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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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what exactly is the position of this commission in the united nations ? in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and respect. to you and your viewers . the commission on the status of women of the united nations was approved and established in 1946 with two missions and two main goals. with two missions, here i am. i would like to interrupt your conversation to say goodbye to the respected viewers of channel one. let's do it and continue the program with the viewers of khabar network. i say hello again to the respected viewers who are watching vijeh news talk from the news channel. so far
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in our program, we have talked about the fact that the commission is actually having a meeting with the un female official the vice president for women 's affairs will also participate in this meeting, and it is planned to demand the expulsion of the zionist regime from the women's commission of this organization and to establish a campaign of human rights activists at the international level with experts on various aspects of this issue. i asked mrs. guderzi to explain about the position of this commission, first of all, we started the discussion on channel 1 , now we are eager to continue your speech . yes, this commission is two the goal and two main missions in the international arena.
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regarding women's rights, the first goal is gender equality, the second goal is to help the promotion and progress of women's rights, and it is pursuing these two goals. the important point of this commission is that despite the fact that it is the highest institution in the international arena is active in the field of women's rights, but there is no implementation guarantee. as we are seeing these days, despite the crimes that the zionist regime has been committing in the lands of the palestinian people for more than five months. it has not been able to do any practical work in this field . in general, the united nations commission on the status of women was established with these basic goals, but it was not able to achieve the goals that the nations that are members of it.
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to act in pursuit of the realization and pursuit of that being. you raised an issue here. we found a report actually from one of the sections related to women on the united nations website. if my colleagues show this picture. the title of this report says that this report was actually prepared by the un's own reporters. the headline of this report says that since the 7th conflict october to march 1, that time. in fact, this report was published just a few days ago, 9 thousand people and 9 thousand women were killed by the zionist regime in the conflicts, and these are just the statistics that are mentioned in the official and unofficial statistics . in fact, this un report is more than this. he describes in this report that according to the statistics we have, it is not wrong to say that this war is a regime war.
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and he expanded the report to explain why he considers this war to be a war against women . even though such data is available it is the united nations , what is the significance of the presence of the zionist regime in the women's commission of this organization, or rather , is it not a contradiction? it has become its member and is working in
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it. it is committing the most severe crimes against the rights of women and children. today, we observe that 63 women are martyred in palestine every day . in other words, we have two female martyrs every hour. see when the commission and an international body which is implemented with the mission of enforcing and protecting women's rights, but in practice, its own inaction is emerging in the field of implementation, what we are seeing today. there are many violations of human rights and humanitarian rights. today , the zionist regime is violating a wide range of international laws and rules of humanitarian law. if i want to point them out ,
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it is violating the quadruple geneva accession convention and its two annexed protocols. it is violating some articles of the universal declaration of human rights, the most significant of which is article 49 of the geneva convention, in which straight face it has been mentioned that he brought up the issue of segregation of civilians, what we are seeing today is that the zionist regime is targeting women directly and deliberately and has committed a crime against humanity and a widespread genocide, and we in the shadow of the silence of the international organizations, we see that they only express their concern and publish several statements , and we have a confrontation. unfortunately, we do not see the direct and efficient in this context , it is correct, mrs. azarcher, as a researcher and media activist, i ask you, in your opinion why does the zionist regime not have a position in the united nations commission on the status of women, or in other words
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, this position is accompanied by a contradiction , i think we are making a basic mistake and thinking that an organization was created to take the rights of women. oppressed, and this is the united nations, not the organization of states, and this organization is all states, not a few special governments that have the right to veto, and those who have the right to veto committed the biggest human rights crimes , that is, when this united nations was established, the goal from the beginning it was not the advancement of people's rights that we now say how strange and different and why nothing they don't do anything. from the beginning, the goal was to keep the power somewhere. that there is power and we see that in different programs, different things happen , always depending on who violated human rights and what kind of relationship that person has with one of these five countries with veto rights
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. anyway, each of these events has positive points , like the case of ukraine and russia . veto stands in front of others, but okay of course, countries in this organization have the right to speak , they have the right to take their words to the chair, and they have a good relationship with one of these veto-rights countries . in general, this issue of women's rights is an excuse, but in any case, the islamic republic of iran is like any other country. in any case, a person has representatives in a number of places, we use different platforms, whether the platform is basically a playing field against us or our own platform, like instagram, like many virtual platforms, we know that when you want
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to say the right thing, do the right thing. it doesn't allow you, but anyway you get to know other representatives on a platform different people are more familiar with the ideas of the islamic republic, and one voice somewhere says that the goal is never to take human rights , which is one of the many crimes , all the genocide, and all the people who were killed, maybe just it was a blessing for the world and it was that people saw that what was in their minds, we have an organization that fights for human rights, is completely a dream and a dream of a series of countries whose power lies in their interests. this is the weakening of countries, and now people are asking what the un really does, what is its role, if you are in this the time of genocide is supposed to be silent , so when is he going to defend the rights of the oppressed? it is true
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that we are in contact with mr. rajabi, a radio reporter in new york . from that point out, what is the actual plan of the representative of iran in this meeting, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good time. yes, the meeting is being held, and the vice president of the islamic republic of iran is currently dealing with the issue of women and the status of women in the world. to attend this meeting in the affairs of women and family ms. khast ali's main plan for her presence at the united nations is to participate in this commission since yesterday , until now that i am at your service, so it is still time for her to speak in this meeting. it has not arrived. now it is time for rest and lunch . he will sit at around 22:30 tehran time. in fact, the sitting
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will resume in the afternoon. probably, in the next two or three hours, it will be his speech time, or maybe even together with dozens of representatives. in another country, his speech at tomorrow's meeting, which will start at around 17:30, tehran time, may be his speech at that time. in fact, the time will come, in the next one or two hours , dr. khazenandi
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will meet with the ministers of women and family officials from the countries of finland, saudi arabia, turkey, armenia, kuwait, philippines, norway, libya, and africa. thank you very much, mr. rajabi, for a report from new york regarding the 68th meeting of the women's authority commission.
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the meeting of the united nations commission on the status of women in new york has been held for several days amid the killing of women and children in gaza . the zionist regime is also one of the members of this commission, and like other members, it can vote on the draft resolutions of the united nations . a membership that some people of the world, including
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a number of women activists in the world, object to. i participate in this campaign because more than 1,303,900 palestinian women have been martyred since october 7. more than 30 thousand palestinians were killed, most of them women and children. we have a duty to remember the palestinian women, to remember the women who are enduring pain and suffering, their wives, children and brothers in the attacks. i wholeheartedly support palestinian women and children and
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they condemn the cruel massacre that israel commits in gaza. the signatures collected in this campaign are supposed to be the voice of mothers and women in all parts of the world in defense of the people of gaza at the meeting of the united nations commission on women in the coming days. program with a question from i will continue , ms. gooderzi, our country is not currently a member of the united nations commission on the status of women, however, how can we have a representative and actually convey our positions. what is stated in the rules of the women's status commission based on members is that countries that are not members can also to be present in these meetings in order to present a performance report on the achievements they had in the field of women's rights in their own countries
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. which has been achieved in the field of women's rights and the promotion of human rights in the last few years, but the point is that despite the presence of governments , non-governmental organizations and some of the activists can also attend this meeting meaning for presence. they don't have it, and it's not just about the presence and membership that calls for the members of the countries to vote for it, and there is no prohibition for iran's presence in this field . campaigns
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organized by human rights activists by popular groups regarding the necessity of expelling the zionist regime from the women's authority commission, how effective do you rate these campaigns in creating a political or legal activism ? we do it effectively like organizations internationally, like the governments like the zionist regime, we look at the institutions and see how powerful it seems, how many weapons it has, how much budget it has, for example , they can change people's minds, and all people think that the effect of all this is because of this. which is not equally effective, for example, in many places in different countries, for example, a friend from nigeria told him that in our country, we have to pay for the bbc
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, pay for satellites, and pay for iran in many places. people can have free access , which means we know that the way of thinking of the iranian people is very important for iran and what happened in this case. well, you know, for years, this genocide is not one day or two days, it didn't start since october 7th , the genocide has been going on for 75 years. other terrible things have been happening for 75 years . but we didn't hear this , so it didn't matter because the people of the world thought that there was no power behind this movement of fadsin in terms of thought
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. when he came to the conclusion that we coming to the conclusion that only one power is really important and that is the power of resistance. now you see in yemen more than 50 american and british ships and in any case the countries where you dared, for example , to imprison one of those who are citizens of these countries and a qashqari well, yemen is a country that i think is perhaps the second poorest country in the world . now its statistics may be old. the left and the right are hitting this ship and taking this ship, and they can't do anything because if they could do something, they would do it because of human rights considerations. they don't care about women and children, and we saw that in yemen too
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bombing, but the yemenis came to say what, they came to say that you can do whatever you want, we will resist . the power is with you, and the power of the united states and israel , and the united nations, until now, has been that they have power over your thoughts, but now the palestinian woman's screams are going over cnbc and all of this is going to pierce these walls, and the voice has reached the people, and now people help me find out what really are the sources of our power? and where can we get it? mrs. godarzi, regarding the examples of violations of women's rights by the zionist regime , i have now mentioned a statistic that
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is against all palestinian strata at different levels. especially women and children as vulnerable groups in the society, well, we see that from october 7 onwards, a series of issues reached a critical situation in the land of palestine and the deterioration of this situation was such that, as in the report that mr. you have pointed out that the un reporters themselves. they claim that a massive crime is taking place in gaza and in palestine . they believe it themselves, despite
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their ineffectiveness and passivity. well, today we are seeing that the zionist regime is violating a wide range of international rules and human rights. palestinian women it is violating. if we want to point out examples against it, the most obvious case that happened is the violation of rights. from the beginning of the war until now , we are witnessing the martyrdom of every person in the field of violation of the right to health and the violation of palestinian women's access to health as the most basic rights. in fact, every month, 5,000 pregnant women give birth, so you go and see what their situation is , under what conditions they are doing this, and
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what happened in palestine is a violation. all provisions of human rights are there. we are observing how much palestinian women are suffering for their most obvious first need, for example, the right to access to safe drinking water. according to the statistics from the united nations that i observed today , we saw that 84% of palestinian women do not have access to safe drinking water, so this is a disaster in every sense of the word, and today , literally, gaza is an exhibition of human rights violations in the entire world. whose visitors are only satisfied with his simple look. apart from this, the other thing we are observing is discussion arbitrary detention of women is the same as the exchange of prisoners, so why are they
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manipulating this matter so much? you see, since the zionist regime occupied palestine in the last 75 years , 16,000 palestinian women have been arrested so far and 124 women are currently arrested. palestinians in the detention centers of the zionist regime in very bad conditions. they are detained in a situation where a woman cannot deserve it, and they are committing the most severe acts against human rights . the testimony that out of these 200 people, 13 of them are women, we have a series of teachers, whose statistics i don't remember exactly now, but most of them are our female teachers , most of them are palestinian women due to the injuries
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they received. they have gone missing and they are under the rubble, according to the statistics presented by the united nations , there are nearly 4 thousand missing women and children, so see, these are not small numbers and we are facing a passivity and in this we live a silence that no one knows. there is no practical action in this field. mrs. azarshahr, before the program, we are talking together you mentioned the evidence that you know about the violation of women's rights in the zionist settlements and in relation to the women who live under the zionist regime . we are very right to focus on the palestinian woman because the most oppression is done to the palestinian woman, but what we have to remember is that in these years, the zionist regime
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of iran has been assassinated, and now or not only iran is in egypt, in lebanon, in every country. he has been trying to reach a technology, whether it is nuclear technology or not other technologies are this kind of killing. in palestine itself, well, we see the conditions in other countries. anyone who wants to speak against the zionist regime , whether he is a university president or whoever, if someone is a member of parliament in america, he has to fully support the regime. zionism means that women do not have a voice in the world because of the zionist regime, this is an important issue, mr. godarzi
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, with the campaign that was mentioned in my report , how can these campaigns actually lead to an effective political or legal effect, or to put it simply one how can ordinary people who participate in such campaigns have a sense of legal influence? in fact, you can see from this action that what we are seeing at the international level today is that public opinion has been strongly influenced by the palestinian issue. well, just as we observed the case against the zionist regime in the hague court, it strongly influenced the public opinion of the world . he has collected a series of reports well, south africa
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was the party to the initial complaint of this case. well, south africa had collected this complaint from the level of the palestinian community, and in all those reports directly, well, public opinion also had an impact on it . another point is that there are campaigns to support palestine. well , there are many campaigns these days, but this one , i don't know if we should mention it now or if you want the clip to be played if we mention it very briefly. see in order to prevent the continued membership of the zionist regime in the united nations commission on women united, a global campaign has been launched. well, the initiator of this campaign is the resistance axis countries . it started from iraq. we can consider this campaign as the second international action that is taking place after the action of the hague court, and it
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is leading the world public opinion. to the extent that by voting and signing this campaign, they can bring it to the attention of the international community on a wider level. see the least, maybe the word least is not correct. the nature of this regime is anti-human and anti-human, thank you very much from you as well as from you, mrs. azerche , you were a viewer of a special news interview with the topic. the expulsion of the zionist regime from the united nations commission on women, which is being carried out and is being pursued in the form of a campaign and in fact the activism of the representatives of countries, including our country, in the meeting of this organization. thank you for being with us. goodbye.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today, the first case. tonight's program is dedicated to the month of ramadan in gaza . in the second case, we will examine the tension and armed conflict in haiti. payment at the beginning, but let's see palestine according to the picture.


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