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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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so that one person has something to say and one person is in charge of managing affairs. now there are various devices that provide services in urban issues . like water, gas, and electricity companies, each of these perform their duties in parallel and without connection with their management. all these problems will be solved if we create integrated management and urban society for real. in fact, one person performs and he himself is responsible. ahmed aryainejad, former mp. transferring the responsibility of the ministry of health means when the responsibility is transferred to the private sector. but surrender the authority of the ministry of health to the municipality is only the management of the capital's medical centers. first of all, it should be clear with what intention this handover is done. if the goal of this work is to increase the quality of medical services to the people. we don't have a problem with this, but
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it doesn't seem like the purpose of this action is to increase the quality of service. well, thank you for being with the above , but our time on ik sima network is over . here , i say goodbye to the dear viewers of this network, and i invite you to follow the continuation of the program on khabar network. well, thank you very much, still with pride we are at your service. we will start the debate. if you allow mr. yousefi, because of his age , we will start with mr. laouti. keep the discussion alive .
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can he forgive the municipalities that what we are discussing today is about the scope of the government's powers that the municipalities can be in charge of . look, this is our belief , it is not my belief at all, it is the belief of the governments they should make themselves smaller, mr. shayan , they should make themselves smaller. let me give you an example . this year, mr. yousefi hestar, they have a budget bill that the government has given to the government's general budget authority . it is 2400 thousand billion tomans. of this number, there have been changes in the parliament that i do not i will pay, well, 2400 thousand billion tomans , 380 thousand billion tomans, the government said that i want to do construction work, just for our oil income and 100 taxes, which
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next year is really 50%, now there is no point in discussing it here , the government has to spend on itself, so the government should spend as much as it can leave the business now i will pay for some municipalities. however, if the way is one of the ways to save this country from the prevailing economic debates, right now 80% of our economy is in the hands of the government, 20% of it is in the hands of the government. he should withdraw from the country's economy , transfer the amount of authority he can give to the municipalities to the private sector, and let the government pay attention to 3 principles. monitoring support, not for the government to come
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. now, i saw you here, mr. ayeni, the head of urban regeneration. they were talking, so what's the need ? they should follow the discussion of urban regeneration everywhere, including now in my city itself, during the eras when i was a slave because i was lucky , i was in the 8th, 9th and 10th assemblies in our city. they say, sir, in order to establish popular governance , they emphasize that you should immediately
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act on the formation of councils in any case, then, well, this is really an order, in the third plan law, in the fourth plan law, in the fifth plan law. in the sixth program, in the seventh program, it is all emphasized, we do not want to say at all it's a new discussion, in any case, these laws that i mentioned emphasize that the government should take over those enterprises that can be transferred to the municipalities , and transfer them to the municipalities . . a resolution in line with this law of the third plan, a resolution of mr. yousefi of the supreme administrative council in 2002, to have 23 duties, to separate 14 duties, to wait for 14 duties, for example, to assign 14
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duties that could be delegated, to hand over this task on the date: 27 2 1402 i would like to offer your service like providing public libraries sir, now mr. yusuffi knows that public libraries are run by half percent of the municipalities, that is, our councils, our municipalities have not really reached a growth and maturity , let them manage their own city libraries, exhibition halls , local museums, cultural centers. there is the art of establishing offices related to tourism facilities and other issues that i will discuss further, or, for example, forest lands, natural resources inside cities, why natural resources now, for example , we have a forest space inside cities, why
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should this be given to municipalities , municipalities? people should turn it into a public space use the title of the park, so i am in the first part. then, in this regard, the constitution until article 1012. in any case, the presence of activity in social and cultural construction activities. now our councils are actually municipal councils, they are not city councils. these principles
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of the constitution have not really been implemented. now i will continue to serve you, god willing. let's hear your opinion in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i also say hello and have a good time serving you, the great nation of iran , and my own brother, mr. lahoti, who is serving the people in this eleventh round. in many discussions , we used the experiences of my dear brother, mr. luahototi, and now it is not a debate, but be healthy, i am of the same opinion, i am here because it is my first appearance . i also thank the people of the constituency for trusting me. let's transition means we don't want to go into the field of implementation, that is , the words of my servant and my brother, mr. lahoti , are meant to say that in the field of legislation, now we have the opportunity to make reforms, then in the field of
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implementation and in the field of supervision, what should be done from the perspective of the duty of representation. let it be done, we will leave the discussion now the management of the urban unit belongs to the municipalities , as it has been more than 70 years since the foundation, of course, this is also one of the problems of the municipal law related to 1334. at that time, it is either the municipality, the municipality, or the city association, even the provision of the people's needs is based on the law. in charge of the city, they have been the municipality , now if someone is a little bit, now the time is somehow not language and our childhood, the municipality, the public bathroom, health , many of these issues are also done by the municipality, over time the role of the government increased, i want to go to the problems, that is, now if if we want our law, if we want to go in the field of law making we don't have a problem, the problem is in the area of ​​implementation, and the fact
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that we are now divided into two parts and one by our opponents, they say that we did not hand over to the municipality at all , which is definitely not accurate. someone else says that first of all, there are no conditions, which means that we have to change the law on the election of mayors. i am telling the fortunes of the parliament right here and my expectation is that if i, or other colleagues , go to the council commission to amend the council election law, the first point is the conflict of interest. the council should be with the members of the parliament from the perspective of supervision, not from the perspective of the executive board, well, the member of the parliament , whose duty is not this at all, this is the first authority that i myself have as a representative who is in the 11th term and serving the people, and we are supposed to be in the twelfth term.
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we should amend it, that is, we should amend the law on holding council elections. we agree to use the assignment of work to the people and the council . we have 1,400 cities, 1,200 cities smaller. and cities with less than 50,000 people , you see, now one of the rightful complaints of the people is that we are constantly changing the mayors . this is the council of mayors, not the city council, but because of all this management weakness that has caused people's rights, it means that our laws should be amended, this is a point. so we in the field of law have to do a series of infrastructures , that's why we say, i don't have that capacity
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. let's put health services and health centers in one place in the municipality with this capacity . there is no such capacity in the councils and municipalities. now , the next point is that i think this is an introduction . let 's show together, i agree with the one who says that the administration of a city has never had a uniform administration. this is not accurate . it is the same profession that people keep saying , the municipality makes asphalt, a service device comes there and digs. many times it is said that there is a correct word, that is, one there is no disparity in service delivery in the city , but the point is that now there is capacity, the experience gained in handing over some works in the past years is the first point of my problems with the governments, when based on article 12 , we said to remove obstacles to production, to develop public transportation, which
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is directly related to the health of the people. reducing pollution in cities, which is one of the new challenges of cities, especially big cities, or providing cheap services in the field of public transportation, taxis, buses, vans, and subways, well, the government should come here and provide 50% of it . it didn't happen to us in the past years, yes, in this government, a series of things happened with the support of the parliament i would like to say that our concern is that there should be no infrastructure, and the second is that these handovers should be done only by the government, starting tomorrow in these 1,400 cities in the country, from small cities to the city of tehran with a few million people, maybe less than 700 of these cities have an official sewage network. bashan means that half of them do not have a sewage network, tomorrow
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it means that the municipality and the villagers will develop the sewerage network and they will have such resources. we have to increase the cost of the license or tolls this means that in some way, the pressure of more expenses on the people and the lack of response due to the lack of a container, that is, mr. yousefi, you say that the budget too. the municipalities don't take it, sir , i want to say that i have two issues now . one is that the same thing was said from tomorrow. municipalities are getting the money now. in the sixth plan, we said that the traffic guidance is for the infrastructure and provision of checkpoints, and they should manage it in some way. metropolises and municipalities, but from onor management. now, with good traffic management, these managers, for example, the traffic commander, is cooperating
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with the municipalities, and now we had a time when there was no coordination, i.e. infrastructure, a cost was imposed on the municipality, but traffic management did not come into being. this is our concern. for example, if i am the minister of energy, i will tell my godmother to hand over the sewage from tomorrow. this fight between surface water and water is due to rains in the cities, especially the cities of the southern provinces. i don't want to get into this issue. if i am somewhere, because we don't have the infrastructure , we still have to work in the field of infrastructure. tomorrow, if i am in the place of the minister of energy, i will say that fazel will have full water at shahria's disposal. when should i pay for it? thousands of billions of tomans today, 100 thousand billion tomans in the field of sewage development, hold here for a moment and see what your excellency is saying . well, i agree with you, but everywhere in
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the law, it has not said that you are the sources. everywhere in the law, it has said that with the sources, it means now if, for example, the government. in the matter of sewage , he is spending money, and he is giving his resources, sir excellent, you also mentioned that now in the discussion of subways and train cities, the government is obliged to pay 50% of the cost. if the government fails in some places, you and i, as supervisors, must go and grab the government's neck . you see, we have to accept the essence of the matter. now you mentioned it yourself. now, libraries. why do we think mr. yousefi? people, people, look, we say, sir, the system of the islamic republic is a democratic system, all the administration of the government, and we have to let the people make decisions for themselves. why do we think that the people have not reached maturity and can't really make decisions for themselves ?
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the government must hold his hand like a little child , and now you know the stories when the government. masha allah, so the only way to talk about corruption is to remove the concrete wall between the people and this ruler between the government and the people
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. come on, this glass wall is watching over. both the government, the government, and the councils should allow me. i want to tell you the first part . therefore , i am worried about providing the resources that your excellency said. what is your experience so far? whatever we left, the government shrugged it off. you and i must take over the government. this same mr. 9, this same mr. aini, who came to the 10th government , has thousands of billions of tomans of money. he has left it to the discretion of mr. he has come to different cities for four projects based on my and your pressures. if i pressured , i could get an amount. the injustice in the explanation starts from here, and all my projects are abandoned one after the other. well , finally, we say, sir, give this government its resources, you
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are the city train, i am asking you , mr. yusuffi, the municipality is the city train. they are not performing, who is performing in the city now that it is a municipality, but since then the development of public transportation is very few, municipalities , municipalities can perform in the same song, your excellency, tehran, only the rest of the cities were able to do it, how many other cities were able to do it, because of less from your fingers and if the government doesn't help, the city will now go to your municipality if the government. look, let me tell you the truth about the city and your municipality. our discussion today is whether or not it can be implemented .
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they are able to run, but they may have limited resources . i said yes, limited. so, your ability to implement has been accepted for two arguments. you have now said that the municipality and city council of ahvaz have the financial ability , not our financial ability. what is our discussion today, mr. yousefi ? i agree, that's enough , our discussion today is that if the government is going to hand over its own enterprises, can it be implemented or not , sir? your excellency, you mentioned that the municipalities do not provide water to the people according to the law
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. mr. shayan, mr. mande, i am his financial concern as my professor, i really agree with mr. yousefi, i really agree with him, this is his concern, it is really a concern that we should go and solve now these water and gas companies. some electricity companies are loss making companies . what is their job? water production. who will produce water? the government
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produces water. it sells water to the water and sewage company. the water and sewage company buys and sells water from the water producer. to whom, to the people of tozih berkam company , this is the electricity distribution company of the regional electricity organization the government produces it and sells it to the electricity distribution company. the electricity distribution company sells this electricity to the people . of course, is there a problem? we don't want to say that these two companies are the management of the elites . let us give these to the councils , our councils are not at least municipal summary councils . this is my proposal. i will summarize my proposal in this section. i will wait for the instructions of my teacher. you can see
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in this section, so we and mr. yousefi have an understanding. together, our municipality and our councils have reached a growth and maturity , they have the ability to manage government enterprises. i don't know to whom one should really express his pain. the resolution in the law of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth , and seventh plan is emphasized, according to mr. yusuffi, the resolution of the supreme administrative council is in 2081 . what we have in common is that you and i actually came to a common understanding that councils and municipalities have the power to govern, but there is a concern called financial resources, and
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we should discuss it together , sir. the seventh layer of representatives oppose the creation of a uniform urban services system a double plan, a two-time plan and a free-time plan , i have to say a few things while thanking the previous brother. we have used his discussions for years and these are not more of a consensus of debate . the law, because you and i want to make reforms in the field of law, i want to see if we have weak laws or not , let 's go one by one, the capacity of the laws. yes, if you and i stand
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together, we put 18 thousand billion tomans in the budget for the development of subway and bus public transport with the problems we have in providing buses inside the country and we do not allow imports. more than 1 billion tomans are left in these two or three days until the end of the year . we have to make some decisions based on that. one, we now have the capacity of empty laws. the law of 1334 gave powers to the municipality. why didn't it happen? the first point is that we will come back now. i think one of them is that he right time, facilities. it wasn't, but the urbanization was less than 10%, 11. we all know that everyone is a village, and at that time, the requirements of the city were very different, and the growth that
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took place in the holy system of the islamic republic in the cities and the countryside is not comparable. let's see a second point. now, one thing, the current laws, the introduction to the authority of the city and the councils, must be amended . the authority of the council must be partly increased and partly reduced . today, let's decide that the municipality should come to the people , why did we elect sardar in what it is a process. yes, now there is a letter from a certain gentleman. you say that the law is the law. you said that in the discussion of the law of the third plan , the supreme administrative council decreed on 27 2/1382, in the same direction, the same four to 20 of the 23 tasks have been assigned 14 tasks, why has it not been implemented
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, the cities and villages are fighting for services in the city at all. and it's a village, the government is killing itself, for example, in a province, it wants to build a hospital for 12 years, but every day, more than 350,000 municipal personnel, who are now on their salaries , are ruining the city, from cleaning it to parking and so on. other issues are construction in the city and the countryside, but we want to solve their problems for the people, not to create problems for them. definitely , the current laws of some of them should be amended first
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. council elections, i will start with myself first . let there be a debate for this . take the authority to hold and supervise the council elections from the representatives . arguments have nothing to do with the election of the council, so why should the first law be reformed in the previous parliament ? let's take this authority from the representatives, a second one for the council elections, while we agree that the people in the villages and cities should choose and hand over the work to the people's trustees, but let's set an indicator so that it doesn't happen that someone without urban experience comes and takes over the city. after a while , there are criminals everywhere. after a while, people ask why in a council or municipality or in a village, we have seen that in four years, 5 mayors have changed , and 4 superintendents have come. this means a waste of resources. this is one of the
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current laws of the introduction to the transfer of the municipality the laws should be amended. let's come to our infrastructural problems right now. you said exactly the water and electricity. i want to give the water and electricity to the council and the municipality tomorrow. this will help the people of the council and the municipality, or it will create more problems for him. i said that when in 1400 cities in the country , there are less than 700 sewage networks, which means a double cost without return of investment at least in 10. every year, when we produce electricity or water, it costs us a few thousand billion tomans, for example, a cubic meter or kilowatt, then this is because we pay people to people, we cannot pay them in rials. we will take the full price of water and electricity from them, starting tomorrow, we have to pay a few thousand tomans for a kilowatt or a few thousand tomans for a cubic meter of water, to, for example, which municipality or government, how much you want, because according to the law of 1963, my municipality has become self-governing.
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the government doesn't want to help us make it more expensive. sewerage will also fall on the responsibility of the municipality and rural areas, which means we will impose another cost on my people with these four assumptions and the experience that happened due to the lack of infrastructure, there is a problem in some municipalities. and the villagers say to each other, well, now that we have been elected, we have a duty towards our backs i don't want to live in a transparent space, even very limited , i would say, many of them, i have finished studying, people in the country, but really, people are not satisfied with the performance of some councils and municipalities . well, there is no introduction . take a side and tell him, sir, you didn't vote for me, i won't give you any water, tell him that it didn't happen in some cities or villages, we said this, sir, for example , why are you now going to that village or that city, you and i are the ones who are saying, sir, did anyone vote for us? he did not give us servants


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