain period, who is the buyer, who is the seller , which can be adjusted, it was not successful from a conceptual point of view, in kish, it was completely successful from a technical point of view. from a technical point of view, it was successful there, so it was implemented. the most important reason is how the quota can be distributed in the system, but it cannot be distributed in physics .
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once or monthly , i will pay off all the remaining quotas, which is not possible, that is, if i do not have a car, i will not ask for a quota. i used it, i didn't give it to anyone, i didn't give it , i didn't sell it, i didn't use it. at the end of the month, my share will be cleared in the market at the daily price.
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i am now surprised because they said that the border areas are exactly the supervisor of the approval of the supply, mr. naghaei said, by the way, he is exactly the same person who in the border area does not have any share in public transportation, but he has funds from the public pocket of the country that belong to all other people from his pocket. in order to import gasoline , we need to understand this first. do we have a gasoline subsidy? yes, we do. we have 30,000 tomans of gasoline. some people say that the price of domestic gasoline is zero, others say that it is zero. the one who is driving around in tehran has 5 cars. i have statistics and i will tell you that here , people who own more than 100 cars have 1,500 tomans of gasoline in their name. nearly 20%
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of the country's car buyers look at it in the same way. keep it as capital goods or use the gasoline and sell it at home. gasoline is being sold in sistan baluchistan . it is being exported. mr. nakhaei, apart from the non -expert inflation and non-implementation and smuggling, which he said has no effect, we have other reasons. look look, mr. bazand, in my opinion, this plan is not very feasible, contrary to what is being proposed. you see, we want to involve 85 million to 90 million iranians in the gasoline quota, friends say let's design a system, in this system there is the possibility of exchange. and we create a confusion in the society , we create parallel exchange markets in the country, what does that mean, many people who
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are completely against human dignity, we should avoid this kind of politics. if we accept that a system can be designed, it means that it was a system at all, and i don't know if we, 90 million iranians, were able to create such a system in the end, and these are the foundations. now in the gas stations there is the thing that was implemented in ghoshm and kishem. yes, technically it is possible that what was implemented there was exactly that you can use the bank card in the gas stations, which of course you saw later , the confirmation of the defense. it didn't mean that the broadcasting company came and actually designed a system right now that we are talking to each other. monitoring, not confirming this in the meeting of the national councils , all the approvals are part of the broadcasting company. no, i was in the meeting. well, look. these problems
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happened to him, where did this happen, the majority of the opinions are that you know from the same banking portal, there is a smart fuel system, it has a banking portal, those pay stations or those electronic payments that happen to pay money at the stations are connected, not one. i gave a link to the bank , by the way, the attack happened from there . finally, see the connection with the company that is not. see that finally the official report of the gentlemen came to the commission meeting to raise this , the effects that can happen in the discussion of gasoline in the society are very different from a bank. they know where
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to look. finally, they came. in the discussion of gasoline, raising this issue happened to be from the same bank crossing, in fact , it was the same crossing or the same bank link where this happened. the fact that we actually take this intelligent system of the country's fuel towards this requires that you finally use the bank card system. the bank card system, despite the fact that parayesh company has made efforts for this issue, but it has not been approved by the regulatory organizations, there are several reasons, one of which is the possibility of copying the card itself . take it to the banking platform , you should definitely use the online system. after all, these are the issues that completely question the implementation of the plan . assuming that we can have a system , we will involve 90 million iranians in this issue
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, create confusion and confusion in the society. it should be based on the positions, which is not, well, this is the problem, that's all. yes , it is very easy to chant slogans. it is very easy to chant slogans . he raised it, he also talked about justice , i don't know, he also raised very beautiful issues, but i have to see if there is a basis for it at all and what are the effects of its inflation in the society. addressing these issues , there are other important issues in the field of gasoline that we should pay attention to . there are many non-price policies in the country that are the same. the solution is also characteristic of us we want to talk about the gasoline imbalance , keep your alternative solutions because the time is up , i will ask mr. shoaiti, mr. shariti, mr. nakhir's answer .
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we are moving forward with this class gap and injustice is increasing, the deprived classes and those who do not have cars will suffer the most. next end when i told you, at the end of the week or at the end of the month, the schedule that the government makes will be cleared , it will be put into their account, and it will be added to their account at the price of the day. those who don't have a car , don't have a quota, they will benefit from it. it's not that you say that if someone doesn't go into the system, someone will put the money
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into the buyer's account. you have a seller and a buyer in the system. no , they do what doesn't go into the system. the government is the regulator of the story. the government is the regulator of the system. my government day now. i said 60 million liters daily he is selling 3000 tomans, he is giving 20 of them in the system, 20 is 40 of them , he is now supplying them at the station based on the same government that is available in the regulator. in the country, there is 120 to almost 50% of 150d gasoline. it is explained that 50% of gasoline is 3,000 tomans. the share that is needed is for this quota to be given to cars, in addition to cars, to those who do not have cars, to families without cars, this will be approximately 20 million. liters per day, because it is about 40 million and 45% the population of the society is about 40 million people, now it is up to the top, down to the top, look at the percentage . this is 40 million, half a liter a day is 15 a month, another half a liter is 40 to half a liter , it is 20 million liters a day, almost now 17 18
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192 this is clear so, look at the system now . people go to the bakery without realizing that the system has changed. before, you used to work in that oven or give cash. now, in this system , you pay for the number of breads. why don't we mention the name bank system now, for fear that it will be copied the system can be carved. let's not update it, let's go and count it manually, for fear that the enemy will attack , we have to strengthen ourselves and the system has been broken 3 times . last time , we couldn't be promised, but it happened again. for example, there are 10 to 15 banks in the country's banking network. if you explain this to four banks , it will eliminate the possibility of the entire network being hacked. it does , from there the intrusion happens please help, why is our banking network working strong now ? yes, there are dozens of attacks on it every day
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. bank mellat, national bank, and various banks in the country are protecting the system. they are controlling the system and preventing it. let's make the system smart. now we are talking about smartening the electricity network . we are talking about smartening the gas network . should we continue manually ? in my opinion, we must make the network smart, by the way, people are doing it right now the smart system works, many people didn't have a mobile phone one day , now everyone has a mobile phone, they buy recharges, they buy internet recharges, they go to different apps, they pay , they make deposits. people are getting subsidies , how do they get subsidies? he went through the system, registered , and is getting his subsidy. well, if the same person does this, the same person has my share of gasoline there, just tick a box and say, "i want to sell my share of gasoline myself ." it will go to the system network. the money comes in. it can be done and by the way people choose you
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the report you gave was that 18 people answered this question on your tv program, which was also a good thing. the tv came and did this . 100 people out of 18 people said to do this , so it shows that this is the opinion of the people. by the way, in small towns, this is opinion polls were conducted in tehran and esfahan, and the fact that there was not much participation in this opinion poll, by the way, in the collection of small towns and parts of the country, 100 representatives are correct, now 100 tomans. your alternative solution for the issue of justice in the payment of subsidies is observed in the next step compensating dissatisfaction. now let's assume that everyone doesn't have a car, or better
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to say, everyone who has a car is necessarily part of, for example, a class . now , there is no such thing as middle-class, upper class, or rich. really, many cars are tools for their work, but you have many tools. the car industry that we are finally seeing in the areas of small and less developed official statistics is really a lot. these cars have their working tools, they are using them, they are working with them, it does not mean that they are not necessarily among the weaker sections of the society, see i am in line with the same discussion. i would like to mention the non-expertise and non-implementation of this siamese bazaar plan, and then i will address the issue that, finally , a black market is happening here, similar to the dollar and coin brokerage market. this is another problem. after all, people who have money want these among the quotas of the people
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. they should buy these at the first of the month, because friends say that our rate should be an exchange rate, which means that it is not necessarily that you buy gasoline from that quota. if you want to sell 1,500 tomans or, as you say, sell 3,000 tomans, it is a barter market oh, among many people, they collect these shares first , we buy them, then we are the last ones that people need, finally, people whose shares have run out want to go and buy these shares, and they decide the price. another one of the problems that arise before we discuss the price issues, in my opinion , there are many non-price solutions in the country, which unfortunately have been delayed . at one point, we had the development of cng stations. now, if we calculate the equivalent, it is approximately between 40 and 40 45 million liters of gasoline through fuel
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stations, through cng stations in the country, it is the last time that they are in charge of the cng stations in the country, which means it is equivalent to 40 to 45 million liters of gasoline. well, at one point, 2,500 stations in the form of the cng plan had accidents, unfortunately. this plan has been suspended, why do we not continue the development of cng station in the country , this is an issue of the economic council , the development of cng station should be included in the same plan as in the past. finally, a large number of cng stations have been built in the country. geographically, we have won the development of the position of cng from this point of view. import low-consumption hybrid cars and electric cars . why don't we do this ? look at how many times the government has approved the table for this issue, but why is the government not implementing this? these are the solutions that will finally help. it can reduce the consumption of gasoline and
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manage these concerns, and i have to tell you that we do not have a social document in the matter of fuel. now this year, in the seventh program, fortunately, one we should have a comprehensive document regarding fuel . we should have a variety of fuel baskets . where are these electric cars seen in the document of the country's fuel society ? we do not have such a thing. finally, this percentage must be determined. there are many non-price solutions. there is no such thing. for these, half a million cars are entering the country's fleet every year. how many used cars are being exported ? there is no plan at all for used cars in the country , there is no incentive, there is no plan , there is no will for these issues, i say the price. let's our last circle before that is a lot of work that we have to do
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. let's follow for our own cars. these are finally cars with less fuel consumption. finally, our people, you should call these as dissatisfaction . what can i say about the issue of justice ? you see, the issue of justice is that you should subsidize the people now. it means that it will come. to all people give me a subsidy, i don't think this is very much in line with justice, justice. there is no justice , there is another definition. if you happen to give a fixed amount to all members of the society , this is not justice. where is justice? justice is that you allocate gasoline according to the needs of each person. this is not fair at all, mr. shariati. i will say three sentences. i don't know how much time we have. in these
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four minutes, first of all , the statistics that you say can be corrected. of course, there is a table, i only read two or three of them households without cars, this is the statistics of the ministry of roads, november 41, the ministry of welfare, the state of welfare, yes, the prosperity of the first decile means the less well off . households without cars are 2,600,000. i visited 2,600,000 households without cars. 8,000, almost two million, 900,000 , our house is 2 million, 600 out of two million, 900 without their own, two, ten, one, this is very clear, and this chart is completely in deciles from one to 10 . in these cities, they say we have a van, they will leave us in the 1990s, every system has errors, but the error
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is not, for example, 80, which is currently supported by those who are protesting, for example, 5.6 is a large number, but it shows that the whole system is working. now he is giving subsidies to the people, in some places it has increased, decreased, decreased and increased , it is true, but 90% is correct, so they want to say that our tax system is clear, we have to refer to the statistics. my second point is that all those policies you mentioned, i agree, the diversity of the portfolio is also clear don't discuss fuel, the issue of cars, consumption, construction of refineries , all this is clear and correct, our principle is, what should we do now? we are going to import gasoline and diesel from the country's oil revenues , so who will benefit from it? i say this, because it has not happened yet, let's not let
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the disadvantaged people take the loss. then, mr. naqaei said that it is not justice to fully explain the subsidy. now the opposite of justice is being done now, a community's share of the subsidy for energy carriers in the household sector is approximately one-twentieth based on its needs, while what is the definition of subsidy? the definition of subsidy means helping someone who needs it more. we are doing the opposite. now he is benefiting more who needs less . well, we have to do the opposite. at least we can equalize it. it will be better than now. if we even equalize it, it will be better than the current situation. current that is, if today was the first day that we wanted to give subsidies, we would have said that we will pay the full price, we will not give subsidies to anyone, our situation would be better than now, but now it is the opposite. we are taking action . the one who has a car , the one who has an outdoor swimming pool , the one who has a restaurant, the one whose house is in a villa is now like this, now in electricity and gas, friends
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, you all helped us in our parliament, this ibt, and we implemented it , why is it gasoline? we can't, because the explanation is not fair, we can't just pay 50%, that might be possible, but in the end, let's say, for example , we will use a portion, and the rest will go, for example , you can buy free gas, we helped you, we discussed the mines of this work. if we don't get the ownership interest from the country's mines , let's say go buy gasoil yourself and import it from outside. it is more beneficial for the government, then the government adjusts the knot, mr. nafihi, the government adjusts the knot, the government can say, i have 300 tomans worth of gasoline, you will give me a place, between 150 and 3,000 tomans, people buy oil, no one, all people have an economic brain, no one buys 300 tomans when the government has in this position, the gap is compensated, it just happens. i want to say one last sentence: article 59 of the constitution says that the parliament can conduct the affairs of the country by referring to arammuyi. this has now been realized. you this elections, 10 and 8 people answered this question, 100 people who were elected by the people, the people voted for them, they said , "sir, give me gasoline, the national government. well, now that the people's opinion has come true, we must follow it, because the time
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is running out, and you don't have a minute more ." i want to ask this question. i have seen a lot of criticism in cyberspace in the way you are defending it, that the same people who do not get subsidies now, do not have cars , are using subsidies in a different way, for example, they are using taxis. and four years ago , they were all using public attacks they are using it now, no, they mean that someone who has a car, for example , does not use public transportation. meanwhile, these conditions have not changed, which was the same four years ago. next, all people use it. they are very popular in the market as far as tehran
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. for example, they use 20 times more than the marfa floor. they use yarani, so it compensates for the 20th that he has there. it is not like that at all. the distance is so great that this chat will not be filled. thank you, sir. no, how much time do we have? 5 minutes, so see they say that the elected officials mentioned a large number of points that should be explained with the national code. i am confident that, god willing , these expert discussions will be brought up in the parliament, the opinion of many of these friends will change, but the same issues were discussed at the beginning of the 11th parliament. mr. dr. shariati is now 4 years old. he is pursuing this issue in the parliament, even at his age , god, at your age, you are pursuing this issue in the committee, always with the opposition of qatib. the representatives have been confronted, no, it's not a question of fear at all, it's a question of professional work, no, no, they say, november 2018, no , you see, it's not a coincidence, unfortunately, your view is about
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i have seen that sometimes it is like this, well, it shouldn't be like this . it is really a matter of expertise. what i am saying is that it is not effective. as someone who has worked in this system, i am saying that your service is not effective . i have talked to many experts in this field. many economic people in the country believe. after all, we ourselves have an experience , especially during this time and many people who are economists in the country, this issue of inflation is a serious issue, but there was a history of it in the past, sir, we removed the width of 42 in the country. we came and gave subsidies to the people. believe me, people , if you ask for their opinion now, they will tell the people that it should be the same width as 42, so that there is no inflation in the country, which means that we have given subsidies and take many times from the people's pockets. we had the parliament and i told you to tell me something to serve the people . this plan, which is called gasoline under the national code
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, is only fatah babis's attempt to increase the price of gasoline. let me tell you, after all, behind the scenes of these plans, this is only fatah babis's attempt to increase the price of gasoline in the country. to normalize this expression , this explanation is not a subsidy , this explanation is not just an explanation of wealth. paragraph in the society that you let's give a subsidy to everyone and then how many times it will be taken from people's pockets with the inflation that is created . this is the explanation of this paragraph. this is a help . no, this is not a slogan. it is not the era of slogans. look at this explanation of the paragraph, you are bringing up these issues in the name of explaining wealth with these loud slogans in the name of justice. but what will be the result? the result will be that the people will become more oppressed. we had experience in the past. the explanation of wealth is that you are the one who has more income.
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let me tell you, take more tax from him and then come and explain this tax in a fairer way in the country. explaining wealth means that you come. in fact, there are plans that were implemented before me and by the way, i failed . let's come here and do trial and error again. if we implement this in the country, this will not help the economy of the country, mr. shariati, this will not help to improve the livelihood of the people. the people should be given how many times what is being given as a subsidy now. the situation of the people has improved. the parliament did not act. look at the government. in my opinion, these are completely covering up the existing inefficiencies. a solution to the problem of gasoline and energy imbalance.
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we have to look for it somewhere else. well, just because you have less than 40 seconds, mr. shariati also raised a point. you should answer that tomorrow, if the government changes the price, the person who does not receive any subsidy on gasoline now . if you don't have a car, you will suffer more. this is how you see it. i consider the price policy to be the last solution. i said that we have other more important and better solutions that we should do first when we have a low-quality car. people say, we should give him cheap fuel, thank you thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers, special to the higher program, please , special to the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you, or ali, god is higher than any or
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, payment in the next year until 2:00 am in the city tehran is your host. in the name of god, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the family of muhammad, and the speed of his death. greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers , welcome to the sports news of iran's azadkarans, who won three gold medals and two bronze medals , and became the champions of turkey's yasherdu wrestling tournament on the day at the end of this competition , in the final match of 92 kg, amir hossein firozpur won the gold medal by winning against his opponent shahez of moldova.


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