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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. if nasrallah comes and conquers and sees people entering the religion of allah
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, the quran should move towards the translation and interpretation of the quran. the leader of the revolution's praise of the perseverance of the people of gaza will rub the resistance of the zionists into the ground. resistance missiles hit the headquarters of the zionist air, missile and cannon defense command. in the north
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of the occupied territories, the zionists attack the palestinians waiting for the un food trucks. 90% of the children under the age of two in gaza suffer from severe judicial poverty. approvals of the supreme council for the implementation of the general policies of article 44 of the law basic of allocating equity shares to. new entrants until the transfer of public enterprises to the private sector with mixed pricing methods. the beginning of the 2024 maritime security belt composite exercise under the command of the navy of the islamic republic of iran. russian and chinese destroyers entered iran's territorial waters . 13 dead and 839 injured so far in wednesday's incidents. at the end of the year, despite the warnings of the police
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and the emergency, the supply of basic items for ramadan and nowruz by the ministry of jihad and agriculture, the prices will not change until the end of ramadan, and we will check the latest status of the most consumed basic items in a special news interview. how is that? what are the measures of the support organization to monitor the market of ramadan and eid? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. good night, dear and respected viewers , the detailed news of 21:00 is in front of you on the first day of the holy month
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of ramadan. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution was held in imam khomeini's husseiniyya. the leader of the revolution called the recitation of the qur'an a sacred art in his speech and emphasized that the main goal of this very valuable work should be to convey the meaning and message of the qur'an to the people and society. and to create a foundation for deliberation in the qur'an. ayatollah khamenei, expressing his satisfaction with the high number of young reciters who read correctly and well in the country , counted the growth of young reciters as one of the great blessings of the islamic revolution and added that the qur'an is a divine art and the most important task of the reciter of the qur'an is to transmit meanings and images. the constructions of the qur'an in different subjects are in the listener's mind, so the reciters of the qur'an are examples of the preachers of divine missions. and they
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should adapt themselves to the conditions of a missionary of divine missions. the growth of quranic recitation and quranic meetings and circles. a quran in the country is truly superior beyond description i mean, i have said many times that before the revolution, the status of quranic circles compared to today's was very different , the number of quality today, well, thank god , there are thousands of quranic circles. there is no doubt about this, but my opinion is that we are still lacking
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. a quran reciter should be present in the mosque , now every night, nine times a week, for example, suppose once a week, one night, once a week, twice a week. a place to gather, to read the quran, to recite the takseer of the quranic circles, whether in mosques or in my homes, those who are ready. they are all over the country, they added that special attention should be paid to the translation and interpretation of the qur'an in quranic meetings so that the level of religious education of the society can be improved. the leader of the islamic revolution, referring to the broadcast of images from gaza and the recitation
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of the quran by the teenagers in gaza, pointed out that the peak of endurance that we are witnessing in gaza today is the result of understanding the quran. and act on it. hazrat ayatollah khamenei described the situation in gaza from two sides and added: today in gaza, we are witnessing from one side. we are at the peak of crime, brutality and cruelty, and on the other hand, the peak of standing and endurance is also observed. he calls the unprecedented crimes in gaza, such as killing children and babies through hunger and thirst , a disgrace to civilization. the west read and stressed that although the zionists have all kinds of weapons and aid from the united states and the west, with the unparalleled patience of the people of gaza and the resistance of the resistance fighters, the enemy has not been able to do anything wrong and about 90% of the resistance's capabilities and capabilities
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are reserved. the leader of the islamic revolution pointed out that the resistance of the zionists was due to god's grace and grace. will rub it to the ground, the islamic world is obliged, it is obligatory, it is a religious duty, everyone can help in any way, and it is definitely forbidden and a real crime to help the enemy of these things from anyone, and unfortunately, in the islamic world, there are those powers , governments that they help the enemies of these oppressed people . god willing, one day they will regret and see the punishment for this betrayal. they will also see that what they did was useless. at
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the beginning of this ceremony, a number of reciters recited the qur'an and performed consonance and recitation. i am in the land without rights, except that they say, lord god, the monster of the jinn. i am an atik before that i am standing in the position of allah, or
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the messenger of allah, the habib of allah, the prophet of allah, muhammad, the kaaba is like the sun in the lips of the world around it, the lovers. in this meeting, such images of the resistance of the people of gaza, especially children and teenagers, and their adherence to the quran were spread. am i satisfied with the intervention
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of paradise? and why are you like those who are behind me before me and do not want me, fear and hunger and lack of my wealth and soul. and the fruits, if the sun is blind, and if the stars are hidden, and if the mountains are moving, and if the usher is, you are disturbed, and if the beasts are, you are angry. and if al-bahar is a sajrat, and if
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al-nufs is your life, and if al-mouwdeh, you will seek the sin of killing you and by the will of god, the victory is near, god willing, and they will be victorious, and this speech is of course not far away. permission of the high council of economic coordination of the heads of state to the program and budget organization. in today's meeting, the heads of forces gave permission to the program and budget organization. some budget restrictions in the ministries of education, science, health and power. also, the program and budget organization was allowed to provide funding for knowledge
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-based and job-creating projects in the next year's budget . in separate messages, the president congratulated the commander-in-chief of the army and the commander of the revolutionary guards on the awarding of the fatah badge by the supreme leader. mr. raisi said that this badge represents the improvement of defense and combat power and the power of its possession in defense of the country's independence and security. the president also considered the fatah emblem as a symbol of the supreme leader of the revolution's satisfaction with the jihadi administration, which has been able to shine more than ever with the presence of iranian children in the popular organization of the army and the irgc in all military, operational, defense and defense and border guarding fields.
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the 2024 maritime security belt composite exercise with the participation of 8 countries under the command of the islamic republic of iran navy will begin tonight in the northern indian ocean. russian and chinese destroyers to start the main stage exercise in the water.
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and to establish peace and security in the northern indian ocean and increase specialized cooperation in the maritime domain. three countries have been holding such exercises for several years. this shows that the naval forces have a high capacity in the field of increase. and expand communication between countries. our main goal is to maintain the security of the transportation lines in this area, which we can do to the best of our ability in this exercise. this year, an observer from the country. pakistan and south africa are participating in the 5th maritime security belt joint exercise. this exercise aims to secure the world trade triangle in the indian ocean straits of hormuz, bab al-mandab and malacca will enter the operational stage from tomorrow. sajjad mehdari, correspondent
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of radio and television news agency in the general area of ​​rozamish. 13 dead and 839 injured, the latest statistics from the country 's emergency department of the dead and injured have been announced on wednesday night at the end of the year. in order to know the latest statistics of the dead and injured , i am talking to the reporter of the sada and radio news agency, mr. suleimanzadeh, who is in the shahid motahari hospital in tehran. hello. i would like to thank you and your report together with the dear viewers. you said, unfortunately, one person has been added so far and it has become 14 people, and the number of 839 people has also been added
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. in order, if i want to say, in the country, it is related to the provinces of tehran, east azarbaijan, and then west azarbaijan. these 14 deceased people are also related to west azarbaijan province, 3 people are from tehran province, 3 people are from isfahan province, 3 people are from east azarbaijan province, and one person is also unfortunately. registering the deaths in the province, but to know the latest statistics, i will talk to dr. karimi, the honorable vice president of darman. ministry of health hello, mr. doctor, please provide the latest statistics to the viewers, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect . i congratulate you on the holy month of ramadan. unfortunately , the number of muslims has increased. the number of injured people
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has increased by 25% compared to last year, unfortunately, and out of these 1,000 people, there are 430 burns. we had 130 cases of serious eye injuries, 74 cases of limb amputations, and the 14 cases you mentioned, we had deaths . mothers and elders should be very careful with their children. a lot of these muslims are passers-by and they don't have any incendiary materials or if they are passing by, they must take care of these hours . it's a shame that one eye that can see for the rest of its life because of a carelessness. either this or the 74 cases of limb amputations that we had are with a disability that will remain with these people for the rest of their lives. thank you very much for the number of people that the doctor said that 85% were the cause of these injuries and 15% were bystanders. i am at your service. yes , thank you very much.
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death unfortunately, we say goodbye to mr. suleimanzadeh at shahid motahari hospital in tehran. now we will go to the fire management center of tehran city and join our reporter in this place, ms. sohrabian, hello to you, please tell us about the latest incidents in tehran city tonight, in the name of god , i am sorry . also, the network of a servant from 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when i am stationed at the headquarters of the fire chief, until now, the statistics we got from the firefighters from 5 o'clock in the morning. about 3114 calls were made to the 125 fire department system until 9:00 out of these calls, 133 cases have now been cut off and the firemen are going to the scene of the accident, but to find out what the firemen did in these 133 cases, they are talking to mr. mohammadi, the ceo of the tehran fire organization
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, mr. mohammadi, god bless you. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. courtesy , respect, service, dear viewers, well, from 5 o'clock, we are fully 100 on standby at 138 stations and 400 points in tehran, with the presence of 3 thousand firefighters, ready to provide relief and operations to protect people's lives and property. we have carried out 130 operations up to this moment and most of our accidents in the field of green space, unfortunately , were residential fires, five of our cases were explosions. due to the manufacturing of explosive materials, unfortunately, until now , we have learned that 5 people have been sent to the place of these explosions with severe poisoning. unfortunately, during the operation of two fire rescue vehicles, the hospital was unfortunately attacked and serious damage was done. until now, we want to compare with
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last year. the statistics are almost the same as last year and are growing, unfortunately. at this hour, we ask the citizens not to engage in dangerous activities. we have had several car fire accidents. there is financial damage to the people, god willing, we recommend that people slowly go to peace, and people need peace at the end of the night . ok. i am at your service . thank you very much, mrs. sohrabian, our reporter based in tehran fire department management center. in the meeting
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of the supreme council for the implementation of the general policies of article 44 of the law basic, under the chairmanship of the president, the general framework and the allocation of new justice shares to. the beneficiaries were approved to be the basis of action after determining the assignment of the relevant stock portfolio in the board of ministers. in this meeting , it was also decided to use combined methods in their pricing in order to facilitate the transfer of state-owned enterprises under government management. given that there are obstacles in handing over government-managed or government-affiliated enterprises. there was a combination of using only the daily value of net assets pricing method and other pricing methods as well.
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pricing methods for the transfer of companies that will help to facilitate the transfer of companies that should have been done years ago or companies that were a subset of government agencies, this combination will be used by the order of the president from now on for the management of the company. those in which the government has a minimal stake, the capacity of the non-governmental sector will be used. mr. president ordered that as a resolution of the supreme council meeting, all government agencies are obliged to use the management capacity of the non-state sector from the beginning of 1403. in companies in which the government's shares are minimal use in the meeting of the supreme council for the implementation
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of the general policies of article 44 of the constitution, the general framework for the allocation of equity shares to the beneficiaries was approved. this framework becomes the basis of action after determining the task of the relevant stock portfolio in the board of ministers. we have so far equity. we didn't get it yet, i didn't know how to name the adjective, what to do, it doesn't have equity shares, i don't have equity shares, we ourselves don't have equity shares, it was in 1401 that to answer the demand of the remaining equity shares, the law on the allocation of equity shares in the budget was approved, approving the transfer of part of the government's shares to people without equity shares the basis of this resolution.
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despite the approval of the approval of the allocation of equity shares to the survivors by the supreme council of main policies 44 , the absence of valuable shares, the implementation of this interpretation of the honorable legal vice president was that masolad and petroshim kharij fars companies are among the 20% shares of the government and it is not possible to transfer them. if these are removed from the portfolio , there are practically no more valuable shares for the equity shares . year to be implemented, but while the last days of 1402 are passing, so far legal disputes it has prevented its implementation, due
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to the fact that there were disputes in the legal field regarding the legal basis of the stock portfolio that should be handed over to the new beneficiaries , it was decided that an inquiry should be made in this regard first , to remove the legal obstacle, and then the stock portfolio should be handed over to the new beneficiaries. according to the minister of economy, whenever these legal obstacles are removed, 10 million tomans worth of equity shares will be allocated to everyone who is subject to justice shares, maryam fadaei of the news agency. radio and television of the 11th parliament representatives in the last session of this year with the aim of organizing trade unions, how to hold board elections the management of unions to amend the law of the country's trade union system. in this meeting, objections of the guardian council to the financing and infrastructure plan were also corrected. reforming the labor union election mechanism
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by continuing to review the reform plan. the law of the country's trade union system is approved by the commission and is voted on in the parliament. according to this, trade unions are governed by the board of directors elected by the union. the number of members of this board of directors is three members, including the president, vice president and treasurer, who are elected by the relative majority of the union members. if he is the boss , he wants to do it again for the third time, for the fourth time for the candidate of this presidency, we said that if he gets two-thirds of the votes, he can be re-elected. with the approval of the representatives, a committee will also be formed to receive the conditions of candidates for membership in the board of directors of the trade union. the committee is composed of the ministries of industry and country, faraja police, association of guilds, government punishment organization and 2
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people from the guilds. was approved. amending the financing and infrastructure plan to remove production obstacles was also approved by the guardian council. provision of fruit and meat on the eve of eid, as well as dates and other essentials of the holy month of ramadan on the other hand, dealing with flood damage in sistan baluchistan. these days , it is one of the supervisory orders of the parliament's agriculture commission. the minister of jihad evaluates the situation of the supply and distribution market of fruit, meat, livestock and poultry on the eve of ramadan better than in previous years. according to nik vaght, enough of these consumable items will be gradually explained by the end of next week. today, when we invited the honorable minister and the deputies , with the commission to make sure that we know where, how, and how much the products
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are located, how they are monitored, there will be investigations in the matter of chicken, eggs, meat, and fruits. fortunately, we won't have any problems until now . tomorrow, my colleagues and i will visit the fields, god willing. in this way, the public meetings and specialized commissions of the parliament ended in 1402. after the nowruz holiday , the representatives of the people in the baharestan court again. they will resume their supervisory legislative duties, hamidreza goldozi, reporter of sed and sima news agency . rights and preservation of the purchasing power of social security retirees
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voted in favor of the amount of 130 hemats. based on this , the program and budget organization must send a detailed performance report to the program and budget commissions and economic and social calculations of the islamic council every three months. the 68th meeting of the united nations commission on the status of women has been held at the headquarters of this organization. the vice president for women and family affairs in his speech at this meeting . the membership of the zionist regime was canceled from the united nations commission on the status of women president of women's and family affairs, ms. ghayatli, hello to you , what were the most important points that you presented on behalf of iran at the meeting of the united nations commission on the status of women, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful


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