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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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thank you very much for your company. have a nice day . god bless you. where avend meets you , sharing the best memories and tastes.
8:31 am
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8:32 am
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well, as i told you, today we will debate the issue of removing the entrance exam . mr. qasim jafari , a former representative of the islamic council and an expert in the field of education, who we are in favor of eliminating the entrance exam, and mr. abbas gudari joined above.
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we are at the service of the elected people of shirvan from seda vasima studio in bijnor as an opponent of removing the entrance exam, but first my colleagues will prepare a report , we will see the report together , we will come back and start the debate. 50 years have passed since the national entrance exam was held. conqueror, whose first exam was held in 1348 with 3,477 candidates, and today more than 1,100,000 candidates apply to take the exam. are nationwide. candidates who among the five experimental groups mostly apply for fields that are highly useful and employable. considering the ups and downs of holding the national entrance exam in holding and announcing its results and the diversity of the district and different universities. now here is the question. in the current situation, the university can meet the needs of the candidates. whether you agree to remove
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the entrance exam or oppose the entrance exam , it will not be removed in any way as long as the applicant in some fields exceeds the capacity of the field. currently , about 90 of the academic fields do not have entrance exams and only 10% of the academic fields such as medicine, dentistry medicine, pharmacy and veterinary medicine and some fields of humanities such as law and political science have many applicants. and the exam is held. as long as some courses have many applicants, we are forced to hold entrance exams. so that those who have more grades and academic ability enter the university . exams such injustices. it imposes various problems and purchase of educational resources on students and creates anxiety and stress for them . in my opinion, it is better to remove the entrance exam. in my opinion, a four-hour test cannot show all the capabilities of a student
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unfortunately , it has become a means of earning money for some institutions, and this can lead to many losses. students who use educational aid resources and have more facilities try to learn more test and exam tips in order to get the best results in a short time, and this work will be more of a test-taking skill. currently, most universities do not have entrance exams, especially in the fields of humanities. even some public and independent universities accept students without entrance exams. so why is the entrance exam not removed? well, let's start the debate dear mr. jafari, we will start with you, because i think you agree with the conditional exclusion of the entrance exam
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. especially our dear and faithful young people who are destined. in these days, they should be determined by studying and studying. at the very beginning of my work, i know it is my duty to make a wish for relief and openness for all the problems , especially for the oppressed of gaza. naturally, education has plagued our people for more than a century . he has passed his 12-year course with different systems that he has gone through so far, and now we are experiencing the 336, for example, the end result is that people want to enter a stage where they determine their own destiny and
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the amount their influence in the society is determined by the type of field and the method they choose. and what they will do in the future. therefore, you can see that a competition is formed naturally. because capacities are limited capacities. in the olden days , if loved ones are on their minds, they are the audience, especially experts must know this much better. at that time, when we wanted to give azon, there were forms saying to fill these 100 fields. 100 local courses from different disciplines and trends and different cities, etc., from the beginning to the end, where will he be accepted, whether he is interested or not, now , alhamdulillah, the islamic republic has reached a place in terms of university seats, where we do not have such a problem. we don't have more than 8085 fields, easily anyone
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can go and study in any field, wherever they want, so we are discussing how many. his special case there are some special cases of majors that are so-called important and high-demand majors, or top majors and top universities. we are discussing these, the competition is heavy on these, and therefore this is a way to know what to do. to achieve these positions, they must go to the entrance exam, naturally, we always remember that it creates a social effect naturally. one of these is the stress that is inflicted on the applicant and the student and our youth , and if someone at that age is subjected to a lot of stress, it is not just to say that it is now 6 months. and it is temporary, it will end, maybe it will have effects
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that will stay with him throughout his life, so if we find ways to remove this stress, which is one of the main harms of entrance exam, because we should not do this, we must definitely follow this path and others. of course, there are other complications that we will deal with later, god willing. it is appropriate that our legal goal is achieved and the right goes to the rightful , so that we can take positive steps with replacements for damages. because i also passed away as a representative of the parliament. later , i will explain where the legal process has reached
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. whenever there is a prayer, i am in service. well, let's go to mr. gokhari , mr. gokhari, what is your opinion, anyway, mr. bismillah, please, mr. jafari says that because the entrance exam is a it puts stress on our students, which will actually be traumatic, and on the other hand, a competition for, say, 15% of the seats. there is a university , that's why if in fact a mechanism is prepared to eliminate the entrance exam, they agree. dear mr. dr. jafari, and also to all the viewers and noble nation of iran , i congratulate you on the arrival of the holy month of ramadan , to all my dear compatriots, and i also wish to accept your obedience and worship, and
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i have my own reasons for that. i would like to mention here that while i am an academic person and a member of the university's board of trustees, i followed this path . as you said at the beginning of your program, the entrance exam has been held in iran since 2014, about 54 years. we will hold it , so we want it now. tell us why we are against the removal i want to tell you about our entrance exam, whether it has been approved, let's come and delete it at once, have any studies been done or not, see in 2006, the respected representatives of the people in the islamic council approved a plan to introduce the entrance exam gradually until 2010, that is, from 86 to 90. but this didn't happen because it wasn't done. yes, 85% of our majors don't need to hold an entrance exam
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, and they enter the university with academic records. 600 thousand candidates are competing for 5 thousand seats in what fields do they do it, such as medicine , dentistry, pharmacy, and medical sciences, as well as engineering fields in sharif university or law fields in popular universities? i am against removing entrance exams because i think there is no alternative method. instead of coming closer to the entrance exam and talking about removing the entrance exam and multiplying this stress, because you know, when we say that the entrance exam should be removed , what is the alternative method, can gpa or academic records be replaced or not? we say it can't. because there is no explanation of educational justice, i want to say mr. dr. jafari, i am sincerely at your service
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. are there facilities in tehran and a remote village? are these facilities the same? can we promise the families that once the entrance exam has been removed, their children can easily enter the field of their choice? a reputable university should enter, what kind of infrastructure, what kind of study has been done for us to come and remove it, well, we said, well, in the name of god, the entrance exam should be removed , what are our suggestions. well, the issue is that , let me be very frank, the issue is that we are looking for the konkur to be removed, the konkur mafia to be removed, i promise you that we will go with this process, if we do the konkur, this is mafia, instead of breaking through entrance examinations , they are not going to attack the education system anyway , while now when we talk about academic records , naturally families with higher wealth are better off , they take very special classes for their students. . we
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have to talk about expertise and delete it in one go , which does not solve the problem. in other words, we are erasing the plan of the problem. i am against this because no expertise has been done, this requires an expertise. we can have some amendments instead of according to entrance exam let's be like, for example, changing the structure of the entrance exam, using tests like this. i greet our good brother , mr. dr. kudari. i congratulate him, god willing , that he will be the source of good and blessings , and the trust that our good people in north khorasan region have placed in him. all elected officials, of course you know that i have actually come here to serve you as an expert, but
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because in the house of representatives , i am in the department that deals with the dear representatives. we have work to do in this regard, so i am happy to visit them. the points and concerns they said were exactly what i said. it was that we agree with the conditional removal, the conditional removal means that we must have some arrangements, those arrangements mean that the harms in the current konkur system should be removed and some benefits should be added. if we can do such a thing, yes. this is definitely true, but maybe that was the reason, just as i mentioned here, i had noted that later, now they also mentioned 86 to 90, why the law was not implemented because those arrangements were not made in 92 92
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, we in the 9th parliament actually apologize. i do. the debate on the amendment of the law on assessment and education is on the assessment of education we paid attention to it, we corrected it twice in 1992, and in 1994 , it was decided that up to 85% of the grades would be based on academic records , but the academic records with which test, with a test that had scientific, logical and health validity. by the way, entrance examination with this style of educational justice, which our dear ones say less, will make it happen right now, you can see a certain amount towards the approval
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of the supreme council of the advanced cultural revolution this year, 50% is being done with records, i asked the officials. education before i came right now you can see less over the years it was announced that you had a single digit from a city like esfrain, like talash. now this year, apparently , this has happened. education officials told me that maybe the distribution of educational justice and reaching the right to the rightful one would be better here. it is implied that i also asked one more thing. in this resolution. the supreme council of the cultural revolution and following all the approvals of the islamic council, the quota of areas 1, 2 and 3 should not be removed , even now it will not be removed, because if this happens, yes, everything will belong to them. the rich
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belong to those who can afford it in non-profit they should study in other places, and naturally, what we intended, which is expected from the islamic system , will not be achieved. what is achieved is not what we intended , so our point is that it should, but if we block the way, i will change the point of our good brother. i want to say that we should not erase the problem from that side, let's say now that there is no alternative, this is a kind of erasure of the problem, our belief is that always. creative thoughts, especially those who are young, i wish for the next parliament , where the number of young people among them is much more, they should say continuously, there is a way to improve, how is this? a promise whose at least psychological damage bothers the minds can be broken, but if it has good benefits, keep them and find a better way
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, this way can be achieved with the creative power and the power of memory that they have, god willing. mr. gudari , in any case, if we tie the fate of our students to, for example, three to three or four hours, and the fate of their future life depends on these three or four hours, and sometimes i heard that sometimes a test is mistaken , for example, medicine of tehran university with medicine, for example. hamedan university is changing, i want to see if it is really fair that we know like this our students are in a dilemma. let's put it like an entrance exam , so that they can actually build the future of their lives, they fall into turmoil like this, and then with a test of their life path
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, 15% of the most popular fields, well , they have a test based on the test. the things i have written here are one of changing the structure of the entrance exam, the second is the use of performance-based or skill-based tests , the third is holding a job interview, correcting not scoring , developing alternative methods and evaluating them . for example, you are a student who comes and studies yes, in these four hours, the output of what is read is on foot. in the exam, for example, the national entrance exam, when this person enters the university without actually knowing that field
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, for example, let's take medicine as an example, would this person get more recognition for the field if there were two stages and an interview? it would not be better if, for example , a person enters the university and thinks that, for example, animal medicine is a very attractive field. well , if that person has to enter animal husbandry. can you believe that we had a case at the university of medical sciences? i have a problem with you that he had entered the operating room, he had studied theory, he had entered a practical lesson, he had attended a meeting , he had gone upstairs to the operating room, he had passed out in a meeting, so this shows that many of our dear students who they enter that field, in the practical sense of knowing about it, and they don't have a field, that means we have to come, if the reforms are done, there will be a skill test or an interview. we gave a written test and went to the interview again
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does he do it, or in the discussion of farhangian university exams, which are taken through this national entrance exam , are they not ranked, are they not interviewed? well , there is a bias here, and naturally, many students in this screening are filtered and the output goes to the university, in my opinion. you must be aware of what you can't do to bypass the entrance exam. now a person wants to come to the university of medical sciences to become a doctor. he doesn't get a rank . he skips the entrance exam. he studies in a country. he goes home, then enters college, then transfers he enters iran and comes to olum university of medicine . many of these days, many students of my university have sent me messages. they are saying
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that sir, stop this evasion of the entrance exam. it means that there is this mafia everywhere. we have to stop this , students who are studying so much. besides, the academic background is the most influential now, so if we leave it all , we will remove it from the entrance exam. with the average of our internal expression , can we remove the mafia from the entrance exam ? the gpas of the students should go up in the discussion of the high schools that exist. now, i myself know that going to a high school in a wealthy city is not good. iranian students study there. so, does the person who studies there with the money of his parents have the best conditions? his house and his gpa go up , he is not the same as someone who has educational justice in the farthest village. therefore, in this matter, the opinion of the experts must be done. if the experts come to the conclusion that we should remove kangaroo, we should put an alternative because
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it is a popular field. actually, i am going to discuss within the framework , i would like to ask you to see, we are not talking about not holding an exam and anyone who wants to go in the same way, after all, there should be a measurement between people, and there should be choices, after all , not everyone. you can go to university. our discussion is whether the entrance exam with its current form should continue or be removed, that is, the main year of the entrance exam is with the current form, not that we will remove the entrance exam , we will not give any test, people want it like this. yes, i think that the entrance exam with the current method at the moment we have no alternative to continue let there be reforms in this matter so that there is a proper mechanism for entering the university. well, mr. jafar dakhm, your opinion is that because the experts and
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experts have said many times and this is what i think. i think, as the arabs say, there is no village above abadan, because on the other side of the foreign border , you are an expert, your excellency , and i am a humble servant of the same people. it has always been like this, now we have to find a solution , especially now that your excellency is in a position you have changed from being a questioner to a questioner. you are very responsible, you already know how many questions people will ask, so now we have to look for a solution regarding the entrance examination as a problem . there are no experts other than yourself and others who should enter the field. anywhere , if we
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do not pay attention to health in the method, scientificity, high validity and transparency , it will not be harmless. let me tell them like this: i was in the education commission. i remember that a party had come , it had been written in doctorate in 1985, but the interview exactly, this person was given a zero because they gave one, which was accepted in those universities . when i said, sir, he didn't say hello when he entered the door. it is correct, that is, if it is due to ill health , this happens everywhere. this is a point that i regretfully have to admit here. in the 70s and 80s, we rarely even suspected that something had happened in the entrance examination, but the more we got ahead of the suspicions , the later it was revealed. departures later events. it caused
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me to pass the entrance exam a bit. now i am telling this to us as an expert if it is not ensured, this in itself is the reason that it must happen in this case in this way , we must do something to restore the trust and make it one hundred percent. what are the difficulties of quarantines , but i want to say that with all of this , there are issues that need us to pay close attention to the issue and make sure that the audience knows that if they don't get a grade , they themselves didn't get a grade. we always talk about the details of all this, what does the structure mean
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let's get to the details. let us say exactly the same thing when we say that the entrance exam should be deleted, it means that we have to make a change in this same structure , for the time being, we will introduce a gap in it so that someone will come and repair it properly, and that repair will make him say that i have my love for you. i'll go, maybe i'll get closer to you, of course, there are other points . i think according to your t-shirt, which shows that it's red, i should skip it, but remember. konkor is one of its biggest harms . i know i have a thieving person who put all his energy to pass the entrance exam, one of our relatives in ferdowsi university of mashhad said that this person was a single digit in a class of 45 students, class after class.
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we were the 43rd person, which means that all his energy was spent on hafez mukhuri. now that he has entered the main field, he has reduced. we don't want our children for virtual work , we want them for reality. when their energy is spent on the initial competition, it will not be useful for their whole life. let's make a change in the method, of course, the acceptance should be based on the right , what should we do now? i can't make it completely clear, but we all know that they also agree. i took it that they don't say that the entrance exam is good, as the managers say in the discussion of bureaucracy , they say it's bad, they say it's necessary. now, since we have no choice, that 's it. let's all gather our wits together, the experts should do the same, those who write the change document, those who


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