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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 3:30am-3:57am IRST

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high-rise university, of course, only the tuition fee is determined by the universities themselves or by the city competition council of the universities, especially in the non-state universities and the azad university . well, you see, the costs of the universities have also increased. the same city that is being paid now because the law of determining the tuition fee was left to the university board of trustees.
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it has been said that education up to the point of self-sufficiency should be free, but we currently have 25% of the cost of students and academics. in the university now , they study at night or payam noor or non-self-employed. it really depends on the individual , both on his honor and dignity, and on the job privileges that they can use in the future . it depends on the individual, but we can
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now, because of the economic conditions of the society , your presence is somewhat weaker and more fragile . let's predict, in my opinion , it is not bad that the feed of petrochemicals is at the world price form. in my opinion, it is better for the world price. yes , do you agree with the artists' tax exemption ? we hear about the situation of the artists from every corner because we are now in the society . it should be noted that, in
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my opinion, we should set a ceiling, more than that ceiling will now be taxed. there are some people who should set an income ceiling. what you say may be true for employees, but also for other jobs you don't have an exemption for the title of artist. yes, no, yes, no, that is. in order to prevent tax evasion, what solutions and solutions do we suggest? tax evasion actually disturbs the balance of social and economic development
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in the society. it is and i will offer it to you. incentives should be considered for those who are paying their taxes now. these are the solutions that i think more of us should maneuver. do you agree with the import of cars? capital id tax do you agree with capital tax because its purpose is to prevent speculation and brokering, in fact, if we do that. let's actually deduct the term. yes, i agree. someone who comes today, for example, his capital is converted into a car, coins, currency, or now he spends in the housing market, his goal is to maintain the value of his capital at the same time as inflation. you said that
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the inflation of workers' and employees' salaries should increase as much as the inflation or should it have a relationship with the inflation. in the law, it is foreseen that the salary of the employee should be based on and proportional to the inflation right now, well, no, this proportionality is the point of difference. yes, proportional means equal to and equivalent to the inflation officially announced by iran's statistical center . yes, no , we do not know what the basis of inflation is. had ok, for example, it can be half the inflation or double the inflation every year or not, it must be equal to the inflation, the law has predicted that the salary of the employees should be adjusted according to the inflation.
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for the time being, due to the lack of resources probably, the government is not complying. yes , thank you very much, mr. soleimani . neishabur firouze zabarkhan mianjalge, thank you very much for accepting our invitation. i also invite you to see the election program or the introduction of another candidate who is now elected by the people in ahvaz bavi and hamidiyeh constituencies, mr. amir, so that we can establish a live communication with him. be it mohammad amir, place of birth, karun, date of birth, 1/3/1358, degree , doctorate in political sociology, residence of karun
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, number of children, two girls and two boys , ahvaz hamidiyeh and bavi constituencies, job records, teacher education and lecturer of the university of applied science and payam noor well, mr. amir, the respected elected representative of the people of ahvaz bavii and hamidiyah , we are in contact, mr. amir . hello, i am at your service. thank you for accepting our invitation. yes, peace be upon you. i do. mr. amir, our first question about election and advertising programs on radio and television , do you use this opportunity on your local network or not? no, i did not use
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this opportunity. how do you see this as a new program and a new opportunity very good place. it was a good opportunity for the candidates who could introduce themselves in the media, and i wish that detailed checks were done a little earlier so that each candidate could use this opportunity to use this opportunity more accurately. travel gifts votes. do you agree with the representatives' salaries and letters ? yes, absolutely, because i believe that it is the height of democracy and in a way , it gives the representative more discipline to
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be careful about the summaries of behavior and entry and exit from many matters, and of course, the transparency of votes in some cases is not even now. in this, especially, having a discussion in the discussion now is security there are some debates where the transparency of votes may be in place, whether it is or not, but in civil debates and economic livelihood debates, i believe it should be in the other cases you mentioned . they will trust you more. you will take the initiative to increase transparency in the parliament. i also declare my assets, whatever i have, and finally
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, i will try to vote whatever is in the interest of the people, i will declare it clearly. you will also go legal, for example, proposing a plan that creates an obligation for the parliament. and for your colleagues and yourself, these mechanisms were investigated in the previous cycles, but why did it not come to a conclusion now? i believe that the 11th and 12th parliaments are moving in this direction, transparently, because many representatives voluntarily announced that we we are ready. therefore, i believe that the 12th parliament can accept this much more clearly. so
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let's move on to the rest of our questions. tell us if you agree with the current method of paying subsidies to car fuel cards or paying fuel subsidies to people's national codes. of course, you can't do it this year, that is , you can cover the whole society with one version, there must be some differences , some regions are privileged, some regions are poor, or even people and deciles of different deciles. i believe that you cannot find an answer to this question with one copy there should be different mechanisms so that it is now in the form of a national code. well , it is definitely more cost-effective and
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creates more satisfaction in less privileged areas. well, the next part of my question could be that you agree with paying subsidies to all citizens or for example seven tenths or 8 tenths or 9k. in other words, do by removing subsidy. there can be different suggestions , but by removing the subsidy for high earners, you agree. now
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, taking into account that you agree with this , let's give to the national code or to the car fuel card, in other words, we will only give fuel subsidy to those who have their own. or we should give fuel subsidy to those who don't have a car. in the second case, those who don't have their own car should be given this . let's give the people themselves the money that the government spends on it whatever the amount. if there is more inflation in the society , it will definitely lead to inflation. if the first thing you mentioned
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is that we use that money to import basic goods, i believe we will get a better result with the current method, which means almost yes . will the size of the inflation increase or is it proportional to it? of course, the basic principle is that it should be equal to inflation. however, since the inflation has increased in the last decade especially in an irrational way , it is not in the power of the government to allow this to happen now, but the logic is that considering if the inflation rate of workers' salaries increases or employees increase, the logic is in cooperation with
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different countries in international relations . which field of countries do you know the international priority? the middle east, especially neighboring countries and countries that actually accept mutual benefits , not from a domineering state, now the west of western countries is actually a good market, but trust in these countries has not been achieved for now. but countries in the middle east and the far east, such as china, russia, and neighboring countries, why should the people choose the president now that mutual trust has practically been achieved? in other words, the majlis is a better presidential system in its current form or a parliamentary system in which
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the people elect the prime minister. these two methods have been used in different countries, that is, whether it is directly , which is happening now, although the election is a symbol of a country's democracy , it has its own costs, and if it is parliamentary, i believe it is direct and indirect. open to by. if the people are elected, it means that the cost of the election will be reduced and the symbol of democracy is the parliament. after all, if it is elected through the parliament, i believe it is better to give the powers of the government to municipalities agree, yes, because now the municipality and
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the city council are more dependent. some of them are urban affairs, if there are many things such as water , traffic, and many things that are directly related to the municipality, i wish this would happen and our colleagues in the future, in the discussion of councils and municipalities, would agree that a a certain amount of influence and control of the municipality on many matters that are directly related to the municipality , and in fact even the city council is no longer a municipal council. really, the city council of that city means that it should be that city , that means it should not be the democracies of different bureaucracies. even education discussions, if
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there is a direct connection and the mayor himself can manage this practically , i believe that good things will happen in urban management. you used an interesting interpretation. you said that municipal councils should not be city councils . and how much should the welfare be if the head of the household is disabled for some reason, either due to old age or due to illness or disability. ok, what should be the ratio with the salary and wages approved by the ministry of labor every year ? well, because this institution is a support institution, and well, we have to consider the economic conditions of the country, of course, right. these people and the right of these people
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to live peacefully in a country like the islamic republic of iran , but considering the economic conditions of the country , the minimum must be observed to be able to support the lives of four people. i can say that it can be deferred , it can be interpreted, you can say the minimums that are usually specified by the labor department. it means that you work for the same minimum wage according to the law. you know people for villa housing, or for
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apartment housing in ahvaz, a vast city with a very open geographical space, i prefer it to be in the form of a villa. yes, do you agree with removing the entrance exam? entrance exam for some fields, yes, but for some specialized fields , i believe it should be competitive. it is better for the elite to be able to compete in some very special fields . 50-50, that is, the background is taken into account for education and entrance exam. i believe that it is a good method, now it is also competitive, as you said, of course, that's it.
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those who agree with the elimination of the entrance exam may say that the competition is happening gradually during the same 4 years of high school, but if we come one day and gather the students to enter the entrance exam and enter the university and enter the entrance exam , this is a good thing. it doesn't matter if my opinion is that there is a competition on the issue of educational justice, well, there are many questions and there is a debate that in non-elevated schools, in public schools, in special schools , this educational justice should also be taken into account. please tell me that the discussion of that educational history may show itself here therefore, the entrance exam can be done, well, the entrance exam
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is that, again, the educational justice in reaching the university through the entrance exam has not been possible, and the solution that has been seen so far is the quota of the deprived areas or the so-called areas, now it is possible. that's through. the grade point average and now the level of grades during high school, this rationing should also happen there. yes, i believe that in the discussion, now i emphasize again the educational justice in some competitions . we have open non-profit. the service is determined by themselves if it is the competition council, if it is the competition council, i believe it is better for you
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to agree with the airplane gasoline subsidy as it is currently happening. well , the air gasoline subsidy is low in terms of the percentage of people using the air fleet or airplanes, but okay. there is still a discussion about ticket pricing and in short, people do not have enough satisfaction and satisfaction in many cases . maybe one of the reasons is the wear and tear of the aircraft fleet, but the people's dissatisfaction is evident even though gasoline is now subsidized. . i believe that this amount should be less is it possible to use the subsidy for the construction of this fleet
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in front of petrochemicals at the world price or with another formula? not at the global price. do you agree with the tax on empty houses? you definitely agree with the financial exemption and tax exemption of artists, only if we consider the artists , well, now there are other snoofs, like now, librarians like us , almost like the arts now, or those guilds similar to this guild that people are interested in, and they are really right, but it's a joke. let's forgive him. no
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, i don't agree. do you agree with importing cars? importing cars, well, definitely if competition happens it definitely happens between domestic and foreign manufacturers to provide a higher quality car, but this capacity must be created in the cars so that they can have that competition. i completely agree that importing the car may not be a solution, but imports that cause competition for better quality others, some people suggest that, for example , the import of cars should be limited, but in our car manufacturing, we should leave the hands of the manufacturers open, in
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other words, anyone. in the name of god, let's say in the name of god , that means we should not be strict in the car manufacturing license , so that there will be competition , the important thing is that there will be competition.


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