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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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and what happened in this case, well, you know , for years, this genocide is not one day or two days , it didn't start since october 7th , the 75-year-old genocide continues. and all kinds of other horrible reports, these things have been happening for 75 years, but we didn't hear this, so it didn't matter because the people of the world thought that there was no power behind this palestinian movement, in terms of thinking, what happened, what happened for a strong move from hamas. there was a definite movement to reclaim the land and i think at one point in time the conclusion that no matter how much we kill little by little, no one will hear any voice from any human rights organization. no
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one will come from nothing and what happened to reach the conclusion that only one power is really important and that is the power of resistance. now you see that yemen has more than 50 american and british ships, and in any case, the countries where you dared, for example , to imprison one of those who are citizens of these countries and make a qashghari, yemen is a country that i think may be poor. it was the second poorest country in the world. now the statistics may be old. left and right are ships of this the ship's wife gets this and they can't do anything because if they could do something, they would. they don't have human rights considerations , they don't care about women and children, and we saw that yemen was also bombed , but the yemenis came to say what, they came to say that you can do whatever you want, we will resist. and the power is here, it means that the people of the world come to the conclusion that neither the united nations nor the united states. no, israel, the power is with
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you, and the power of the united states and israel, and the un , until now, has been that they have power over your thoughts , but now the palestinian woman's screams are heard on cnbc and all this is going on these walls. it makes holes and the voice has reached the people, and now the people are finding my help, what are the sources of our power and where can we get it from ? in fact , what has happened since the 7th of october, the attacks of the 7th of october, if we want to have a more detailed proof from you, i would be grateful if you could point it out. he is
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committing systematic crimes against the oppressed palestinian people at different levels, against all palestinian strata , especially women and children, as vulnerable strata in the society, we see that from october 7 onwards, a series of issues reached a critical situation in the palestinian land and the deterioration of this situation. it was to such an extent that, as in the report that you mentioned, your excellency, you saw that the un reporters themselves testify that a large-scale crime is taking place in gaza and palestine , and they themselves believe this despite their inefficiency and inaction. we are observing that the zionist regime has a diverse range of rules it is violating international and human rights against palestinian women. if we want
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to point out some examples, the most obvious case that has happened is the violation of palestinian women's right to life . therefore, in the field of violation of the right to health and the violation of palestinian women's access to health as the most basic rights , we are witnessing that there are 60,000 pregnant women in the palestinian land and in the gaza strip, women who have 5,000 pregnant women every month. they are pregnant, so you go and see what their condition is under what conditions are they doing this and what happened in palestine is a violation of all human rights provisions, we are seeing that palestinian women are in dire need.
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but, for example , how much they suffer for the right of access to safe drinking water, according to the statistics i saw from the united nations today . it is in every sense, and today in the literal sense of the word, gaza is an exhibition of human rights violations in the whole world, an exhibition whose visitors are satisfied with the simple look of it, separation from this and what we are seeing. arbitrary detention of women is that.
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they are committing the most severe acts against human rights. there are many criticisms . i would like to mention one thing. we have been at your service since the beginning of the war until now. so far, about 200 journalists have been martyred, and 13 of these 200 journalists have been martyred. among them are women. we have a series of martyred teachers. i don't remember the exact statistics now, but most of them are female teachers. we are the majority of palestinian women who are missing and under the rubble due to the injuries that have happened to them. according to the statistics provided by the united nations , there are nearly 4,000 missing women and children. well, you see, these
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are not small numbers, and we are facing a passivity and we live in a silence that nothing practical happens in this field, ms. azarshahr, before . in the program we were talking about, you mentioned the proof that you know about the violation of women's rights in the zionist settlements and in relation to the women who live under the zionist regime. the general point is that we rightly focus on the palestinian woman because she is the most oppressed it is done to a palestinian woman. but what we have to remember is that in these years, the zionist regime has violated many women's rights and
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violated many women's rights all over the world. assassinating iran's scientists, and now or not, only iran is trying in egypt, lebanon, any country it has. it comes to a technology, whether it is nuclear technology or other technologies . in other countries, anyone who wants to speak against the zionist regime can be the president of a university. if someone is a member of the parliament in america , he has to fully support the zionist regime, which means that women in the world have no voice because of the regime of these campaigns. an effective political or legal effect actually results, or in fact, to put it simply
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, how can ordinary people who participate in such campaigns feel a legal effect, in fact , you can see what we have today from this action. we observe at the international level. public opinion to it is strongly affected by the palestinian issue. well , as we have seen in the hague court, the complaint that happened against the zionist regime strongly influenced the public opinion of the world. how much were campaigns like this influenced by public opinion? you can see that the reports that the hague court had collected a series of reports, well, south africa was the party to the initial complaint in this case, well , south africa had collected this complaint from the level of the palestinian community. and well, in all those reports , public opinion directly affects it
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another point is that you should see the campaigns that are launched in the direction of supporting palestine . well, these days there are many campaigns, but this campaign that i don't know whether to mention or want to show the clip. if you mention it very briefly , watch it for less than a minute. in line with membership continuity. to prevent the continuation of the zionist regime's membership in the united nations commission on the status of women, a global campaign has been launched . well, the initiator of this campaign is the resistance axis countries. it started from iraq . we can consider this campaign as the second international action after the court action. it is happening dares directs the global public opinion so that by voting and signing this campaign, they can make it widely. bring it to the attention of the international community, and see that the word "least" may
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not be the right word, the effect that this campaign has on the public opinion of the world is to align the opinions of the nations that the nature of this regime is anti-human and anti-human. i am very grateful to you, mrs. azerche, for watching a special news interview on the subject of the expulsion of the zionist regime from the united nations commission on women . the activism of representatives of countries , including our country, in the meeting of this organization done and is being followed up. thank you for being with us. bye.
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localization of a device for the production of type. they can produce industrial bolts and nuts up to the size of 64 mm, we could produce them ourselves , well, starting from 80 mm, now the equipment, machine and mold were not available for this work, nuts and bolts used in heavy industry. whose diameter should be from 80 mm to 160 mm.
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one of the most important applications of this bar is for fixing steel furnaces and also for the super heavy industry , the size we are producing now is from 80 mm to it is 130 mm. due to the use of this furnace and the moisture that is created in the environment, it is necessary to replace this product after some time and use new tibert screws. an industrial forging furnace and concentrated pressure force are needed to produce the product. d is the main support, the jacks we have are hydraulic, then there is the pump and motor, and there is also an oil tank and an electrical panel which is mechanical. planned for this , the milliard is placed in the induction furnace, it is preheated, the temperature reaches 120 degrees
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, we enter the machine and perform the forging process in the machine. localized bolts and nuts , unlike imported t-bolt connection products , are made from china without welding and turning . they are formed in different stages and times with pour blows , and it takes more than two and a half hours. the production of the product that we are producing, the milling in the closed mold is done in one stroke and the production time is less than 3 minutes. one of the most important features of this machine is the 750 ton pressure force that enters the t-belt and causes a tear. and a little cut off more. the more uniform this piece is , the longer it will last the larger the part, the temperature around 700.50 to 1000 degrees is added to one part. this increases the strength of the anchor volt plate , which increases the fineness. this fineness also
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gives you a higher strength. beyond the international sample that is being imported now , we are giving this output, in terms of chemical analysis, because they are between the lowest and the lowest material and chemical analysis, but we have a much higher quality output, the steel industry, which is the most used. they have almost every year this product has a so-called width of nearly 240 billion tomans. now, with the acquisition of technical knowledge, in addition to saving this figure
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, experts can also upgrade the device. the use of the online appointment system should be dismantled , at least online appointments should be done so that these pages do not appear on top of our own system, so that we can actually see a process as soon as this happens. if i don't think it will take too long , we will talk. to be the moon is still at the end of the word, it's one midnight they came here in the hope that they will be able to sign and receive the appropriate rate in the
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morning. at 5:00 am on wednesday, march 9, you came for tires at 5:00 am. what tires are earlier than 2:00 pm? they came now at 5:30 am on this street. the name paper says people now. as you can see, the problems in the tire distribution system caused this queue to be formed to receive tires at the approved price. and it starts at 8 o'clock open the sites , which are all disconnected. until 12 o'clock, they still didn't give us anything. i sent sando , but my work still hasn't started. now, what is the reason ? the system says that the connection with the civil registry service is now disconnected. we will do it again , hey. we will wait to see if it will go or not , the guild officials say it is a problem to implement.
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they don't have a plan for online sales and appointments. if you remember, it was also discussed in that meeting that we should create a discussion about online appointments so that people can enter their information in the background system and the platform should be prepared by the ministry. if they make it so that people can register in that system and express themselves there, it will be coordinated there so that the express of a certain shop comes at a certain time. he should hand over his lasik, it will be very nice, my people will not be captured in the cold and the heat, how do they put license plates on cars , they say, sir, be there at such and such a time, you must be there at such and such an hour, let them take it, take it easy, there are so many people on the street, it's not going to be a problem, it was supposed to create an internet system. yes, unfortunately it has not been done yet. that's the problem. you can't register online at all. if my system is solved, all of this will be solved within an hour. allow the sellers to do so. we let them register offline.
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it means that the system does not need to be connected, that is, they can continue the purchase process even when the system is turned off, by taking documents from the people who will enter the system later, by the operator or the seller, and therefore there is no need to do this if you see somewhere that in this work, i think it is a violation to form a queue. mehdi anari , sed and broadcasting news agency.
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6:00 am
islamic iran. in the name of god. hello. we congratulate you on the blessed month of ramadan. today is the first day of the month in many countries besides iran it is ramadan. in some countries, the first monday of ramadan was announced yesterday. oh my god city.


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