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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of god. good morning , welcome to capital market news. the head of the securities and exchange organization, regarding the implementation of the deposit of more than 22 thousand billion tomans of adalat's dividends to the accounts of more than 43 million shareholders since thursday , march 24, said that in this process, the sejam stock exchange organization or adalat's shares did not send any text messages and people are careful. sms messages are fake.
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due to the fact that the information of all equity shareholders is available in the stock exchange systems, the dividend of equity shares is deposited directly into their account, so there is no need to go anywhere. or reply to a text message, because these text messages that are issued to people under the title of equity these days, these text messages are definitely fake, the ceo of the depository company. at the same time as the process of depositing equity interest, which started on thursday, march 24th, central center announced the registration of more than 360,000 deceased equity holders in the miras system. according to bakhestani, about 22 thousand billion tomans of equity dividends related to the performance of the financial year ending on march 29, 1401 have been deposited into the accounts of more than 43 million shareholders. mr. baqest eni said the company of cement industry companies
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deshtestan mabna group and fajr persian gulf energy adalat first and second stage dividends and pars switch melli sanaie iran copper industry co. he said that this profit includes equity shareholders in both direct and indirect ways: still more than one million shareholders cannot receive their dividends due to invalid shabai numbers. the total index of tehran bahadur stock exchange decreased by less than 1% in the past week. transaction value in 5 working days from march 19 to 23, the fraction of shares and pre-emptive rights reached more than 2,289 billion tomans.
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in the fourth trading week of march, the tehran stock exchange witnessed the outflow of 400 billion tomans of liquidity by real investors. during the week , the total index ended its work with a decrease of 72 percent . the total index of the stock market is currently on the support of 2 million and 150 thousand units. the total weighted index, which represents the small stocks of the capital market , decreased by 89 percent and reached the range of 7321 units. technically, horz total index is on its own short-term support, i.e. support of 7300 units has in the fourth trading week of march , we saw the outflow of liquidity from fixed income funds to the amount of 134 billion tomans and on average.
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the value of transactions reached 3084 billion tomans. the fluctuating trend of the capital market was caused by some economic factors. the banks did not grant credit to the brokers, and now the brokers have to liquidate the credit they gave. as a result, brokers are forced to give and take a part of the credit they give to their own customers, and the customers are now in trouble. and so on , not being forced to sell and this sales pressure so that part of the market will decrease. in total, during the week, the communication equipment industry gained the highest positive yield with an increase of 13.51 percent, and the financial intermediation industry gained the highest negative yield with a decrease of 6.36 percent. maryam fadaei of the sed and broadcasting news agency. implementation of electronic subscription of
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priority right by 54 publishers. according to the announcement of the central depository of securities and settlement of funds, this statistic has been registered from the beginning of this year until the end of march. by entering the zainfaan portal of the capital market, shareholders can access the information on the acceptance of the right of pre-emption and the amount of claims and the right of pre-emption granted. see yourself. the minister of roads and urban development demanded to change the pricing method in the commodity exchange . mr. basarbash finished by referring to the effect of cement and steel prices on the price reduction. national housing is demanding to supply these two products in the commodity exchange at the basic price. still, our expectation of cheap purchase of steel and cement materials has not yet been fulfilled
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. this issue should be given to the national movement projects at the base price of these. more than 400 thousand tons of products in the export hall of the commodity exchange in the week ending on march 25, there was a lot of ups and downs. the value of these transactions was more than 540 billion tomans. during this period, 33,290 bitumen worth 4,275 billion tomans were sold. 40,000 tons of shamshe bloom worth 881 billion tomans. the deal was made, the sale value of 40,000 tons of iron ore pellets was 236 billion tomans. also, 125 tons of linear alkyl gasoline worth 6 billion 400 million tomans were sold. 4 million and 175 thousand tons of goods and products
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were traded in the week ending march 25. the value of these transactions was 42,900 billion tomans. the value of transactions of the top 10 companies is more than 20,300 billion tomans reached. according to the announcement of the isfahan mobarak steel commodity exchange, iran's national copper industry and isfahan oil refinery were the top three companies based on product sales value. during this period, 378 companies presented their products in the halls and sub-markets of the commodity exchange. today, saturday, the iran energy exchange will host a variety of currencies.
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according to the report of the iranian steel manufacturers association, the production of intermediate steel in the country from the beginning of this year to the end of bahman has increased by 58% compared to the same period of the previous year. accordingly, during this period , the production of intermediate steel, i.e. billet bloom , reached 2,934 thousand tons. also, in this tirah production period with an increase of 299 in the statistical report of the steel association, the growth in the production of flat steel sections is negative 10 percent and the growth in the production of steel twill sections is also negative 19 percent
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. it is announced that the end of the news of the capital market of god-guarded . greetings, courtesy and respect, i am at your service , dear viewers, with pride in we are at your service. another higher program. elections are the basis and source of transformation in the country. this is the emphasis of the leader of the islamic revolution for various political, economic and cultural views that, according to him , lead to transformation. with the beginning, pre-registration and
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registration of the islamic council elections and the campaign election, radio and television in the promotional videos of the candidates of this election. he asked them whether they agree or disagree with the proportionality of elections in the country. this issue is also agreed among the representatives of the islamic council. i also disagree that today we will discuss this issue in a debate. please join us . iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram channel that plays across the country. why don't you set prices this month? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager. we do not agree with the type of treatment.
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well, at the very beginning, today's honorable guests i am at your service . we are against this plan, and mr. dr. jafar qadri, a member of the parliament, is in favor and the designer of the proportionality plan for the islamic council elections in the country . well, now that the elections are over and the people's elected representatives in the islamic council have been determined, the debate on the type of representatives is also from it is proposed by the people and political groups. some believe that these elections should be held proportionally, and
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some are against this plan. the supporters of the proportionality of the elections believe that this is closer to justice. it is true that minorities can have representatives in the islamic council and allocate seats to their own chosen people, but the opponents raise issues in the sense that it may not be applicable at all because we do not have torture in our country. the parties may not be present in the political arena as it is, and now let's start this debate from mr. qadri. today's dignitaries are the same age, but considering that you are the designer of this design and the initial idea of ​​this design. it was brought up by you in the 11th parliament . please, mr. qadri, why
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should we go towards making the elections proportional? in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i greet you, dear and respected viewers , and i would like to thank the radio and television for discussing this issue. i thank you. from the widespread participation of the people in the 12th elections of the islamic council , the discussion of reforming the electoral system from the 5th, 6th, and 7th parliaments was raised in the 8th parliament . we were present and there was a discussion that we should reform the electoral system in the same period in fact, the 8th parliament has proposed three plans at the same time , one is to strengthen other parties in the election system, to change constituencies from minor to main or from a city to a province, and the other is to strengthen the so-called party currents or hand over part of the powers of the parliament. the councils, which were focused on the provincial majority election system for reasons like the parliament, well, it was clear right there
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that the provincial majority not only does not improve the situation , but worsens the situation. so why , sir, the reason is that at that time in the province , everyone may vote for one party, and the opposite party has no representative at all. so from that time this issue was raised as a concern in the ninth parliament. i followed up again, i had some studies and at the end of the 9th parliament and in the 10th parliament, we actually proposed the proportional system of provinces and cities . and there were some problems with it, the reason was that they added amendments that were not accepted by the guardian council , it was also logical because it had ruined the board, and finally, in the 11th parliament, four boards were given to reform the electoral system, one for the parliament and one for presidency republic and i had one for the councils
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. there were two plans in the parliament . one was that we should bring the constituencies of two or more representatives two to the top and establish a proportional system for them . we saw that these constituencies have two or more representatives , and then we went to the direction of maybe two less representatives, we will go to the four representatives above, which exactly included the so-called five constituencies of shiraz, isfahan, tabriz, mashhad, and tehran . we didn't hesitate and finally said for tehran electoral district as a test. this design fortunately, the guardian council approved the removal of the oversight because it was accompanied by the amendments to the election law, because some members had objections to the overall amendment of the election law. finally, the parliament returned and the conclusion of the parliament was that if we want to bring these amendments to the election law to this term, we must
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separate this plan, and in the end, this plan was separated anyway, of course, it went to the assembly and did not vote. they said , "fix your problems." we held several meetings, 32 we answered the ambiguities that they had raised case by case . we prepared the plan to be presented in the defense political commission and then in the evaluation assembly, but time had already passed and we insisted that it be presented again in the parliament with the consent of the honorable chairman. the opinion of the parliament and some of our friends was that if we present this plan now, the opposing currents may think that we have gone towards this plan now , we are worried about the future of our own election, so maybe it is not advisable to come up with this plan in the remaining time. but now is a very good opportunity for us right at the beginning or in the last days of the 11th parliament
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or, god willing, at the beginning of the work. seats are assigned to him in proportion to his share in the capital, exactly the same in the parliament , every gentleman and stream, seats are assigned to him in proportion to the exact weight of the vote he has, independent people, not only their right.
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it recognizes and the minority currents are represented next to the majority current and increases the participation rate greatly. thank you very much, mr. qadir, mr. qazimi, please tell me the main objection that you are against this plan to make the elections proportional, what is it, in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. i thank you and your program, as well as the dear viewers who watch your program , and thank you for the large and enthusiastic participation of the people in the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, but regarding the discussion of the system. now, with this plan that mr. qadri and some of his colleagues kindly brought in the parliament, we are faced with two electoral systems , one is a proportional system and the other is a majority system. we cannot establish a law in the country and divide the society into two parts. a law and
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with a proportional state of a part of the society with a majority state, for example, we have the principle 64 of the constitution. which emphasizes human, political, geographical factors , that is, it takes into account all factors , the country's geography, the country's political sphere, the country's human sphere , that is, a law must include all of these , we have article 88 of the constitution, which establishes the position of representation a person knows means that it cannot be delegated. we come to vote for a list that we do not know which one we are considered for, or we vote for a person who is a member of a list, and then we accept the person. maybe, for example, we are not very familiar with the list, this is important in my opinion. the biggest problems of the dual electoral system in the country cause problems in the country will become, if we can prepare the infrastructure for this , that is, we expand the country's party system at the country level and people become members of the parties
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, then the party can be counted as a party weight in the society, not, for example, a party with a name a certain number of us will come and give it a share. when people register in the party , the party's share and the weight of the party in the country will be known. then the people who vote will vote for the weight of this party's share. this is a serious discussion. we must take this into consideration. one thing is that in any case, the places and countries that our friends pay more attention to do the structure is prepared based on the party system in the country . another issue that we are talking about, for example, is duality, if we can make the country's elections provincial and cover the whole country. now, cities like tehran and cities with more than four representatives can use this proportional system, which in my opinion is a flaw in this law, and
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our friends, if we want to implement the proportional system in the country and make it a law, it should cover the whole country. let's definitely institutionalize the parties, let the people become members of the parties, and the weight of each party in the country should be clear. at the same time, you have another problem the party votes for the party list. people with special characteristics are not members of any of these two or three parties. they are not prominent parties and they have special characteristics. they have no place in the proportional system. we say that the law of society should be complete and include all society he can cover all the tastes . let's make sure that representatives of all interests are present in the legislative assembly of the country and not the whole country . for example
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, we have a law in a part of the country. we now have a law. it includes the city of tehran and four or five other cities. the country has 270 seats, maybe for example. there will be 50 to 60 seats with the system he chose proportionally, we are the majority in the system, so this is a problem and a problem, thank you very much for this, sir . let me put it in a wording, mr. qazi believes that these 3 fundamental objections to this plan are one that it actually becomes two-fold and the conditions and now our electoral formula is both majority and proportional. there is a plan to form ta'azb in our country and another discussion is that maybe the independents will not have the opportunity to attend the islamic council. your answer to this.
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the weight is not based at all, we determine the weight and people determine it with their votes let's say party a, for example, has a weight of 40%
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, the weight of the first is 60%, the weight is exactly based on a calm percentage , and the weight is determined from the beginning. the basis of this is ready, i don't need to explain it at all, it is true that this proportional system helps to institutionalize party currents and strengthen party currents , but is it at all necessary now that you send the message that is given in tehran in big cities and this current that comes is the current of principles gera doesn't know and i don't know the so-called unity council and that is the work of the parties it is not at all necessary that there is a defined party , there are different currents of the same structure , you can give a percentage to a party , for example, people don't know at all whether
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i am a favorable voter or choose all my candidates from one party and another party. independent people should not choose, or a combination of lists, or a combination of lists and independent people, or choose all of the independent people. independent people will not have any problems, by the way, if they want , they can go and make a list. it's not like a party it is difficult to find a list. not at all, independently, individually. for example, in tehran , someone might say, sir, for example , i am an important person, a well-known face, not right -wing, not left-wing
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, not to a, not to any of them. for example, if there are 29 people next to me , i will form a stream, i will form a third stream , i will form a fourth stream. i mentioned that look how it can be selected, then in this , exactly this plan of ours is seen, no, please explain it clearly, look, look at an independent person in tehran , look, in tehran, there may be, for example, 2 lists or 5 lists, there are 100 independent people, these people independently, they can be in one way, or 30 of them can be placed next to each other, a third list , a fourth list, or not individually , i do not accept anyone, i enter individually. what happens after voting? if that person is a member of the list, voting for this person is also a vote for that list
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it means that one point will be added to the person who voted for him first, then what do we do? exactly what do the people who vote in the next stage say that these independent people who came individually, which of them got 20% of the votes? if anyone gets 20% of the votes , what exactly is the share of that group of individual people, how many votes does it make up? for example, 20 is 20 in tehran , what is multiplied by 20 is 30 seats, which is 6 seats. individuals who raised the floor of 20% up to the maximum of 6 seats, these individuals are up for debate, i expect you to do something with these two, for example, one in the proportional system , the merits of other people are not given much attention due to the priority of the electoral lists. one is that the probability of individual candidates is very low, even if they
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have a lot of merit. to have means that it is limited to the lists. this is another discussion. you are enacting a law for the city of tehran and how many other cities. are we really going to have a two-way election system as a lawmaker, for example, the majority service issue, which is a proportionality issue. let's say, excuse me, there is a majority in four cities of the country. in four cities of the country, there is a proportionality. in the rest of the country, i have a majority from you. why are we coming? for the metropolis. we say that the so-called transport , because we go to rail transport , that's the nature of public transport in small cities, we say what with minibuses and taxis, we solve it in big cities, because the population has its own compression, between the subway and i don't know with the tram and i don't know with the so-called public agent , the natures are completely different, no, it is a
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serious service work in the whole country, people should be members of parties, we have many parties, i think we have 186 parties in the country. we know that some of them, other than the number they have, are taking someone else as a member it is not a party, we say that first the party should be expanded at the country level, people of the society should become members of these parties, the weight of the parties in the society should be determined, so this is a separate discussion , you should discuss it, not mr. kazemi, look.
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you point out that the weight of the parties is not determined by the number of people who are members of the party. the weight of the parties in the elections depends on the votes that go to the candidates of the party in your field. the party can be national, it can be provincial , it is not possible to have a party movement at all, sir, so there are 30 in tehran


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