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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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if you are interested, follow our discussion and be a viewer of this debate, follow us on khabar channel . thank you . we are creating discussions under the title that we must preserve the land for future generations or to provide infrastructure for the land in a short order. and if in fact that first slide i sent in fact i have to express this problem
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. we think that if we have a plot of land , we can build a high-rise , we can necessarily build many more units. where is the root of this confusion ? think that you have a 500-meter plot, naturally, when build three stories, build three floors, it is different from your time, but when we are talking about urban development , we are talking about a site that does not just go back to that 500 meters, to our urban requirements, to our per capita supply, to the way of design. we can actually visit and this is actually an idea let's check it a little. this photo shows that if we
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want to build a house in a land with a density of 100 units per hectare, it is better to go to the height or better yet, it is actually short . let's face it, the fact is that if you build in short order, the number of your units will not differ much. do we have a practical example for this ? yes, a practical example for this issue has already been done. one of the cities around us designed a project of 8100 units. he did a revision in 300 units of this door in fact, the number of units that were reduced was 200 , out of 13 floors , it was reduced to 5 floors, but only 200 of these units have been reduced. let's get the best out of the problem . i am at your service. mr. khatibi, what do you think? well, you
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did the construction yourself. you were also in the engineering system. naturally , you are here as a high-ranking supporter of the construction. in the name of god, i also send greetings and respect to all dear viewers. see , we should not see issues as zero and one should i come and sit in a program and say that i , bijan khatibi, am in favor of only high-ranking, or should i sit and say no, i agree that i can expand this on a horizontal level. every place in our country has its own conditions. we are the biggest problem that we have been dealing with for years now. not paying attention to the opinions of consultants who are experts in this field. that is, we are coming now that every minister who comes, every deputy who comes, anyone who comes for the decision-making system of our country, makes an opinion based on a series of personal interests without being able to process our upstream plans.
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have control or have given good opinions , because the same plans were prepared by that government or inherited from the previous government, with previous thoughts or with its own opinions, they force its advisers to implement the plan with their own point of view . when it comes to housing , you won't find any iranian person at all. go to the market, walk around the street and tell someone that you like building a villa or not. it is clear that every iranian person wants to have a villa. but we must have the economic issues of our country besides this . is it possible for the people of our country? see us if we come, we want to provide the land to the people at zero price. let's say we have a culture of building villas. let's hit the roots of our cities in the name of islamic urban planning. we are 100% against this issue. many
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friends give an example of west tehran town, are the prices of villas there because the land is valuable in our country ? at first , they started with zero price land, but later they came to see that the land should be sold at a price of 99 years. in the same city of parand, we also had villa units. we also had a high rank, now you have to compare the price of the villa units with the price of the residential units , see the supply and demand and whether it is in terms of the economy and the ability of our people, how can they buy, this is one of the points that we should see together it happens that, first of all, it is a different issue in the geographical parts of our country
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. in the discussion of our territorial planning, the upstream plans that we had in the last 40-50 years have gone wrong . and other environmental issues have arisen brought if in the initial plans of our territorial commons. we have these resources in the water issue of our country in the south and southeast of our country. we came and thinned the southeast of the country and now we have a lot of land. we have a land problem in our big cities. he understands that we have to consider a land for our future generations. well, it is a reality. our issue should be that we own the land we have now and leave it for housing construction we should definitely think about the future , that is, it should be done with a careful planning. now, in the discussion of car manufacturing, i always had a slogan to announce everywhere that every iranian person should
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have a good car, but is it in the dignity of our people that they go? we need to get pride , it takes a lot of time, they are not able to do it, so between what i like and what is better , and what we can and have the ability to get is a different category, and these should be seen together , that's why. in many of our issues , it can now be called the national youth housing plan we brought up the small-scale national youth housing with hotel services in the country and we are ready to take this issue forward because right now in the discussion of the national housing movement, one and a half million people are registering, but the government is trying to come and pay first, come
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and pay in advance. come , bring yourself, people have economic problems, people have problems , if we want to come and sit here, i will say no, everything is fine, in my opinion , we are the voice of the people, the national media is the voice of the people. million 14 million to build a single floor with 13 million 12 1 million more can't afford a single floor with 6 million meters. we want to build a single unit . you can calculate if our people can afford it and let me know the price of the land. i am really begging mr. mendes. percentage of the price. it is our construction , and we will give the land around our cities for free, and then a value system will be created for the other party. well, for all our people, we should see one piece. in any case, thank you very much , mr. soleimani. i thank you, sir. khatibi mentioned some good points and indeed bob
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god willing, we will be able to open our discussion. in our document, about 15% of our land is habitable and agricultural . we did not necessarily live in 15%, nor did we farm in 15%. the thing that comes from the total area of ​​settlements inside iran is that less than 2 we have occupied a percentage of this land area, which means that first we have a scale of what we want to do, then housing and urban development is a part one, in fact , it is a multi-disciplinary issue. and in fact, different actors are involved in this issue, which means that if i don't know demographics, i might be involved in urban planning. i can't protect my land. now our population window will be closed in 5 years and 6 years from now. if i
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ca n't use this population window that exists now and increase my population , i will have to endure it for 150 years until my population reaches. now , it means that the existence of our country may be endangered in these 150 years. what if we think that i want to keep four meters of land for future generations or not? so this is the issue of population. we have to be careful and know what situation we are in now, from which angle we should look at the problem and the issue after the ground it is valuable. yes, land is very valuable . basically, it is the main part of our household's budget. in fact , what is the main part of our expenses is housing . so if i can build housing in a way that the price is more controlled, it means that the supply of housing should be such that i can lower the price. i will increase the purchasing power, then they will use the same purchasing power, they will not
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drive a private car, they will drive another car, which actually has a higher safety factor. we check and compare with the number of families almost yir yir means not too high or low , the important thing is suitable housing, so here. the issue of financing will be a very significant issue, so the next question is, sir, if i build a high-rise, should i pay more, or should i build a short- rise, should i pay more? the building that is 68 meters long is actually 48 meters long. did you pay attention to what happened, that is, it builds 48 meters to serve those 68 meters. what should i do? i actually have people who want to take delivery of this house.
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now i will disable it with an additional expense and a large expense . we have a cycle . unstable financing results in delay. in fact, we have an example for it. yes, we came to this country one day and started building mass housing of different types . we also built which housing is left. we wanted to make it easier, it should not be made in this direction we were moving. well, when the custodian apparatus comes, the government, when it comes, defends this idea based on an experience it has seen before, sir. if i want to deliver the housing to the right applicant at the right time
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, i have to build it, otherwise it will be too late. if i have time, continue . no, mr. soleimani. thank you, mr. khatibi. please, we need to look at a series of issues with a bigger perspective, mr. soleimani. also saying that when we have to look at our population to have water for this population, it means that we have thought about water , we have thought about electricity. bit me to be we have known for years now that we have thought about clean air. it's just that we have to increase the population in our plan, we agree with this , but according to god, it needs an infrastructure when we know from a year ago that we don't have gas in the winter season and we don't have gas supply facilities and we have a problem. we had announced it in all our tv programs since last summer. that we have a problem for the discussion of the cold season, but all the speeches were that our situation is very good
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. how will they stop managing the industry this year ? the betrayal we have in this country is an unforgivable sin and we have so many resources . it doesn't show itself in the short term , it shows itself in the long term. the fact that we don't care about the water of our land is sometimes possible. let's decide, considering the problems of the infrastructure, considering the problems of water , to increase without such a method that we planned many years ago, and really think about going to fix our sources . we don't have it. it can happen again in the summer season . we don't have water, so this is all a problem. now it is possible they say that we don't have all these things, so let's fix them first, because this is our infrastructure. let's fix it, then let's think about the population in that future horizon, i repeat again, we
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are in favor of population increase, we are in favor of a villa house, for god's sake, i will go to the north, because i really want every iranian person to have a villa house , because no one can. it can be denied, but we have to weigh it with the conditions in the discussion of the price that you said , don't worry, i accept the common property of a part of my building. that is, you assume that it is on the ground at zero price , then you say that the high floor is better or i should go on the horizontal level. if we build a 100-meter unit on a 200-meter plot, the price of a 100 -meter unit may be 3 million less than a high-rise building. shahreh has come with a tenth of the price , i will give it to you, i am an old man, you should
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sell it at a lower price, which is also a betrayal , you should give the real price. have a show, then put the real price and collect it by building a villa now let's put the basic price on this , at any price, you want to go into high-grade construction . the price of high-grade construction is, in turn , a higher price . it is clear that it does not want an expert discussion at all, and we express this ourselves , even though in the ministry road and urban development in the organization of the system is the tariff table of the typical building. for example, we will start from seven tomans and eight tomans for a single floor and continue until it goes to high-level construction. for example, in our 205 and 30 floors, it will reach 15, 16, 17, and 15 million. well , see, i am repeating this topic again amashi everywhere has its own points. we believe that in the south-east of our country, until
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it reaches a stable point, we should move towards building villas for people. we can move towards it and have comfort facilities. in the villas we go to, we need services there, that is, we need public services. the expansion of cities in a villa includes the expansion of infrastructure , and this expansion of infrastructure includes the maintenance of that infrastructure. we have the major problems that we have now in our resources, for example, in tehran. today we have you. we are talking about so much water in tehran . the government does not have the ability to modernize tehran's water network. this network was built 60 years ago . we do not have the ability to do this today. we
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were, so we still believe that in the big cities, in the cities where we have little land, in the areas where we have worn-out fabric, this worn-out fabric of tehran is the same today that we are suffering from this fabric. and those who those years they had such high thoughts for the country and for the pride of iran, we should kiss their hands and thank them for having such a view and let us come today to take examples of that issue in our worn-out context. regarding the lack of land in our cities and we don't want to expand too much, mr. soleimani, mr. khatibi has a few points to point out. one is that i said that by doing this , we are hitting the roots of the cities, and that the price of land is an important component of the worn-out fabric of hipatan town. the lack of land. please answer these. i thank you and i raised one point first
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and according to the forecast, we got stuck in this , that is, when we are talking about a city , we are not just talking about a 200-meter plot . let's build a much larger number of units . i will give you an example: tehran city is higher or hamedan city in tehran. the number of units per hectare in the city of hamedan, chande tehran, chande tehran, about 80 , hamedan 100. they have low-rise land, build high-rise buildings, don't build high-rise buildings here, that is actually the bottom of a crying jar , so we should pay attention to these points
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so as not to mislead us. look, when i build high-rise buildings, i have a part of the city that i am building high-rise buildings. this is the person. who comes to this apartment to meet his daily needs, he goes here, so i make a way here, i automatically face the same problem that i have in apartment building , i increase your views, the same thing happens to me in urban development, i add missing space, empty space i will add that there is a bridge between the two i'm losing space in these earrings . did you notice what happened? i mean, we have to deal with this image in the country a little bit, sir. instead of saying that i am tall or short , tell me what the density of my unit per hectare should be so that i can give an answer.
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now the representatives are putting pressure on the ministers that they don't want me to come to work at this time, but you have to do it, because this is the steel sector at all , when i can start my work with 31 kilos, why should i start my work with 65 kilos? i want to reduce that production i am preventing the destruction of the environment .
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well, what does it have to do with alcoholism, urban development, the pattern of urban development, i mean , we are stuck, what does it have to do with high-rise or low-rise, i can't provide gas , that's right , i couldn't provide water. i want to join the city of that infrastructure at a high level. now he the existing infrastructure does not have the capacity to serve this new annexation. the government has come and followed up on several policies. if you agree , let's keep your policies. let's go and see a report together. let's come back to an agreement and continue our debate. hamid reza arami, secretary of the civil and urban development working group the research center of the majlis horizontal development of cities accelerates the construction process. also, since they are technologically advanced, the construction challenges will be minimized. according to the economic situation of the country, the higher the speed of construction, the more favorable
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it is. because of this construction, it will not be involved in inflation. sohrab mashoudi, head of the urban development group of the society of consulting engineers of iran. considering the population growth in big cities, building high-rises is a natural and appropriate solution for housing people. but this is not the case in small towns. slow and the issue of vertical or horizontal construction development should be looked at in a specialized way. farshid ilati, housing expert. the implementation of the horizontal development plan of cities has an effective role in reducing housing construction costs, and on the other hand , it provides the basis for accelerating the housing construction process. the horizontal development of cities, especially in tehran, can reduce the price of land by 50 to 60% if commercial transactions are controlled it follows that, of course, this is on the condition that the witness. increase the supply of land. ali asghar badri, managing director of the institute of city and economy studies: although the construction of existing high-rise buildings
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has decreased the values ​​of residence and reduced the quality of life, the construction of high -rise buildings in appropriate time and place conditions , taking into account the macro-economy and urban economy in megacities and tehran it is necessary, but this should not be done in cities that have land and there are conditions for horizontalization. sahar nadai toosi, professor of architecture faculty of shahid beheshti university, the idea of ​​horizontal expansion of the city towards the periphery or in other words spread over the city although it can provide advantages such as providing housing and living space with quality and desirable in the outskirts of cities , but it also has disadvantages compared to middleware and inner-city development. horizontal expansion towards the periphery increases the costs of providing water and energy infrastructure. because in terms of the discussion of macroeconomics, urban economy and the subject. energy is important
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, high-rise construction should happen in big cities , it should be appropriate for each city, the location should be discussed vertically or horizontally . please let me tell you a few things for you and dear viewers and friends of soleimani. this is for us to say that we don't have gas in our country, we have to accept this first , we are under embargo, we have been under embargo for years and our country and our people are suffering a lot of damage . the second is that it remains the same as a family, we say we don't have gas, we don't have water, we don't have electricity, and this is the argument that what does this have to do with housing, we should build housing and double our population.
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let's do it. we are against this issue . we are against the indiscriminate increase in population without thinking . it means that what is objective is that one family. i will only make a statement . we are only discussing the construction of villas. our apartment construction is not focused on the population. you see, our problem in building construction is correct. when we want to build a building , it's not just about the number, width, and modesty. there are many parameters for this effect . its infrastructure includes the provision of resources, the provision of materials, and then the cost. yes, and let 's say, for example, a family whose father has no money. that you have too many people then the child tells the world that it has nothing to do with this matter , after all, the child must be brought back, no, we are against this, his existence will be destroyed, he is not a number at all , i do not call existence to the north of demographics, but i go with the realities of the society, i say we are building a house.
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which has no water, no electricity, no gas, we are not against building, we say to build, but it should not be built, but it is not private, now, not a single building , where does urban development come from, where does it start from building ? q. the 15th floor is all from one amashi comes from a long-term plan for the country , what kind of population is going to settle in this part of the country? south, but we decide based on the pressures of this to come in the center next to the place where the agricultural water and drinking water and everything is under the show , that's right , well, you can see the issues here in terms of cost and economy, a villa may lower the price of construction at the same moment. but the ratio of built to
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hectares to square meters is increasing because you mentioned hamedan as an example for land price , tehran's 9th and 10th districts are very short . it has a worn-out structure . what is the population density if you take hamedan as a 10? in district 9, we have over 140 people. it is because of the culture of the people. we are high because of our ability. in the north of tehran, because there are people who have more economic resources , or as they say, they are more wealthy, they have bigger houses with lower density, which means that the number of people per square meter has decreased, the number per hectare has decreased. the height has caused the number of our units if we do less, it seems that this is not the case in our urban planning in all parts of the world, and it is not the case that mr. engineer, we build a villa house . they call it a high-rise, a tower
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is built. well, the house and the villa that is being built should come again, until here the percentage of expansion will be higher. binin may have land around tehran , but this is agricultural land from the point of view of the soil laboratory, we may not be able to use these or we may go to some places and annex them. in the olden days in our own country, in different years, didn't the land annexed to the city of tehran, why doesn't the price of our housing decrease ? inflation 40 inflation 45 inflation worker of god salary increase 22 well this year.


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