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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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but nasser is still worried about whether the egyptian army is ready for war and what to do if israel attacks? general amer emphasizes once again that his soldiers are ready to carry out orders. this is a critical moment for nasser. he knows that closing the strait of tiran. it can easily end in war . this strait is israel's only access to the sea on the southern coast. now, nasser is thinking day and night that if he repeats the suez crisis, how will england, france and america respond ? his decision is decisive for egypt. on may 22, 1967, nasser in a group of pilots by air. he announces that he will
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close the straits of tiran, representing the climatic waters of egypt's subjugation, and it is impossible for the israeli science to pass through the gulf of al-aqb in the gulf of aqab. arabs should come to the streets to encourage egypt for a certain battle with israel. both a that nasa knows that even now israel is much much stronger than its forces or all the countries combined forces. i have no, no doubt about it, and i think that nasa knows that too, and that is to say that if he starts war is going to lose it, and secondly, which i think is very important, that nasa is still in the position not to make war, that is to say to
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stand and... it also showed that it strengthened this mindset for everyone. 3 days later on may 25 , israeli foreign minister abi aban went to america to convince washington to support a pre-emptive war. these days, when america was struggling in the swamp of vietnam, it was not possible to enter into a new conflict that could be even more difficult than vietnam. lyndon johnson to. advised that israel
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it should not be a war starter because it might involve the soviet union in this conflict. johnson believed that nasser did not intend to attack israel and that these movements were more of a political show than a military show. so the situation in israel is not that dangerous and the beginning of a conflict can complicate the situation in the region. at the same time, a team from egypt also went to moscow. and interestingly, the soviet leaders also asked egypt not to start the war because they might force america to intervene . the israeli cabinet decided that the situation was getting more complicated every day and apparently there was no way to stop it. at an action that surprised everyone, king hussein of jordan came to cairo on may 30 to meet nasser
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. he thought that he needed the support of the arabs, especially nasser, to defend the west bank, and he would not receive the support of the arabs until he strengthened his relationship with nasser. king hussein advised nasser that his forces were commanded by an egyptian general. now israel was facing three fronts: egypt, jordan and syria. iraq and saudi arabia also came to the field for financial and military support. israel seemed to be under siege. as pressures mount in tel aviv, levy eshkol finally, he agreed to hand over military affairs , because he was also the minister of defense at the same time. moshe dayan, minister of defense. it became new so that it can
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manage the war. diane took matters into her own hands and the cabinet voted for war. 12 people in favor of war. and only two people were against it. the next morning, the order to attack was issued. code name sedinaram. as the sun rose on june 5, 1967, israeli pilots, who had trained for years for this day , entered the airbase's operations room and were confronted with targets for an attack on egypt. they have to postpone the operation until hours later they were executing. look.
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israeli planes flew to attack egypt and only 12 planes remained in their base to defend against possible attacks on telavim. israeli planes flew in complete silence for 45 minutes to reach their targets. contrary to the expectations of the egyptians, they were waiting for an attack from the eastern borders. first , they went to the north on the mediterranean and then they turned to the south and entered egypt from the west coast. in order to avoid the sight of air defense radars, the israeli fighters flew at a very low altitude. they
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reached their goals exactly at 7:45 they started bombing. this attack was so brutal that even the danger sirens of egyptian airports did not sound.
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the egyptian planes were converging one after the other. until noon on june 5, israel. 18 egyptian airbases were attacked and nearly 80% of the country's air power was destroyed. 300 fighters and military aircraft were destroyed on the ground. later fighters bombed the runways and all the logistics centers of the egyptian airports. all this happened in less than 3 hours. radio
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cairo news of the war in a way of work. completely reversed and triumphantly communicated in favor of egypt. egyptian people and upon hearing this news, the arab world came to the streets to celebrate this great victory. due to the disruption of the telecommunication network and radars. syria and jordan, without knowing the real scene of the war , started their aerial attacks towards israel.
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in madinah rifa qad aflah, i purify this world and the hereafter, and by god, this is
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for you.
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and every week, come to the three places of alab, and these areas will be cut off, and the transportation and most of them will be destroyed in the tragedy, and nothing will happen openly and physically, that is. ways. bismillah akbar
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bismillah akbar allah and the apart height and the apart side and the occupation and the occupation, stop this genocide, stop this genocide and the apartment. and the apart side and the occupation and the occupation and stop this
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genocide stop this genocide freeze free palesty last gets a label last gets a fight less alemen last ge freight. stoptes pasaca in palestina.
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and palestinian children and teenagers, a specialized meeting at the office of the palestinian people's support society in tehran to review the latest developments in gaza during the holy month of ramadan. mr. nasser abu sharif, the representative of the palestinian islamic jihad movement in iran, who was a guest of this meeting , presented a report of the disastrous situation of the people of gaza in the holy month of ramadan , with figures and statistics.
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97% of the water in gaza is undrinkable, 70% of the construction was destroyed. the representative of the palestinian islamic jihad movement called the lack of sufficient will to stop the war as the most important reason for not achieving a ceasefire. the zionist invasion of the gaza strip is still going on while the international institutions are calling for a stop to the war
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disables in fact, the world is not incapable of stopping war, but it does not want war. he considered the palestinian people as one of the new conspiracies of the west. the issue of aid is now used as a pressure lever on the people of gaza . after the political conspiracies and statements , we are now witnessing the aid conspiracy. first, these contributions are insignificant. secondly, the united states and the west send aid in order to eliminate the resistant groups. the people of gaza gather. we women as the support of the defense front of the resistance front
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should be active to support the palestinian people and be influenced by the women in the 8 years of holy defense who supported the front and under the influence of the women of yemen who gifted their money and gold to palestine, play such a role . at the end of this meeting, the donations of tehrani women were given to the people of gaza in the presence of mr. nasser abu sharif. mojtaba shah soni of radio and television news agency thank you very much. in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light of the light, in the name of god. light on light in the name of god light on light in the name
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of god light on light in the name of god light on god is great god is great
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ashhod an alia, wali allah, ashhad an alia, hajja allah. hail ali al-salalah hail al-salalah hail al-falah hail ali hala
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hail al-khair al-alam hail al-khair al
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-alam hail ali al-salaha the command is to leave it with the sweetness of remembrance and to distribute it to you, so please treat it with sugar, and to preserve it with sugar, or absara al-nazareen.
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as you may be aw. i
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, just taste it. yemeni media reported the attacks of american and british planes on areas in yemen. american and british military fighters targeted the area in hajjah hajjah province located in the northwest of yemen during two airstrikes. the details of these attacks have not been published. the yemenis emphasize that this aggression will be met with a response and will make them insist more on supporting mse.


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