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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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and unfortunately , it has become a means of earning money for some institutions, and this can lead to many losses. students who use educational aid resources and have more facilities try to learn more test and exam tips in order to get the best results in a short time, and this work will be more of a test-taking skill. currently, most universities, especially in the humanities, do not have entrance exams, even some public and independent universities accept students without entrance exams, so why is the entrance exam not removed? well, thank you you are still more viewers of the program. well , our time on ik sima network has ended . here, i say goodbye to the dear viewers of this network and invite you to follow the continuation of the program on khabar network.
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well, we will start the debate, mr. jafari , we will start with you, because i think you agree with the conditional elimination of the entrance exam, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. our noble and dear nation and especially our dear and faithful young people who have to shape their destiny in these days with education and studies , at the very beginning of my work, i know it is my duty to make a wish for relief and opening for all problems. especially for the oppressed. dear min gaza
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, yes, look at the entrance exam that you mentioned is one of the problems that has plagued our people for more than a century. naturally , education has its own 12-year course with different systems that it has gone through so far. the bottom line is that people want to enter a stage. at that point, they determine their own destiny and the extent of their influence in the society is determined by the type of field and method they choose and what they will do in the future , so you see naturally a competition. it is formed because capacities are limited capacities in the old past, if they have loved ones on their minds, contacts and especially work. scientists must
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know this much better when we wanted to take the exam , there were forms that said to enter these 100 fields , 100 field fields from different fields and trends and different cities, and it started from the beginning to the end. where can he be accepted, whether he is interested or not , alhamdulillah, the islamic republic has reached a place in terms of university seats where we do not have such a problem. anyone can easily find an empty seat anywhere in any discipline you can go and do your studies, so now we are discussing about some special cases, those are the special cases of the so-called important and high-demand fields, or the top fields and top universities.
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to achieve these positions, they must go to the entrance exam . naturally , we always remember that it creates social complications naturally. and if someone at that age puts a lot of stress on him. yes, it is not just to say that it has been 6 months now it will end, maybe it will have effects that will stay with him throughout his life, so if we find ways to remove this stress, which is one of the main harms of entrance exam, why we should not do this, we must definitely follow this path and other things of course. another complications that we will deal with in jassh, god willing, is the formation of institutions
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that may appear to be education-oriented, but they are looking for profit-oriented ones like these, so if we can take positive steps with suitable alternatives. that our legal goal is achieved and the right goes to the rightful, and that's it so that we don't have any damages, with this condition, we must go to the fact that all the efforts that i have made as a representative of the parliament have passed away, later i will explain where the legal process has reached . i am at your service anytime, let's go to mr. gukrani what is your opinion, anyway , mr. basmillah, because the entrance exam puts a stress on our students, this stress will actually be traumatic, and on the other hand , there is a competition for, for example, 15% of the seats in the university, that's why if in fact, a mechanism
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should be prepared so that the entrance exam can be removed they agree, we wanted to ask your opinion. in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, i am at your service and dear mr. dr. jafari and all the honorable people of iran . greetings. i congratulate you on the arrival of the holy month of ramadan. i am against the entrance exam and i have my own reasons that i will definitely mention here, besides , i am an academic person and i am a member of the university's executive board and i followed this path. you see, as you said at the beginning of your program, the entrance exam has been held in iran since 14 1348. it has been about 54 years since we we are holding an entrance exam , so now we want to say
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why we are against removing the entrance exam . 1390 means that from 86 to 90 they announced the entrance exam gradually, but this did not happen because no study was done. 15% of the fields that have a lot of fans in other words, i think 600,000 candidates are competing for 5,000 seats, in which fields , such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and medical sciences, as well as technical and engineering fields in sharif university or law fields in
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my popular universities. i am against removing the entrance exam because i think there is no alternative method. i say if we come close instead. let's talk to konkor about removing the entrance exam and multiply this stress , because you know that when we say that the entrance exam should be removed, what is the replacement method? can gpa or academic records be replaced or not? we say no. because there is no explanation of educational justice, i want to say, mr. dr. jafari, i am devoted to your service. are the facilities in tehran the same as in a village that is far away? can you let's promise the families that the entrance exam has been removed, that their child can easily enter the field of their choice in a prestigious university . let me be very frank, the issue is that we are looking for
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konkur to be removed i promise we will go with this process, if we enter the entrance exam, these mafias, instead of breaking into the entrance exam, they wo n't make fun of the education system anyway, while now when we talk about academic background , naturally, families who have a higher status their situation is better , they take very special classes for their own students and this makes the equation go higher . what should the student who is in the village do wrong ? the face does not solve the problem, in other words, we have a face plan i am against this work , because there is no master's degree, this requires a master's work, we can have some reforms instead of the entrance exam, for example, changing the structure of the entrance exam, using tests based on your opinion, if you have my voice. let us now
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hear your solutions in the next section, let's go back to mr. jafari and hear his answer to your arguments . to him and all the chosen ones, of course, you know that i actually came here as an expert your service, but because in the house of vice president affairs, he is also in the department where we are working with dear representatives, and in this regard , i am happy to visit him. it was that we agree with conditional removal. conditional removal means that we must have some arrangements. those measures mean
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that the harms in the current system of konkur should be removed and some benefits added. if we can do something like this, yes , this is definitely true, and maybe this is the reason it was the same as what i mentioned here , and later they mentioned 86 to 90. why was the law not implemented because those arrangements had not been made in 2019, in 2019 we in the ninth parliament, in fact, i apologize , we paid attention to the discussion of amending the law on assessment and education, on assessment of education. the calculation at that time was based on this. that up to 85 grades with academic records, but
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academic records with which test? with a test that has scientific and logical validity and health. if this does not happen, this is what they will say. this is one of the important discussions. by the way, entrance exam with this style is the educational justice that our dear ones say less. can it be achieved right now ? you can see a certain amount towards the approval of the national council of the advanced cultural revolution . this year, 50% is being done with the records. look, they once announced that you had a single figure from a city like esfrain, like talash, now this year apparently. maybe the distribution of educational justice and reaching
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the right to the rightful can be better achieved here another point, i asked again, in this resolution of the supreme council of the cultural revolution and following all the evaluation and entrance exams that the islamic council has, the quota of areas one and two should not be removed , even now it will not be removed, because if this is the case if it happens, yes, everything will belong to the same money , to those who can study in non-profit and other places. our point is that we should, but if we block the road, i want to say the point of our good brother in a different way we should not erase the problem from that side
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, let's say now that there is no alternative, this is also a kind of erasure of the problem. we believe that creative thoughts, especially those who are young , should say that the number of young people among them is much higher. there is always a way to get better . his mentality bothers the minds, you can break his horn, but if he has good advantages , he will keep them and find a better way. this way will be achieved with the creative power and memory power that they have, god willing. we tied the fate of our students to , for example, three to three or four hours, and the fate of their future lives depended on these three or four hours, and sometimes i heard that sometimes one mistake in a test
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changes, for example, the medicine of tehran university to the medicine of hamedan university, for example. i want to see if it is really fair that we put our students in a dilemma like the entrance exam , so that they can actually build their future life , and then with a test , their life path will go from this to that. . well, i am once again at the service of dr. jafari aziz, hello i would like to say thank you for your kindness , i thank you for your good comments, dear dr. jafari , i say not to remove it, but if the problem remains , i say that the situation should continue, i say that reforms should be made. i will give you an example, we say 15%. among the popular fields , they have tests based on the knowledge test. i say that the corrections should be made. these are the things i wrote here
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. one of them is to change the structure of the entrance exam . thirdly, holding a job interview, modifying nine points, developing alternative methods, and so on evaluate them. look, for example, you have a student who comes and studies. yes, in these 4 hours , he implements what he has studied. in the exam, for example, the national entrance exam. well, when this person enters the university without actually knowing that field . for example, let's take medicine as an example. if this person were two-step. and there was an interview at work , he would get more knowledge about that field, wouldn't it be better, for example, a person enters the university, they think that animal medicine is a very showcase field, so if that person has to enter livestock farms and touch animals is can you believe that we had a case at the university of medical sciences, a person at your service
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, who entered the operating room . he had gone to the operating room, he had gone to a meeting, he had passed out. well, this shows that many of our dear students who enter that field do not have knowledge about the field in a practical sense, which means we have to come, if the reforms are done, a skill assessment . is it possible to have an interview, for example , when we were going to the phd course, we took the test , we went to the interview, or a written test in the community test. we gave it and we went to the interview again. this interview is going to be conducted by the candidate or in the discussion of farhang university exams. many students in this sieve are filtered and the output goes to the university. my opinion is that it is correct to have a conditional discharge
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, dear dr. jafari. anyway, there is a lot of demand. you already know about us, you must be aware of what can't be done to bypass the entrance exam. he doesn't get a rank, he skips the entrance exam , he goes to study in a country, he passes the general courses there , he goes to the patfak course, then he enters college, then he transfers to iran . many of these days, many students of my university. i gave them their text messages, they say, sir, stop skipping the entrance exam . i mean, there is this mafia everywhere, we have to stop it, the students who are studying so much, while the academic background is the most influential now, so if we leave it all, we will eliminate the entrance exam with the gpa, is it a mafia? we can from the entrance exam should be removed from the entrance exam
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. naturally, they will find a way to this side again . he studies and his gpa goes up . he is not the same as someone who has educational justice in the farthest village . therefore, in this matter , the opinion of the expert body must be done. i am saying this because the discussion is actually in the frame you see, we are not talking about not holding an exam and anyone can go to whatever field they want, after all, there should be a test between people, and there should be choices. after all , not everyone can go to university. the current one should continue or be removed, that is, the main year of the entrance exam
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is with the current form, not that we will remove the entrance exam, we will not give any test, each person can go according to their own wishes. amendments should be made in this matter to in any case, there is a correct mechanism to enter the university. well, i am your mr. jafar. yes , the first point that i want to convey to our good brother is that because experts and specialists have said many times, and i think they say it in the words of the arabs. above abadan , there is no village anymore, because on the other side of the foreign border , you are an expert, your excellency , i am a humble servant of the same people . let's refer to a series of experts. it has always been like this. now we have to find a solution, especially now, sir excellent, you are in a position where
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you have changed from being a questioner to a person in charge. now you know how many questions people will ask , so now we have to look for a solution to the entrance exam debate. there is no expert other than you and others who they should enter the field , there are no debates that can be raised in the interviews , see everywhere if we do not pay attention to health in the method, scientificity, high validity and transparency, it will not be harmless. another party had come, it was written in doctorate, it was 85-90. but the interview was exactly given to this person with a zero because they gave a one. this was accepted in that university. when i said, "sir, he entered the door
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, he didn't say hello. he said why did i say that it means you are not worth a one . it was correct out of 30, that is, if you are going to be unwell." ok , this is happening everywhere, a point that i regretfully have to admit here, in the 70s and 80s, we are lacking. we could even suspect that something happened in the entrance exam, but the more we came , the more suspicions, later leaks, and other incidents caused the entrance examination itself. if that certainty is not achieved, this itself is the reason that it must be done in this way in this case. if it happens, we must definitely do something to restore trust . i saw the efforts of all the dear ones of the measurement organization, so i went to visit
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them in the karaj region, where are they in what quarantines and what hardships are they going through, but i want to say that there are issues with all of this. it is necessary for us to pay attention to the issue and do something so that the audience knows that if we do not score, we should put a gap in this for the time being so that someone will come and repair it properly and that repair will be done. smesheh said that i will take my love from you, maybe it is tied, let me get closer to you, of course, there are other points, i think according to what you are showing
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, it is red, i have to pass it, but remember that the entrance exam is one of its great harms. i knew all this , i am a man who steals all his energy. one of our relatives in ferdowsi university of mashhad said that this man who was single digit in the entrance exam was the 4th in the class of 45 students, which means that all his energy was spent on hafez mukhuri, now that he has entered the main square. our lack we don't want our children for virtual work , we want them for reality, when their energy is for competition. spending initially will not be useful for their whole life. we must change the method of this exam . of course, acceptance should be based on the right.
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what should we do now? i may not be able to give a completely clear way now. but we all know this. they also agree. i took it that they don't say that the entrance exam is good. in the words of managers, in the discussion of bureaucracy, they say that evil is necessary. yes. now, since we have no choice, that's all. we say that we must look for a solution now, all together let's gather our wits, the experts should do the same. those who write the change document , those who are experts in higher education, they are writing the university document , these days, the discussion of the document of higher education is also one of the very serious discussions.
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after all, this is the way that human beings naturally seek a new path . values ​​are fixed, but methods must change . konkor is not a method of value, so we can't say it directly, but that's it or not. it's definitely not his opinion, but his concerns they are right there should be a method of discussion. yes, mr. gudari . however, mr. jafari also said that the discussion is about what we actually have instead of what is built. let's measure the science of our students in the entrance exam and through them we will choose students who have a stronger scientific foundation in better fields . well, maybe this is unfair, there are people who have a stronger scientific foundation, but now, for whatever reason, they either don't know how to take the test , or for whatever reason, they can't take the test and fail the entrance exam.
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and admission to the university remain open, while the supreme council of the cultural revolution of the islamic council also had a resolution that this year, in fact, in the year 14, in the next year, in the year 143 , the entrance exam will be implemented on this basis. what is your criticism of this method ? now you are arguing that there is an alternative method, is this method that the experts of the supreme council of cultural revolution and the parliament came up with, that we consider academic records to be effective in the admission of our students to the university, or is there a critical section? well, thank you. that mr. dr. jafari said we should let's enter, my servant. well, i entered my first term. i am sure that i will follow this matter because it is a concern for all dear families, for students, for their children. for sure, i
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will follow this seriously in the parliament. in any case, you have to choose from a group of at all. now, i am looking for the commission of the boje program because i have a doctorate in accounting, but we will certainly be of help to my friends. this is considered a retreat. i was responsible for the province's credits in the treasury honor. i cooperated and was involved in the budget for many years . do my teaching on 21 intellectual and mental values ​​of children. in the training of the education commission, turn it into the general commission of the parliament. eye eye, you must see . i think we both have the same opinion. there is a problem with that procedure, it is completely correct
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. for years now , we have been witnessing that it has been exposed for years and it is fraud. well, if we say, well, the issue is that the supreme council of the cultural revolution said that it was approved, that the academic qualifications, well, we say , sir, now it should reach 50%, let it reach 85%, how much? we have aristocracy , see to it that grades are not central and that the final exams are held properly . i think last year's average scores were 1111 and 61.
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if there is an alternative to the entrance exam, we want to say what is the guarantee that it will be held safely, or what did not happen in the discussion of final exam years that i don't know about the years , so that there is no cheating, this is a very important discussion. we are going to remove the entrance exam, which can't really be removed . what do we want to do with these popular fields? now someone wants university medicine. is tehran acceptable? barq sharif should be accepted , does it not matter from bezhnord, shirvan or esfarin, one person can be one of the many people in sharif electrical, can't he? are the educational facilities in tehran also available in north khorasan or not? do the teachers who teach them in north khorasan give the gpa they have or not? yes, we need to clarify, god willing, we will pursue this in the parliament to
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have a uniform solution and procedure. really, according to your words , nothing now. there is nothing to do.


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