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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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maybe in some of them , you have seen this paperwork, today and tomorrow, and the not very responsible behavior of some employees. monitoring these is usually not an easy task for senior managers of organizations, but the technologists of alam and sindh university found a way for it. this system helps organizations to discover, analyze and improve their organizational processes based on the data available in their organization. recently, mr. president emphasized the opportunity of redesigning the processes in government agencies and large organizations of the country, that this system can help those agencies if you want. if there is, do it for them to do it. if we in our organizations want to think about improving the provision of services to people, we need to think about redesigning the processes, that is, how to provide that service. in order to do this
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, until today in the world and in iran , these improvements happened much more based on the information and understanding of people . if this is not really the case, our technology will help you see the realities of your organization not as you think, there is our tool in the world. they say it is an x-ray of organizations , which means it makes clear what your organization looks like, where are its bottlenecks, where are things getting stuck, in other words, it can be said that the golden signatures within organizations can be discovered. the organizational data intelligence system was designed and produced by the technologists of the fields of industrial engineering and management and rayan engineering using artificial intelligence. the way to improve organizational processes is an event that must be said
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, processes must be analyzed and processes must be improved. using large language models, today, this tool of ours helps organizations get a little help in the process analysis and improvement phase. this tool with its artificial intelligence module helps the organization improve its processes better and more precisely based on the benchmarks that exist in the world. our tool is a monitoring and surveillance tool, yes, it is precisely aimed at monitoring process bottlenecks in organizations, rework in organizations, evaluating the performance of organizational units in the realization of organizational processes, hidden communications within organizational processes between different organizational units or people within the organization. it helps to discover them. in addition, this tool can the smart face will discover your deviations in the implementation of organizational processes from organizational sas or from those targets that we had in the implementation of processes. and report that this
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technological system has disadvantages compared to the traditional methods of examining organizational data. in the whole world, before the technology of the process center is created, it is usually used to discuss process monitoring and improve performance. the first method is business process management. it is bpm, which is based on interviews with experts , they extract the processes of the organization, model them, and try to solve the problems. identify and improve and redesign them in this way. it is being implemented in the world and it is absolutely a necessary and necessary method for organizations , but it is not enough anymore, it requires that we do not act solely based on the opinion of experts based on their mental model. it is moving for us to use data in this field, and this is where we should try to identify and discover processes based on data, so that we can extract all the complexity and reality . it is also possible in other ways, if the organizations are a bit more mature. have gone to use management
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should try to analyze at least their output . for example, in a sales process, we should check how much we sold, how much we spent , how much was the share of each sales representative, but again, if an indicator is not in a favorable situation, we cannot understand where the problem was in the process. now , we don't see inside the process, we don't have supervision, so this is where these removals came to be filled by the process that comes from the data to the process of the organization, it discovers them , analyzes them, and even can measure them, show how much of a process it is. that run became. it has come close to the process that we wanted to execute or our recipe, in fact, and finally, all of this leads to the improvement and optimization of the process. in the traditional process , it takes a lot of time for this task today, if the data is ready in this happens in less than an hour , and with extremely high accuracy. previously , because we were doing this work based on interviews based on people's understanding, we had errors in this work . i did this tool, in
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the world they call it x-ray x-ray, very low error this system has been produced and domesticated in the country at a lower cost than the foreign model. the leaders of these parts of the world are germany, italy, australia and the netherlands. the cost of this tool outside of iran, if we want to buy from the market leader, is something like 100,000 euros per process per year of use. now we are pricing around one-sixth, one-seventh. in the executive regulations of this year's budget law, all executive bodies are obliged to provide citizens' satisfaction with the quality of services provided in these bodies electronically and immediately. to evaluate currently, the organizational data intelligence system has been used in several ministries and government centers such as banks, insurance, and the judiciary. mehbouba delangiz
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of sed and sima news agency. very much achieved. it is great to talk about a change in the second-hand car buying and selling market. we managed to add the field of buying and selling and self-dealing to the e-commerce ecosystem of the country this year . the records of the car are traded and a few days later they will change the number plate. i wanted to buy a car. the number of the front seat did not match the number of the seat under the seat. i just realized that this happened to us while changing the flak itself. these traditional transactions caused so much trouble for people that it resulted in 100,000
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court cases a year. a year later, the car's engine broke down, we took it to the repair shop there in the supply center, went under the car , looked under the car and said that this car is a two-part room. we left when we bought the car. we did the toy license plate, we did the toy license plate, we did the work, that's it , then we took the car that i came to sell myself , then we found out that this car is a left hand car. between 20 and 250 different violations and frauds can occur during a car transaction. in order to prevent these frauds, two solutions were foreseen in this year's budget law. there is also good information about the fact that it is prohibited to deal with the vehicle, the discussion of the accident records, and this kind of information is now available to the public through
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the platforms of the private sector, so this possibility that has been created will reduce the frauds in this area. another important thing is in the options placed. in the continuation of the issue, other devices that have information about vehicles were followed up according to the regulations and interviews of the interactivity working group. the services that have been added now are the power of attorney service of the assad technical examination registration organization of the ministry of interior, the warranty records of the ministry of position, which of course need to be completed. added, made available to platforma. but the second solution of the law for reducing fraud in this market was the electronic registration of car transactions. the second level is the solution of organizing the transactions itself, which is the effort of the faraja group and the ministry of semit, and especially the trade development center electronics is preparing a platform to
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provide a series of services to the private sector of private sector platforms , so that they can register people's transactions in a safe way and avoid the high number of files. there is a huge difference between the new service and the time when it was created in the form of a contract where people buy and sell. well, when the contract was concluded between two people, the standards that were approved by faraja were not necessarily followed in the numbering, and while the amounts were exchanged, when tawiz of the license plate, they will find out that in fact the standards are not met. and the transaction did not actually establish its basic form. the infrastructure of this work has been provided with the efforts of various devices and has been made available to the private sector. the call for this
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work has also been published until the beginning of april. they are connecting and providing services to people, they can send their requests to the business development center. now, with this decree, from the beginning of the summer of 1403, people can optionally use handwritten promises on these platforms with security. complete transaction and tracking code take it and then go to change the license plate . mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency. the love story is the most repeated story that you never get tired of hearing. kamil's prayer is one of these stories . the romantic interpretations of this prayer in the book of doves to god is a collection of prayers and pilgrimages
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for children and teenagers. if a person, a teenager or a child who wants to get acquainted with religious issues , first knows his god and the gods of that religion correctly, the rest of the religious issues will automatically and regularly . it can be solved, i think that if we can help the youth first with god's kindness, god's breadth and god's attention let us know that it is possible through supplications and supplications . i think many issues in the transmission of other religious knowledge will be easier and easier. this book is prepared and arranged in 176 pages with a simple translation of muhaddith sadat tabatabai on the day when our last imam will appear. only those who can be by his side and experience the life in the sweet time of advent, who made a covenant with him, but it is optional, before he brings prayers or pilgrimage, the reason, or now somehow, what is this, what does he want to say about those things. he
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has expressed it for the teenage child in his own language, this is the first feature god almighty, the augmented reality technology is used for the first time in the book of supplications for children, and the method of using this feature with a mobile phone is at the beginning of the book itself. they can actually scan the screen of a prayer with their mobile phone, scan that prayer and benefit from its sound, actually broadcast that prayer in audio form, they would go to the roof or a secluded kanji and stand facing karbala and they read this pilgrimage, they have kept this fire alive until it reaches our hands, have you not heard that they say that the entire yam of ashura and the entire length of this book were read? publishers. tabak has recently been published in the holy month of ramadan by sadat hashemi of
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isfahan radio and television news agency. a few months ago , we prepared a report on the production of dental implants in a knowledge-based company. implants are artificial tooth roots. this time we came to the materials and energy research institute to meet the technology group. they work on the crown of the tooth that is placed on the implant. before this official , metal coatings or the so-called pfm were used, which are higher and more beautiful than ceramic products due to their mechanical properties, strength, compatibility and beauty. at currently, this product is used as dental blanks, since it has been around for seven or eight years, which has taken the place of other competitors in the world, it currently
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has about 35 official importers, that is, it is registered in the system of the general department of medical equipment and we are currently we are the only producer of this part in the country. according to the reports of the ministry of health , the official import of this part is about 1 to 2 million euros per year, but now , unfortunately, as far as we can see in the market , a large amount of nonim and smuggled parts are entering the country. that is, the share of this piece and the country's need this piece is too much. research and development to achieve added value that, in addition to meeting domestic needs, prevents the exit of land. because the raw materials are worth 30-40 rials of this part, and about 60-70 are in the country. we create added value and iranian workers can work. this material
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has high hardness due to being ceramic, and as a result, it has low machinability. we were able to give this property to this product by using heat treatment. the use of this product is not only in planting. in dental laboratories for this product is used to make crowns of damaged teeth and to cover dental implants , because its strength is 20-30% higher than that of metal braces by dentists and dental laboratories. they use this product. this product has received the certificates required for manufacturing. currently, the price we set for this product is 30 to 40
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cheaper than the european samples, which can be said to be about 1/3 of the price of the european samples, and compared to the chinese samples that are currently being imported. there are brands that are currently we discuss competition with them. we also have a price. for more information, those interested can contact the growth and technology center of materials energy research institute . afrooz islami, sed and sima news agency. in the name of allah, light. in the name of allah, light. in the name of god, light of light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light
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. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of allah, in the name of allah, who created the light from the light, praise be to allah , allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest , allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest.
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allah. ashhod an alia , wali allah. hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah god
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bless you, god bless you , god bless you.
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o allah, i mean in him fasting, fasting, and fasting
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in the beginning of the month of the feast of god, the guest of the crowd
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, who have tied the blessing of this month with work and production. god bless you , don't you feel tired with the language of the day? no, we are not tired at all and we are working with more energy in the holy month of ramadan. ramadan is the month that i always look forward to every year, full of goodness and blessings. in the midst of all these efforts, the simplicity and beauty of the day is getting closer to its end to be ms. frangiz and her daughters. iftar table is one color and they wear their biriya to
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welcome the guests .
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iftar and cultural and social traditions related to that year 1402 were registered in the list of intangible cultural heritage of the united nations scientific and cultural organization known as unesco . it turns out that it is not just a table discussion, but a series of values ​​are discussed in it
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of course, all of us muslims, especially iranians, know that iftar and what we sit at the table are followed by more beautiful events, such as arham, such as helping itab, such as the release of prisoners, and events that in the holy month, we all know each other and we met . it became a bit bolder in this case. iftar was recorded by iran, turkey, uzbekistan and azerbaijan. a multinational case for official custody that is prevalent among muslim countries. multinational registers are a way to introduce cultures that show humanity and its behaviors to everyone the world shows. of course, this is very important because in nowruz there is another multi-nationality case that iran and several countries in west and central asia
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registered in unesco in 2008. in qadestan , we also celebrate nowruz eid, there is a three-day official holiday, we welcome here, we have a common cultural history with iran, gradually more countries joined the nowruz case, now there are 12 member countries, and of course, the proposals to join the nowruz case still sending. we recorded the iftar feast and social cultural traditions related to it with turkey, azerbaijan and...uzbekistan nowruz is compared to 11 countries, which is now my country , mongolia, so this is a very good opportunity for us to introduce our historical and cultural assets and to register them globally , because iran is not our theme.
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western and central asian countries, headed by iran , have one of the eight unesco world heritage sites in the world. identifying different aspects of celebration customs and skills of the people of this region is part of the agenda of this office. the capacities are very high . we have a lot of cultural heritage that we should jointly propose and register to unesco. it makes me happy. there is a proposal committee between tajikistan and the republic of iran, and the joint activities of this committee
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will help to increase the number of customers in unesco and to share the achievements of culture and intangible heritage of the two countries with the world today . countries have the opportunity to register one work in unesco per year. registering multinational cases, while providing more opportunities for global registration of countries, is also an opportunity for harmony and peace and friendship between governments and nations. elham goran, sed and sima news agency. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference.
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did it make a difference? no, it didn't make a difference . it made a difference. yes , it made a difference. i have a problem with lesson planning advice, but this is it, but i don't have a good guide either. this is gilana publications, and we have made this problem easy for you to get 60% of these resources
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for free. now send the number 5 to the system 30485 and get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending the number 5 to 30085. 5 o'clock: putin's lead in the russian elections . the preliminary results of the russian presidential election show the lead of vladimir putin, the president of this country the acquisition of nearly 88 directions. the head of the russian central election commission announced that kurddin has won 87 and 97 percent of the votes. according to the head of the russian election commission, the rate of voter participation
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in the election. but the presidency of russia until


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