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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] without the fact that there might be any harm there, yes, you think that you will create relations from these and in line with the interests of your constituency. there is no harm in it, but for you to say that i praised this work for the constituency , in any case, you should form relationships and use these relationships so that petroshim goes downstream in mahabad without it being territorial, you do this. will you do it or not, sir? mr. khosravi, the area of ​​authority of parliamentarians is characteristic of the most important issue of the category that can help us in advancing our goals. if we want to work directly in the name of a critic
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, we should criticize what area of ​​authority according to the facilities available to us. regarding the equipment at our disposal, according to the conditions , we can improve the development process . the area of ​​leading roads to mahavad city, well, this is a sign of communication . there are 25 kilometers left
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for us to complete, 250 km we have a rural dirt road , out of the total 611 km, there are still 250 km left . this is a sign of communication that we want to start a development plan from village to city to esan province and to other provinces, this is very important in the field of health and treatment. well, we have a good interaction with the ministry of health and treatment. we have an old hospital, and in the south of the province, cities in the south of the province refer to us. we served to the best of our ability and provided medical and health services but what we are currently working on is the establishment and construction of a new hospital with 350 beds and 30-40% physical progress through interaction and communication with the ministry of home affairs. if we can attract your funds, this can be a very effective measure. another guest
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will be added to our group , and saleh abad, who will answer our questions on the first page of the program, mr. salari has a doctorate in public law from the university of tehran and has 40 years of experience in the fields of approximate and academic legal justice, who is now elected by the people of the area. they are their own choice in the twelfth period the elections of the islamic council and the questions
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we will discuss with them. some of them were answered earlier in an interview with sada vasima news agency , but here we will discuss these questions in more detail. the questions that are raised are mainly big questions that go back to the economic issues and challenges of the country, but the type of answers of the elected people in the constituencies show it is their approach to solving these challenges, mr. osmani . greetings. you are very welcome and good night. thank you for accepting our invitation. i also greet you in the name of allah, the merciful. width greetings, politeness and respect to the honorable viewers , especially the honorable and noble people of my constituency, the faithful and united people of torbat jam , taybad, and salabad, with khadre, correct, with kharez, yes, with khazer, with big kharez, yes , yes , you are very welcome.
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we send greetings to all the people of your constituency, and i am again grateful for mr. salari's presence in the transparency issue . there may be exceptions that you believe may not act transparently here . let it be said that i believe that the representatives are sitting in a glass house and should act transparently because the people are the main capital and the main owners of the system, and they have the right to participate in the performance of a representative who was able to vote overnight. the so-called minister or the vice president should be informed according to the law on the management of state services, which is removed, this is the legitimate and legal right of the people
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to be informed about the performance of the elected representative, if you find yourself in a two way, one way is transparency and one way is the interests of the people. your constituency and these are in conflict with each other, which means that if you act transparently, there may be benefits. the electoral field is at risk and if you want to act on those interests, transparency will become your teaching islamic values ​​and islamic rationality, the more we are clear and quick, speak and act rightly with people, the fruit and outcome will be better and the result will be acceptable and acceptable, than if we want to have zigzag behaviors and our actions are in contradiction with our views . well, since you are an academic figure, now we have less discussion about universities in these conversations, i would like
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to talk a little about these areas with janabali, of course, i am more of a legal person than the university, but the university is also next to it, now we have a university. we want more here let's move forward, for example, the discussion of the budget or normal education . do you believe that this budget allocated to higher education should be used for all the approximately 3 million students in the country or only for the 400,000 students who study in public schools? undoubtedly , it should be meant for everyone. this fair, fair and impartial distribution should include all students and we should not make a reservation here for the students of azad university. well, it does not mean that they
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have less mental intelligence than those admitted to public universities. we believe in so-called rights we are citizens, everyone who lives in this so-called country, this is an assumed right, and you criticize that azad university should also have government funding . yes, finally, we are a series. now , in many exams and in many recruitments that are done in writing and officially, you can see that even the students of payam noor are a student from a distant city , who is from a distance. studying at the university of tehran is more successful or a student, so we should not consider it a white cia, you should look at everyone with the same eye , no, you think that, for example, a student. for example for example, in terms of tuition fees, these should be the same as azad university , payami university, and all universities. the budget that is finally supposed to be allocated for these
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is now with a one percent difference, but now we cannot deprive the students of azad university, for example, from allocation of a government budget and what you believe to be tuition. for example, azadi university , a non-profit university, should be determined by themselves, or, for example , a council like the competition should determine these . in general, i believe that the competition council, at the moment , unfortunately and incredulously, the trustees and administrators of this university, which has a somewhat non-profit aspect, are more of course, in my opinion, pay attention to the financial benefits and attracting the benefits of the so-called pleasant university. therefore, if the competition council comes to enter in this matter, then it is natural that its approach , performance and position
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can be more fair, so to speak. in fact, its curators deny this issue, but what we have in practice is real. we are the objective and auditory witnesses and observers of it. that's it. i said yes, it means there is a monopoly. it seems that, well, this some of his so-called behaviors. or the decisions of the people of al-saye, which may be different and consistent with the basic principles of the country's education system, and these are the issues that you have in your mind to pursue in the parliament, well, as a national concern, yes , after all, we can't treat a representative as the general representative. . iranian people
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have the right to comment on all issues within the limits of the relevant laws . within the framework of the constitution, he can be an effective and influential representative. a representative can be a knowledgeable and capable representative. write something in the form of a plan and send it to the signatures of 15 like-minded representatives . may it lead to a law with strong evidence and principles, and this law will be effective and rule over the abilities of individuals from different classes and classes of the society . was your decision to represent the parliament a decision made on the spur of the moment or did you have a plan? you may have thought about it for years and you came with a plan . during many years of service in
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various cities, i reached the border from the so-called zero point, step by step, by the grace of god, with my own efforts. after many years, i came to the conclusion that if i can use the knowledge and experience that i have gained to serve the general public, i said that it is the best place and the most appropriate place. may the actions and the so-called process of these decisions be fruitful, in which committee, the legal and judicial committee of the parliament, because in this committee, i think there are many things that you should do . you will find out what you will follow up to go to the parliament
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. i have to say that first of all, the system our trial, well, everyone agrees that the islamic judicial system is a reformation, not punitive or retaliatory . i think that many of the cases for which the punishment has been determined are considered crimes . the punishment determined is not criminal, and there should be an alternative punishment, at the level of a violation. yes, and from this huge amount of laws that have been approved , there must be some kind of flexibility in a series of cases where we have to take so-called action in the food rights commission in my constituency. they live in this country for years, then we will see that these a person who does not have a birth certificate means that he is deprived of social rights, and this is no longer a case where a muslim wants
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to be indifferent to this, and perhaps i can take action in the judicial rights commission of the parliament in this regard, or many laws that it has been approved and has strict punishments. it is possible that by so-called persuading the executive branch or the judiciary through the executive branch or through the plan, we can take some useful measures, which means looking for a review. i have no idea about many of these things , and because i am still, so to speak, a place of arabs i don't have it until i want to point to a specific law, but i believe that many of our laws , for example, our banking monetary law , are not up to date. they should be updated . its definition is in its punishments. it is strict in my opinion, of course, this must
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be followed by the process of the law, and god willing, we will be able to provide a public service in this way, so to speak, and you think that the people of your constituency will vote for you, not the people. our constituency has a strong religious, islamic and national race the maximum turnout is 62% or higher, despite the fact that on the day of our election, so-called. the weather was cold and the precipitation was sky high, and the snow was very difficult to pass in many places. in general , it was a difficult task for the people to take action on their own, and despite this , the so-called participation in the elections, which helps and has a direct and indirect role in consolidation and consolidation of national unity and national solidarity is good to participate and considering that this national unity and this national solidarity
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, which is the strategic and strategic goal of the system and the supreme leader, should also emphasize and rely on this issue. well , having the biggest role and the biggest presence have a wide range because national unity and national solidarity, if it becomes more objective , first of all, we have national power and it will lead to security, which will be established later, you think that the people of your constituency are the most important concern they have and to solve it, see what was seen in your choice . first of all, i said that these people have a shariah duty and an islamic duty. well, i spoke about the scholars. our region is a little different from other places, that is, there is a consolidated region of shia people, who are very empathetic and sincere based on an atmosphere of sincerity and
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spirituality prevails there, fortunately, barf ulama and the so-called religious and islamic elites do it. the scholars there, especially the sunni scholars, know how to promote and encourage the people to actively participate in the elections, because the so-called enemy had done extensive propaganda through cyberspace so that especially the sunnis would not participate in the elections, and this in fact, you had a strong mouth and a strong slap on your face and the mouths of the speakers who wanted a break and a distance between the people of nizam. remember that it failed completely and therefore now people first and foremost based on an islamic duty and a so-called shariah duty and using the right assumed by the law to participate in the second election, who came to the conclusion that now
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maybe i can do more than the candidates , what do you think about the problems and issues of their demands in the sense that i served there before. there and the village there are known as the death roads , where no attention has been paid to the so-called standard roads. the second point is that they expect menus and orders. the position of the supreme leader and the strict principles of the constitution regarding the use of capable, efficient and qualified sunni forces are also used more in management positions. and this will help the national security , the so-called national unity and national unity. the next point is that
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, fortunately , the free zone has been approved by the government. in the past, if the border was a threat, now it can become an opportunity. after this, some legal direction should be created to make more use of the local forces and there are other issues, unfortunately, in terms of the fact that no special attention has been paid to the industry aspect, now many of the villages there, more than 50% of the youth of a village are leaving. they are working in other cities, a young man whose talent should be flourished, so to speak if you are placed in a position or something , you have to go to the so-called labor jobs and do this . now we hope that based on the views and opinions of the officials above, that deprivation will be removed and support will be given to the deprived and oppressed people , and that the people there, thank god, will not have any we don't have any security issue there and
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they have been in sync with the basic goals and purposes of the system . we expect to be able to cooperate there with one side. a way and an acceptable and reasonable engineering with the cooperation of the officials regarding the so-called industrialization of the area, using the potential and the capacity of the youth, which is most wasted in the industry, is there, well, my lord, at one point , the agricultural pole of the province, but in the country , had something to say about all the products there, then the type of agricultural cultivation should be changed, livestock farming there , we are going bankrupt in a way. a reform approach should be applied to livestock farmers and breeders, more capable and efficient forces should be used, and god willing. the focus is the center of gravity of unity and closeness of empathy. we want a more effective and bolder role in the direction of realizing and
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actualizing the so-called menus of the position of leadership and the essential principles of the constitution should be established there so that we can increase that unity, empathy and solidarity in the direction of disenfranchisement. give me a reassurance that what my duty as a representative is , these three things that have been done with them, what are those three things? in your opinion, the first thing is that a law was passed regarding the law of providing birth certificates for children of iranian mothers, unfortunately. then the work was stopped in the middle so that we could call the high-ranking officials let's insist and confirm that finally a person who was born in iran. especially from an iranian mother, well, this is the first obvious and natural right
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of her to have a birth certificate. the second point is that the roads are really terrible . you are now on the torbetjam road in taybad. well, 1,200 heavy trucks travel there every day and every week. nagire or our other roads are the same, well, this is the duty of the responsible person, that you, the customs there, are the oldest, the oldest in iran, but it is not possible that it has all these environmental problems, so to speak, that's all. a heavy truck is traveling on a road , of course, measures have been taken, but it is being done slowly. they want to fix a part so that the next part can start . the body that rahn. we can solve the problems of these birth certificates
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, we can solve the problems of the so-called roads , we can convince the official of zirfat with the so-called fair explanation and distribution of the so-called local posts based on meritocracy and the selection of qualified people. in this matter pay more attention, well, i think that we could actually deepen that national unity and solidarity , develop it, expand it, and this branch of interference in executive affairs is a trouble in executive affairs, because he is someone who wants a representative arbitrarily and stubbornly. you can do whatever you want, but the elected representative may have some problems with this , for example , the issue of meritocracy. i mean , we want to do something about the atmosphere, no, i mean, with the authorities
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we can talk to the officials below salah and convince them that the rule of law is fully established there. the rule of law is nothing but the enforcement of rights and the implementation of justice. the rule of law is nothing but the establishment of order and security. the rule of law is nothing but employment justice and social justice. is not. the price of the law is nothing but the practical commitment of the people to the implementation of the fundamental principles and laws , and there is no need for leadership . in line with the same heart being an open partner of the system and having a magnificent and dignified presence in all arenas and scenes, and their inalienable right, so to speak, is to take more advantage of the advantages and benefits of the rule of law, and
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i am not saying this in a so-called way that the local forces are not being used there now. i say that in this space, if we can use more of the potential and capacity of the elite society based on the parameters and specifics that have been determined, the region will be used with some help, and in fact, it can lead us more towards our goals. and our main menu that the rule of law, we have less than two minutes now, the macro-economic issues and your view on those questions that are usually asked, but if there is something that you want to explain in less than these two minutes, your excellency, then this time is at your disposal. well, i want to say this. considering that people are an effective presence. to have the most effective participation and from the beginning of the revolution until now, 100,000 percent
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obedient and critical of the so-called approved decisions. being superior authorities and not violating the rule of law in relation to the implementation of the law, the officials in charge are also trustworthy and trusting people. they have this duty and legal duty to pay more attention to the region, for example, we are one of the cities of sal abad city , our sal abad city is the most deprived city in khorasan province , so this is not a city. a factory has been numbered there , which means that it can be said that they are living in the worst and most bitter economic situation. well, it is our duty to actually be able to make a joint effort in this regard and in this direction, and mr. president, the officials and officials of the rank and file. by god , the country's budget should be allocated at least in this regard, so that
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the region can at least take a moment from this deprivation severe in some places. here is a liberation and deliverance, god willing. thank you very much, mr. salari , for your presence in this conversation . disclosure of a 38- minute handiwork file. given to the government of berlin. in this audio file, senior german officers talk about the plan to attack the crimean bridge with german missiles. the bridge that connects the island of crimea with russia. without denying this issue, the german ministry of defense is now working on how to leak this file. this event it is more than a wiretapping or broadcasting of a conversation in the air force domain. this is a serious mistake and
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should not have happened at all. the seam of this
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file is a short distance from. the english publication financial times also quoted a european defense official and wrote: everyone knows that western special forces are now present in ukraine , and it was not announced publicly. nato's footprint in ukraine does not end there. the times of england mentions a seaman with experience in the british army who is planning naval operations in ukraine. to iranvand, sed and broadcasting news agency. i have a problem with lesson planning advice there is, but i don't have a good guide. here is gilnas publications and we have made this problem easy for you. to get 60% of these resources for free
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