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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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considering that two councils were approved , we will definitely make a decision in the social commission on which day of the holiday will be. this is really a celebration , this is very valuable and joyous news.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and grant them a speedy recovery. greetings, dear viewers , we congratulate the beginning of the holy month of ramadan. today , in addition to iran, is the first day of ramadan in many countries. in some countries , the first monday of ramadan was announced yesterday. o allah, the city of ramadan has once again brought good news that the month of god's feast has arrived. i congratulate the muslims of the world, i am counting the moments for the blessed month of ramadan, full of love and
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grace of god almighty. ramadan is the month of god, the spring of the qur'an, one of the best moments that i am looking forward to now that the month of ramadan will arrive and now those memories will be renewed for me, the dawn moments. in the month of god's party , there is an opportunity for empathy and help. and everyone has prepared themselves for this heavenly month in some way . how ready are you to enter the holy month of ramadan? remove it and replace it with good qualities . after all, the month of worship is the month of service, god willing, if god helps. we went
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to pishvaz today for iftar tables , may god be blessed for all our countrymen, ramadan is a very good opportunity, dear friends, it is a very good opportunity, of course , there is an opportunity to advertise, there is an opportunity to explain, there is an opportunity to help the poor, above all these, an opportunity to worship , an opportunity to get closer. in addition to secrets and needs, in the holy month of ramadan , there is also the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and put aside grudges . a grudge is a grudge, no, i am always afraid . it is possible that this happened. i should try to find solution. to treat everyone well and yesterday
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monday was the first day of the holy month of ramadan in gaza , despite the continued attacks of the zionist regime, the people of gaza celebrated the beginning of this holy month and welcomed the palestinian refugees to the month of ramadan. ramadan is the best and precious month for us. we buy lanterns, decorate our tents and rejoice and fast. the medical staff and children who survived the five-month war also welcomed ramadan in the khan yunis hospital in gaza. the dawn of the first day of the month of ramadan, when
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the traditional saharkhani ritual was performed, was also held. poetry and quran they sing to wake people up for dawn. in the midst of the same tents , they stopped to perform the taraweeh prayer while eating their breakfast. the first morning prayer of ramadan and this image is the dawn of the first day of ramadan in gaza. in gaza, where the war in the sixth month and the month of ramadan. people all over the world are happy and happy to welcome the month of ramadan and are in mosques. but we have been fasting since five months ago. most of our mosques in gaza have been bombed and destroyed. god
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is our best support against all those who do not allow us to be happy in ramadan. sanusani tv news agency. in a ceremony, ayatollah khamenei, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , awarded the order of fitr to general seyyed abdul rahim mousavi, commander-in-chief of the army, and major general hossein salami , commander -in-chief of the revolutionary guards. the deterrence power of the armed forces has been achieved. the emblem of fatah has been chosen as the symbol of the series of victorious operations of islamic fighters and the winners of this operation. this emblem consists of three leaves of a palm tree and the dome of the khorramshahr community mosque, as well as the flag of the islamic republic of iran. the commander-in-chief of the forces after the first degree of fatah to
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the commanders of the irgc said: may god make you, all your friends, and the islamic republic taste the sweetness of fitr in all fields. in providing aid to the flood victims in the south of sistan baluchistan province, in addition to the activities of the irgc, army and basij forces, the presence of jihadi and popular groups is significant. volunteer groups from different walks of life . in the flood relief work in the south of sistan baluchistan province, various forces. they are persistent , but in the meantime, the presence of jihadi forces is significant. the forces that came with the help of the flood came in need, we came to help and from all age groups
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are. how old are you? madge is 17 years old. you came here for 17 years, where did you come from, south khorasan maze? are you a student? yes, yes. where is the student? montazeri of mashhad. i am a student and electrician. they are working here day and night without any eyes. we came here just to say that sistan baluchistan is not alone , do you really get money or not? it's the same in other places, you see, it's both the government and the people , but here in iran, they don't get tired of my work.
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we are on our way with one of these auxiliary shipments we are taking these people's donations to the villages where we are flooded. there is a village near here, look around, water has been taken, aid has been provided to this village, but you still need it, the hospitable people of this area , thank you for the government aid received by belalmar, everyone , god willing, the aid is very active, the electricity is excellent. and the water and the heat of all the help, how is it too much to ask for?
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the region and passengers in the north of the country and saving fuel consumption are the benefits of completing this freeway. manjil rudbar freeway is the third promise of the government in freeway routes that started in 2008. and it has been more than 12 years. manjil rudbar freeway is the third promise of the 13th government in the freeway routes, a project that removes a large traffic node on the tehran highway . with the presence of the executive vice president and the minister of roads and urban development, the operation of this section of azad road, which connects the capital to gilan , was put into operation. technically, structurally , and engineeringly, this project
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is considered among the tough freeway projects of the country. the value of the project until today, when we are at your service , is more than 2400 billion tomans injected into the project and the current value of the project is more than 5 thousand billion tomans. less saving in fuel consumption due to sometimes seven or eight-hour traffic jams, but most of the people here were procrastinating, both fuel saving and people procrastinating. the final days of the year and the volume of passengers in gilan province, as one of the busiest provinces, this project should be opened during these days so that people can use it before the holidays, god willing, when did the people of gilan wait for the opening of this project and this work has started this year. in 1988, when the ghazvin azadray project was opened to roshd, this piece remained like this and died you are waiting for the minister of roads. urban planning also pointed to the social considerations of the people of the region and said: the request of the managers and trustees of the region was that
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the return axis should be from the city itself, which was also answered and we will reopen a axis and return from the same city, which happened on this route of 5 km bridge . and there is a tunnel and the longest big road bridge with a length of 1250 meters is located on this route. free roads naturally have tolls and people have to pay tolls, but as announced by the minister of roads and urban development. this year, during nowruz , people paid a fee to cross this route they will not in addition, the executive vice president also visited the waste collection point of rushd city and followed up on the orders and approvals of the president's provincial trip in this regard. the part that is now green and littered with dirt, we have organized it, now we are right where we first got off, behind that dirt hill that you see above, yes, the dirt hill of this site is the main center of the waste depot of the province, especially the city of rushd, where about a thousand tons of garbage enters this place every day. it was planned to complete
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the organization of 12 hectares, from about 3 hectares to four hectares remaining, it will be another two and a half hectares to become an area. it is very small, and god willing, it will be completed within a year or two. the waste management of rushd city and gilan province was one of the approvals of the first round of the president's visit. operation of the largest industrial and lithium battery factory, the minister of defense and support of the armed forces says that the launch of these production lines has been done using the power of domestic experts and has reduced the cost of the product by 15%. the field of batteries and storage devices is one of the top ten technologies of the future. sealed battery and lithium battery production line with the presence of the minister of defense and support
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the armed forces were put into operation. this paves the way for the exploitation of this achievement in various industries, including telecommunications , transportation, mobile phones, and power plants. refineries , the use of new technologies in the production of these batteries has reduced the cost price . it serves several purposes, one of which is that we can really reduce the prices, which with this plan will be reduced by about 15%, and we will be able to avoid foreign exchange. with this development plan, the portfolio of lithium battery products in the collection will be completed the fact that we produce cello itself in its primary education is being extracted inside the country , the cello is being produced, it is being packed, it is becoming a parallel series, and those sets
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that are required by our various systems, such as rail transportation systems, floating systems, air systems, automobile systems it can be used in those systems . the use of the production line of sil dasdid batteries, or industrial packed batteries , has also increased the production capacity in this complex by 70 million amp hours. d up happened with the opening. the first line is the production capacity of our organization from 180 million the ampere-hours have increased to nearly 250 million ampere-hours, and with this technology , we are witnessing the improvement of the technology, the improvement of the quality and the improvement of the life of the product, in such a way that we guarantee the products of this line for four years for the consumers of different industries. the producers of this product consider its high quality as a factor in its acceptance by the export markets. belfel 's production capacity of flood batteries in the country is 400 million amp-
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hours, which, in addition to meeting the domestic demand, 50 million amp-hours goes to export markets. to be gholamreza bahrami, sed and sima news agency. parliament members gave permission to the government to collect resources and pay credits on account until the budget tables for 1403 are determined . mellat's lawyers also specified the mechanism of forming the union of trade unions. parliament's permission to the government to withdraw resources. so that there is no disruption in the provision of the country's income and expenditure in the coming year. the government can receive and
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make the payments according to the account based on the rules of the approved budget and all the sources. this license until the end of may 1403 and... before promulgation of the budget law tables will be implemented. we have given this order to the government that for the time being, its payments will be like 402 until the budget is finalized. dealing with the remaining items of the plan to amend the country's trade union system law was on the agenda of the representatives on monday. the consolidation and organization of trade unions in the cities was one of the other approvals of this reform plan. in addition, we allowed the ministry of position and allowed the supreme council to form some provincial unions and national unions, whose number is very low in the country, based on certain criteria. evening on monday, some specialized commissions of the parliament held a meeting, including the construction commission, which examined the supervision of welfare and relief services for
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nowruz trips. in this meeting, each of the officials and representatives of the member organizations of the headquarters. nowruz trips presented reports of their organization's preparation. in the field of medical sub -fields, there is a complete preparation in more than 300 emergency stations and a collection of about 5,500 ambulances that we have with 52 emergency helicopters and five emergency boats to serve the people. our emphasis was that, in terms of manpower, both the country's emergency and the red crescent should increase their forces and increase their number of monitoring stations . inshallah, the police will increase their presence. friends , it was reported that now the prices are increasing during the days of norrod due to the increase in consumables and facilities. the commission was opposed to the need to increase the body for transportation, and
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our emphasis was that we do not have any price increase during nowruz. the floor of the majlis will hold a public meeting on tuesday to continue the directives of the regulatory legislation, as well as a number of specialized commissions of the majlis, including agriculture, with the presence of some government ministers will hold a meeting . he ordered that the prisoners whose stay outside does not pose a danger to the society should benefit from nowruz and ramadan leave. mr. mohseni ishahi also said that before eid-ul-fitr , the list of those eligible for amnesty and reduction of convictions will be finalized. in the holy month of ramadan , the head of the judiciary ordered the judicial authorities to grant
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leave to qualified prisoners on the eve of ramadan and nowruz. those who qualify for leave their going out is not harmful for the country and for the people , they do not disturb the security of the people, please allow them to be with their families , especially at the beginning of the new year and during the holy month of ramadan. may they be, mr. mohseni ajei also emphasized that the list of those eligible for amnesty and reduction of punishment should be finalized as soon as possible, those who are entitled to amnesty will be subject to islamic treatment and amnesty of the supreme leader. as soon as they finalize it , arrange the program so that we can serve the authorities as soon as possible before eid al-fitr, god willing, in the other part of the meeting, the judicial officials gave a report on the work
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. reach and be supervised by judges. the activities of the prosecutor and their demands from the bailiffs should be intensified. professional criminals are controlled. the vice president of social affairs and crime prevention of the judiciary also gave a report on the performance of the headquarters for the prevention of election violations. more than 25,000 reports were sent to the prevention headquarters around the clock it was reviewed by the provincial and city headquarters and the center. 468 reports were announced to the courts for further review and as a result, cases were filed in this regard, which led to the issuance of 20 indictments
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related to the elections. the issue of leaking the bar exam questions was one of the other topics of the meeting of the supreme judicial council, where the head of the judiciary ordered that the report of violations be carefully investigated and the results announced, malih pejman of sedav and sima news agency. in a message, the president congratulated the leaders and people of islamic countries on the arrival of ramadan. mr. raisi urged the heads and leaders of islamic countries promoting peace among muslims and unity among members of the islamic ummah. the president also expressed his hope that with the blessing of ramadan, we can take effective steps to fight against oppression, especially the destruction of the zionist dictatorial regime, and witness honor and pride. be muslims the people of gaza pray on the ruins of destroyed mosques on the first day of ramadan
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. the people of gaza will celebrate ramadan this year in the tents of the refugees and under the shadow of the flight.
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there is nothing to eat but the leaves of the ghaz ghatiya region, we have nothing to drink, but we say thank god, god willing, this month of ramadan is for the arab nation and
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may islam bring us comfort and god will fix our situation. there is no need for life , no flour, no rice, no food, nothing with which we can fast. the people of the world need to be informed about our situation, maybe we will be saved.
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the pain and hard life of ramadan has merits and values ​​for us. we must be patient and fast . i am in the north of the gaza strip, nadal alian, news from sadaf sima, gaza. news sources reported the sounding of alarm bells in the north and south of the occupied territories. it targeted several military gathering places and military bases of the zionist regime in this area. hizbullah attacked the headquarters this morning
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air defense. a rocket of the zionist regime with four drones announced an explosion in the kilah barracks. vice president for women and family affairs on the sidelines of the meeting of the united nations commission on the status of women, the union of nations. requested to expel the zionist regime from this commission. in an international campaign, a number of human rights defenders demanded the removal of the zionist regime from this commission due to the widespread crimes of this regime against palestinian women and children. the meeting of the united nations commission on the status of women has been held in new york. a commission whose goal is to restore women's rights in the world. only 46 provisions of the provisions of the laws themselves
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it had violated the laws of the united nations. the zionist regime is also one of the members of this commission and can vote on draft un resolutions like other members. a membership that some people of the world, including a number of women activists, object to. i ask you to at least not allow the israeli regime to be a part of the commission on the status of women in the united nations, which
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we have a duty to remember palestinian women, to remember the women who are suffering. they have lost their wives, children and brothers in the attacks of the zionist regime. i sincerely i am a supporter of palestinian women and children, and i condemn this cruel massacre that israel is committing in gaza. as an afghan woman, i demand the expulsion of the zionist regime. the position of women in the united nations is because the continuation of this membership is in fact a mockery of the principles of humanitarian rights and humiliation of the commission on the status of women. we request the united nations to use this opportunity to prove its neutrality and effectiveness and to remove the zionist regime from the commission to eliminate discrimination against women , a regime that is even for women. he also
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prescribed conscription. signatures collected in this poish is supposed to be the voice of mothers and women in different parts of the world in the defense of gaza women at the meeting of the united nations commission on the status of women in the coming days. motahar mehrabi of sed and cima news agency. the deputy supervisor of the central bank announced the conclusion of this bank's argument with the managers of 6 delinquent banks regarding the violation of the interest rate of approved bank deposits. mr. mohammadpour added that the investigated banks were obliged to implement the appropriate mechanism to improve the internal control systems in order to prevent the occurrence of violations in these banks, and the result will be reported one month from the date of this meeting.


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