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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm IRST

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[000:00:30;00] la allah la la allah donation annna annna annna la la la la la sharitna
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la la sharitna annas basmullah rahman al -rahimullah allah ali muhammad and al -muhammad and ajal farajah salam to you dear and honorable viewers medical treatment and education. he announced that more than a thousand hospitals are on standby with 100,000 nurses and 70,000 doctors in the nowruz health plan. dr. ainullah said that more than 21,000 emergency experts are ready to serve the compatriots in more than 3,000 bases in this project. during the holidays , all pharmacies must be open 24/7
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not at all. they should not be closed, and in fact , the necessary drugs and equipment are provided for them in sufficient quantity, and especially our hospitals that have pharmacies, they are also responsible for providing the required drugs around the clock. in the blood transfusion organization, arrangements have been made for there is enough in the organization of blood transfusion provided both in the center and in the province, and we do not have any problems in this regard. the head of the foundation for the preservation of sacred defense values ​​announced the 20% increase in the pilgrims of rahian noor this year. the holy defense is active for public visits, it can be
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said that nearly 4 million people are going to pilgrims this year. a resident of the gaza strip, a child from the nutrition side. suffers greatly and this figure has doubled compared to the previous month. the united nations children's fund described and announced the situation in the southern regions, including khanyounis, as similar. more than a quarter of children in these areas were severely underweight and malnourished. that narrator announced today that the situation of the residents of gaza is so pathetic that
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they use animal feed as food. this institution also talks about the dangers of building demolition debris he also warned and emphasized that despite the presence of 23 million tons of unexploded ordnance debris all over gaza , it will take several years for this strip to become a safe place for its residents. following the shooting operation in the west bank of the zionist regime forces stationed in the region. they asked the residents to stay in their homes. in this operation, which was carried out in the old part of hebron, a palestinian fighter got involved with the zionist forces and shot at them. the zionist media reported the martyrdom of the operative who was shot by the zionists . while these media say this the incident did not leave anyone dead or injured.
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some sources about the wounding of two zionist soldiers. this operation was announced. the artillery attack of the ukrainians in the belgrod region of russia on the second day of the election , with two dead and at least three injured. ukrainians also attacked two refineries in russia, which led to a fire in the samara refinery in western russia. in addition, the russian election authorities announced that 90 thousand cyber attacks on the voting system have been registered. the kremlin warned that it will respond to these attacks, which were carried out with the aim of influencing the elections. more than 114 million. person are eligible to participate in these elections, and according to the announcement of the moscow authorities, more than 40 % of those eligible
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participated in these three-day elections. the number of victims of the overturning of the boat of illegal immigrants in the aja sea has reached 22 people. 7 of them are children. chunk
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creney last year alone, more than 25,000 illegal immigrants were arrested in the waters of this country. we lost our whole life hoping to immigrate to europe . what is the value of being alive? this friend of mine and his family drowned in the sea. the international organization for migration called last year the deadliest year announced for the immigrants. according to the statistics of this organization, last year 8565 migrants died on migration routes, of which 2500 cases
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are only related to incidents in the mediterranean sea. he said that all the armed terrorists were killed and the situation in the hotel has returned to normal. earlier, the extremist group al-shabaab in somalia announced that its people managed to break into a hotel. samali police announced that during this operation and clash with terrorists three soldiers were killed and 27 others were wounded. al-shabaab, which opposes the somali central government , has been responsible for numerous attacks on the european council's deep concern over the increase in the number of prisoners in france. le monde wrote that if there is one issue
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that will make a record in france, it is the issue of the increase in arrests. the latest statistics show the population of french prisons to be more than 76,000 people, which is 3,000 more than last year. lemont also wrote: the number of prisoners who sleep on the floor is 50% more than the previous year. previously, paris considered measures to adjust the punishment and house arrest with bonds as considered alternative punishments, but apparently these measures have been insufficient. 4 years ago, the european court of human rights condemned france for overcrowding in prisons. scattered rain and torrential rain in some cities west of alborz and zagros slopes this afternoon in sanandaj, marivan kangavar, hamedan taleghan, taxestan qom
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, ashtian abli, firouzkoh, siah pisheh and balade. in the morning, meteorological stations recorded scattered rain in some cities of isfahan, zanjan, kermanshah, chaharmahal, behbaktiari and khuzestan provinces. of the day on monday, a new rain system will arrive from the west of the country . the minister of health and medical education said: fasting is one of the indicators of iranian islamic lifestyle. dr. ainullah added: fasting people should be careful in supplying their daily water needs and avoid eating artificial sweets such as zolbia and okra, especially during iftar, and eat dates instead. during the holy month of ramadan
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, some meals are reduced from three meals to two or one meal. it is recommended to be consumed in the morning meal, it contains protein. especially if protein materials such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs and milk, if consumed in small amounts, ginger leads to muscle wasting. ramadan is a good opportunity to balance weight and lose excess body fat. since last year, i have lost about 5 kilos.
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digestion and the issue of constipation can easily compensate for this by consuming these vegetables . nutritionists prohibit drinking cold water and soft drinks during the iftar meal. do not break iftar under any circumstances for those who have diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver diseases. fasting they should consult their doctor . there are a percentage of patients who we do not recommend to fast , based on their tests and their conditions, we separate them, but in the rest of the patients , we recommend that they drink more fluids during the day when they are not fasting. that the overall performance is not damaged, excessive use of mobile phones and computers, and these are due to their concentration and less blinking , disorders that cause eyelid problems , for example, the pellet turning outwards or inwards
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, these cause dry eyes it is recommended to use artificial tears, the use of drops invalidates the fast it will not happen. fatemeh faramarezi, radio news agency , the parallelism of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan this year has changed the mood of nowruz programs on radio networks. starting from the 29th of march , the channels will prepare nowruz programs and ramadan programs according to their mission capacities. there are more songs suitable for the month of ramadan and at the other end of the spectrum is radio saba, whose
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mission is to bring joy and it has tried to have happy and entertaining programs suitable for nowruz, but all the networks, even these two spectrums , try to pay attention to the second mission if they are working on one of these missions , i.e. radio maarif, if it has ramadan programs, has tried programs should be fun and happy programs. dear viewers, thank you very much for your support, while saying goodbye, we invite you to watch the news of the area. good night. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and
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the family of muhammad, dear viewers of khabar salam channel , have a good time. from all over the country for 20 days in the holy mosque of jamgaran, this course, which is held with the joint cooperation of imam khomeini basij student research institute and khatam al-anbia foundation, 1300 male and female students of marafat courses. he passes the basics of islamic thought, and our religion is semi-concentrated and started in the holy city of qom. inshallah, about four books out of 6 books on the plan of the province will be covered in this course, and god willing , the closing of the course will be held in
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holy mashhad. ethics in qom and, god willing, philosophy of law and philosophy of politics in mashhad. mr. mansoori, executive vice president of the president, in the opening ceremony of this course , referring to the initiative of the late allameh misbah yazdi in launching the velayat plan course, said that being in the field was one of the characteristics of allameh misbah yazdi, and despite the fact that he was exposed to the attacks of western and liberal currents. it was supposed to happen, but it never took action and started training and building cadres. the call for the 26th book conference of the 8th festival of seminaries articles was announced. the vice-chancellor of seminary research said: the book conference of the year of vizhi ketabhai the first edition of seminaries and level 4 dissertations or doctorates defended in 1402. topics that are important in the yearbook and
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are among the special axes. for several years, we have announced various topics as priorities that have special privileges. from scientific aspects. statement of the second step on islamic humanities, islamic economics, women and family, art and some other issues that will be announced in detail in the calls. hajjah al-islam wa al-muslimeen moghimi haji added: hazovian's scientific research and scientific promotion articles published in scientific journals in 1402 are also in the journal of scientific articles. the evaluation is placed. he said: researchers and researchers until the end. they have the opportunity to send their works and get more information to visit the website of the book of the and ayatollah sheikh mohammad ali hojjati harsini, one of the prominent scholars
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of manshah province. this simple-minded scientist passed away after a period of illness at the age of 94. ayatollah hojjati tahsil of the field. he first started his career in qom and then went to kermanshah on the order of ayatollah azma borjerdi and studied and propagated religious knowledge in this city. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen ghafouri, the representative of the jurist in a message, imam juma of kermanshah expressed his condolences on the death of this wise scholar. the news of the field reached your knowledge. thank you very much for your companion. have a
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good time and god bless you. in the name of god, peace be upon you. last night, a rain system entered our country from the west . until this hour, we had reports of rain from more than two-thirds of the country's provinces . we see that with the rapid movement of this system , we will have scattered rains in parts of the northeast and east of our country, while other parts of the country will have calm weather. again, from monday, a rain system will enter our country from the west. gradually , some parts of the northwest of the country will experience rain. parts of ardabil and gilan provinces of kurdistan, kermanshah, ilan
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, northern parts of khuzestan province, areas of lorestan , zanjan province, and even the highlands of sylsal province, provinces located in sylsal. in central barrez , it was like the heights of alborz and tehran provinces. this system will be strengthened and expanded on tuesday. points format the western half of the central parts of the country and the caspian coastal provinces benefit from its rains. however , the heavy rains will be for five provinces, which caused us to issue a red warning today, which is the highest warning level. those are the five provinces of ilam, khuzestan, lorestan, chaharmahal bakhtiari and that. dear compatriots, it is to plan their trips in such a way that god forbid. do not face any problem. even wind and flooding
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can cause problems for the tents that are set up for eid, and on wednesday, this system covers most parts of the country, except now. parts of the southeast and parts of the southwest of our country will have rain in most provinces. it will affect parts of razavi khorasan and north khorasan. still recommended. and dear compatriots , plan your trips and follow the meteorological reports on wednesday, but the wind will be relatively strong in the eastern half of our country, as well as the rains on tuesday and wednesday, which will be relatively strong, and may disrupt traffic. take the city trips and binsheh with you as soon as possible to clean the roads to the cemetery gardens streams and canals should be done, which, god forbid , will cause the least problems. let's have a
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good night , aid caravan. which is on the way to the villages of seir-zad areas in the south of sistan-baluchistan province. now, this is the umpteenth time that we are getting help from you, this is at least the 15th stage that we are with the people, yes with the people , we have the means of livelihood and things like that, and we are distributing them among the people. people expressed their satisfaction with the arrival of these donations to the rosettas of polan district. happy ramadan, these donations can help us and the people a lot.
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if not, please serve these items, which include rice , tomatoes, oil, mineral water, etc., which have been explained to the flooded people. of course, some villagers have requests. tell the jihadi children to think of the children and bring them gifts, this is your service , good girl, the toys may not be worth that much, for example, what's the matter, but to make the hearts of the children happy for a few moments is a good thing, wow
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, this is a car. elders carried out by jihadist groups and the irgc ground forces shedeh hosseinibai is a correspondent of sed and sima news agency in the southern regions of sistan baluchistan province. and this is the result of the work
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, thank god, natural light replaces artificial light . after 7 years of research work, the researchers of the danesh-banyan company have localized the new generation of smart solar skylights. it is installed and there is no more wind, rain or dirt , its maintenance is extremely low. it is a smart arm that is installed on the roof and by placing a mirror on it and with circular movements , it reflects sunlight to the rooms of residential complexes. at it tracks the sun throughout the day in a completely intelligent way, and this part where the angle of the mirror is adjusted to the sun so that the light always comes vertically through the skylight or patio , up to the floor, which can bring light down to 15 floors, even if the sun under the cloud even that light transmits into the light that we have. countries such as america, canada and
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south korea have the technology to make smart solar skylights. similar to this from 30. the product of iranian scientists reaches the consumer cheaper than the foreign equivalent, now it is almost, for example, 1500 dollars the internet of things technology is a possibility that can be connected to the phone in the new generation of smart solar lights and can be turned on and off. the researchers of this knowledge-based company say using smart solar lights. it saves the consumption of artificial lights in homes. it has a 20-30% reduction in energy, and in any case, natural light feels much better than artificial light in terms of psychology and mood. the product of danesh baniyan noorgir smart solar has recently received the certificate of the world energy foundation, which
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was very interesting for us that the product was made here. and we saw the standards of the world in this. mohammad ali sohilpour, isfahan broadcasting news agency. let's have a happy trip for the refrigerator and dishwasher. what happened to buying from pak is a trip. by purchasing
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of safere haft sintan mamel and saadat saadat pishapish. the burden of trust left on your shoulders, get up in the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row


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