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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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3 o'clock researchers from the university of pennsylvania succeeded in making nanoparticles with the ability. camouflaged against
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the body's immune system. these nano-particles are injected into the release proteins of cancer cells using a genetic marker to prevent their spread. in this method, researchers have made fatty acid molecules as a carrier so that they can identify the genetic material of a cancer cell and make it useless. also, these nanoparticles are engineered in a way. which prevent the stimulation of the body's immune system and the body does not consider it as a threat. city celebrations tehran started on the eve of the new year with the launch of flower and happiness caravans. bostan laleh tehran also hosts the largest ramadan festival in the country during nowruz and during the holy month of ramadan as the city of ramadan.
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the movement of tehran municipality's nowruz welcoming caravan on the eve of the new year with the aim of creating excitement and joy in the city of tehran is great. i am in a very good mood for eid. the children are very happy and happy. it is a very good program. well, let's make everyone happy by launching the flower and happiness caravan. from 30 trucks decorated with flowers, the characters of ferdowsi's shahnameh, the symbols of nowruz and the seventh table with the door the streets of the city welcomed nowruz, god willing, during the days of nowruz, people in different centers have happy and fun and spiritual programs according to the days of the holy month of ramadan . tehrani and iranian, we are considering hosting the campers of our country, iran, in tehran. we
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are trying to be able to be a good consultant for iranian citizens in the city of tehran, god willing. we saw the new month of ramadhan. it is very happy. it is good for the people. i liked it. it is very good for the children. it is very good. the excitement of nowruz eid shows that it affects everyone's mood. it is good for the children and for the happiness of the society. it's very good, it's great to distribute more than 5 million iftar packages from this karban's programs for the nights of ramadan . in the parks, in the mosques, at the entrances of shahrhar, tehran.
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due to the symmetry of nowruz and ramadan , the mood of nowruz programs on radio channels is quranic and sympathetic. broadcasting of these programs on iran and javan channels will start from march 29. all radio channels have special programs for the year. radio iran and radio javan are two different programs from other networks. these two programs in the sense that these two programs start the night before, that is, radio jahan starts its program from 10:00 p.m. the day before, i.e., 29 february 29, and radio iran starts its program from 7:00 a.m. to
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7:00 p.m., in fact, 12 hours tomorrow. program of the year it takes a long time to deliver them. every network has nowruz program. in the days of nowruz, the networks have 2 daily radios with an average of 8 hours of special live programs, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, which are happy songs designed for the days of nowruz. paying attention to the symmetry of nowruz with the holy month of ramadan, the slogan of radio programs in these days is faithful empathy and the ritual of kindness. mohammad sadegh once told the environmental protection organization's news agency
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that if they buy red fish, they should bring it to the municipality and deliver to the places specified by this organization. red fish entered the country about 50 years ago. and by leaving it in the rivers, ponds and hundreds of native aquatic health and aquatic habitats endangered , stele's market becomes hot every year on eid night. it comes from china and japan and has been on iranian nowruz table for years. i get it every year, this year i came to get it. it has some disadvantages, we take it because of custom. on the table, red fish or herd fish is a member of the carp family and has the ability to withstand the harshest environmental conditions, including cold and polluted waters. red mare by occupying the biological space effects you are harming the environment on our own water resources and on our native species.
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unfortunately, we have three of these non-native species in domestic waters. this fish can contaminate the water by carrying viruses and bacteria. it can feed on zooplankton . zooplankton. the water has a bad smell , which is also effective in drinking water, it grows quickly and the reproduction rate is high. in such a way that a female fish can produce 30,000 to 400,000 other female fish. with its presence in open waters, it has become an enemy of the native species of our country. most of the water sources are unfortunately involved in internal sources he reads that our mouths are all involved. many wetlands. they are carriers of some parasites and viruses, and even fungi that can affect our natives , reduce their population. in order to prevent the damage that this uninvited guest brings to the aquatic habitats of our country, we must
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leave it in areas that are not connected to open waters . we informed all rural districts, districts, governorates, and municipalities to specify locations. on the nature day or after the nature day , dear people call the red fishes and release them in those places. finally , it is under consideration that these red fishes should be collected . the living conditions are not favorable for competing species to control the population of red fishes in iranian waters . and sima thank you for your companion.
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o meeting of the first page, o meeting of the first page, the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence. look, the joy of meeting is there. this meeting is the first page. stand up to justice. the burden of trust is left on your shoulders. stand up. the first page. first, the line of service, the line of humanity is your stronghold, your stronghold is this table, and
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there is hope for you, on the other side of the table, in the eyes of a martyr. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, the people of iran. i hope that you will receive the best divine gifts from god almighty in this night and days. pray for us in this night and days. in the last couple of weeks and after the elections of the 12th session of the islamic council, as you have seen, the first page of the program hosted the newly elected members of the 12th parliament.
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first page, mr. sheikhizadeh, the elected representative of the people of qorveh and dehgolan in kurdistan province. hello once again, i am at your service and welcome in the name of allah, the most merciful and the most merciful. to all the great nation of iran , especially the zealous people of kurdistan province, the dear people of qorba and dehgolan cities, well, with your permission, i invite you to watch your campaign video during the elections with the questions you answered . mohammad rasool sheikhizadeh, place of birth
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, niband village, date of birth, june 1353, academic support , ph.d. in political science, place of sekmat, arwa, number of children, 2 children, from his career records, you can be the general manager of the added value committee of empty houses with a value higher than
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do you agree with the 20 billion tomans and the pensioners' rights equalization law with the transparency of votes, gifts and letters of parliamentarians ? the province to unemployment and employment with the creation of conversion industry and the cities of qorba and dehgolanane is the second problem of supplementary isolation in the agricultural and mining sector of the region. the third issue is the development and construction of urban and rural transportation routes in the region. do you agree with increasing the retirement age? considering the high rate of unemployment in the society and taking employment opportunities from the youth
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educated, unemployed, strongly opposed to this law . do you agree with the elimination of subsidies for high-income earners and the rich? yes, i agree, provided that it is in line with creating social justice and reducing the class gap. subsidies for the lower deciles of the society should be strengthened. gasoline subsidy should be allocated to the national code of people or to the car to the national code of people such as national resources belong to all members of the society to rejuvenate and increase the population, what are the necessary supports, increasing parental benefits, providing needed housing, creating job opportunities for young couples, providing medical services and
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financial support for infertile couples by importing cars agree because there is no competition. we don't have anything in the car industry now, so low-quality cars are produced and delivered to our dear people . our people deserve to use the best cars and the highest quality cars, so we completely agree with the import of cars. we are at the service of mr. sheikhizadeh, the elected representative of the people of qorwa and dehgolan in kurdistan province, who are going to start their work in baharestan in two months and a few days
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. you answered the questions before. i will ask you how did you see this program and this new work that radio and television did in the new period of the islamic council elections , local networks to help election candidates and their election campaigns , my dear mr. qudsi, before answering this question of his highness, which is a very important question. it is also good to reply. i would like to express my sincere thanks to the good participation of the people of kurdistan province and the constituencies of qorba and dehgolan cities for their enthusiastic participation and the vote of confidence they gave to me. i hope that my humble servant can also respond to people's love and kindness with honest and sincere service
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i can answer. regarding the question that you said , well, the national media has entered every field, we have seen its effects at the level of the society, at the level of the candidates of the islamic council , it was the first time that the national media entered the debate in the form of a general analysis. well, anyway, every work and program has a series of strengths and a series of weaknesses, but in general , i saw a worthy action, although a lot of cultural work needs to be done, and in any case, awareness
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should be given to the society, and the necessary training should be given even to the candidates. should be given because the capacity of the national media belongs to the whole the people and the people expect me as a candidate, when i enter the field of elections , i will appear in the national media, in debates, in television programs , to talk to the people about the programs that i have to solve the problems of the region. anyway, sometimes we witnessed some misbehavior in debate programs and in any case television programs, which i think can be corrected with the necessary training and more detailed planning, because in truth, i
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did not reach the first debate myself. the reason is that the notification to moqen. it was not done and i could not attend the debates i attended the next one . i thought it was a pleasant, valuable and influential work. how did you see your questions ? it was great. anyway, those who want the real issues of the people and the country were close. these questions were raised in two or three sections. there were a series of general questions that seemed i need a person who wants to be the people's lawyer to pass legislation in the parliament , he must have a general knowledge of the general issues of the society , he must have knowledge of a series of questions that were specialized in the region. which we can follow later to give a solution in my opinion, those regional problems
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were the first step. its strengths outweigh its weaknesses . let's go to the questions that were asked to you and you answered some of them. you said that you not only agree with the tax on empty houses, but that you will follow its implementation. can you tell me how are you what is your plan for this follow-up? thank you for your presence. well, one of the basic duties of our dear representatives in the parliament is to monitor the implementation of the law. the laws that are passed and announced must be by the government and the system. it should be defined and implemented, which is one of the basic problems of our society today
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the housing issue is bothering the society, which i have witnessed in the past one or two years due to my work relationships with many sections of the society. they are housing, and in the discussion of rental housing, i also have problems with the lower deciles of the society , which unfortunately do not have serious problems . a justice in dealing. do you have households in the community with minimum housing, anyway, we have houses that expect a
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suitable shelter, a minimum housing of 40-50 square meters, not housing. unfortunately, today we have people in our society who have many units. uselessly, it has only created inflation in the housing market in renting housing, which in my opinion , monitoring the implementation of taxes on empty housing can be a way to provide these housings to different classes of people at reasonable prices, so how will you follow up on it ? with the supervision, and in any case , the strict and continuous supervision and the institutions that are in charge of the reports, i ask these institutions what they are doing in this area on a
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continuous basis, so that if the law has any flaws, somewhere. there is a need for reforms to take place, in my opinion, there is room for the government to be determined in this area, in any case, the issue of housing is one of the serious needs of our society, and in any case, in religious teachings, it is also one of the basic needs of families. they define a suitable shelter that we should be able to achieve. one of the things you said is that you agree with the transparency in the law and the so-called trips and opinions of representatives . you will have their salary. dear mr. qudsi. i believe, especially in the parliament that we are from
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we came to the heart of the people. the people of muharram are all our secrets, they are our plans, they are our work, and they should be informed about all the issues that we get anyway due to the votes of our people. my vote is the people's vote. i believe that our votes should be transparently available to the people in all sectors. people should know. we voted in the direction of protecting the interests of the people or, god forbid , on the contrary, in the direction against the interests of the people. you announced your advertising expenses, how much they were and where they came from . i already announced the advertising expenses. advertising is over.
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what i had during my 29 years of service. during my 29 years of service, apart from administrative work , now whether at the undergraduate level or at the management level, i did not have any work other than my main job . i did not have any economic activity. i was serving the deprived, i was the governor, serving the dear people of my city. i was in university teaching and doing administrative work at the university, so i didn't have a second job , so i used my savings and anyway, my relatives , my brothers, my sisters, even my father personally . the summary i will have.
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i will inform dear people about all my advertising costs. i still haven't been able to pay for the printing of banners and posters in full. i will pay all of these . i will let the dear people know how much my advertising expenses have been during this period. very well, you said that you agree with the removal of subsidies for high-income earners and the rich . what is your plan for this? you will have well, the subsidy for high-income households, i agree with the condition that this removal and the income from the removal of the subsidy for high-income households can be spent in the field of production and job creation to reduce the class gap.
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let justice come. should he establish a society , should he be given to production, or let me give you an example ? yes, we are currently working with a group of people who have a family of five covered by a support organization such as the welfare aid committee. they receive a pension of 2 million and 30 thousand tomans per month, so he is in this condition. in my opinion, there is really room for strengthening in this market , anyway, the economic situation and the high price and inflation that we are in must be strengthened . now we can be strengthened this route is for this house. the weak burdens of the society
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in the field of job creation are very important because we all believe that they should be empowered. one of the basic ways to empower the lower strata of society is to create employment that these households can do both in terms of supplying raw materials and in the market. their sales should be provided and they can stand on their own feet and be strengthened . they should reach a good level of income. otherwise , we will simply take the money and give it to an innkeeper. in terms of livelihood, this subsistence economy is followed by inflation again, unemployment, and other problems. that if
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in my opinion, employment is possible. well, in this area, we must strengthen the institutions responsible for employment . the dear and active entrepreneurs that we have at the community level must be supported so that you can determine with what plan this will happen. removing the subsidy for the rich and high-income earners is very simple , for example, with what plan, with what program, so that it is very tangible and feasible, because when we say support for employment or support for production or support for low-income earners, we must turn it into objective propositions that can be followed , otherwise, well everyone in different governments and in different periods of the parliament like that anyway


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