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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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in fact , they have nothing different from gams and this, that is, they are the same in supporting israel, but the debate is that they raise 3 points , usually one is that the army did not have an acceptable military performance, that is, it should achieve the goals it should have. it has not been reached, while the goals that were defined were very spatial and imaginative goals , not goals that an army can achieve against hamas.
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he pointed out that the political differences within israel have increased, and they are constantly putting pressure on netanyahu by bangor spotrich, and naturally, he cannot make a decision here. we saw that israel has lost public opinion almost 10 days ago. the gallup institute, which conducted a survey in the united states, announced that more than 50% of the 545 american people stopped supporting israel and even more strongly said that this number reaches over 70% among young people under the age of 24, which means that over 70% of americans have turned back from supporting israel, so the problem is that if these american officials criticize netanyahu and the israeli government, it is because of this. it is getting harder for the supporters of israel, precisely because of this they can't easily provide the support they are doing, of course, in any situation , the americans provide the maximum support, even though they already have weapons support. at the end
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of the day, it hasn't changed, their support for weapons has almost increased, not coincidentally , that is, the amount of weapons they send to israel has increased, and on the other hand, you have to distinguish between the positions they announce in the media and even criticize me, and those are military contracts and endorsements. he is still in his place, he is moving forward with his own strength, but here, because they are approaching my election, they need public opinion, americans. to save themselves, to save themselves, and of course, of course, it is a rescue, thank you, and a short final question about the situation in the last hour, the situation has been almost calm in the whole of gaza, perhaps it can be said that the most important developments that happened was the al-quit square incident in the neighborhood of zeitoun, where 6 people palestinians were killed and 70 people were injured, and in khanyounis in the south
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, the israeli army retreated from hamad town after 10 days and almost razed the town to the ground. in fact, now the resistance groups, especially hamas, are somehow busy reconstruction of its own organizational structure is in gaza. yes , thank you, mr. kesinnejad . now let's see pictures of the continuation of international support for the palestinian people. the first friday in ramadan, olkam palestine, naha alwan palestine. awan
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shab al-hikma walaiman shab al-hikma walaiman saad walaskar walmiqdad soli aish bismillah israel you can't hide, we charge you with ch, we charge you with genocide, israel you can hide, israel you can hide.
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hatt al-saif before al-saif, hatt al-saif before al-saif, wahna rizal muhammad deif, wahna rjal mohammad deif, wahna rjal muhammad dif, wahna rjal mohammad menk, don't learn or gaza menk don't learn or gaza, crush the muslims, crush the oppressors
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, crush the oppressors, crush the oppressors of the muslims from the mosques, do not ask for the release of the mosques, and now the second case of tonight's program, the hashtag of protest against the banning of tik tok in english became hot on social networks. this hashtag became hot after the approval of the bill to protect americans from controlled applications of foreign enemies. passing such a bill by the united states sends a clear message to the world. our leaders are incredibly naive and untrustworthy. talking about the approval of a bill that it is supposed to limit the access of 170 million american users of the tik tok social network. immediately after the approval of this bill, the english hashtag tik tok ban, which means banning tik tok, became hot among users in cyberspace. how the first thing
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republican and democratic leaders can agree on is a bill to ban a social network. defending the national security of america is a phrase that was heard a lot from the representatives of the congress besides the tik tok restriction. the claim of defending the national security of the united states , which the users of this country interpreted as such. foreign intervention, national security who intervenes has it done more harm and violence and made the world less secure? except the same politicians who approved this ridiculous bill. as tik tok says, it owns only 20% of its shares. according to the chinese founder of this social network, this person has a real and non-governmental personality. this bill ensures that the information of the american people is kept from the access of the chinese communist party through bike dance, the parent company of tik tok. american users on
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the virtual pages of news agencies say that their priority is something else. it's interesting how our government can ban tik tok and... in a few meetings, but when it's time for health reforms, tax relief, no, let's talk about something else. in our country, we rarely talk about education laws . the government's priorities are very messed up . the united states government wants many cyberspace users to write. it will limit your freedom of expression. nevertheless, this bill will become a law after it is approved by the senate and signed by the president of the united states . fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. now to examine the reactions to the efforts of the house of representatives
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america to limit tik tok, we are hosting mr. mohammad sadegh nasrallahi, professor of communication and media. mr. nasrallahi, hello, welcome to today's life. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and courtesy and respect for your service and dear viewers , i am at your service. after the formation of mass media in the age of communication, americans took the lead in almost all important platforms. this story continued for decades on the internet. it was so , that is, the main platforms and the main space were controlled by the americans, so maybe the space was in such a way that there was no need for america to act. restrict or block the platform . what change in the situation has tik tak brought about that made america want to take restrictive or blocking measures
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? before i answer this question , let's pay attention to the story social platforms or social networks or any other title that we call these systems, the story is not just a software, but the story of a biological ecosystem, or what in other words, social platforms are where people live , a mirror of their real life in there are virtual spaces and their impact on people's lives is very high and it is facing the expansion, that's why we can say that tik tok is a global ecosystem, a native ecosystem, which shows that tik tok
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, which was founded in 2016, has about 2 billion active users today. it has one billion active users, and 170 million of them belong to the american community, which has a population of 30 million, this number is more than 50% of users. the american population is actually made up of tick tock users, with the coordinates of the native environment that you mentioned, that means a significant part of the lives of americans is spent on a dog and this number. in the case of teenagers and young people, the exact number is not known, but probably more than 70% of our influence factor in the lives of teenagers and young people, considering that this system is an entertainment ecosystem and relatively has campaign and challenge content in the field of entertainment. it seems that the impact factor is much higher in the american youth community. this number and figure
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is not unprecedented, that is, a foreign system and platform has not been able to create such an impact factor in the american society until now in the field of content, and this becomes more sensitive when an appointment is actually this is the government's suppression of china. yes, and for this reason , it has made the american society extremely sensitive to the american government. now , what exactly is this sensitivity due to, and what path did the americans take during these few years to finally reach this resolution of the house of representatives? yes, see. first of all, it is good to mention here that all this negative confrontation of the us government with such a platform is a server server of this independent system. in fact, it is an american geography, which means that the information of american users cannot be stored outside of the united states
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. currently, the majority of the ownership of this system is in it is up to the americans themselves, with that being said, we can say that there have been three very serious confrontations with this platform, one case goes back to 2020, during the time of trump, when a lot of pressure is put on this platform, whether the system is actually american. be or be blocked. in this regard, what happens during several stages, 52% of the ownership of this software belongs to oracle, walmart and bytedance , which itself is 40% american. the clamp causes this. almost a year ago in march
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1401, which despite all the events that i said led to the americanization of this software and system , its use in government offices is prohibited, and finally, the last thing happened on wednesday , march 23, 1402. 20 24 that the house of representatives approved that within 165 days this company will be given a chance to become fully american owned, to become fully american , that is, even on the 48th, i want to say that it was not tolerated in the liberal american system that was given 165 days to to become american, otherwise they will move towards blocking this platform. my last news is now i checked. it seems that the ministry of treasury has started implementing measures in this area. thank you
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. another aspect of the story is the context or platform, which is now being limited. i think it will become the main platform for the competition between the united states and china. how much role have america and china played, how much ground has been created for america to take such an action now? now there is an american side that wants to maintain its superpower in the world , to remain the first power, and in front of a rival that is taking the place of that first country in some fields , it seems yes. the main analysis that should be compared to this the negative approach of the american government should be at a level beyond just dealing with a social platform in the virtual space. it seems that the idea that is being proposed under the title of the new world order in which the power balance of the equations
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will actually be a different power. today, in an example called the tik tok platform, it is appearing in the virtual arena , that is, it may be one of the examples that , by the way, recently some thinkers are working on a term called the new cyber order , that is, the virtual space itself is a manifestation of that new world order is itself a driving force for its realization considering the decentralized features of the new cyber system, i think the level of analysis in this case is the government. america has felt extremely threatened by the type of influence that the chinese government can have through the software, which i emphasize again, the majority of which is owned by americans , its servers are in and big data is strategically important in today's world, and it will have an effect, i emphasize again. the idea that the new cyber order itself
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is a driving factor for the formation of that new order is so sensitive on this issue. we can see the cost of comprehensive filtering accept the social platform of 170 million people, but this did not happen, and even from all the slogans of the liberal system , there was a retreat in front of the eyes of the whole world .
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americans, especially young americans, and i'm not talking about climate change or ai or diarrhea on planes, i'm talking about the house of representatives today, with an overwhelming majority, passed bill to ban tiktok in the united states, unless the chinese company that owns tiktok agrees to sell it, only 50 democrats and 15 republicans voted no, 352 voted yes, which almost never happens anymore. who would guess that this would be the thing that brings both? i mean, republicans voted against their own border bill because they were afraid it would make joe biden look good, and you know what kids used to do before tiktok, drugs. meanwile, donald trump is now not in favor of forcing tik tok to sell, even though when he was president, he tried to ban it by executive order. he was very anti-tik until last month
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when he got a personal visit from a billionaire donor who owns a lot of tiktok stock, and now all of a sudden he likes it, he likes. in the final part of the conversation with mr. dr. nasrallahi , you are with us. in general, let's sum up what effects and consequences do you think can be imagined for this action of the american government. cyberspace not only in america but in the world. we must know and in my opinion it will have very serious consequences . the main message of this decision is weakness it is america, which showed that in fact, a school and a government that claimed liberalism, where it is in
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a position of weakness , acts contrary to all its claims. in another way, he said that those liberal ideas can only be realized when there is absolute control and there is no special competitor. now let's say a freedom for the society , it completely shows behind the scenes behind the scenes the interests , just like the american government in today's story of palestine. it is working in a paradoxical way . the same thing happened in my virtual watch. the next thing i want to point out is probably the last thing. i think we already had samples of both chinese and non-chinese types . in the past few years, we are in the field of content, i.e. content service providers. this is the first case that a chinese american platform
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has been able to challenge the american sovereignty . before this, the huawei company in the field of infrastructure in the wi-fi technology challenged the same. for the american government, there was also under pressure to embargo huawei with open excuses. putting pressure on me seems to me that in the future with the trend we are seeing from the emerging powers we are probably more events with more serious messages, i want to say one use, i want to say one of the most important messages and messages for our own country , see the islamic republic as an independent country, always through these social platforms that we said the role of local life. it is, and it is really a matter , it has always been under pressure and threatened . well, not everyone likes mass and comprehensive filtering to happen in the country, but when the story
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is the story of the national capital, the story of the country's independence, sometimes the rulers have to take actions that are against their will. there is their inner meaning, yes and choosing these priorities here you see the american government, which has not been about attacking for many years like us, here is a defensive approach that has a paradox with all those knowledgeable views . it had done everything that a country wanted from a foreign platform . the office had taken the information of the american user and placed it in the united states, even when the american government said that a certain user had posted some content , he accepted this user's information to me , even though the foreign platforms that work in iran do. even present not having an office and a to introduce a representative to iran means that they should take even this minimal step. now , with the existence of a foreign server and the collection of foreign big data
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, it is almost like an office for negotiations . i was present in the world today.
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are you ready for the jury? yes right, yes right. well, we are coming to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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2:58 am
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3:00 am
it can be shared. just enjoy it. at 3 o'clock, the lebanese islamic resistance issued a statement targeting two military bases of the regime. the zionist in the occupied palestine north announced that lebanon's hezbollah announced that in support of the steadfast palestinian nation in the gaza strip and the resistance of the brave mujahideen of the islamic resistance, the gathering center he targeted the zionist soldiers around the jaleh el-ejan base with appropriate weapons.


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