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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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and i thank the dear viewers of the news network, we will continue to follow this warning of the meteorological organization until the next communications from god. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful. the head of the national cyber ​​space center announced the two percent progress of the national information network in the past year. increasing internet speed, quality of access to internal services and content, and high-speed access for businesses and educational centers , among other factors. it has been effective in this progress. at
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the end of bahman and the beginning of asfan, when the evaluation stage of the national information network was completed, progress was made network 59. 18 percent was evaluated. compared to last year, which was evaluated in february 2017 , it shows that efforts and improvements have been made by the responsible body. according to mr. miri, some devices had short information in realizing the national network, which caused the progress to be below 40. technologists of a university of science and technology succeeded in designing and developing an organizational data mining process system. with this system , the weak and strong bottlenecks of each organization are identified within an hour. probably, we
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were involved in a series of administrative processes that took a long time between the process that i went through and the process that my friend went through it, it was probably different and it confused many of us. if you have been a client of the offices , you may have seen this paperwork, today and tomorrow, and the not very responsible behavior of some employees . it is not easy, but the technologists of alam and sindh university found a way for it. this system helps organizations to discover, analyze and improve their organizational processes based on the data available in their organization. organizational data intelligence system using artificial intelligence by technologists in the fields of industrial engineering and management. designed and produced computer engineering. by
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using large language models, today this tool helps organizations get a little help in the analysis and process improvement phase. this technological system has disadvantages compared to traditional methods of examining organizational data. in the traditional process , it takes a lot of time for this work. today, if the data is ready, this happens in less than an hour, and watch carefully. at the very top, in the executive regulations of this year's budget law, all executive bodies are obliged to satisfy the citizens evaluate the quality of services provided in these devices electronically and immediately. currently, the organizational data intelligence system has been used in several ministries and government centers such as banks, insurance, and the judiciary.
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the british maritime trade operations organization announced that a ship was targeted in the eastern waters of the city of aden in southern yemen. no information about the ownership of this ship has been released yet. the yemeni army has not yet reacted to this attack. since a few months ago, yemen has been targeting ships owned by the zionist regime or azem at the ports of this regime and has announced that attacks until fixed. the siege of gaza and continued hunger will continue in this area. the repeated joint attacks of the united states and the united kingdom on the territory of yemen have not been able to stop the yemenis so far. these attacks have led to a change in the route of ships bound for the occupied territories to south africa, which multiplies the cost of transporting goods for the zionist regime. on the other hand, the leader of ansarullah yemen two days ago threatened to target israeli ships in the indian ocean. this the threat
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was raised after the news of the test of a hypersonic missile by yemen, citing an anonymous source. the zionist regime in the morning today, the suburbs of damascus, the capital of syria , were attacked by air. the warplanes of the zionist regime fired a large number of missiles from the occupied golan airspace to qalamoun area in the north of damascus . according to syrian tv, the air defense of the army was able to counter most of the missiles fired . according to al jazeera , there is nothing to eat in the markets of this region, and if there is, it is very expensive. during ramadan, thousands of people from gaza
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go to the central market in the north of the gaza strip during the holy month of ramadan meet their own needs for iftar or suhoor . the occupying regime prevents the entry of basic food to the north of the gaza strip. the alternative foods that people used in the past days are over. we see that the citizens are offering vegetables to the people in the market . you can't find anything here . search all the markets. you can't find flour, sugar, or anything else. we have no money , there is no food, you have to eat these vegetables, people have no food and water
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, you can't even find any food in the markets, everything is gone, even dates are hard to find, and if you can find them, they are very expensive. people cannot afford to buy them at all. we have nothing to eat. we have to use these plants . we have been eating the same things since the beginning of ramadan . the situation of the people in the north of the gaza strip is like this . they go from place to place and walk in the market to find something to eat, but nothing is found. coinciding with world day. elimination of racism . thousands of british people expressed their anger and disgust at the racist approaches of their government . the participants of this demonstration called the policies of the british government towards the palestinian nation a clear example of racism. opponents of racism in
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england from different religions, nationalities and races with presence. in the center of london, union representatives and various organizations expressed their views and evaluated the british government's behavior towards racial and religious minorities as racist and provocative. this march is a protest against racism, but i strongly say that our government promotes racism, especially against muslims. a clear example of the government's policies towards muslims.
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we will continue to resist racism until it disappears.
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thank you very much for your company. have a nice day . god bless you.
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deutschland financier deutschland financier nicht den jaho bombardiert nicht den jaho bombardiert netaniau bombardiert bombardiert deutsche waffen deutsches geld deutschen morden mit den aller welt mit den aller welt morden mit den aller welt in aller welt i palestein. on voit le poullard
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palestinien viens mohammed viens tu veux que je tourne comme ça même si macron ne veut pas nous on est là enfant de gaza vous êtes gaza darb al-shahideh gaza darb al-ahrar gaza darb al-ahrar gaza despite the siege above all the messengers of the community arab countries forge human
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meanings in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light , in the name of god, light, the light , in the name of god, the light is on god, god is the greatest , god is the greatest, god is the greatest, god is the greatest. ashhod an alia, wali
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allah, ashhad an alia, hajja allah. hai ali al-salah, hai ali al-salalah , hai ali al-falah. hail ali al-falah
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, hail ali khair al-alam, hail ali al-khair al-alam
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, o allah, do not let me down in him for the offense of sin, and do not let me attack him in our context. and zahbani in me is the cause of your scorn, or the end of rajabeen's desire.
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remaining on your shoulder, stand up in the first row first, the line of service, the line of humanity is your stronghold, your stronghold is this table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table
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, there is a martyr in your eyes. hello , people of iran, i accept your worship, i hope that you will receive the best divine gifts from god almighty in this night and days. please pray for us during this night and days. in the last couple of weeks and after the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, as you have seen , the first-line program hosted the newly elected members of the 12th parliament. tonight, we have a similar party. we are hosting a new homepage on the first page of the program mr. sheikhizadeh , the respected elected representative of the people of qorveh and dehgolan in
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kurdistan province, i greet you and greet you in the name of allah , the most merciful and the most merciful. dear kurdistan province , dear people of qorveh and dehgolan cities , well, with your permission, i invite you to watch your campaign video during the elections with the questions you answered. mohammad rasool sheikhizadeh. place of birth, mivand village. date of birth, june
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1353, school of education, doctorate in political science, neighborhood. the government of the number of children of two children from the records his career can be the general director of the imam khomeini relief committee, rahmatullah against hamadan province, the general director of the imam khomeini relief committee, rahmatullah against kurdistan province, the governor of qorba city, the deputy of the department of education, dehklan city, an employee and lecturer of the university of kurdistan. the teacher of the schools of qorba city pointed out. tell me about a pending law that you follow in the parliament.
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do you agree with the value added tax law on houses with a value of more than 20 billion tomans and the law on the equalization of pensioners' rights with the transparency of votes, gifts and letters of parliamentarians? yes , i completely agree. let them know the program and work of their representatives . the first problem is the transfer of drinking water from the levels of the province to the cities of qorba and dehglaneh. the second issue is the problem of unemployment and employment by creating a transformation and complementary industry in the agricultural and mining sector of the region. the third issue is the development and construction of urban and rural transportation routes in the region. do you agree or disagree with increasing the retirement age? due to the. the high rate of aid in the society and the taking of employment opportunities from unemployed educated youth with this law
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is strongly opposed, is it with the high income subsidy and rich people agree? yes, i agree, on the condition that in order to create social justice and reduce the class gap, the subsidy for the lower hacks in the society is strengthened , the gasoline subsidy is assigned to the national code of the people, or for the car to the national code of the people, because the national resources belong to all the members of the society for rejuvenation and increase population, what support is required, increase in salary , parental benefits, provision of required housing, creation of employment opportunities for young couples. providing medical services and financial support to infertile couples . do you agree with importing cars because
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we don't have any competition in the car industry now? quality is produced and delivered to our dear people . it is the merit and merit of our people to use the best cars and the highest quality cars. therefore , we fully agree with the import of cars at the service of mr. sheikhizadeh, the elected representative of the people of ghoreh and dehgolan in kurdistan province, which is going to be for two months and a few days. let them start their work in baharestan in the 12th parliament. mr. sheikhizadeh, in the questions that you answered, well, now we have heard some of them , you answered some of these questions before that, i
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would like to ask you that this program and this new work that will be broadcast in the new period of the islamic council elections. he did local networks to help the election candidates and how did you see their election campaigns, mr. qudsi. before answering this question of his highness, which is a very good question , i would like to sincerely thank the people of kurdistan province and the constituencies of qorba and dehgolan for their intelligent participation and the vote of trust that i gave to a humble servant. i hope that my humble servant will be able to respond to people's love and kindness with honest and sincere service. regarding the question
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you said, well, the national media can enter in any field we have seen its effects at the level of the society , at the level of the candidates of the islamic council , it was the first time that it entered the national media in the form of a debate . it has a series of weaknesses, but overall, i saw a worthy action, although a lot of cultural work needs to be done, and in any case, awareness should be given to the society, and the necessary training
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should be given even to the candidates. yes, because the capacity of the national media belongs to the whole people, and the people expect me as a candidate when i entered the field of elections in the national media , i appear in debates in television programs to talk to the people about the programs that i have to solve the problems of the region . anyway, we sometimes witnessed some bad things in debate programs and anyway in television programs that i think it is possible with the necessary training and more detailed planning , because actually i did not attend the first debate because i
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was not informed on time and i could not attend. i attended the next debates. i think it was interesting, valuable and effective. how did you see your questions? it was great, anyway, someone who wants the real issues of the people and the country was close. these questions were raised in two or three sections. there were a series of general questions that , in my opinion, it is necessary for someone who wants to be the people's lawyer to legislate in the parliament. generalities and issues. the whole society must have knowledge and be aware of a series of questions that were specialized in the region. well, it is natural that we must deal with the problems of the region and present the solutions that we can follow later to solve those problems of the region. first, his strengths outweigh his weaknesses
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let's go to the question. the questions that were asked to you and you answered some of them. you said that you not only agree with the tax on empty houses , but you will pursue its implementation. can you tell me what your plan is for this follow-up? thank you for your presence. well, one of the basic duties of our dear representatives in the parliament is to monitor the implementation. legally, the laws that are approved and promulgated must be defined and implemented by the government and its executive body. one of the basic problems of our society today, which bothers many sections of the society, is the issue of housing. in the last couple of years
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myself , i have witnessed through my work relationships with many segments of the society, especially the lower deciles of the society, who unfortunately do not have housing and face serious problems when it comes to rental housing , if we can discuss the tax on vacant housing. if we apply it seriously and with the mechanism that has been provided, it seems that there is a justice in the society's households having a minimum housing . anyway, we have houses that expect and expect a suitable shelter for a minimum housing of
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40-50 square meters. . not the kind of housing that unfortunately we have in society today, people who a large number of unused units have been created by the owner just to create inflation in the housing market in renting housing, which in my opinion, monitoring the implementation of taxes on empty housing can be a way for these housings to be available to different classes of people at reasonable prices. how will you follow it up? i will monitor it, and in any case , it will be closely and continuously monitored by the agencies that are in charge of the aghz report . that


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