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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] let us be, we are. during the holy months of ramadan and nowruz 143, motahar razavi's haram sub-station was opened to cars after 13 months of renovation and renovation. the underpass, the construction of which started in 136 and
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was put into operation in 1372. an axis that is one of the main arteries of mashhad al-reza, and the pilgrims of the neighboring areas will find themselves in the shrine of imam reza (peace be upon him) on the way to pass through it. inadequate air ventilation around the underpass , lack of lighting and traffic problems were some of the problems that caused the plan to organize and improve the underpass of motahr razavi shrine from bahman 1401. to be now, after months of activity of this project in the beautification of the lighting in accordance with the architecture and the surrounding space of the shrine and motahr razavi, the construction of the ventilation system and the improvement of the safety level of the underpass has been put into operation. god bless ali mohammad, a project in which both local experts and local equipment have been used. studies related to underpass construction and safety were conducted by internal consultants. the confirmation and approval of these studies was done by the energy research institute of sharif university
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. related to cleaning and in the field related to jet fan overhaul and installing sensors co gases, carbon dioxide gas, and sulfide gases can be measured. well , daneshmounian companies found input and, alhamdulillah , for the construction of these sensors, they repaired and renovated the underpass of the motahar razavi shrine, which averages between 50 and 80 thousand cars a day. it has been traveling for 13 months, it took mehdi rahnama, the guide of the mashhad radio and television news agency, in 1402, from the number of audiences who came to theaters to the sale of cinema tickets, all of which was a new quorum that was recorded, a quorum that was unprecedented in the past 11 years, equipped and
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amphitheater hall update. to show movies god willing, the cinema will open and there will be a cultural transformation in this city. an incident that caused a significant number to be recorded in one of the cities . for example, a strange incident happened in kashmir, where within two and a half months of the operation of kashmir, its cinema sales were one and a half billion. in a city that did not have a cinema, this update and transformation of the situation was done in 15 other theaters and increased the sales of cinemas. the sales of these cinemas are really surprising. i said that the movie theater in these cities where children go has an occupancy rate of over 45%. it is a very large number. this year's nowruz, the siad box office is on its way to big cities it can be used to attract more audience and sales. the possibility of
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all services available in the cinema. we prepared it, first of all, our most important principle is the issue of ticket sales , which all cinemas in the country are located in this system and in this system, which means that the box office that can go to subway stations , bus stations, commercial centers with high traffic until the 18th of march will be more than one digit. out of the 1218 billion tomans sales of cinemas this year , the share of the cities is due to the development that i mentioned in the cities. based on these graphs, it can be understood from the analysis that if seats are created in the cities, this possibility will be provided. over out of 28 million and 700 thousand people went to the cinemas this year. a number that has not been seen in the past 11 years. nazerfam assumption of sed and sima news agency. the
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next part is at 3 o'clock. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today. the first file of tonight's program is dedicated to the moon. ramadan in gaza in the second case, we will examine the tension and armed conflict in
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haiti .
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in madinah, the purification of this world and the hereafter is good, and
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this is for allah and frankly, don't take alcohol, let's take a trick and pay a tax every week on three boxes and paper, these areas are cut off, and the transportation system and most of them will be destroyed in tragedy, and nothing will happen . in the name of god, god is great
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, god is great, prayer on the first day of ramadan , the people of gaza, the ruins of destroyed mosques. the people of gaza will celebrate the month of ramadan this year in the tents of the refugees and under the shadow of the plane. according to the announcement of kamal adwan hospital today, two
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children were martyred due to malnutrition and dehydration. at the same time, hospital sources reported that the number of martyrs of the war of hunger has increased to 27 people. on the first day of ramadan, the zionists killed at least 67 people in their attacks on different areas of the gaza strip. welcoming the palestinian refugees to the month of ramadan. ramadan is the best and precious month for us. we buy lanterns, decorate our tents and rejoice and fast. the treatment of children who survived the five-month war was also held at the khan
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yunis hospital in gaza to welcome ramzah al-rab al-ghafoor and wahad al-dayim, the first day of ramadan, when the traditional dawn ritual was performed . they read poetry and quran to encourage people wake up at dawn. in the middle of the same tents, they were busy eating their suhoor to perform the taraweeh prayer . the first morning prayer of ramadan and this image is the dawn of the first day of ramadan in gaza. in gaza, where the war has been extended into the sixth month of ramadan. and people all over the world are happy and happy to welcome the month of ramadan and
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are in mosques. but we have been fasting since five months ago. most of our mosques in gaza have been bombed and destroyed. god is our best support against all those who do not allow us to be happy in ramadan. sanarzni tv news agency. now, in order to examine the situation in gaza during the holy month of ramadan , i would like to talk to mr. mohammad hossein khani, an expert on the issues of the islamic world . how does ramadan make a difference to the people of gaza every year? yes, naturally , the muslim people of gaza
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welcomed this month of god like other muslims in the world, but now with one difference compared to last year . we can see that the mosques are all in the same taraweeh prayer those who read in the mosques, but this year we have close to 60 mosques, more than 60 mosques have been completely destroyed and 136 mosques have been destroyed and damaged . nearly 31,000 people, more than 31,000 people of gaza now with that high population density that is now 3 million people who live and almost in every five in each. there are 5 people living
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in gaza, this year they are no longer in front of the people of gaza . the situation in palestine has been cleared, that is, 1700 families, not just 16 to 17 to 20, for example, having martyrs in full, that family was martyred. well , this was not difficult. neighbors and families have created difficult conditions for the people of gaza in ramadan this year, but what is the epic narrative of this story is that we see now the pictures that you have shown, the people in view of all these hardships and threats that recently, the zionist regime created and intensified these restrictions to prevent muslims from entering the taraweeh prayer in al-aqsa mosque. face and almost part
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most of the north of gaza has been destroyed. we can see that in the camp and in these ruins of gaza in the north of gaza , people are praying and this holy month is well received . despite all these difficult conditions and restrictions , the people of gaza are making efforts this ramadan. let's celebrate , weren't these pictures strange for you? yes, for the whole world, these pictures are strange pictures , especially for non-machine gunners, look at them. an incident that happened in the gaza war. in these five months, we witnessed a theological fight, that is, gaza it was the theological battlefield that
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showed the monotheism of islam and judaism and the monotheistic belief of the zionists. if we want to have a historical return, look at that false myth that the zionists themselves. making it as the holocaust, they now falsely claim that 4 million or 6 million or 2 million jews were killed in the war, and they do not have any documents for this false claim. most of the zionist and jewish theologians, scholars, and philosophers believe in the death of god, saying if we were the chosen people and god had chosen us , we shouldn't have suffered so much to serve him, 4 million of us perished in a war and marked the death of god movement. even one of the haredi rabbis of the zionist regime wrote a statement that this
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this holocaust is the result of the secularists and these reformers' irreligion, who faced a difficult situation and apologized for it. what i want to say is that when a nation with a theology and a sharia law faces a hardship, this hardship is not comparable to the gaza war and this 75 years of captivity and this usurpation is not the death of god. mishen says, "sir, there is no god at all. our god is now a fake and usurped government of the zionist regime that should take care of us, but look at it this way , people of gaza. we should not only look at the 7th of october , these 75-year-old people who are involved in this crime. they are familiar with this bomb killing, destruction, humiliation and captivity, and it is not much new for them. this recent incident is true that the amount of attacks and the amount of brutality of the zionist regime has multiplied in this recent attack , but with the generality of the palestinian people in these 75 halls.
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they struggle, but we see that we , especially after the october 7 war, do not complain. it did not come out of the palestinian people that they wanted to crush the resistance. either hamas wants to blame the islamic jihad , sir, stop the war , we lost our families, all the infrastructure of the city was destroyed, and if you looked at the pictures of the beginning of the war , for example, a mother lost her own child and says this child. i am the sacrifice of the children of the messenger of god and they set up such an operation and work that the whole world and the people of the world are fascinated by this monotheism and this religion, and we are a wave of waves. we saw the greatness of the interest in islam after the october 7 war, and now i understand your point much more at the beginning of the war the comparison you made with the situation that the zionists had after the holocaust claim was interesting, that is, celebrating the month of ramadan is a message
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, perhaps, that the palestinian people's faith in god is alive despite all of this. now, my final question to you is in the same context finally, after 5 months of war, what do you think is the root of this resistance? in any case , there is a spirit among the palestinian people, the israelis are trying to use every tactic to force the people of gaza to leave, but they do not leave. from gaza, what is the characteristic of the palestinian people that the zionists cannot accept? war, killing, genocide, bombing, siege , hunger and thirst break their will. yes, there are several reasons for this. look, when we see that at the beginning of the war, nearly half a million of the occupied palestinian population returned to their own countries . you are not here
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, you come back when you are in danger, so you have a place from where you came here, and this country is not yours, but the people of gaza and the people of palestine are their country, their grandfather and... their father is here, their ancestors are in this land. they are patriarchs and they will persevere until the last drop of their blood to take back their country. one of them is that this country is their country and we see that after an incident, a part of the population of the zionist regime is evacuated because they are not from here and came. to usurp here, but the second point and the most important point is the faith that we just talked about and the palestinian man who was able to do this with this faith. look at the month of difficulty and hardship . in palestine and in gaza, before the seventh of october , we were facing high prohibitions and sanctions, for example, you just before they entered gaza. the goods entered gaza based on the calories consumed by the people
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living in gaza . naturally, after this, in these five months, all the communication routes are completely closed and there is no way, and this restriction is doubling the pressure and difficulty. because of these losses and this psychological pressure and now the infrastructure that is not there and... the houses that have been destroyed , but we can see that the people of gaza and the people of palestine are still not losing their resistance. i became an expert on the issues of the islamic world. today's news sources are sounding alarm bells
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they reported in the north and south of the occupied territories. 22 rockets were fired from the south after the alarm sounded in the northern areas of the occupied territories. to lebanon to these areas registered. in response to the attacks of the zionist regime, lebanon's hezbollah today targeted several military gathering places and military bases of the zionist regime in this area. this morning, hezbollah announced the attack on the headquarters of the zionist air and missile defense command with four explosive drones in kilah barracks. and the yemenis practiced the liberation of occupied palestine. yemeni fighters, pictures from the exercise of our path to
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it is holy to broadcast in which the army forces attack the zionist settlement of dimona in the occupied territories and simulate its conquest and cleansing . this exercise is in the framework of the series of fatah mouwad and holy jihad exercises to declare support for. the oppressed people of palestine and the liberation of this land were held
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, and now we can see pictures of
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the continuation of international support for palestine . naseehin are those who memorize the qur'an and adhere to the pure sunnah
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we stand with israel. the world today with a report from africa , the zimbabwean authorities continue to expel the employees of the united states agency for international development from their country . we know the us authorities in zimbabwe. corruption and violation of human rights have been sanctioned . the president of zimbabwe, emmerson mnangagwa , has been accused by the united states of taking gold and diamonds from smugglers operating in zimbabwe. he has given orders to the government officials to facilitate the sale of gold and diamonds in illegal markets and to take bribes and all that
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now it has caused us president joe biden to extend the state of national emergency and impose special sanctions against the country by signing an executive order. recently, we have obtained a statement from the united states, which states that last month , zimbabwe detained and expelled officials from the united states who were in the country to evaluate the governance and democratic reforms. america claimed that this action was unjustified and unacceptable. but the office of the president of zimbabwe has also had an opportunity to respond to these accusations. zimbabwe from unnecessary threats and slanderous statements the press of the biden government officials against the sanctioned officials of this country is furious. what adds to our anger is that these accusations are unnecessarily malicious and have no evidence. we find these malicious statements insulting and provocative and
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condemn them as a continuation of the us government's hostilities against zimbabwe. in this statement, it is also stated that the government of zimbabwe has said that it intends to prosecute any action against it . on the other hand, the american sanctions against zimbabwe are the seizure of the assets of the officials of this country in the united states and any unofficial trips of the officials the us will block zimbabwe and replace the two-decade-old sanctions program against zeinbau. what is very surprising. the fact is that the western countries, with all their claims , have not yet come to terms with the fact that zainbawah is an independent country. and now the second case of tonight's program. with the beginning of a new round of violence in haiti, the us military evacuated non-essential employees of this country from its embassy in port-au-prince and intensified security measures
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. violence in haiti in pimel. armed groups began to attack the airport, police centers and two prisons . the poorest country in the americas if in one thing the violence and instability of daiti constantly fall from one cycle of violence and insecurity to another crisis. the new round of tensions started last week. gangs of criminals attacked two large prisons. thousands of dangerous prisoners escaped and a state of emergency was declared. we started a battle to overthrow the government of ariel henry. we must remove him by any means possible. ariel henry came to power less than 3 years ago and shortly after the assassination of the president of haiti. the people did not elect him and he was supposed to be in charge of affairs temporarily. of course, during all this time, the support of its powerful ally is a thousand kilometers away
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he had the other side. us state department $100 million for aid. now the americans are looking to form a special security force in darhaiti. our people are killed, our women are raped, and children die of hunger, and the biden administration has its hands stained with the blood of our people. according to us support experts. questioning the result of the 2010 election and his continued support of the current government despite the people's opposition has played an important role in the violence that is plaguing this country today. everything that happens in darhayati should not be blamed on the people of criminal gangs. these conditions are the result of american interventions


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