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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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ahvaz bavi and hamidiyeh elections , see mr. amir, so that we can establish a live connection with him. mohammad amir, place of birth, karon, date of birth : 1/3/1358, phd degree in political sociology , karon's place of residence. number of children, two girls and two boys, ahvaz hamidiyeh and bavi constituencies, job records , employee, education teacher, lecturer , payam noor university of applied sciences.
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well, mr. amir, the respected elected representative of the people of ahvaz bavii and hamidiya, we are in contact, mr. amir. yes, yes, mr. amir, you have my voice , i have my voice, yes, yes, hello , thank you for accepting our invitation, yes peace be upon you and dear viewers . hello, mr. amir
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, please ask our first question about the election and advertising programs of radio and television. did you use this opportunity on your local network or not? no, i did not use this opportunity. how did you see this? as a new program and a new event, a very good opportunity was created for candidates who could prove themselves. introduced in the media and i think it was a good opportunity, i wish detailed checks were done a little earlier so that finally every candidate can use this opportunity to make their plans very well. mr. amir, we had asked a series of questions in these programs, and various candidates who used this opportunity
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to answer these questions, and the same questions were also asked and discussed in our other election programs. these questions were the result of 6 months of expertise of our specialized desks at sada vasima news agency, which 35 specialized desks were responsible for proposing and discussing these questions during these 6 months of meetings. we have asked these questions to various candidates and to the elected members of the 12th parliament. as the first question, do you agree with the transparency of votes, gifts, travel, salaries and representatives' letters? yes, absolutely, because i believe.
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it is also the height of democracy and in a way it gives the representative more order to be careful about the summary of behaviors and the entry and exit of many affairs, and of course the transparency of votes in some cases. it is possible that transparency is questionable whether it is or not, but in construction discussions and economic livelihood discussions, i believe it should be in the other cases that you mentioned, if it is very much. a better representative will discipline himself and the people will have more trust. you yourself will take the initiative to increase transparency in the parliament, definitely in what way and with what method. i also
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declare my assets , whatever i have, and finally, i will try to declare whatever is in the interest of the people in the discussion of voting. will you go for legal mechanisms and solutions, for example, proposing a plan that will create an obligation for the parliament and for your colleagues and yourself. well, in the past courses, these mechanisms were examined. i believe that the parliament has not reached a conclusion yet now, the 11th parliament of the 12th parliament is ready to accept this in a transparent manner, because many of the representatives voluntarily announced that we are ready, so
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i believe that the 12th parliament can accept this much more clearly. please ask us if you agree with the current method of paying subsidies to car fuel cards, or paying fuel subsidies to people's national codes, of course, this year it is not possible , that is, to cover the whole society with one version, there must be some differences in some areas. some less fortunate areas or even people and tithes of different tithes, i believe with the same version it is not possible to find an answer to this question, there must be different mechanisms for
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it to be in the form of a national code. well , it is definitely cheaper and more satisfying in less privileged areas . well, the next part of my question could be that you agree with paying subsidies to all citizens, or for example, seven tenths or 8 tenths or 9k, in other words , do you agree with removing the subsidy for the rich and high earners? your cycle production and economy should happen and benefit the lower deciles of the society , i completely agree if the income of the rich people's subsidy is removed, it goes to production or if
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it is allocated to the lower deciles, then again there can be various proposals, but by removing the subsidy of the high earners, then you agree. now, considering that you agree with this. should we give it to the national code or to the car fuel card, in other words , we should give fuel subsidy only to those who have their own car, or we should give fuel subsidy to those who don't have a car, the second case should be given to those who don't have a car. currently, cheap or government dollars pay a cheap government dollar for imports do you agree with the basic goods, or should we give this to the people themselves, the cost that the government spends on it? well, the more the amount of liquidity in the society
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increases , it will definitely lead to inflation. let's do it, i believe we will get a better result with the current method, that is, almost yes, i would say that yes, yes, please ask that the salaries of workers and employees increase according to inflation or proportional to it. of course, the basic principle is that it should be equal to inflation. especially in the irrational form of this inflation it has increased. well, it is not in the power of the government to make it happen like this now, but the logic is that
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according to the inflation rate, the salaries of workers or employees should increase, the logic is in cooperation with different countries in communication. international, which area of ​​international relations do you know the priority of the countries? the middle east, especially the neighboring countries. and countries that actually accept mutual benefits, not from a domineering state, now the west of western countries is actually a good market, but trust in these countries has not been achieved yet, but the countries of both the middle east and the far east are similar to a country like china. and neighboring countries why now almost mutual trust. practically, it has been achieved that the president is elected by the people, or the parliament, in
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other words, the presidential system is better in its current form, or the parliamentary system, in which the people's elected prime minister is elected . it is happening, although elections are a symbol of a country's democracy, but it has its own costs, and if it is parliamentary, i believe that it will be directly and indirectly elected by the people, which means that the cost of elections will be reduced. the symbol of democracy is the same parliament, if it is elected through the parliament. i believe that it is better
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to agree with granting the government powers to the municipalities. yes, because now the municipality and the city council are more responsible for some urban affairs, while many things such as water, traffic, and many other things are directly related to the municipality. i wish this would happen and our colleagues in the future in the discussion of councils and municipalities would agree that there would be some degree of influence and control of the municipality on many matters that are directly related to the municipality and that even the city council would no longer be a municipal council. if they are really the city council of that city, it means that they can enter directly. so that there is no need for bureaucracy and democracies of various bureaucracies, that is
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, in the discussion of afa, in the discussion of traffic, in the discussion of even education, if there is direct communication and the mayor himself can actually manage this, i believe that good things will happen in urban management. you used an interesting interpretation. you said that municipal councils should not be city councils. a pension for a family of four covered by the relief and welfare committee, where the head of the household is disabled for some reason, either because of old age or because of how much should the illness and disability be, what should be the ratio with the salary approved by the ministry of labor every year. well, because this institution is a support institution, and well, we
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have to consider the economic conditions of the country, of course, the right of these people and the right of these people to live peacefully without worries in a country like the islamic republic of iran, but considering the economic conditions of the country , we must definitely it should be observed that it can support the life of many people. well, these minimums are very qualitative , or in other words, they can be translated , they can be interpreted. it usually specifies that you work at the same minimum wage as the law. yes, yes, yes, in your field of choice. ahvaz, please tell me that you would prefer to give priority by giving land
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for people's villa housing, or for apartment housing in ahvaz, a vast city with a very open geographical space. i prefer it to be in the form of villas. yes. do you agree with the removal of the entrance exam? entrance exam for some fields, yes, but for some specialized fields, i believe it should be competitive. not very special. i believe that it should be an entrance exam. of course , this method, which
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is now 50-50, which means that both the educational background and the entrance exam, is considered. i believe it is a good method. now there is a competition , as you said, of course, those who agree with the removal of the entrance exam may say that the competition is happening during the same four years of high school, gradually, but in the form of us coming on a special day to gather the students to enter the entrance exam and enter the to take university and entrance exams from them, this is not a good thing, regardless of the current opinion. i mean , there is a lot of competition on the issue of educational justice there is a question and there is a discussion that in non -profit schools, in public schools, in special schools , this educational justice should be taken into account, and now what you are saying about that
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educational background may show itself here, so he can pass the entrance exam. well, the entrance exam is the same, again, the educational justice in reaching the university through the entrance exam has not been possible, the solution that has been seen so far is the quota of the deprived areas or the so-called areas, now it is d3 and this is possible through the gpa and now that level of grades in high school, this rationing also happened there fallen yes, i believe that in the discussion, now i emphasize again the educational justice in some areas , a series of different and special quotas should be considered so that the students who study in the less privileged areas can finally compete with the more privileged areas. there
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should be a difference, a special quota. this means that this method should be adjusted, that is, it should be hammered, and the students of the less privileged areas can now compete with the more advantaged areas, they can actually show their ability to determine the tariff of internet taxis by themselves, according to the current method or the competition council. if it is a competition council. it is the same way, because the competition council tries to consider all aspects , but maybe they themselves, if they ask, can specify , maybe a genie, maybe they consider their side more than the people's side, and even the competition council
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considers 2 or two sides. the grip of both the people and well, of course , it is possible that the proposal of someone else's institution or some others, some other experts , is to decide in competition with each other, that is, where the competition takes place , for example, the interests of the people may also be secured, the important thing is that the interests of the people, and well, finally, this the stratum is the same stratum with a large number of our compatriots we are faced with the fact that their rights should be taken into account, and finally, the government should take into account a series of measures, a series of support that should be provided to this group for the benefit of the people , the same question about university tuition. azad and high-altitude universities are free
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to decide by themselves or the competition council. if it is the competition council, i believe it is better for you to agree with the subsidy for airplane gasoline, as it is currently happening, now airplane gasoline is even cheaper than car gasoline, much cheaper. usage percentage people, from now on, the percentage of air fleet or airplanes is low, but, well , it is still in the discussion of ticket pricing, and in short, in many cases, people do not have enough satisfaction, and that satisfaction
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is not enough. the dissatisfaction of the people, even though gasoline is now subsidized, it is evident for now , i believe that it should be reduced from this amount, that is , we should use the subsidies for the benefit of the construction of this fleet, feed the petrochemicals at the world price or with another formula, not at the world price for what is your solution for tax evasion? to escape the only way for taxation is for the e-government to act carefully and seriously, and to try
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to make more detailed investigations in the discussion of identifying these cases, and i believe that the laws should be more regular and strict. do you agree with the tax on empty houses? certainly. do you agree with financial exemption, tax exemption for artists? if we only consider artists, well, now there are other guilds, like librarians, for example. almost the arts of now or those classes similar to this class that both people are interested in and that they are really right, but if
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we exempt one person, no, i don't agree with car import, you agree, car import, well, if there is competition between domestic and foreign manufacturers to provide a higher quality car , it will definitely happen, but this capacity must be created in the cars to be able to have that competition, not indiscriminate imports, but imports that cause competition to improve the quality of the car inside , i completely agree, is possible. some people suggest another solution, for example, to limit self-imports , but in car manufacturing, we
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should leave the hands of the manufacturers open, in other words, whoever wants to make cars, say in the name of god, that means strictness. let's not create competition in the car manufacturing license, the important thing is to create competition. well, the world has been moving towards privatization and handing over the industry to the private sector for a long time , but we still haven't fully complied with the conditions of privatization, so we are worried about the domestic industry, and for some reason people are against the import of cars, so we haven't been able to yet. let's have the sum between these two. therefore , if it is handed over to the private sector, it is definitely possible, and even foreign investments, if they express and make this competition more intense, well, the competition is to
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improve the quality of the transport fleet or in short, the car. the country will definitely end for the benefit of the people . the people of ahvaz, hamidiyeh and bavi , thank you for accepting our invitation , the noble people of iran, as well as the people of ahvaz bavi and hamidiyeh constituencies, who listened to the speeches of your elected representatives .
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ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household goods. i don't have a check. goodbye everyone bye. no, madam, i don't want a check book , will you be my guarantor at all? i don't want to be a guarantor. right before the curtain?
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front curtain how the solitude becomes interesting with a new taste of invitation how do they become memorable?
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this same carpet, of course, there are 2 other carpets , they are getting old, so let's go and see them . don't be too much of a bother to choose new carpets. enjoy affordable shopping in installments until 2:00 am in tehran. my host is in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewer , it's 20:30 and i have some news.


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