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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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if we care about americans' data, we should prevent it from being sold globally , not just to china. there are other issues as well. this box design is fraught with adversity. something about one. protect against foreign enemies. in my opinion, in the future , we may once again have another commotion in the private sector of russia. and maybe in this room they will claim that elon musk changed x to force him to sell x. also, there were those in this institution who claimed that the democrats can intervene in the election in social networks.
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it is not a promising law, but it is supposed to calm the warring countries, including the chinese communist party. this plan does not violate the right to freedom of speech , it focuses not on the content but on the performance. a function that our enemies, including the chinese communist party , have the power to do and are engaged in espionage with their function, and it is possible that american citizens will be safe from stealing their information.
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we must confront them here , stop giving them access to our american assets and data, and stop pandering to the chinese communist party. i have a lot of respect for the effort his colleagues care about the protection of americans' data and share many concerns with them. however
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, they are against this approach that could affect 170 million american users. one-third of adults in america use this program , and millions of other entrepreneurs and small businesses use it to inform their families and advertise their work. like any other social network, misinformation and concerns are not good to treat tik tok differently from other networks. to handle we should treat this issue with the same approach as we treated other social networks . we should not treat this case differently. many of our colleagues can express concern about freedom of speech , but i want to. i would like to emphasize that tik tok
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is a place for the free market and there is no guarantee in this plan that the disruption of this program will lead to the end of its operation. i follow this approach. one of the most important duties of the constitution is to protect the american people and maintain our national security. after hearing the words of national security experts last week, it is clear that the widespread use of media under the control of the chinese communist party and other foreign enemies is a danger to our country.
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acquired sensitive data of us users . finally, the bill
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would increase executive powers to ban tech companies without congressional oversight. i can not write a blank check for the president. i will sign the future that will easily turn this law into profit. creatives, artists , content producers, and businesses in my area will be caught in the crossfire of this bill, and they deserve a better law as an alternative to a thoughtful and decisive solution to this challenge. they are complex national security. thank you, my boss. or lose american users. a day after the presentation of the tik tok bill , he fell into a state of fear. they lied to their users that congress was going
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to ban tik tok using minor children as their political agenda . tik tok growth stunt proved our point . think on election day.
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that we do not violate constitutionally protected speech or increase the size of government. we do not give all we are saying is to break away from the chinese communist party. as a constitutional conservative, i don't want my government or big technology to give away my data my privates have free access. so why would we want and allow the chinese communist party to access our private information. china is america's enemy, and this law is a limited, concerted, and direct threat to american national security and data protection, and as a result, their first amendment rights . let's not pretend for a second that tiktok isn't violating our first amendment rights. i
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would say that this bill is, as the representative from texas said, about behavior. no spying, cover or protection. thanks to the information provided by the respected members of the business energy committee mr. president, from h. 75 21 of the people's protection law. i support america against the tools of foreign enemies. this plan ensures that the information of the american people is protected from the chinese communist party's access through byte dance, the parent company of tik tok , and why it is so important that congress do this is because the chinese communist party controls byte. it is dens and this company has threatened our country's national security.
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to provide information to any american tik tok user who needs to cooperate. they can use this information instrumentally to manipulate and mislead the american society by monitoring and spreading false information . this rule differentiates between tik tok data, methods, and source codes. more importantly , this law is grateful. tik tok is not something i don't support. i
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support banning its activities. because my first and foremost responsibility as a member of congress is to defend the constitution and the american country. the plan also supports the ownership of information in the united states. because the plan about posts, images and videos gives the current and future governments the power to deal with national security threats. this is really great in terms of concept, but it doesn't solve the structural problem. so you
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have an entity here. they leak information. what makes them brand this and not sell it to a data broker and then everything is revealed and it turns out that this information is in the hands of the bad actors of the story. you must understand this. an article published this week that said our own three-letter agencies are black. i asked about the us data, the ceo of tik tok stated under oath that the people's republic of china
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does not have access to it. however, this statement was a lie. as the internal recording itself said, everything is seen in china. bill no. 75, 21 gives 6 months to tik tok. this is their choice. tik tok needs to decide if it values ​​its users more. or the chinese communist party? simply vote for this bill. and vote for it. the bill being presented here today can
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also be called the facebook protection and enhancement act because the american people are not going to benefit the most from this. it will be facebook that will benefit the most. if this bill is passed in the senate, their stock will be high goes. now, what are some ways we can improve this bill? if this bill only ticks. and it bans bytedance and its copies? why should it be 13 pages? i know they say it doesn't ban it, but compels it to give up the company. it seems. what happens to american companies when they try to do business in third world countries and again this is a cure that is worse than the disease who will be prosecuted by this bill is it byte dance or tik tok ? they will be taken to court, i don't mean this
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they are the target but how can you ban them? by suing americans the only way you can get tiktok and other companies out of here is to say what else is here we will take civil action against you if you host them and give them let them be here. if you are an american company , you will be the target of this bill. these are the only people who can be prosecuted under this bill. and i tell you that we have a mobile phone in our hands that is made in china. other devices are also made in china are. we have cars that are almost made in china here. here are our enemies and we have to do something about it. what should we do? you tell americans they
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can't put software on their computers . they can't
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be installed on chinese-owned websites right in the middle of washington dc and then let them run only chinese ads. you probably complained about it. this is exactly what tik tok can be used for. because millions of americans are addicted to it. they see it and the chinese can completely do this i see. manipulate the first amendment of the constitution does not allow the chinese communist party to obtain information about the united states and influence the opinions of the american people. of course , there are different interpretations of the first amendment, and the initial objections to this bill seem to be as trivial as you
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know they don't do everything i want them to do. and facebook really intends to. profit and i don't want them to make money. so that means you are giving the chinese access to everything and manipulating the minds of americans give i do not think so. this is a very special bill. it doesn't hurt american companies or american people. you know well. you must read it. pass this bill. the question is: does the parliament make laws.
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the adoption of such a layer by the united states sends a clear message to the world. our leaders are incredibly untrustworthy. there is talk of the approval of a bill that is supposed to provide access to 170 million jobs.
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one of the most important duties of congress is to protect the american people and maintain our national security. widespread use of media platforms controlled by the chinese communist party and other foreign enemies are dangerous for our country. the claim of defending the national security of the united states, which the users of this country interpreted as such. foreign intervention. national security, who has made more harmful and violent interventions and reduced world security except the same politicians who approved this ridiculous bill, as tik tok says, only 20 % of its shares belong to the chinese founder of this
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social network. is that this person has a real and non-governmental character. this bill ensures that the information of the american people from the access of the chinese communist party through the parent company of tik tok must be kept private. americans say on the virtual pages of news agencies that their priority is something else. it's interesting how our government can ban tik tok in a few meetings, but not when it comes to health reforms and tax relief. let's talk about something else. education laws are rarely discussed in our country . the government's priorities are very confused. tick ​​limit scheme. in america, or handing over this company to an american company , many cyberspace users wrote that the united states government wants to limit your freedom of expression
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. the signature of the president of the united states becomes law . fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. the convoy of donated goods that is on its way to the villages of the sir zad areas in the south of sistan baluchistan province. this is the 15th time that we are helping the people . we are with the people . yes, we are with the people. with the aid reaching the villages of polan people. they expressed their satisfaction with the blessed month of ramadan. these donations can help us and the people a lot.
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please give me this advice, which includes rice , tomato paste, oil, mineral water, etc., which has been explained to the flood affected people. of course, some of the villagers also have requests. for the jihadi children , please think of the children and bring them gifts . here is your service, well done girl . the toys may not be worth that much, but it is good to make the hearts of the children happy for a moment. wow, this is a great car. experience this flood and rain before but the little children have never seen this before , that's why we did this so that the children
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who are finally afraid of this flood of crisis and the rain that filled their houses and their schools were closed in that area of ​​the stack can help them. let's fix it with these toys. the remarkable thing here was that despite this tuberculosis, the school teacher tried to be at work. students, let's try, even though there was a flood, but education is not closed, they are building the future of my country , they are building the future of our country . shedeh hosseinibai is a correspondent of sed and cima news agency in the southern areas of seyed zadeh in sistan baluchistan province.
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if i want to sum up, our plan is to pay the loan of 300 million tomans. for this reason , we suggest the plan of the bank for the welfare of workers for all our employees. what is the repayment period of this plan? 6 to 60 months. by the way, my brother got a loan very easily even though he has a freelance job. you could even transfer your points to your first-degree relatives . ok. payment of loan facilities for individuals and legal entities in the plan of afog bank refah kargaran. refah bank is on the way. innovation is now open
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is it possible that you are tired when i said to this town of empty furniture ? i also said that it is open. it is open. it is night . let's go this way. in 10 minutes we will reach the city of home appliances. let's go. let's go. well, i said let's go . home is available in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari in the best places. according to the results of the survey. the light of this park, the happiness of these people, and the
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bright battery swab. i will be your host in iran's large palace until 2:00 in the morning in tehran.


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