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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the supply of red meat in the fruit and vegetable fields has increased, according to the director general of the office of inspection and supervision of basic commodities of the ministry of jihad agriculture, the supply of meat will reach a balance. prices will continue in the market. with the cooperation of our friends in the field of supply, there has been a very good supply in the field of red meat. packaged meat was also offered in bahman square yesterday. today, alhamdulillah, it has been supplied enough, and according to the visits we had in the squares of the city, alhamdulillah meat is available in all the squares and there is no particular problem. almost yesterday to seven and a half tons
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dear people, it is the successful end of the 2024 maritime security belt exercise with the destroyers of the irgc navy next to the destroyers of the russian and chinese armies in front of the jamaran destroyer. this was the fifth joint exercise between the three countries of iran, russia and china in the indian ocean. in the middle of the night ships
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and destroyers discovered and identified targets in the sky and then opened fire to counter those targets to repel the threat. the analogy of countering small bird or drone targets was with usually high-rate weapons that can actually create a wall. and in that few seconds the most time when there is a chance to show the reaction of delta november after the night battle, it was time to practice communicating with morse when the unit wants to prevent the identification of internal forces by the enemy . we are practicing beacon communication in the sea with russia and china. this method is a common method for transmitting messages in sea conditions.
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the morning of the third day began with the announcement of a fire in one of the vessels, and at this stage of the exercise , the floating units were sent to the damaged vessel with a helicopter to carry out a firefighting mission. the next mission was to rescue mastum sane. at when one of the people inside the boat had to be sent to land as soon as possible to continue the treatment. but creating security for ships and commercial convoys passing through the northern indian ocean region was one of the main goals of the exercise. at this stage, a ship was attacked by pirates. and asked for help from the units, which continued to send forces from the surface and air to save the hijacked ship. and
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this is the last part of the exercise, the parade of the naval units of iran, china and russia and their passage in front of the jamaran ship. the fifth composite exercise of the maritime security belt in 2024, with the participation of 3 present countries and 5 countries observer was held. seyyed mohsen hosseini, sed and broadcasting news agency's expedition group, north indian ocean. specialists of a technology unit managed to produce colors with the ability to penetrate into the heart of the stone. this product was produced with the aim of preventing the peddling of stone, and the technical know-how of construction was previously the monopoly of the united states and some european countries. stones of different colors. this penetrative material is color coded depending on the type of rock and mineral it is. specialists of a technological company based in the islamic azad university and the khomeini branch of the city
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localized the colors that permeate the heart of the stone. approx for 20 years, this work has been scientifically supported, and its research has been done, which is now at the commercialization stage. for the market, before this, the technology of penetrable colors in del sang was available to america and italy , and the iranian sample is produced at half the price of the foreign one . in fact, the luminous work should come and be placed on the stone, and this gives us the original textures based on the analysis we have of the stone, so to speak. the variety of 110 color codes has satisfied the needs and tastes of every consumer to be in the field of export, it leaves the exporter's hand open. it leaves the architect's hand open in the domestic field. in the field of art, he leaves an open architectural hand.
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the technology of this product is such that it is possible to change the color of building facades even without production line equipment. my dear citizens can. they can easily change the color of their countertops by themselves. they can build their stairs and change their own body with the lowest cost. as the experts of this company say, the technology of penetrating color in stone is one of the factors to prevent raw sales. the new technological processing material is actually an added value. to that the stone adds value from 100 to 600. it will generate wealth. to be able to solve our own regional and territorial challenges , one of which, if i want to give an example , is our entry into the stone industry, which, in addition to our own growth center , has a stone research center, the product of this
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company's technologists is both commercialized and of course, its path is ready for export. mohammad ali sohilpour , radio and television news agency. march 25 will be held at the father's house of this lady poet in tehran. a group of professors of persian language and literature in this ceremony about the works and literary status of parvin atsami they will give a speech. rukhshande etsami, known as parvin etsami, is an iranian poet who is the most famous. she was mentioned as an iranian female poet. she was born in 1285 in a cultured family in tabriz. provin began to write poetry at the age of seven and
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wrote one of his most beautiful poems titled a bird at the age of 12. parvin's longevity in the sky of persian poetry and literature goes back to his firm belief in the holy qur'an is his spiritual life and mystical life in such a way that this characteristic has made the divan of his poems to be a moral treatise. educational poems, the main part of the poem it was parvin. with the influence of iranian islamic culture, he tried to introduce the real image of a woman in life with feminine spirit, although few in his poetry , but those little experiences were so successful that after parveen, many women have a serious presence in poetry. and take a more serious look at this field. the language of parvin's poetry
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was a mirror to reflect his caresses. his poems are stories and have poetry in their hearts. sometimes there are very hidden and vague criticisms that at that time. that is, in that space, i can say the dictatorship of khafghani's atmosphere, which was ruling, but from the plan social criticisms are not shy in his poetry. parvin died on april 15, 1320 due to illness at the age of 35. although his life was short , he was able to achieve a high position in iranian poetry and literature , and divan shaari contains 606 titles.
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on the ninth day, the people of egypt, who had been intoxicated for several days with the epic news of the war against israel and the victories of their country's army, suddenly fell into amazement . egyptian president gamal abdel nasser appeared in front of the news cameras and read a bitter statement. and despite all the factors, you can build
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a position on it in a crisis, i am ready to take all the responsibility. nasser, news of bitter defeats. the people of egypt said that in the past few days no now , nasser's lucky star suddenly turned off and the people of egypt faced a bitter truth. an official position. oh, the political era, and i am returning to the ranks
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of the jamahir, and it is obligatory for me to be the last citizen.
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and turning a military defeat into a political victory for egypt. it has been more than 10 years since nasser became the undisputed leader of the arab world. from the east to the west of the world, every politician who has a little bit of an independence perspective meets him.
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from indonesian president sukarno in the east to fidel castro and che guevara in the west, as well as african leaders, everyone is eager to meet nasser. are in their own countries. even many heads of arab countries who for a thousand and one reasons do not see eye to eye with nasser. because of his popularity, they even have to have a souvenir photo with him. in these years, nasser is busy implementing his ambitious plans in egypt and the middle east, which has strong public support both domestically and internationally, and has an important ally such as the soviet union , from all-round development in egypt to involvement in
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the yemen war. and sending troops to this country to help the leftist-led rebellion to overthrow the monarchy. but one of nasser's biggest preoccupations is this for many years it was the issue of palestine. he was in 1948 in the first arab-israeli war. he participated and because of the compromise of arab leaders like king farouq with israel , he was forced to hand over his region to the israeli army . on
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the other hand, egypt was the largest arab army. which was located in the neighborhood of occupied palestine and many expected this country to face the zionist regime in the arab world. for this purpose , nasser, after the suez war in 1956, together with his friends, tried to rebuild the army and it was egypt's armed forces, and during these years , its biggest partner was none other than the soviet union. the volume of purchases is increasing every day and includes all departments of the egyptian army. from the weapons needed by the ground forces, such as the advanced tanks of those days, the t54, to the strengthening of the air force with the supersonic mig 21 aircraft, as well as the expansion
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of the air defense umbrella. the image that the egyptian media of this country's army presented to the arab world in these years is the image of a powerful army that is only waiting for an opportunity to completely destroy israel. of course, egypt has helped palestinian guerrilla groups in these years he also financed the military so that they could infiltrate the occupied palestine and carry out operations against the israeli army and the infrastructure of this regime. but nasser's heart's desire. it was a bigger event. one of israel's major concerns in a full-scale war was how to face the egyptian air force, which should have been thought about before starting any war. two
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very important points in the egyptian air force. it was important: first, the mig 21 supersonic aircraft, which at that time played a key role for egypt and many arab countries allied with the soviet union, and the other, the powerful air defense network, which prevented the penetration of israeli aircraft into it made egypt difficult. the israeli army, with the help of intelligence services, has a serious plan to infiltrate the egyptian army and obtain information about this iron dam. he fought to undermine the ability of egyptian pilots and fighters. even the
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united states is stuck in the vietnam war. he had given a lot against these fighters. the pentagon identified its strengths in vietnam but had never been able to obtain a healthy example . mossad started an operation called 207. a secret operation to capture a mig-21.
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musa's forces in iraq, a khalwani named munir redfa they identified him as a christian. he was the second in command of a mig 21 squadron and felt mistreated by his superiors . retfa met with a female mossad agent in europe. merir ratfa was offered a safe place for her family for 1 million dollars in exchange for one. 21 to hand over to israel. ratwa accepted this deal. the morning of august 16, 1900.
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by changing the route, passing through the sky of jordan and avoiding the sight of the country's radars towards israel , kurdit's flight landed at an air base in the desert of israel . israel had been able to successfully particle for direct object. to spy behind the enemy's borders . but the arab countries were unsuccessful in penetrating the israeli society. israeli pilots were trained in simulated combat to fight the mig-21. israeli politicians hoped that these exercises could give them the upper hand in any upcoming conflict. however, at the same time as the 2/07 operation , another incident helped the israeli air force.
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an israeli political activist and pacifist entered the election campaign in 1965. abby nathan he announced that if he wins the parliamentary elections , he will travel to egypt with his high-tech airplane and people. he will submit his visit and offer of peace to him. nathan lost the election in november 1965, but carried out the idea of ​​a trip to egypt. nathan flew from tel aviv on february 28, 1966 . nathan's plane entered this country without any threat or interception by the egyptian air force and landed at saeed's shahrat airport. this move showed that egypt's air defense network is not as impenetrable as israel thought.
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especially from the side of the mediterranean sea. nasser refused to meet with abinatan. but the egyptian authorities had a friendly attitude. and after the fuel his plane took him back to israel. abinatan he returned home with a hand full of information about the defense system of the egyptian air force, which had previously terrified israeli leaders. in 1967, the leaders of the soviet union desperately sought to create a tension similar to vietnam, but this time in the middle east. to inflame the situation , the college published a report that israeli forces. they are patrolling their northern borders with syria for possible attacks. nasser sent his deputy anwar sadat to moscow. he
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met with the soviet leaders and learned about the possible invasion. but the fact was that there was basically no such threat on earth, and the soviet leaders were only looking for it. there was an increase in tension in the middle east. soviet leaders told sadat that israel would soon attack syria. sadat met with nasser and the minister of defense and chief of staff of the army, abdul hakim amer, and explained the situation. egypt had previously signed a bilateral defense agreement with syria. if syria was attacked, egypt would have to respond. last year. also, the conflict between israel and syria had escalated, so the soviet warning of an early attack seemed reasonable. no one in it
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the time was not ready for war. but when the issue of israeli forces lining up on the syrian border came up, the soviets announced to the world that an attack was imminent. and this is how the arab world mentally prepared for war. he encouraged egypt to confront israel . now, if egypt does not make a move, its credibility with the arab world will be lost. anwar sadat assured nasser that the army was strong enough to face israel.
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the order to equip the egyptian army was immediately given. at this time, the egyptian army was worn out due to participation in the yemen war, and almost a third of its forces were in yemen. that's why the army he called thousands of reserve forces, many of whom were from the densely populated area of ​​the nile river delta. they were mostly rural with very little education.
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in 14 miles. they entered the sinai desert. the progress of the egyptians looked very magnificent and looked good on television. by sending this amount of military forces near israel, nasser had taken an action that had very serious consequences for him and the region. but still think of him. egypt was that only with this action israel will withdraw from its positions on the borders of syria and tensions will decrease. the next day, the israelis in they were holding their military parade in jerusalem and celebrating the 19th anniversary of their regime. now the prime minister of israel
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levi eshkol was aware of the siege of the egyptian forces. on the same day, general ibrahim zarqawi informed the commander of the united nations forces in the sinai desert that egypt wants the united nations troops to leave the region . zarqawi declared that he could not guarantee the security of the un forces in the event of a war. secretary general of the united nations. after meeting with nasser, he accepted egypt's request. a few days later , peacekeeping forces began to evacuate the area and there was no longer anything to prevent the armies of egypt and israel from fighting. with the departure of the united nations troops , the strait of tiran is under the direct control of egypt.
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nasser was tempted to try his luck and close the strait to israeli ships. the gulf of aqaba is the land of egypt, the gulf of the gulf, the minimum supply of the three miles between the sinai coast and the tiran island, the egyptian tiran island and the egyptian sinai coast, the straits of tiran, the climate. egypt, and we have applied the rights of the egyptian sovereign to her, and you can't, with my might, no matter how powerful , reach her arrogance, and i say this clearly so that all parties know that my position does not touch the rights of the egyptian sovereign. but alan nasser is still worried about whether the egyptian army is ready. there is a war
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, what should be done if israel attacks? general amer once again emphasizes that his soldiers are ready to carry out orders. this is a critical moment for nasser. he knows that closing the strait of tiran can easily end in war. this strait is israel's only access to the sea on the southern coast. now nasser shabar. he thinks about how england, france and america will respond if he repeats the suez crisis. his decision is decisive for egypt. on may 22, 1967, nasser in a group of pilots force


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