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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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what kind of money did he get, anyway, it went to our necks from these government currencies, and then what scandals and what happened that did not happen. well, look, in the past , our supervision discussion was really a joke, that is, it was not very serious, and therefore those things happened if there was really a room. glass should be made, everything should be transparent , as they say it should not be transparent, only the mp should be made, sir , this glass room should be created, sir, who took how wide. why is he going, what does he want to import, when did he enter and what did he enter? if all this is clear, in my opinion, monitoring will be a serious monitoring. what are other countries doing, except that they are also monitoring. we should really eliminate these rents with these controls, so we believe that if strict monitoring takes place, these subsidies will not go directly into the hands of the people . increase if this supervision is done, the people
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will be more satisfied. you give subsidies to people. now many of them are saying that we are ready to return the subsidy we are giving. but the previous price will remain. the people themselves say that they are in the market alley. if the government can really supervise in such a way that the prices remain stable, people will not need it they cannot do this. people say no, sir , our life is spinning. last year's gender is not much different from this year's. well, plan your life this way. he manages to live with this amount of salary that he is receiving, but unfortunately there is no supervision , they have to give subsidies to the people themselves. we have two minutes left, now i wanted to ask about the car import and your opinion, because the car has always been a sweet topic . tell me what you wanted and i didn't ask. in this one minute, i would like to thank, first
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of all, the radio and television station, which came up with a new plan during the elections, so that people could get to know the election candidates more easily . thank you. the next thing i have to say is that in the province, we really think that all three of our representatives in the province should be united and empathetic, not me. mr. zenori, mr. dr. manani raisi , let's all be together and i believe that if there are three of us, the work will go ahead as much as 30 people. of course, the cooperation of the elite and educated people of the province in the think tanks can help us come up with better and
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interesting plans. we will be able to vote for both the province and the country in the parliament, god willing, thank you very much and i say goodbye to you and invite you to watch the second part of the conversation in a few minutes with other elected people of the holy city of mohammad manan raisi , the birthplace of khuzestan, history birth of 22 december 1360 number of children of four children of qom constituency career records, director of islamic architecture and urbanism research institute, head of the study center and member of the council of deputies of tehran municipality, member of the faculty of the university of science and technology, member of the academic staff of the university of qom.
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well, good evening, dear viewers, in the second part of the program on the first page tonight, we are hosting mr. manan raisi, another elected representative of the people of the holy city of qom , to whom i say hello and you are very welcome. happy ramadan and wishing you acceptance of prayers and prayers. thank you very much, mr. manan . let's briefly address mr. raisi mr. president, your name is manan . oh, manan . is your name yes? raisi is my family name. yes, i saw muhammad manane. so the name is wrong. this is the way of our friends , manan. my name is raisi. my family name is muhammad. you think i am. very well, mr. manan raisi. this is correct. i am comfortable anyway. yes, yes, do you? you applied for the parliament with the previous program, which means you had a specific goal. let's assume that
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you had a challenge in your mind that you wanted it to be resolved or not. now, a few months before the election , you decided that since many people are like this , it's getting close to the election, so they say, well, sir, let's go. if by the previous plan, you mean that i should have a priority , have a framework to follow up on the issues of the country, yes , i had a previous plan, but if you mean that i thought about becoming a candidate months ago or for example a year or two ago. i did not intend to become a candidate for the parliament. i did not have such an intention
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. according to the insistence of some friends of the revolutionary front, cultural activists of the revolutionary youth in the holy city of qom , i became a candidate. i entered with this intention that i can help to solve your problems in the limited amount i have, if at the end of the 4 years of the 12th parliament, what happens because of you , you are satisfied with yourself in the parliament that i have fulfilled my mission, before my god, yes, i will go to your service. i have a doctorate in architecture and a master's degree in urban design. i have worked in the field of housing and urban development for more than 15 years, with an iranian islamic approach and a civilized view during my advertising days everywhere. to the friends of the mohafel mosques, i have announced that i am actually looking for a solution to this housing problem . because it is a big and important issue , i will be able to solve a part of this housing problem
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. inshallah, the people will be satisfied with us, god willing , will you strengthen them with what is being implemented in the form of different plans and different laws in the field of housing or not? it is transformational and revolutionary . basically, these plans are more revolutionary than the revolutionary government . yes, i would like to tell you that we must see serious changes in our society. when we come , we announce that we want, for example, islamic housing and wings let's make it iranian, but we can actually see it in you for example, the national housing movement has about 80 to 85 units delivered to the people with the same strong pattern of apartment matches. this means that the repeated repetition of this process must be corrected.
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people's housing problems are the result of these wrong routines that have been going on for decades, although changes have taken place in the current government. we are grateful to the friends who are in charge, but it was not enough, it must be much more serious, the most obvious document is that i say it was not enough, that's it now. about 80 to 85 percent of the applicants of the national movement have housing, still with the old model of vertical construction and apartment building, which has many problems . the islamic culture and civilization that does not go towards living in an apartment, yes , what do you want to see, your honor , i would like to give you a small introduction. one of the biggest issues of the people today is the housing issue . recent surveys show that 60% of
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respondents say that it is one of our most important concerns now more than 500 people of tehran are renting in our cities. housing from sabed khan is about 60% now, the global average is below 20%, that is, a person who lives in tehran, qomme, mashhad , shiraz, has more than half of his income . at your service , how much is the average owner and tenant of more than half of this in the world , the average is below 20%, below 200, what is the main reason, the main reason is the strategic mistake of the original trustees. it was in the case of land management, because approximately 70 to 80 percent of housing prices in big cities only regarding the cost of land and rent , please take care of it. the land has one effect, the rent from the land has another effect, now
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i don't have the time to open these expert discussions, if we can reduce the 70 to 80 related to land and land rent by a few percent 10 if this is reduced by 15%, this 15% will be freed, people will be able to spend this freed money in other aspects of their lives , for example, their children's education, food, clothing, entertainment. pilgrimage travel will increase the quality of life of people, so the main problem of housing, i think, according to the available statistics of the studies the expansion that we did is the problem of the land . we don't have the problem of our land. in this country, the total area of ​​the entire width can be of service to you . add up all the cities, big cities and our villages. it is less than 1% of the country's area. i don't know if there was a correction. the official report of the budget program organization
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has the ability to load up to 15% of the area of ​​iran, the other 85% is forest and desert and i don't know mountains and the sea and so on. well , how much will this 15% be? we used less than 1 %. something similar to mahri housing where, for example, the land was free and it happened outside the city limits in your mind, you can see mehr housing in the land archive, yes, but in the construction model , no, it is not included in the housing atom, the mark of iranian islamic civilization . now , the housing is the national movement. the people are advised to serve you, but with the verticalization pattern, that is, if the verticalization pattern is solved, as you say , no, it has a supplementary attachment in the regulation of the land market that is available to the people . it should not go back into the rigid cycle of gambling and speculation. see now the big mistake of the government
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well, we are grateful to our friends who are working hard, but their biggest mistake in the big cities is because they go for the verticalization model again , in verticalization, you get a lot of structures and say come build them for the people , right? people don't become housewives with this model, for example, in qom itself, in qom , it is frequent in the same ten and 15 days that the results were announced . deposit 40 million tomans . i am a faculty member of the university and i cannot do all three i will inherit 40 million tomans a month, how can people tell me this money, why did this happen, when you go and present the vertical pattern to the people, 10 to 15 households in an apartment block say , "sir, when this season comes, please pay me 40 million, but you can't pay." what will happen, what will he do, who will he sell his chips to, to whom, to the broker. it means that the land provided by the government will result in housing for the deprived and those who still do not have a house
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. this will actually cause the party to sell the land because they cannot pay the installments. the one who has 10 apartments and the one who has 100 apartments. after 6 months, 200 of those who don't have an apartment will be homeless again. well, this is the problem of vertical construction. yes, if you give the land to the people themselves with the popularization model, then the people will be in proportion to their wealth. and the budget that they have , you can see , we have a specialized term in urban literature, under the title of low-rise housing or gradually gradual housing, the government should also help. and let the government open an lc and make it available to the people , open a two-year or five-year breather for them. if it starts next year, with breathing, then people can slowly start construction by themselves, that means you have free land. put it at the disposal of the party , and the party is based on wealth and with government support. well
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, with the model of popularization of horizontal housing, then the iranian islamic lifestyle will also be observed in this, then the people, because they are builders themselves, or finally with a contractor that they hire themselves, or self-ownership. they get someone who they trust, he builds for them , then they feel a sense of belonging to their environment, to their place. why now in tehran, in the metropolises , the concept of neighborhood has completely disappeared, mr. khosrovid.
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because there is no sense of belonging, these neighborhoods have no identity. when there is no identity , there are thousands of cultural and social isolations that you say are very beautiful, very beautiful, yes , but it is not possible. we have a city , this is a common criticism that many people look down on. i will only mention a couple of them . i will give you an example of the country of england. i can give 10 more examples. we me i checked the iranian clock, at least 10 to 15 countries we can accommodate europeans in iran . well, the capital of england and the capital of iran have the same population as london and tehran. their nightly population is about 10 million people . the area of ​​london is three times the area of ​​tehran. dear ones who say we don't have land, qom, mashhad, shiraz, isfahan,
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the big cities, these lands are around them. why did we hoard? i have one of the deputy heads of the ministry of home affairs, the ministry of roads and urban development, the cost of preparing each piece of land , the cost of the substation, we have calculated exactly the official letter of 200 meters, something around 1450 million tomans. the cost of land preparation. that's right, 14 to 50 million tomans. well, if you go for the vertical model instead of the horizontal model , that is, for example, if you build a two-story building , build 5 stories, how much will you save on the cost of land and the cost of infrastructure, that is, five floors? what mr. khosravi means, four floors on the pilot house, which
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is the parking lot for four families, is the correct method, how many times the model of the car, they say, you can accommodate. in a double license plate, because in my model, i say two stories , one story, or two stories, it becomes two stories, and for the family, in your writing model, there are four pilots. the family means that the cost of land preparation will be halved instead of 140 million tomans, how much will it be 70 million tomans, the cost of land preparation will be reduced by 70 tomans, so far, i agree, but instead of the cost of construction , it will cost the people nearly 300 to 400 million tomans. please pay attention here. in our vertical models, about 1/4 to 1/3 of the area of ​​the apartment block, the common space, the common space, who pays mr. khosravi, the people pay , who do they get the elevator money from , who do they get the lobby money from, who do they get the corridor money from? who will take a floor between your units from the people? they take one-third to one-fourth of the area of ​​an apartment
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. you know what that means. when you hand over a 100-meter unit , you get 130-meter money from it. mr. khosravi , how much does it cost to build a meter now? at least you want to build something average . it will cost about 15 tomans. 30 meters will cost 30 to 15 tomans. compare how much 450 million tomans will cost. moreover, the cost of infrastructure and land preparation will decrease by 70 to 80 tomans, but this cost will be reduced. 300,400 million tomans will be added to the construction, now you can understand the financial balance of this project in which mode is better , horizontal or vertical when the land is free. state land government projects such as mehr housing, like the national housing movement , are a gross mistake. you go for verticalization to the detriment of the people. people should pay more . i did not mention an important point. in the verticalization model , the completion period of the project is usually longer , because because 10 people, 15 people, 20 up to the families , you have to submit your photos on time until the project is completed on time
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. if 20 families out of these 20 are unable to submit their stories, the project will be stopped. mehr housing movement for the past 15 years, 20 thousand units unfinished since that time, we still have 200,000 unfinished units, one villa house, you can give an example that has been unfinished since 10 years ago , one unit, not 200,000, well, every year the project is postponed, its completion in a country where the inflation rate is 50 %. who do they get the money from for this inflation rate ? they get it from the people. it means that a project that should be completed with 1 billion will be delayed by 1 billion, for example 400, 1 billion and 500 years later , it will be 2 billion money, which the government has to pay the people. give me the land people, this is not my humble speech. look at how many times you mentioned economic issues. the most important
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economic issue in my country today is housing. the most important issue is housing. he says, go to the people. folks, these rates are official statistics. the research has been done . adoption is very popular in our country, but the population growth is very low, because people don't have the bed. you see, it is almost one of the few cases that
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have no help for the government, because the land is a god-given capital, it is in my own hands, i don't know that there is no such-and-such gas, and i don't know that there is no dollar, and so-and-so is my infrastructure that people see. my infrastructure is the same model as i said. in general, we should take the money from the people, instead of building money, it will be less for the benefit of the people, and with this account , new towns and cities will be established . yes, this is the ideal model, because i have said this many times , i want to say that it is not ideal that big cities become bigger. this is for you to preserve the metropolises, go for the new cities, but look at the terms and conditions. when i say my civilization, my motto is islamic civilization, i was looking for it, which is actually a bed, and like a city, a place for people to live, a place to live. the life of the city and the life of the people should be in accordance with the realization of the new iranian islamic civilization that if this is going to be realized, you must
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be able to define the container correctly with the same model that i have presented to you. now if it is offered to you to serve in the islamic civilization of the metropolises, it is not desirable to develop them . peace be upon him naqsh. one of the happiness of a man is that his place of work is the same as his residence. i do not agree with this type of campus and parand settlements and the like. let's shoot the people 40 km away from the metropolis. after that, these groups are mainly targeted if they can afford to not go to campus to live. here buying a house in tehran. what is their job? ok? the result will be the one whose hand cannot reach his mouth . hi kelly, travel expenses. the solution is, if you are building a settlement, go for the sustainable employment model in the same settlement. these settlements are dormitory settlements. these are useless
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. this is a problem . they multiply the problem. what percentage of the people do you serve? mr. khosravi, how many employees do you have? now, you should calculate the percentage of people who are breadwinners of the government. in general, if we are going to popularize the people, we must put the flow and artery of the economy in the hands of the people themselves. 43 no if we want to submit to you sharia people , we would like to say that the hands of a series of people from 44 and 43 in 43 have been worked on this discussion, both 43 and 44 , so i agree with this model that sustainable employment is in the same place in the same cities, not in this mega city. factories, no, we can offer you the centers of large, medium, and small economic enterprises, the scale of local and domestic businesses, their own people , be their own masters, not ask to be paid for others, be a handful of capitalists, and the education
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they will be awarded is based on four criteria. and the capitalist, the mass builder and the factory owner do this the people's groups , the small cooperatives, the people should work for themselves and feel like gentlemen, and their place of work and residence should be the same . not listening to two bad and worse options , i.e. vertical development of metropolises and horizontal development of metropolises, is a useless suggestion for horizontal expansion of metropolises, because horizontal expansion of metropolises is not a desirable option, but its effects and effects are far less than vertical development . we have vertical development. what is the traffic result? the result of the accumulation of population is now the capacity of the city's livability tehran is completed, why not yet? well, add it, people, take a breath, tehran
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had only 3 days of clean air last year, why because of this compression of your reputation , you are accumulating population and doing activities in a limited area, both air pollution, environmental issues , and social cultural issues are a significant part of cultural and social issues , let's see the result of our mistakes in the field of housing and shahrsieh. these low-density and horizontal cities have far less per capita crime, per capita divorce, and per capita social damage than tehran and the metropolis. what's the reason? the reason is that the life of the people there is better and more correctly designed. how much is the government hiding for these expenses on these social and cultural damages? this will all be fixed. there is no help for the government. the context of the context detection tool, provided that it does not become a strict criterion again. the one who has 100 lands, not 20. with this. there is also the model of the national movement , where people are selling their fish, but it is not possible , man, god, how can the director come to us, give 40 million tomans, the people are asking me, i hope they will accept me tonight, my brand, i
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said this live on the air, people. sharif iran, i said this on your behalf , people cannot pay 40 million tomans every three months the government should consider this model is wrong , don't come in front of the camera and say that we are in small cities and i don't know thousands, they always say that we have 1,200 cities, we are doing horizontalization, sir, these 1,200 cities are only 15% of applicants, 85 applicants are in big cities, big cities with this the pattern of verticalization of people's housing problems will not be solved again by the one who brokers 20 properties. his apartment will be 20. this should be corrected because it is in front of the interests of those in power and wealth . god willing, this government has its will . in my opinion, you should be in the government rather than my parliaments and the president. this idea that you have in the executive government is very good in my opinion. i hope that with this new composition and with this smart vote that the people and the leaders like us in our city
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, i hope to god, we can do it in this parliament. we can form a very influential minority, a faction, although we are still probably not the majority, but like aqir, i say everywhere that i am a barefoot teacher, i am a university teacher. not the interests of local small business owners people's economy, people's housing, iranian islamic civilization, god willing, yes, god willing, thank you very much. we have another topic , john. i have a two-minute show. make the last page of the person who is offered to serve you will get the people's vote or the person who will be responsible.
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it doesn't mean that he should be the first to enjoy some blessings, no, we don't mean that either. we mean that he is the first line of accountability. if you mean this , this is what you mean. for example, when i enter the parliament, i say, sir , please go to the first page, the first page, no, sir, the first page, no , we the officials should be the last ones who can benefit from the state and treasury benefits . you
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understand, there is no reason for us to walk forward. no, if a person reaches a position of responsibility, in short , he should separate himself from the people, let him enter, i suggest you change the title of your program, god willing, now it has been heard, if you want to change it, do n't change it. after 4 years of course parliament representative and after that, if you enter the government executive level , do not change with the same honesty and with the same purity and with the same self that you are now. i am alive . to be able to serve the people well, god willing. thank you. thank you. good night. thank you for watching. good night.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the supply of red meat increased in fruit and vegetable markets. according to the director general of the office of inspection and supervision of basic goods of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the supply of meat will continue until the prices in the market are balanced. with the cooperation of our friends in the field of supply. there has been a very good supply in the field of red meat . yesterday, packaged meat was also offered in bahman square . today, alhamdulillah, it has been supplied enough. now , according to the visits we had in the squares of the city, alhamdulillah meat is available in all the squares, and there is a problem. it's not special. yesterday, about seven and a half tons.


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