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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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we are coming to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. persepolis club announced about the change of major shareholders of this company . this handover is according to the approval of the government board, the notification of the first vice president, which was published on news sites and has not been officially communicated to this company. according to the decision of the board of ministers. belonging
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to the ministry of sports and youth , it is handed over to the national pension fund of the social security organization and the villagers and nomads insurance fund for debt relief and other government duties. some news sources announced an hour ago that 80% of the shares of cultural sports company the pre-order has been placed. a thousand tons of apples and oranges are ready to be marketed. when announcing this news, the head of the rural cooperative organization said: the storage of fruit on eid night is done in different provinces according to the needs of the province, and in the days leading up to eid , it goes to the market to prevent price fluctuations. according to mr. fasaht, this supply will continue until the 15th of april. the stock of fruit
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on eid night is ready to be sold to the apple and orange market. we have a total of about 20,000 tons, nearly 20,000 tons, and now we have a stock that is almost complete in all our provinces. the cold store has 600 red and yellow apples stored for supply in tehran province. it is an aromatic apple. the basket is 6.5 to 7 kilos
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. the number of apples in each basket is to explain the 1400 tons of apples and oranges. the quota has been set. the level booth is easy to explain. the price of market-regulated fruit is different in each province and is determined by the province's market regulation working group. the last 3 days of the year of these fruits are very fast, especially the last day in all provinces and cities , god willing, the price jump will be explained in one voice. don't
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have and control the prices like this year last year, the fruit was stored by the union and cooperatives of the private sector, and the government is not responsible for the possible damage caused by the supply. according to the officials of the rural cooperative organization, the price of fruit on eid night will be 15-20% lower than the market price. farzad azaribaga sed and vasima news agency. transportation and burn management headquarters. there are many people in the country who do not have insurance but receive fuel quota. the blow to their head caused them to deviate to the left . i died in the crowd because they didn't have a cola casket. how is your financial situation? average, almost down. it means you have a house
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i live in my father's house, not from you. i haven't insured my motorcycle for the last three years. how much is a muslim man paying for you? 900 million due to such problems, the legislator has obliged the owners of all vehicles to have third-party insurance for their vehicles, but there are still those who do not do this . this year, we have more than 20,000 accident cases without third-party insurance. that our estimate based on the trends used in our statistical data will reach more than 25 thousand by the end of the year in the compulsory third party insurance law approved in 1395, guarantees are also provided , for example, the transfer of the license plate certificate for technical inspections of vehicles without insurance is prohibited in article 48 of this law, and the country's transportation and fuel management headquarters is obliged to cut off the fuel quota of these vehicles. now, after 7 years
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since the approval of the law, this headquarters has begun to implement the law. more than 6 million cars were identified as having a fuel card and no personal insurance policy. in the first step, the fuel department went to diesel cars and cut off the share of 40,000 uninsured cars, one third of which had to prepare insurance policies . now it's the turn of gasoline cars. we are taking steps. in the first step , we have identified about 500 of them, and in fact , their information has been taken from them, and in the next few days, these actions are actually the mission of article 48 of the central fuel and insurance headquarters. 2 million and 85,3864 vans were declared through the fuel headquarters, and the number of vehicles without insurance
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policy was 3764 vans. considering that it is time to re-establish the fuel quota, the fuel headquarters advised the owners of uninsured vans before implementing the vehicle law. insure them, mahmoud rahimian, sada news agency sima, the rate of increase in iran's trade with the countries of south and southeast asia in the ten months of this year was higher than other regions of the world. during this period, the amount of iran 's trade with malaysia increased by 125%. . a breakdown of the 10 months of 1402 shows that at the top of these increases was the amount of iran's exports to malaysia, which increased by 125 percent to 17 million dollars compared to the same period in 1401. the increase in
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economic diplomacy between the two countries has been one of the influential factors in this field. august of our current year hosted by the minister of foreign affairs. we were in malaysia in december. the research delegation of the islamic republic of iran and malaysia held bilateral talks . memorandums of understanding were signed. the increase in exports to pakistan was about 530 million dollars in ten months of 1402.
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million dollars from iran is placed in the next rank , where the growth of the value of export of goods to this country has been registered 13 . at the end of 1403 , we will also reject the trade volume of 7 billion. the statistics show that in the ten months of 1402, 16 iran and indonesia, another southeast asian country , signed a preferential trade and trade agreement with afghanistan. the
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next part of the news is at 4. . the first line, the first line, the line of service
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, the line of people, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the first row, the first page program. in the days after the elections of the twelfth session of the islamic council, the elected representatives of you, the people, will be hosted in the parliament it was the 12th, some of you followed these nights, and tonight, according to the same routine as we had in the previous nights , we are hosting one of your elected representatives in the 12th parliament, mr. kamran ghazmfari , the elected representative of the people of tehran, islamshahr and fardis, welcome, mr. ghazanfari, thank
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you very much, i am also at your service and dear viewers of this program , i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect, mr. azaffari , have you seen the election programs of sed and vasima during this period, some of them you had a chance, some of them i saw, yes and well , usually the representatives of tehran. in fact, it is one of those channels that were created for election campaigns i think that you didn't use them. i only had a 6-7 minute clip and it was sent by one of my friends. there were questions.
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in general, for people to get to know more about volunteering and candidates, and it helps to reduce advertising costs a lot. it is no longer necessary for every candidate
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to print a large number of posters and tracts and the like, to employ a whole bunch of people in different regions, to do various advertisements. well, sedasima can be a good help in this regard. this was a good step taken by sedasima this year . god willing, this process will expand and become more complete for the next elections. it's a good thing . well, now let's go to the questions that we asked in these programs, of course. these questions were not raised only in those campaign programs of the candidates , in all the election programs, because these questions were raised during approximately five or six months of expert meetings. it had made its way in different fields, in fact , maybe some of these
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were not in the first place in terms of importance, according to your words, but in the second place. it has been possible to implement, or to follow up, or to solve it, which has been raised, maybe some issues are much bigger issues, but because it is more complex, because it is more concrete and rooted, it is easy. it is not possible to say by what law or by what program this can be changed, so the questions were designed in such a way that in these few months, at least, for example, 30, 40, 50 routes. an issue that may have a clearer task , there is almost more consensus about them in the expert environment, so that the representatives know after entering the 12th parliament that they can follow these things and do them themselves. making a promise to the people, so they can follow up on it
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, we can also follow it, or the people themselves can follow up . with your permission, i will mention some of these questions. your excellency, with the transparency of the opinions of the letters , i would like to express whether you agree with the gifts that the representatives receive or i agree with this, and it is also a good thing to clarify the work process of each of the representatives, whether on the floor of the parliament or regarding the plan. different people want to express their opinions, agree or disagree, this is a good thing . where does he vote for, where does he vote against , why should they know about the gifts
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and things he receives? yes, this should be made clear. transparency makes it possible to prevent deviations from some uses. if the representative knows that he receives anything from any person or institution of the organization and different places . this will be known to the people and people will know about it. this itself will be a factor in preventing some unhealthy relationships. in your opinion , it has the ability to become a law and a legal requirement. yes, this can be proposed in the parliament and become a law if it becomes a legal requirement, it can be done, and for example , if the representatives receive a gift, they are required
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to announce it somewhere. and if they don't announce it, it's actually a mistake and now they will be recognized as a criminal. yes , yes, this is the case in some other countries where the representatives are required to announce it, and if they don't announce it, it 's considered a violation, and it will lead to their dismissal or legal action. it is a good thing and... it can be a useful thing in order to protect the representatives themselves and protect their privacy. are there any cases that your excellency promised to follow up in the parliament? there is so much priority, for example, or issues is there anything more important? well, this is one of the cases.
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yes, one of the cases that, god willing, we have the basis to follow up. do you agree with removing the subsidy for the rich and the high-income earners? well, this is an obvious thing, if we are looking for social justice , this is one of the foundations. if we want to pay subsidies to all the people of the country without exception, it means that the person who has the minimum facilities and, for example, receives a pension , is now either a relief committee or the welfare committee and the like , he will be given a minimum of living facilities, and the person who has many villas and many cars. and the wealth of hundreds of billions and thousands of billions
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let's treat these two equally. this is the same injustice, which means that justice requires that the subsidy should not be paid to those who do not need it. well, those who have enough money have enough wealth, and this subsidy is not considered money in their pocket at all . it has an impact , even if it is small, on their lives and their livelihood. for that wealthy class , it is not at all considered as money in their pockets, so they don't need it, so their money should be removed and cut off by the relevant officials and given to other classes. that they really need to be allocated
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. do you agree with the current method of paying subsidies, that is , we should give a subsidy, for example, gasoline to the car fuel card, in exchange for the car, or is it better, in your opinion , that we are giving a significant subsidy to car fuel. as a result, the families that have more cars and are more prosperous
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will benefit from more subsidies, and on the other hand , apparently, the statistics that give about 45% of the families in the country do not have cars , these families are mostly living in small towns and villages. they don't have a single car. well, this is the same it is fair that almost half of the population of the country does not receive any fuel subsidy for cars , but a part of the society, especially the more powerful and prosperous part that owns many cars , gets the most benefit from this subsidy, this is the very injustice, that is, this procedure . which should be corrected, now one of the suggestions is not the same as what you said, i.e. this subsidy and this thing that the government gives for the fuel of the cars
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, assign it to the national card of the people and not to the cars. consider whether if to national code if people are given these things, they are able to convert it into rials or not, they should transfer it to other people who are the buyers of that fuel share. this is something that should be considered in its implementation mechanism and its implementation possibilities should be taken into account, but what is the current method of what which is characteristic, it is definitely not justice, no matter what we call it, it is not justice. we have similar incidents with some other basic items such as medicine and bread. do you believe that subsidies
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are used instead of goods and final products that people need and consume? let's give it to them means open take the subsidy and decide for themselves how to use it. yes, look at this method that was devised for bread. it seems that it was not a bad method, that is, the bakers who did the baking came to bake the bread and offer it to the customers. for every bread that was sold , the government counts it as a subsidy and deposits it into the baker's own account, in the case that before a quota was allocated for each baker , for example, this number of so-called bags of flour, well,
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it was not clear whether it was really all those bags of flour are turned into bread dough and given to people whether it is possible or not, part of them goes to the open market and is sold to others at a free price. this method lacks significant control. the relevant authorities were reporting that unfortunately it was being smuggled out of the country, so it was stopped and it seems that this is a little closer to justice , but in the case of medicine, the story might be a little different, the way medicine is used now. we seem to have a problem. and there are many ways that there are actually ways in the system of drug entry and drug distribution and so on. which prevents that
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final goal to some extent, basically these they get a subsidy offer to import medicine. well , this requires strict supervision. unfortunately, in the past years, we have seen some people who were getting an offer to import medicine. but they used it in a different way , the former health minister in mr. ahmadinejad's government, yes , i remember he came once in an interview on sadasima, i think he gave an interview and complained about a billion dollars or a
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billion euro now i have doubts that this was supposed to be allocated to the import of medicine for the people, but it was not allocated and it went away importing cosmetics and other things , he raised a criticism, which apparently led to the dismissal of that minister, and yes, yes, in the same government. yes, and unfortunately, some unhealthy relationships are like this, that is, networks in drug importation and distribution , unfortunately, sometimes do other things, and if the monitoring system does not have a more precise control, it is possible that some of these allocated currencies will be re-opened.
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it should be found freely and it should not be imported at all, or if it is imported , it should be explained incorrectly. this requires a bit more monitoring control that this width is really dedicated to reach its true goal. of course , let's open a parenthesis here. some dear ones who have suggestions in this field of insurance issues that pay a significant part of these medical expenses . it is working and the government is allocating a significant amount of money to this , so instead of this system
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, they should implement private insurance companies. when private insurance companies come to take over this work, of course, they are economically efficient in this way. action they want people to get sick less and spend less money on treatment and medicine, and this is their brand for their own interests, but they actually help corruption happen, that's their experience. which we have in some countries of the world, in fact, the doctor has no financial relationship with the patient, and this makes doctors not benefit from getting sick, that is , the doctor's relationship is with the insurance. the disease did not affect me, this was what the late mr. tariqat monfard also followed. this
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is the doctor in this, that these 50 people who filed their doctor wants them to get sick less and to interact with them in such a way that they get sick less. find the need to go to medical centers, have less need to use different drugs. it works in such a way that they get sick less , the need is less, that's why they don't prescribe a lot of medicine , for example, for simple diseases, they recommend the same drink and fruit, and for example, things from this insurance system that i mentioned, they spend in this is the expression of one of the


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