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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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at 4 o'clock, 21 drops of water in the country's water levels compared to last year, the spokesperson of the country's water industry said that due to a 16% decrease in rainfall in the current water year , the country's water intake has decreased by 34 compared to the 5-year average. continue to last year.
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we have a decrease in the storage volume of hundreds of reservoirs , and if we compare it with the average of 5 years , we have about 14% decrease in the storage volume of dams . the country has 24% occupancy, which is almost in the same condition as in it is actually last year, but it is far from its long-term average . there are about 13 filled in tehran and alborz province , showing a decrease of 5% compared to last year . there are about 26 filled in hundred karkhes, which is an increase of 26 compared to the previous year. the managing director of the iranian validation company said that the lack of information from the customs side caused the information about this organization is from the new validation model that will be launched in a few days.
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if we go to the bank as a micro-applicant to get an education, we should go to the bank with a system check let the bank find out what kind of credit status we have placed, whether this education will pay us or not, an infrastructure that by setting up the past behavior of people will be a measure to determine their credit in the future , it will be a facilitation for people who have a higher credit rating
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the fact is that the people whose credit rating is not given information, we removed the customs indicator from the model in this phase, but now we insist that they provide us with the customs information for the legal entities and the real ones for the next phase. we followed up on this full customs violation several times , the first time was in july when the information was declared incomplete they didn't know that this information is flawed, despite repeated follow-ups, the customs officials adopted a policy of silence. the chairman of the committee on principle 90 of the parliament also said that this matter has been criminalized and can be found.
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the commission on principle 90 of the parliament also mandated the interactivity working group to follow up on it, we made meetings and formed an agreement, even the honorable minister of economy entered in this field and gave a direct order to provide this information to the central bank by the customs , the friends of the customs are following up. he said that the work should be done faster, but apparently, because of onor's problems, they have not yet presented this to us. company officials. validation 70% of people have not been validated until today, but if the low-functioning devices complete the information required by this system , about 90% of people will have a credit rating. razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency. the minister of industry, civilization and trade says that the privatization of automobile manufacturers should be done by the ministry of economy and the ministry is in line with the main policies of 44 companions.
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according to mr. aliabadi, the sale of car manufacturers will be done through auction to benefit the people. their losses are increasing every year , something between 150 and 200 thousand billion the reason for this is the interference of the government due to the main shares and the shares of the subsidiary companies . it has an attitude , it imposes the pricing system on it, it imposes the managements , it imposes the force on it, in iran itself and the government officially. 5 and 71 percent and in saipa it has 16 and 81 percent , the subsidiary companies in iran khodro have 57 percent and 93 percent and in saipa it has 5 percent. to be handed over, but it was accompanied by a delay, the minister of economy says that the minister of economy should make a decision on this matter, the construction of condos is under the ministry of economy, but the ministry of economy
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will basically fully support in line with the policy of principle 44 kurd, the minister of economy also says that the government has no hesitation in handing over the shares of automobile manufacturers and the handover order has been issued, but let's not forget that what is more important than handing over the shares is to reform the management of the country's car manufacturing sector and use the capacity of the private sector in management. such stations , the approach advocated by the minister should leave the work to the private sector. the government should have a supervisory role. unfortunately , it is not like this everywhere. in some places, the government actually plays the first role. they are proud of some of their own companies, but people's pockets and
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national interests had to pay for this procedure god willing, we will be able to change in the 13th government, during the last two years, the president has given over the shares of car manufacturers twice. now, with the pursuit of the ministry of state and the ministry of economy, the hope for the privatization of khudrus manufacturers has become more colorful .
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it will be broadcast at 7 o'clock. this show is the story of two lovers who live in the same building and face an adventure every time. we will be with you in the pure moments of iftar in the companion program we are dear listeners. hamsafreh is also a special iftar program of radio show and its broadcast starts every day at 17:00. the show radio can be received on the fm wave of 17 mhz.
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decisions for the financial events of the new year and the surrounding issues. in this program, the financial and economic problems are expressed in the form of tense shows . in fact, the economic challenges of our country are a competition between two producers to see if we can do the 6th century. save money and win . i have different types, now there are different officials and different characters. it's what we 're trying to do with different sounds. special nowruz dangofeng program will be broadcast every day at 16:00 on radio saba on 15 mhz band fm. neda hosseini, sed and broadcasting news agency . until the next part.
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i have a problem in lesson planning consulting, this is it, but i don't have a good guide here , gilnas publications, and we have made this problem easy for you.
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memories and flavors are shared , just taste it.
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after the death of gamal abdel nasser, anwar sadat, who used to be the vice president and one of nasser's old friends, took power in egypt. sadat faced important challenges for egypt's governance in those days it was difficult. but one of the most important programs that was put on his agenda was trying to determine the assignment of the sinai desert, which was occupied by israel in the six-day war in 1967. in front of egypt was the sinai desert, which required crossing the suez canal. before the six-day war, this channel was one of the busiest waterways for traffic between asia and europe, and now it has been for several years because of sporadic conflicts. it was closed between egypt and israel. but what
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made crossing the suez canal almost impossible was not just crossing the water itself, which barlow's defenses it was on the eastern side. the lines of israel after the 6-day war. the fortifications, which were made using concrete, steel, stone, to a height of 20 meters and a slope of 45 to 65 degrees, had become an impenetrable barrier. in addition to the sinai desert, the golan heights, which belonged to syria, was also occupied by the israeli army. heights the golan
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is one of the most fertile lands in this region for agriculture and also a source of water supply through the jordan river. this area was occupied by israel after the six-day war and was like a treasure in the hands of this regime. because in addition to having natural resources, it is a good security belt between syria and the zionist settlements on the northern borders of palestine. more than ten israeli bases along this security belt, which was armed with 400 soldiers and 180 new tanks , were in front of the syrian army, which seemed very difficult to pass. still, the arab world, especially the people of egypt and syria, are still burdened by the bitter defeat in the six-day war. they felt it on their shoulders and every day
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they added to their pressure on the arab rulers to reclaim these lands, the gatherings that were generally held in cairo and tahrir square and in most cases ended in violence, every day was a heavy burden. on the shoulder sadat created that he had to think seriously to solve it. the politicians of israel were still red from their victory over the neighboring arab countries in the six day war , because they had managed
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to triple the area of ​​the territories under their control and greatly increase the depth of their defense. and now they were not ready to return these lands to their original owners easily and at a low cost. in the first months of his presidency, anwar sadat tried to mediate the talks with israel. because the experience of the six-day war and the destruction of a significant part of the fighting power of the egyptian armed forces made it possible to win every war it was very difficult. his proposal in the peace negotiations was the complete withdrawal of israel from the sinai desert. but goldamir, the prime minister of israel at the time , did not accept this demand at all. i believe now after this experience that anyone under
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any circumstances can assure us something more tangible now than we have. therefore , efforts to negotiate did not succeed and sadat made the option of war with israel his priority. he wanted to draw the attention of america and the soviet union to the issue of the occupied territories with a limited war in the region and to resolve the matter so that the ground for peace with israel should be prepared. in a meeting with his senior military commanders, sadat clearly says: that you take back only 10 centimeters from the sinai desert so that i can give egypt the biggest political victory in history, and this is how negotiations between egypt and syria took place until the details a major attack is investigated. after hafez assad came
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to power in syria in 1970, one of his first priorities was to retake the joran heights from israel and heal the wounds of the defeats of the six day war. all this caused a deep alliance between assad and sadat to form against israel. at the same time, egypt and syria made great efforts to update the facilities of their armed forces, an
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important source of this equipment for these two alliance countries. it was the soviet union. there were several meetings between egypt and syria and soviet officials in moscow, and a flood of soviet advisers came to the middle east to equip the egyptian-syrian armies. sadat appointed general saad shazli as the commander of his armed forces , and entrusted him with the mission of improving the power of the egyptian army. he was the commander of the special forces of the egyptian army for many years and had a lot of experience in previous wars. general saad shazli started a marathon he spent day and night planning an attack on the sinai desert.
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the training of the egyptian army took place at different levels, from the equipping and training of the air force and defense of the egyptian army to the expansion of the land and sea forces. of course, one of the most important exercises for which a new design had to be done was the plan to cross the suez canal in the shortest possible time. now , the forces of the egyptian and syrian armies were counting the moments for the start of this battle. on saturday, october 6, 1973 , coinciding with yom kippur, the biggest holiday in the jewish calendar, and at the same time as the 10th of ramadan, the war
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began at 14:00. egyptian air force with 220 fighters from the channel suez has passed and all the command centers and forces stationed along the suez canal, including the radar stations, the positions of defense missiles and artillery , have been under intense bombardment. at the same time as the air strikes, the egyptian artillery with the help of 200 cannons and mortars also carried out intense attacks on the bases located behind the barlow line. 20 minutes after the start
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of air and artillery attacks, 400 egyptian special forces on 720 boats. they crossed the channel and reached the other side of the water. using the ladders they brought with them , they climbed the 20-meter embankment wall of the barlow line. israel that strongly he was taken by surprise at 2:30 p.m. he started his counterattack called daukat, but unaware that the egyptian forces had been able to cross the channel and were waiting for them.
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until 17:00 means only 3 hours later. since the beginning of the attack , 45 infantry battalions including 32,000 egyptian troops crossed the suez canal and
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captured the barlow line on the other side of the waterway. the first wave of the attack ended successfully and the second wave began. the 35th combat engineering battalion entered the scene with the equipment that was prepared in advance. fought they use 350 high pressure engines to push the canal water towards the earthen wall was pumped to create dozens of cracks along the channel for support troops to pass through. with the help of this method, by the next morning, more than 100,000 egyptian soldiers, 1,000 tanks and more than 10,000 war machines crossed the suez canal with as little trouble as possible. breaking the barlow line, which was only a dream before
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, had now become a reality. at the same time as egypt, which attacked from the south, the syrian army is also in you. he started his attack in the golan heights. by the order of syrian president hafez assad, 150 syrian warplanes attacked the positions of the israeli army in the golan. minutes after the air attack, the artillery unit launched heavy attacks on the centers of the israeli forces using thousands of cannons and blood. in joran , three infantry divisions including 40,000 troops and 600 tanks crossed the border under artillery fire
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. penetrated they raised the syrian flag in the golan after 6 years and took back large parts of it. a wave of happiness was created in the arab world, especially the people of egypt and syria, and the bitterness of the defeat of the six-day war was slowly turning into sweetness. at the same time, a wave of concern and inflammation in the occupied territories. palestine and
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between the zionists was created from the birth of israel it was unprecedented in 1948. on the second day of the battle, something happened in the golan that the syrian army did not expect and many equations of the scene. the war affected him in the coming days . according to syrian calculations, the reserve forces of the israeli army could reach the golan 24 hours after the start of the war. but this happened only in 15 hours, that is, 9 hours earlier than they expected. by sunrise, syrian forces hundreds of
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israeli tanks. saw in front of them. however, on the morning of the second day of the war, the syrian tanks moved towards the city of nafhat, the command center of the israeli army in the golan, and their next destination was yaqoob plat. it was on the jordan river. this bridge was only 15 kilometers away from the borders of israel. the danger of the northern front was much greater for israel, and for this reason , the zionist army spent a lot of power to stop the syrian forces on the golan front, and on the second day, a fierce conflict broke out between them, which caused the syrian tanks to stop. despite the losses of the syrian army on the second day
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of the war, the advance towards the city of nafhad continued on the third and fourth days. but with the continuation of repeated counterattacks by the israeli army in these days, almost two-thirds of the syrian tanks were destroyed in the golan and the syrian army returned to the lines of the first day of the war. but on the other side of the battle line, the israeli army made great efforts to return the egyptian forces to the other side of the suez canal, which faced strong resistance from the egyptian forces. israel, which
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was the undisputed ruler of the sky in the six-day war , could not provide adequate air cover for the advance of its ground forces in the early days of the war. the egyptian army, which was equipped with russian samdo missiles before the war, was able to use a proper parachute to advance its forces deep. 12 km in the sinai desert. in the first four days of the war, the egyptian air defense was able to shoot down 48 israeli fighter planes.


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