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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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as far as the point mr. javani mentioned, one was the discussion of the fourth decile, which was of your interest, and the other was the issue of determining the number of the livelihood basket . please give your opinion about these two points. provide the minimum needs , the relief committee actually looks at the rights of the labor force , which is the driving force and generator of the economy . for decades, i have been reading the labor law, which clearly does not say minimum needs, article 41, paragraph d, without the physical and mental characteristics of the workers. and pay attention to the characteristics of the assigned work. have to
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it should be enough to support the life of a family, the average number of which is announced by official authorities, so it is not said anywhere that it should provide the minimum needs. this is a misunderstanding of the law , which i hope will be corrected. it said no , read the first paragraph again next time. at least he continued , if it is possible, if needed, he said that the minimum wage should meet the minimum needs , he did not say the minimum, he said, at the very least, it should not . this misinterpretation of this law causes friends to take out the items of the judicial basket when they read the middle of the judicial basket. they bring food out as if they are for the relief committee people, not for the work that you allow me to complete is not for
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a 60-year-old, and according to the same report, the required calories for the workforce, whose age range is mainly between 30 and 2840 kcal per day, means that this view should not be selective, it should be viewed in a complete and comprehensive manner. basically, we say that there should be a favorable basket so that the workforce can meet its needs . please, mr. javani.
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we decide on the minimums. we want to say that the employer of your workshop should not pay less than this. sorry, we don't want to talk populist, what is the law , what is the example, these decisions that last 40 years, maybe you have been in the job for one year, at least i have been in the council for 4 years, 5 years, i was in different committees , i would like this. to bring the facts to the people of the society and not to create an expectation that, god forbid , another discussion will occur. we decide on the minimums. for those who take the minimum , we decide for a one-person workshop. you have already broadcasted it. for someone, we decide that it is possible to have a two-person workshop with a wrong decision. a three-person workshop should become a one-person workshop and cause them to be unemployed. we do not have any discussion of anti-freeze and repression at all. we believe that sir, let us make the right decision . we should not play with numbers. i can say 27 million tomans, i can say 30 million. toman, i don't know , 15 tomans, let me start, come, speak properly , speak logically, based on the reasoned law, we are at your service.
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it has existed in the past years, see when we say inflation, inflation has the greatest impact on the food basket and housing, which means that this inflation that occurs causes the labor force to fall behind every year, and its economic table is small. you can see that now the handouts are such that we are approached a lot , they say that when i can't actually provide for my livelihood, what does it mean that i can no longer reach my health ? our next ones came from the bottom of the society. i came from the south pars gas refinery. i came from the bottom of the society
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. i see that my colleagues and i have to get a second or third job to meet our needs. in fact, they have to pay for their housing rent they go to a daily wage and work in another workshop. the conditions of our workshop are not comparable to other workshops. well, maybe it is not comparable at all. i see the facts. i am not talking about being a populist. i came here to defend the rights of the working community. who is a populist? he talks when he comes and says that salaries have an effect on inflation. mr. mir ghaffari, their point of view is that it should be based on inflation. the minimum salary should be determined, right? now, mr. javani, if you can answer this , i don't know the table. your phone can show it or not. i want to say that the statistics center is doing this . i want to say that i accept the issue of inflation until
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we stop the discussion of price jumps and inflation. we had the experience in 2014, when 57 was added , did it stop the inflation ? according to the report of the planning and budget organization , there was a total effect of 3% 57 on the inflation of 1400, mr. moghfar. it continues, look at this table , this is 400, 401, 402. there is no red line on the table there is an inflation line. whether in 99, 400, 401 or 402, the red line which is the increase in wages is still lagging behind, it doesn't matter, maybe it's a little closer, it's the same lagging. you see, the worker is not separate from the employer.
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we don't accept this at all. no one, the worker and the employer, are not in front of each other. if we are backward and discuss our sabbath, why don't we tell the facts to the society , why don't we say that the basket of livelihood is 39. look, there is clothing, there is housing, there is health, there is treatment there is transportation, there is communication, there is education , there is education in the constitution, it says free education, in the provision law, it says that healthcare is free, when i pay 30%, i am a worker and i understand , as a rule, i should be treated. i shouldn't spend money either. in the constitution, it says that housing is not free. it says that the government should control the prices so that the housing becomes affordable. the government has done its job and spent all its money , but there is a backlog, which makes the worker even imagine that we have come this year with 100% salary. we are increasing. how much impact do you think it has? maybe
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it will have an impact for two months until this inflation or these costs that the government should support and provide should not be provided. this is the same view as yours and friends like you. what is the opinion of the government, sir? your excellency's opinion regarding the explanations of both dear ones, we would like to hear and see what your opinion is as the representative of the government, the deputy of labor relations of the ministry of labor cooperation and social improvement. we reached a framework with the friends of workers and employers in the supreme labor council. i think that every time we want to change people in the supreme labor council. let's break that framework, definitely from one it will not be coherent and it will be much more difficult to make a decision if we must emphasize that there is no problem with the workers of the 7th decile. right now, the government is giving an electronic invoice to the 7th decile , which is close to 700 million dollars a month, or all kinds of subsidies to these seven.
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it pays a tithe. well, our working community is definitely a member of the seven tithes . i have one more thing to tell you, mr. javani . look, the government is currently providing zero to 100 treatment costs for workers subject to the labor law who are insured with social security. certainly, the government has many grants to provide maskan is doing education for various issues to the working community and the whole community, which the government considers itself to be the advocate of all the society, especially the weak and the working community. this does not mean that the government wants to ignore this issue or that it does not shoulder the burden of responsibility, no, the government really wants all workshops to be able to turn around. if we take action and make a decision that causes an employer to become a worker and a worker to be fired from the workshop, this is not for the benefit of the country's production society and the country's labor market. i have a request that we should make the right decision. studying the right of the society is our goal
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, but at some point we must make a national decision. when we want to make a national decision , we should perhaps make some concessions. there is a country whose decisions make special decisions in the country for the rights of millions of people, and there is also the only institution where the people of the target community themselves make these decisions. they are involved in decision-making and they can help in this matter. i have a request only regarding the issue of the basket, one of the duties of the supreme council. determining our minimum wage in order to help us in how to achieve the minimum wage . in the past years, it was agreed that the livelihood basket should be defined. a tricked worker demands from society , a tricked employer because he wants to turn his workshop around. to keep the workshop active, it needs manpower, and there is also an important point
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. we in the supreme labor council specify the blasphemy in the mozadi circular that the honorable minister of labor announces every year after the decision made in the council. excellent job done. in article 6 of that part of the letter of approval, we announce that the higher numbers between the worker and the employer can be agreed that the skilled worker will give a higher number. who are the minimum wage earners in the country , we set the minimum, which is about 1 million 200 thousand people . definitely, a skilled worker, a worker who has more productivity, can be paid more with our work agreement. it was good to show the distribution of insured persons in the workshop according to the following workshop the number of our workshops in the country is one million 69. there are workshops, 88 of these workshops have less than 10 people, and 13.5%
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of workshops have more than 10 people, and the number of workers is proportional. at your service, 57 of our workshops are after their activities, followed by services, 31 industries, 6% are agriculture, 6% are in the field of contracts , which i consider this dimension to be equivalent. housing population has declared 3.3m if that according to the research and field estimates of the iranian statistics center, the household size in urban areas is about 3 and one-tenth, and in rural areas it is about 3 shares , which means that the household size has become less. now one and two tenths of people
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in the family are working, which means that there is not just one person in the family , like the whole family, generally, we now have one and two tenths of people working, which is equivalent to the size of the household, if we consider the amount of calories that one person consumes. the title of head of the family or family worker needs those scientific and accurate examinations that are nutrition iran has done 2,386 calories, which if we count the second person as seven tenths of the wife and half of the children, then it will be almost two and a family of four, which is a considerable number, and i will definitely cover what my friends say, thank you. we have a guest on the phone from you, mr. raiiti fard, mr. maisam zahorian, an economic expert , who of course is with us in a video format . hello, mr. zahorian. i would like to say hello to you. there are two views on raising salaries and wages, or in other words, determining
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these minimum wages in the coming year. some people believe that it should be based on the existing inflation if the announcement of this minimum wage is considered , some people who are against this argument say that the same increase based on the inflation rate will cause a further increase in inflation in the next year . what is azdadi's view as an economic expert. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, i would like to serve you, dear viewers and guests of your program. i would like to point out one thing, that we are not talking about increases, our issue is the stabilization of workers' rights. the main issue is that money, when we talk about money, money. it does not have the nature of a commodity, the nature of credit means the value of money in numbers. it's not the name, it's the amount of power it is a purchase that gives money to the person who owns it, and
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from this point of view, when we look at it, especially from 2016 onwards, the policies that have existed under the policies of the wage system have actually caused us to have the purchasing power of the workers that you see today. you talk about them in the program, both the employees of the government and the employees who are government workers in a way should decrease. the reason is that it is clear. in general, the growth that happened was lower than the inflation rate, which means that if we take 96 as the base year, we can now go back. i will take 96 as the base year. what happened the salary growth rate compared to 2016 was equal to 5.7 and 1 percent, but in the area of ​​inflation, it was 7.81 percent, and this means that one of our 28 workers has had his salary reduced in these 5 years, so basically we are now
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talking about an increase. if we take 1996 as the base year, we want to help to gradually return to the salary that a worker received in 1996. here, talking about the workers' rights regarding the employees' rights, the situation between these two years is even worse, that is, the salaries of the employees are both lower than the inflation rate and the rate that has been increased in the labor law. now this is the issue. we also have a problem with the employees , mr. zahourian, because our time is very limited , what should be the solution of his highness to fix the price according to your order or determine the minimum salary per year ? at least, if we take 2016 as the base year even if the increase in salaries is higher than the inflation rate, we can gradually return to the salary that a worker or employee of ours received in 2016, and this is only in the angle , well, some experts are against the opinion of his highness. if we want to increase inflation
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, that increase will lead to further increase it swells. it is not appreciable on the inflation rate , i mentioned it, there are domestic studies as well as foreign studies that show that this increase is not a significant increase in inflation. can and increase demand. the whole is related to the concept of increasing production, the concept of activating the empty capacity of factories, and on the other hand, it is related to the concept of unemployment, that is, by creating a boom in its own production , it affects the reduction of inflation, and vice versa, if wages are suppressed in one's own country, capital is suppressed. it is proven that the stagnation in the field of production and the economic growth of rome will be affected in the long term, and from
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that side, it is only a question of power. it's not buying , it creates disruptions in the work and labor system, and it creates in the government systems, in the human resource systems, now the deputy minister of labor is giving an interview saying that it's work , not labor. in eight provinces, we have a problem, basically, workers. well, there is a problem. the importance of this work and labor force ratio means that a society that has already experienced a level of purchasing power is not willing to accept low salaries and lower purchasing power, especially in hard and industrial jobs that problem now we have the same problem in the government that due to the suppression of wages that happened in the civil service law, now in our recruitment tests, especially in good fields, basically, good people are not entering and this can be in the long run. the quality of the government's islamic resources system scares me very much. mr. zorian , it's very short, just give me one number
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. as an economic expert , what is your suggestion for the next year? my friend, we agree with the civil service law when it comes to the inflation rate in the civil service law , it says that the salary of government employees should be increased at the same rate of inflation. however, the economic requirements of the government and the discussions that exist have required that this should
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not happen. i think about the government employees, 200 or so has been added, but our friends said that a decision can be made even if the workers are not present . unfortunately, friends, sometimes i do not read the shaali work bylaws. it says that the shaali work bylaws are formed with the presence of 6 members. there must be two members from the labor group and two from the employer group. d people of the government does not mean that in fact even with the absence of presence friends, it is true that decisions are made by the majority, but at least i tried to make them by consensus for several years, that is, there has been no year without the signature of three parties. very well, god willing , we will be able to make a good decision that will be appreciated by the work and production community. you have your own opinion. what is the percentage, we will discuss tomorrow. it is serious that he entered the percentages , you are the opinion of the employer's representative, on the contrary of our working friends, we try not to create inflammation in the society , not to create expectations, god willing, tomorrow we will try
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to decide what percentage will be unexpected for our friends, unfortunately, now this thing that it is in your mind and your colleagues, as the representative of the employer, how many percentages revolves around the circle , i can't say at all , excuse me, let's hear a short explanation from mr. moshti, as his closing speech , we will have a minute to sum up his highness , mr. president, mr. teacher, i have a point. i would like to ask you to look at the inflation that we have in the society today . is it the result of the lack of economic growth in the 90s or the negative growth that we had in the 90s? my worker's table is damaged, my employer is damaged, a table to show you just look at this table. in 1400 , the minimum wage of workers was 2 million 600. today we are talking to you , the minimum wage of workers is 5 million 300, exactly in these two years. we have tried to help the worker's livelihood. we have tried to double the minimum wage. housing rights are a tip for you. the housing rights were 450 thousand tomans. today, they have become 900 thousand tomans,
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which is exactly double. all the decisions that have been made in the past two years and efforts if the worker's livelihood and the worker's table are really taken into account, i have a request that i really want to leave in the field of expertise the supreme labor council will come to a good decision in a tripartite manner that the labor and production community will be happy. they say the workshops, but
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they don't say the number of workers in each workshop, we are more than 70% , 70% of our workshops have more than 10 people, so please tell me the number of workers, or the discussion that is discussed in other parts of the world about workshops. . there are no service workshops anywhere else in the world, only in iran , service workshops now pay less than in armenia , and finally, their own livelihood portfolio last year, which did not accept any workers, was in 1390. what a standard to announce this number now. i am very grateful to both dear guests and to you, dear viewer. have a good night and god bless you.
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defects in the blades inside the boeing md aircraft engine lead to malfunctioning fires. the engine could have undergone a modification that would not cause the engine shell to be damaged, this is what has actually been achieved in the world aviation and its manufacturer has announced that this modification must be done to prevent the possibility of a fire in the engine or if it were to fail, this piece would not be available to us and it took years of effort the experts of danesh banyan company led to its construction , the result is that the blades of stage three and four of this plane's engine have actually been modified , some parts have been made, and in fact , they have been subjected to strict tests, in fact, flight safety is in accordance
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with the standards. we have a world in accordance with the standards of civil aviation, which we hope to be able to increase the resilience of the aviation genius. the task of this part is to create pressure in the condensing or compressor part of the engine. actually, the engine consists of 3 parts. the compressor part that blows the air. it compresses the compartment combustion, where combustion takes place, the part of the turbine that is the hot part, they rotate, compress the air , it heats up and is compressed again until the driving force of the engine is created. this vane is actually related to the compressor part of the engine. a complex is used in the production of this piece , it is produced from a completely special adiash, which is a special technology that we were able to achieve. we had both the reverse engineering issues here and the knowledge corresponding to what should be actually produced and pointed out in the country. according to officials
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this company. currently, 35 planes have been grounded due to the lack of this part, according to the promise of the officials of this company , all these 35 planes will return to the flight cycle by the end of the spring of 1403 . in addition to the manufacture of aircraft engine parts, this company has also entered into the manufacture and design of aircraft electronic equipment. fortunately, relying on cms, the term engineering degrees.
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and this action of the company will return some of the planes left on the ground to the flight cycle . mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency.
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6:00 am
that is, dear viewers, hello to you , good morning saturday, welcome to this news section, 8 unauthorized websites selling plane tickets were introduced to the prosecutor's office to be closed. ticket 24 sefid charter, the spokesperson of the aviation organization said that the supervision of


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