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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

5:30 am
the housing has been done, one of them is the issue of elevators , a tower has been built for more than a decade , it is being used, 10 floors, 12 floors , 15 floors, but there is no elevator . melli maskan happened and a very wise action took place in this field, you came and pre-purchased the required steel with the aim of reducing the price. you see , as you said, we are obliged to implement any method that controls housing costs and actually allocates and aggregates resources optimally. some of these the tools actually end up with a specific process , for example , the steel pattern . in fact
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, we should buy large ashlars from large domestic producers for our annual consumption, and at the same time, in addition to the side effects that it creates in the country's production and employment, it will actually increase the country's production level, and our projects will be safe from the provocations of the in fact, it increases the price and makes the market aware of year-round consumption . one of our problems is that production in our country, for example, in the field of steel, in the field of cement. potentially good, but actually indecisive. the big producers don't know how much the country consumes. in the short term, i produce demand. this short-term demand will increase the price. it actually actualizes itself, submits its process , all its positive effects can be seen in the country , it has no inflationary effect . and in fact
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we achieved this, 90 thousand tons were purchased at a fixed price and in fact we have this possibility until the end of 2019. to use these steels, according to the facilities that were done in the contract method, this model for buying cement is actually done similarly with the group of holdings that produce cement all over the country, we will do this regarding the issue of elevators. what you mentioned was one of these cases that we bought this at a fixed price this year, and the plan for the year was clarified, and the blind spot , in fact, the half-finished housing projects were not completed. also, alhamdulillah, what we are concerned about is your order. you should see that now there are 212 thousand billion tomans of people's resources that have been used until today the people's own resources are included in the movement projects due to the lack of concentration of this source. and the lack of management of these resources with
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the approach of inflation control and the fact that they are dispersed among many banks has caused us to not be able to benefit from these resources, in fact , the banks that we have talked about here several times, these resources have been deposited there. they are complaining about their own duties and not fulfilling their own obligations towards those resources, the projects have not progressed enough, now what is the plan of the fund to concentrate these resources ? the paths that can control inflation and from the path of the banks that are giving more help to the movement , at the same time, it controls inflation , expands the construction process, and helps the financial institutions that cooperate in the movement to be able to provide increase the funds and facilities that have been given to the institutions on this 212 thousand billion tomans so far, and god willing, we will be able to increase the number.
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you see, alhamdulillah , we followed this order of the highest official of the ministry in our first purchase, without actually observing the base price and 6% lower than the base price, which we can do with if we want. next week, let's compare it , we bought 10% lower than the base price of this number for the benefit of the national housing movement
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. it is the governance of this institution, that is, the devices that are important producers themselves, and i would like to thank the respected directors of the commodity exchange for cooperating with us in compliance with this issue. in fact, without observing the base price with. significantly less numbers to say the least in that paragraph, 200 billion tomans in that project would actually be less than the basic purchase amount . naturally, the more suitable and economical this number is, the lower the price of the national movement, the lower the price will help to increase the sales of these companies.
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the production that is waiting for the resources of the national movement in the commodity exchange to help, and finally the consumer, very well , mr. nowrozi, let's take a look at the national housing movement. today, mr. minister, give an explanation regarding what is happening in the field of the national housing movement . let me ask about the housing economy of the ministry of roads and urbanism. my question is, mr. nowrozi, mr. president , you made a promise that we will definitely build 4 million housing units during the first 4 years of the government . whether it is in the form of law. production surge, whether in the form of the national housing development plan or in the form of the youth population law or the discussion of urban regeneration and the reconstruction of dilapidated structures and many good events, but a tangible number and figure and a tangible picture that we can see, really all this effort
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has been made and where should we look after all this effort? i think it has not been presented very well . for example, where are we in the national movement ? well, i told you part of it is in the form of handing over land to the people . until now, while serving you, a special thing has happened. we gave land to about 400,000 applicants of the national housing movement. let me tell you that the employer here is the people themselves, with supervision and regulation . ministry. road and urban development is being paid to them with the facilities provided by the banks , using the capacity of local contractors to supervise the engineering system, and using the capacity of construction contractors, work is being done and the projects by the way, there are very good projects, because we trusted people everywhere, the projects are going well
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. there was also a special thing that happened in these 400 cities. another special thing that happened was that in the years after revolution in history. iran does not have a system to give land to the applicants for living in the villages. this happened by the order of mr. president. now i am at your service, mr. akhwan, to provide land for 600,000 applicants for living in the villages, as well as people who live in the villages . finally, we are now 25% of our population after all they are villagers and there are a number of people who are near the village, they have a desire for reverse migration, retirees who like to live in the village. they live near that city or people want to concentrate their migration . well, now land has been provided for 600,000 applicants , about 300,000 plots have been registered in the national housing development system. now that i am at your service, about 76,000
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land applicants have been assigned and are under construction. this is for people who are not interested in becoming employers and management. take charge of the construction. well, here again, the government has bravely entered for 662 a thousand applicants for the national movement are building in the form of three-way contracts, construction work is being done, mostly in new cities and big cities, and this is happening. well, a special thing happened, mr. akhwan, was that the armed forces had a lot of land at their disposal. many qualified applicants lack housing for the police forces , our dear friends in the islamic revolutionary guard corps and the ministry of defense. well , these homeless people have a lot of housing. the armed forces came to the base of their own work, which was surplus. yes, we are free to use these things that have been lying on the ground for years. they are military surpluses about 230,000 units are currently being imported
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by the armed forces of the armed forces cooperative foundation . the construction work is being done. god willing , on saturday, when we are serving mr. president , we had a special meeting with the friends of the armed forces. we worked with the friends of the ministry of science to provide housing for professors and faculty members and employees. university , god willing, we will have a meeting on saturday to provide housing for the armed forces . on saturday, how many of the dominant forces were delivered to the armed forces? 18,000 have been delivered . god willing, 6,000 will be delivered to the applicants on saturday in the presence of mr. president. well , another issue that mr. akhwan has discussed a lot in your program is the issue of worn-out fabrics. well, finally. the discussion of solving the problems of worn -out tissues is much closer to the reward. after all, people
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are living in settlements that are having problems. god forbid, an earthquake will happen to them , and the government will have to spend a lot of money in addition to the social problems that have already occurred. it comes here 246,000 mesmoni units are being built , the incentive packages of the rahush ministry are being used , and the turnkey and turnkey discussion is being done. the next issue that mr. akhvan has put on our agenda now, well, many people in the cities have their own land . well, the land itself is for itself, let me tell you, that project inside shahreh does not need water, electricity, infrastructure services , and this issue is worth 20,000. i am a self-employed housing applicant. the facilities have been paid and the construction work is being done. well, one special thing that
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happened in this government was the issue of rural housing. well , look at our rural housing. about 50% of our rural housing units are made of clay and mud, and they are dilapidated. if an earthquake happens, for example, we had the experience of the bomo earthquake, what damages did it cause in the village, since onur , we also had the experience of the varzghan earthquake, because renovations took place in the 9th and 10th governments, the damages are minimal . it may have happened, now the government is based on work with the trusteeship of the islamic revolution housing foundation , 471,000 residential units of mr. akhwan are currently under construction, which is unprecedented in the field of rural housing . we set a record in this amount only in 2009. after 2009, it is now the statistic you gave is 240 times higher than that. no , this line is the same line. most of the table is accurate
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. every 100 meters of housing that is built creates one and a half direct jobs and one indirect job because
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there is also a locomotive. now we are only facing obstacles in the places where the loan has been paid are close to 300 thousand billion tomans, you have brought people and bank resources as well in the projects , i want to ask mr. esmaili the same thing. ismaili's heart is renewed in the field of performance of a huge labor force , there are many resources, in some provinces , the general managers report or the provincial governors report in the field of business, in the field of labor, and this yes, we are in trouble. construction workers are in trouble. mr. esmaili, you mentioned mehr housing well and you went into detail, but the national advisory fund of the national housing fund, i apologize, has a more serious role in the national housing movement. a heavy burden in providing resources he should be financially responsible and bear the responsibility. so far , how much have you paid in this field of education , under what conditions, and
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what is your plan for, god willing , the same goals set by the 13th government ? what does the national housing fund, like the national development fund, do in the field of oil? our fund does this in the field of anfal, which means that whatever happens there in the country, the oil resources will try to make it more efficient for the next generation. this is an imphal line , the next line is imphal, which is the country's land in the national fund housing, this operation is done for him, in fact, this interpretation and this t. the similarity in the concepts, from this point of view, looking at the policies that benefit the future generation , it means that we have a duty to spend this limited land of this country, which finally has a definite border and cannot be added elsewhere, for the benefit of the next generations. therefore, instead of going to sell land and depleting the country's assets, the fund
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has the duty to complete this project through effective and useful financing. we are at your service this year. tomans of resources have been provided to the projects from the national fund, which i think is a large number in the process of housing production on an effective scale. why do i say effective? because i mentioned in the previous section , for example, with 1,900 billion, 120,000 units have been sold, which means we. we will solve the focal point . in the focal points fund, which has a leverage effect , it has a great effect, so this 14 thousand billion that came into the fund and actually created the effect, the result was the implementation of a project of about 380 thousand billion tomans. people and facilities that are its bottlenecks
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the resources of the fund have been managed and resolved. our effort is that in the next round , all these resources should be done in a centralized manner. one thousand billion tomans, one of the path of new cities , one of the path of the national land and housing organization . it cannot be solved with the fund process. this is actually the next project regarding the financing issue that we have after this. we will actually implement two or three measures in the next year, god willing. god willing , we will eliminate the issue of the national housing unit, which will remove the inflationary effect from the applicants
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forever. in the future, let the people know what i wanted from mr. nourizi. mr. nourizi , the task of the bank has been determined. after all, you have become an opponent of the bank. i will tell you whether or not we will serve you because our time is running out. we are now at your service. 755,000 bank contracts have been concluded and the service has paid loans to everyone. well, this number is a peak in the last 6-7 months it was very good. a total of 200,000 contracts were signed in the last few months, but with the order of the president, this number reached 755. there is a thousand contract conclusion, there is a point that the state banks are good at starting work, but private banks are not starting to work, i would like to tell you that warnings have been given , and the tools of the meeting of the housing council on saturday will be warned, and the balance sheet tools will be activated next year, and the tax tools will be activated. it will be possible and the private banks, god willing, those who
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do not cooperate with nahzad melli, in short, deal with them . thank you very much, mr. nowrozi, and also from you sir i am coming to iran for the first time, the beauty of the historical cities of iran is gone, the city of kashti is beautiful, iran is safe compared to many countries, and i recommend european people to definitely travel to beautiful iran.
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the first adobe city in the world registered in unesco. the common cultural. the economic and social aspects of asian countries made taiz to be chosen as the tourism capital of member countries of the asia-icd dialogue forum in 2024. it has a unique history and culture, it can use the position of the tourism capital of asean member countries to bring many tourists to iran. an ancient city is responsible all criteria in the organization. it will be declared as tourism capital along with other cities of eca member countries. tourism
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is one of the priority areas of selective cooperation in the economic cooperation organization. his countries are paying attention to regional cooperation in the field of tourism, and i am happy that today in this city. we believe that it has a lot of potential for tourism. iran is a beautiful country. it is my first visit to yazd. this city has a high capacity for indonesian tourists and investors to travel to iran. yazd is the sister city of bukhara in uzbekistan, so it is suitable for tourists and capital. it is attractive for uzbek investors to travel to iran . we are about iran.
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the investment is done by the member countries of the asian dialogue forum with the aim of attracting one of the asian dialogue forum's tourism tour operators, meetings where the private sectors of the two countries in the field of tourism have the opportunity to interact and exchange
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are among the programs that will be followed this year. in fact , we have formed economic and cultural tables and direct and face-to-face communication between the ambassadors and investors of yaz province, so that we can establish relationships. our own economic and social culture will expand, god willing let's do more and be able to make the most of the benefits of this tourism capital both for the benefit of yazd province and for the benefit of our dear country iran. this year, from the beginning of the year to the beginning of march 1402, more than 30 thousand foreign tourists visited us in the province. we had the largest number of cases. the countries of china and russia and some of the arab countries
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will definitely see the presence of more nationalities of the asian dialogue forum in the province due to this relationship with the ec group, and naturally our tourism capacity in the asian area will increase a lot. did according to the provincial tourism officials are operating 776 accommodation and tourism centers and 69 units have been granted construction permits with the aim of attracting more than 3 million domestic and foreign tourists annually . to reach 2% of the global tourist market and earn 25 billion dollars for the country, currently there are 1500 investment opportunities and 600 packages. the investment that the necessary permits and approvals have been obtained and is ready to be handed over to the investors, well, we also
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used this opportunity of the isd countries to be able to let's make these discussions available to investors who are interested in tourism in iran. more than 5 million 900 foreign tourists entered iran, nearly 6 million, and this compared to in the same period of last year , there has been a growth of more than 55%. many of these countries that in fact we entered iran as tourists, we canceled visas with them , are members of isd, and they can encourage their tourists to visit yazd city and yazd province. the complex has 6 main axes, one of which these axes refer to tourism and economic tourism under this the title is the same as the title. he chose the title of the capital , that we have tourism and people in yazd, and we see that
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there is a dynamic economy in this city. there are many industries, and from that side of the story, we have a fabric that is a world record. according to tourism officials, the presence of foreign tourists and investors in our country is an introduction to iran's tourist attractions and a guarantee to preserve their investments. nasreen bekbour of the radio and television news agency. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference , it didn't make a difference, it didn't make a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, yes
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, it made a difference.
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believing that you have seen false thoughts. fahan , let's go to our message, independence, freedom, the role of our lives , the martyrs wrapped in the ear of time , your cry, stay with the president.
6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the head of the central bank said that the bank's plan is to reduce the inflation rate from point to point to 20% at the end of next year, as we promised this year that the inflation rate will come to 30 point to point. our plan for next year is that the inflation rate will be the point is on the 20% channel.


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